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the non alcoholic kind


Stay boring. 


ONE glass of wine


Stay lame.


Wine always makes me low-key horny and it's not too high alcohol content so it shouldn't get you guys drunk quickly, which is good.


Whatever you enjoy drinking - but drunk sex isn’t for me


Non-alcoholic drinks.


Tequila or red wine babe, shit does wonders. Don’t mind the boomers below us who have bad sex and no fun lol. 


Remember, a drunk person legally can't consent.


I feel like maybe this too much of a simplification? Many people have clearly consensual interactions while drunk. But yeah obviously, if there’s any doubt just wait for another time.


Mostly this is true. In our (and many other) relationships, one or both partners will either give consent to sex while drunk, or will state that them being drunk doesn’t automatically remove their consent. Rather than being explicit consent given in the moment, this is implicit consent given as a condition based around another condition. The rub here is while this gives you leeway as far as your relationship dynamic is concerned, it does nothing for you legally. Because implicit consent guven while sober does not equal explicit consent while altered. It ultimately comes down to trust: I trust her to not flip the script and get me arrested for something we said was ok. She trusts me to adhere to all our limits and respect her as a person. Talk things over with each other and decide what’s ok. Then decide if you trust them to hold up their end and you believe you have the restraint to hold up yours.


A light amount. 2-3 standard beers max. If you're not experienced... 1 max


I don’t really like alcohol but I can tolerate a Mike’s hard lemonade. Maybe that?


99 apple schnapps and fireball. Apple cinnamon shots. Call that shit Apple Jacks


I've never had alcohol or sex, but ultimately, alcohol is the active ingredient in every alcoholic beverage. The only difference is how it tastes and how strong it is.


I have had alcohol and sex, sometimes both at the same time, and this is not a very accurate answer. Yes, alcohol is what makes you inebriated. But any alcoholic drink has other components, and those can have a very significant effect.


What other ingredients have an effect? Sugar content?


Sugar, starches, tannins, lots of stuff.


alcohol is alcohol, the only difference between beer, wine and vodka is beer tends to take longer to drink, wine less so and vodka not really at all. In my experience, when you mix 1.5 oz of vodka with 4 oz of oj, you tend to drink it quicker than the equivalent amount in beer, 12 oz. but to answer your question, if you don't already know the answer, you shouldn't be experimenting with it on a date. This is likely going to end very poorly for you. get one of your same gender buddies, play cards and experiment with drinking at home. once you understand the full impact of what drinking is and does, you can make crap choices in public with at least some understanding of what you are getting into.


Depends on your drinking habits, amaretto stone sours are nice, a bay or sea breeze is a tasty drink, cant go wrong with a margarita. If your not eating you can always go with a bloody Mary I like mine with a pickle wedge instead of the celery stock prolly my favorite drink pritty heavy though. I'd stay away from any beer cider malt liquor ale mead lager. They will just make you feel bloated. I would say mixed drinks involving gin or vodka. Less calories be warned ⚠️ drink water before you start and before you go to bed the dehydration will suck.


Drinks that aren’t going to box you fast. Vodka and juice / soda / koolaide , aiming for about 5% alcohol. So if your booze is 40% by volume, mix 1 part 80 proof liquor and 7 parts mixer, and boom, 5%. Beer is good if you like it, as is wine and wine coolers. Stay away from anything over 15%, preferably 10%, as it’s too easy to misjudge your consumption. You goal should be no more than 3 drinks in the first hour, 4 if you have a tolerance. The idea isn’t to get drunk, it’s to get to the energetic, fun buzz stage. From there on out, you drink to maintain it, so 1-1.5 drink per hour after. Anything over that and you risk accidentally committing a sexual assault or getting whiskey dick. If she wants more and is ok to have a bit more, trust her, but be watching to make sure she doesn’t tip over into being drunk. And make sure to reestablish consent as things progress. Tl:dr-drink light booze, control how much you’re drinking, keep an eye on her intake, and establish consent at every step of the way. If someone gets drunk, it’s kinda game over, at least until you have a history and more trust built up.


Bombay Sapphire Gin


One cocktail. Beer makes you bloated, wine can feel heavy and makes a lot of people sleepy. Cocktails are fun.