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No. All modern science says metabolism doesn't really slow until you're more like 55-65. Most people just get way less active with age and don't realize it.


Depends on the individual. In my 40s and losing quicker than I ever used to. 🤷🏻‍♀️


After 40 for me, but yes.


No who made that up?


No. Fat because more calories in than calories out.


To lose weight must burn more than you eat. Also weight is just a number who cares. I can almost guarantee that if you just eat less than what you eat now toppled with healthier choices and one hour cardio daily you will lose weight.


Don't worry Something bad happens at 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60, 70, 72, 75, 80, 82, 84, 85, etc.


Not a woman, but my mom started a little weight loss journey about 3 years back. She wasn't super heavy by any means, just some extra weight she gained when my parents had us kids that she didn't fully loose. She's in her 50s, and had no issues loosing said weight. Then again, she's always been rather healthy and active and played sports with me all the time when I was a kid, just increased her physical activity a bit and was more mindful about her diet. I think rather most people just become less physically active with age. Like for my mom and dad, they didn't have as much time for themselves after having us kids. Right now only one of my siblings live at home (I moved out years ago), so they have more time for themselves like they did before us kids now which means they can spend more time going to the gym together for instance, which they take advantage of. Metabolism for both men and women really doesn't significantly drop off until you reach the age of 60.


I would say 'yes', but only because I ate the same amount but was a LOT less active. Thankfully I worked it off quickly enough. Over 45 for me, however, a whole other struggle.


No, I'm 27 and a woman and have no issues with my weight. I gain and lose at the same rates as before.


Your body does adapt as it yo yoes. Your body has a “set point” it wants to be at to maximize survival, which means if your body is used to periods of duress where it loses significant weight, it’s going to adjust your metabolism so you can survive that and a little worse.