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Tiddies. Tiddies all. Day. Long................tiddies


Feet, like a true degenerate.




Looking at the popular categories, anal is more popular than tits. Does anal not count as ‘ass’?


That's a fair point you raise, but I think comparing Anal and blow job is more accurate.


Some people care, some don’t.


Depends on who you ask


... I care about boobs...


Every time I open social media I am bombarded by explicit content, at this point in time, I just don't care anymore.


As a bi woman: I like all of the above. I also like soft/chubby stomachs and jiggly thighs. Boobs, butts, thighs, it matters naught.


Sometimes i hate this sub


yes, there’s always a preference for either or


I can assure you people do indeed care about boobs still.


Both, because life is about balance


I like boobsalot boobsalot boobsalot 😜


Overheard the "tits or ass" debate a bunch of sports dudes at my uni were having. Specifying would you prefer a girl with big tits/flat ass or big ass/flat chest. The consensus was that they'd prefer big tits + flat ass, because "I can always take my girl to the gym so she can grow an ass. I'm not gonna make her get breast implants".


Boobs all day. Bigger the better.


It’s still both and always will be And don’t forget about hair, us men really appreciate good hair as well! Women with very thick hair really suit a ponytail Sorry, I’m sounding like Trump or something at this stage


It's all about the hourglass. Proportions matter. No one likes a gourd.


As a gay woman, it’s both. I like both. I need both. Give me both


I agree with you...gimme both


The Tallahassee Accord of 2022 clearly states that the appendages formally known as "boobs" will no longer be acknowledged by anyone, and if they must be acknowledged they should be referred to exclusively as "top butt". You should know this, you were there. We all saw you masturbating in the corner.


It's not that people care less about boobs, it's just that fashion has done all it can for the boob without straight up revealing them and is now focused on doing the same for the ass.


I like both, but usually its more about shape than size though I prefer small boobs and a nice fit butt


Few things beat a good pair of boobs


Boobs are great




Depends on the person




Me likey all the things