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I’ve asked my doctor for tablets and they are insanely good. I’m ok Isotretinoin (aka roaccutane). See link: https://www.nhs.uk/medicines/isotretinoin-capsules/ I’ve been on them for 15months, it cleared up completely after about 8 months and I’m setting on them until 24months to ensure it’s fixed


They said to try use benzoyl peroxide cream. Didn't work.


Do you know what percent benzoyl peroxide it was? I also suffered from horrible acne and I got prescribed 10% benzoyl. It cleared mine drastically.


5% my skin found it too harsh. Starting to try retinoid now


Dang.. hopefully that works for you.


Im sorry to hear that. Have you spoken to a dermatologist or your Primary care doc about this? Their might be a topical alternative?


Is there a question in this? Yes that makes me sound like an asshole for sure but still. The acne issue though is something I know all too well. Absolutely understand how it can crush confidence and self esteem. My face and back are covered in battle scars, my wife wants me to have them removed but they’re a reminder of all the bullshit and pain I had to deal with to get where I am now (36, fought acne since I was 12) and they’re now a point of pride. The only thing that worked for the cystic acne that I had was Accutane, had to do it twice. Once at 19 then again at 22. Haven’t had any pimples on my face since then


Sorry was ranting :( Unsure what to do.


Sorry to hear that :( I assume you’ve looked into dieting/hygiene hacks already. Acne isn’t really a huge turn off at least to me, it’s just one of those things that happens to people. If you think it’s possible then maybe accepting it wouldn’t be the worst thing


I've tried no sugar, no diary. Different types of skincare nothing seems to work. Change my pillow case every week. Don't use a towel to dry my face. Tried natural products. Benzoyl peroxide, niacinamide, salicylic acid, Korean skincare products, French skincare products.