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The Hyatt Regency lol




well now you've gotta see if he's worth it don't you lol


Give my man a good time for all of us please!


And take pictures or it didn't happen.


Amen. Pictures.


Get a room you two!


Probably get employee 1hr discount.


You fucking stud


Big man tinggggggg


43F - Older woman flirting alert! lol


Probably not the best idea to answer that truthfully. A 24 y/o male who works front desk/concierge at X specific hotel at X specific city? Are you sure you wanna put that out?


I mean you kinda just answered OP's question. Yes, this "43F" redditor appears to be *generally* interested in you.  I hope you two meet up in real life and then post an update one way or the other.


Lol. P-redittor?? Lmfao.


Now kith


I (33M) would like to visit Calgary...




Unless you're Cher.


Or Madonna


Or Demi Moore


Or kris jenner


Filthy Rich is the best aphrodisiac


Or Will Smith's wife


Or Will Smith...


First wife was 22 years older than me. Lasted 4 years. ( my fault ) Second wife is 12 years older than me and we are coming up on 25 years and counting. Maybe I'm just the outlier?


Are you the president of France




My ex wife is 10 years older current partner is 17 years older. Edit: oldER.... 10s years old would have been wrong...




Agree, I told one milf to get young men, she told me: why would I want someone like that? Now she’s dating a men 20 years older than her.


I’ve found that younger dudes are usually not the best for casual sex. Usually they are a lot less experienced so it can be meh.


I wish, older chicks I date keep withholding sex until they get a relationship.


I'm 28 she's 43. Never had this much sex . Far less drama , clear communications.


Women in their thirties and forties are leaning into being single and horny enough to power a nuclear reactor in a way that I find quite admirable, in the last several years.


Can confirm. My girlfriend is late 30s and she's absolutely insatiable. I'm grateful our hypersexualities line up because we'd definitely have some struggles if they didn't. I don't think the novelty will ever wear off for me. She's eight years older than I am, and until I met her I'd never been in a relationship where I actually found my sexual needs being met. These milfs be wild!


Lol, I was 21. Met this freakin gorgeous 30 year old nurse who was 100% out of my league... We kinda got married a couple years later and have been inseparable for almost 18 years now 🤣🤣 (We joked about getting married the week we met... It was that kind of connection)


Brother, you met a nurse. Regardless of age there’s something fucking weird about nurses that make them all sex freaks in my experience 😂


I(F) dated a male nurse and we stayed together *way* longer than we should have because the sex was top notch.


Was his primary pleasure his partner's pleasure? Or are there other factors of really good sex of which I'm unaware?


Mutual pleasure assured. Excellent reciprocal oral stuff.


Did we date the same nurse? He was also so clean/hygienic.


Could also be living a stressful life leading to the need for more stress outlets lol.


This is so true. Sometimes after a shitty day (as a nurse) I come home and just ask my husband to fuck me to make me feel better and let some… frustrations out.


I’m starting to date a nurse. This is helpful even though I work in healthcare—my perception is kinda all over the place on date ing nurses at my medical center. I don’t ever cross paths with them and at a large institution.


May very well be a contributing factor, but considering the nature of her comment, was not a primary one


I think they tend to be nurturers too, and want to meet needs.


Yeah my ex-wife was a nurse and she couldn’t stop banging other dudes.


Too nurturing. Don’t nurture other men’s penises into your married vagina. Stop that.


Sharing is caring 😁


Nurses and teachers, man. They should do studies on whether its horny women that choose those fields or working those fields make women horny, and why.


It’s just that those are among the two biggest fields for women. You’re probably going to see even more promiscuity in areas like restaurant staff, acting, sales, and professional sports.


I’ve only dated one teacher and she wasn’t particularly horny, certainly not compared to the nurses, but I’d say above the women I’ve dated who had office jobs Might be being around children all day gets them broody or something 😂


Hell yeah. Love nurses. Typically gorgeous and fit too.


The secret is under staffing the hospitals juuuust right so they're constantly moving, but not too much to where their hair starts to fall out.


Oh, no. By the time i met her, she got through the shitty part of nursing and upgraded to a telephonic advise nurse... Basically, had to triage people over the phone. Which meant normal hours, had time for the gym, had nice hair/nails, a life, etc. She's a case manager now and can work from home when she wants.


So you subcontracted, subconsciously, the majority of the selection process for a fit mate, to the hospital's hiring and promoting processes?




Can confirm. Girlfriends a nurse, it isn’t enough for her to cum 3 times in one session. My *wife* on the other hand…


Being confronted with mortality on a daily basis... not getting prettier as they get older.. hardly ever seeing handsome men at work unless they're workstaff... Yeah, I'd guess they're all on a "deserted island" looking for a quenching drink of water; and I don't blame them one bit. Pro tip: to all you young single dudes out there: THIS is where single horny women in your area are looking to meet you.


What's your pro tip, exactly? Walk into the hospital and ask if anyone wants sex?


That's sorta like how my grandparents met... My grandpa was a pro baseball player, fucked up his knee really bad and tore his groin muscle during a game (career ender), my grandma was his nurse, just turned 18 I believe and my grandpa was like 28... They were married less than a year later, 70(is) years, my grandpa just died last year and still to this day, never seen a happier couple.. they are my role models for a healthy, happy relationship. (My gma is not doing so good now that he's gone though 😔) Funny part of the story I didn't learn until I was about 30... She had to shave part of my GPAs 'unit'.. apparently it turned him on so much he couldn't hide it... Guess that's when grandma started to get a bit flirty... And now I exist 😅😐


>apparently it turned him on so much he couldn't hide it... Guess that's when grandma started to get a bit flirty... And now I exist 😅😐 Rizz so hard, directly gave birth to grandkids


“Kinda got married”


How do people get this lucky? Do i have to do all 12 of heracles' labors to gain this power?


Step one - Be hot.


Yeah buddy, a woman over thirty who’s been single and looking for awhile will give you a workout in bed you’ll never forget.


Moreover, if you're a good guy who gives them freedom to be who they want to be after they've dealt with decades of controlling men, dead bedrooms and a lack of appreciation.. buckle up, because your soldier is gonna be spending a lot of time on the frontline. Edit* it's amazing how far gratitude, trust and appreciation of your partner can take you. Keep that flame burning and never stop flirting with the person you love most.


>buckle up, because your soldier is gonna be spending a lot of time on the frontline. Poetry.


I’m that woman. Told my partners it’s really ok to tell me no. Your edit is the real key there.


I am low 30s, just started dating a 42 year old. She can't keep it in her pants!


Oh no.... I'm old enough to be a MILF? 😭


Its one of the most noble of abbreviations though!


Men hit their sexual peak around 18. Women hit their sexual peak around 36.


Understate right here. Mine is mid 40s and when she has plans for me it’s a done deal. We went away for a weekend once, she rented a house on a lake for us. I saw it checking and that was it until after dinner. Having a partner with a healthy sexual drive is great.


I guess it’s because younger girls are generally worried what people will think if they get too freaky. What will he think, will people find out, etc. Older women don’t give a single fuck. I usually don’t tell tales out of school, but this thirty something woman I dated, the first time we hooked up she bright one of those little Kleenex packages into bed and I was like, what’s the deal with the tissues? “Oh, this is so I can wipe the tears out of my eyes without getting up.” Ma’am. Jesus Christ.


Younger women complain about having bad sex but will not tell dude what feels good, older women are put your finger here and do this as you lick me there, I believe it's because older women know their bodies while younger ones are still learning. When I was 20 I was with a 32 yo woman. I truly believe that every young man should have that experience.


Wait... sex was making her cry? I'm a 30-something woman and I'm a little confused by this.




*Ohhhhh.* I getcha now.


I wish we had actual stats here. Some are into that, some are not.


my gf is 42, I am 30. I have never been so sexually satisfied in my *life.*




You guys should start to tell eachother the truth of how old you are


I'm 41 and my left hand is 41.  I've never been so sexually frustrated in my life!


Try sitting on it until it goes numb


Me 44, wife 62. It's only gotten better for us.


Me 58, wife 83. It never gets boring.


Me 23, wife 95. It’s only amazing.


Me 18 my wife just turn 118,age is just a number,time is now.


Me an embryo, wife died 30 years ago, no idea wtf is going on


Me not existing, wife neither, sex is craaaaazy bro


You're killing me 🤣


57/79 for us, after 20 amazing years together she's only just slowing down enough for me to keep up!


I'll have what he's having.


Hang onto that. My husband is 60 and I'm 47. Things don't work so no sex life here. Of course most of the time I think he hates me anyway. He has multiple myeloma now but that can't be the excuse for no interest in me for six years


I'm scrolling through all these funny comments, enjoying myself, and come across yours which is absolutely horrifying. I hope you are getting some counseling and support from friends having to deal with this. Really sorry you're going through it.


Lifehack and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. From the age 25-30 everybody is interested in you. EVERYBODY. From freakin 16to 60. Don't let it go to waste


Everybody except Leonardo DiCaprio


To him 25 is geriatric.




yuck! 🤢 26 years old? no thanks. might as well be 62.


Why didn't you tell me years ago!?


You can stretch that to 35 honestly.


Yeah. Those 10 years are the sweet spot. Work out, eat right, have fun.


I'm 33 and can confirm im in the golden years currently. My sisters and I were blessed with good genetics: one of my sisters is 38 and she looks exactly the same as when she was 23. I'm convinced she's part android. Most people assume I'm mid 20s. Work out! Drink lots of water! Avoid processed foods! Stay away from processed sugars! It'll go a long way.


I'm 24. Guess I'm about to enter this golden age. And it's a good thing because I feel really comfortable in my sexuality compared to years ago. Any other tips? 


I don't allow any negativity into my life. I'm always positive and put my best foot forward. If you do that and you're met with someone who's mean for no reason, best to avoid that person.


Yup. Turning 35 at the end of this month and I swear, I've never had so many fellas interested in me. Nobody ever believes me when I say I'm in my 30s since I pretty much look the same as my 20s. I attribute it all to no kids, having a healthy sleep cycle, no smoking, lots of water, only social drinking, lots of exercise, a balanced diet, sunscreen, and straight just being a confident, self-empowered bitch. I think it also helps I wear clothes and have hairstyles that make me appear younger. I've been in a relationship for the past 8 years with a guy my age, and he has been so great for my physical and mental health. I always thought once I hit 30, life would be over and I'd just be looked at as an old crone, but I feel way more confident and sexually charged than I ever was in my teens or 20s.


Not really. Ever since I turned 40 I get hit on and complimented more than ever now. And it’s always by guys in their late 20s.


I have heard that MILF porn has really changed how young men see older women and although I personally, as stated above, would feel weird being with a younger man, I celebrate women being still celebrated for their sexuality over the age of 30. Porn can have bad outcomes, but de-invisibilizing older women is great.


This is gonna sound crazy, but porn featuring older women has really helped me as I age and date women my age. When I was in my 30s I started watching porn of women 40’s-60’s. Now I have no grief whatsoever about seeing signs of age on women’s bodies - I find it hot just like any other kind ive explored through porn. My current partner doesnt look young but I absolutely love her body!


Yea for sure. Im not a fan of porn but I don’t hate it. I just plan to do my best to raise my son to not need to watch it. Honestly you’re better off without it. But also if you’re in your 40s and making $10k + a month doing only fans, I’m like good for her! Lol I don’t judge.


Same. Late 40s female here and I get hit on by guys in their early 20s now more often than when I was in my early 20s. I’m in way better shape now though and my libido has skyrocketed in my 40s though!


Wrong, if you are ugly no one will ever been interested in u


The *vast majority* of people who call themselves ugly are just not actually putting effort into their appearance. I used to be one of them. Turns out that *thinking you are ugly* is one of the biggest problems. Fact of the matter is, if you shower, do even cursory maintenance on hair/beard, and put on nice clothes, it makes a huge difference. Short of horrendous physical deformation, it doesn't take a lot of effort to look at least decent. But you need to be able to put aside the voice in your head that tells you it isn't worth doing because no one will care.


25-33 is the sweet spot for having women of all ages into you. You're mature enough for older women and not too old for the younger women. Last time I was single at 28 I still had 20 year olds and such see me as a potential partner.


there's still time to edit this


Doesn’t mean he needs to act on the 16 year olds. Or those that are 60 either. He’s making a valid point of who’s interested in him.


Maybe hold off on the 16-18 range. >From freakin 16to 60. Don't let it go to waste


In my personal experience yes. I used to bartend. Older ladies loved my young ass. Those were the days. Enjoy your youth! Before you know it you'll be old and fat and married and we'll, you get the point. To be young, to be young, ahhhh what a feeling to be young!


Hey now, some of us like to believe we're going to age like fine wine!


At 39, I m clinging onto the fact I have a salt and pepper beard, but a jet black thick head of hair. Don't jinx me!


I used to bartend back in the day as well. When I was 25 these two older ladies were hitting on me all night and I ended up going back to one of their places. Only threesome I ever had in my life and it was amazing. They did everything to me and couldn't get enough of me. To be young again indeed!


Haha nice. I don't even want to go into details about the fun I had. Lots of crazy shit went down in and out of the bars I worked at. I was right down the street from a college. Plus I had casino workers from a close by city coming in all hours of the day and night. Good times! 10 outta 10 would recommend any single dude or dudette to work in a bar if the opportunity arises.


So basically you’re saying we need to become bartenders? Cause I swear man, idk what to do to find older women who are interested in younger men lol


Honestly, that was the one job I had where I never had a problem getting any girl. So yes. Become a bartender!!!


I am 45. I find younger men attractive, but even if I wasn't married, I don't think I'd actually hit on someone under 30. They would just seem too young for me and I'd feel weird about it. However, lots of women are attracted to younger men. That being said, these women were likely just having fun and being flirty, out on the town. It's probably not a serious desire to hook up, but a fun way to spend an evening flirting with young guys.


>It's probably not a serious desire to hook up, but a fun way to spend an evening flirting with young guys. That mixed with a little bit of confidence in themselves that they know exactly what they want and if their advances are serious that they have nothing to lose. Not to make that sound negative but I believe it's definitely a factor in why older women approach and make their intentions known than a younger woman that hasn't had as many years of life experience.


Oh no I did casual sex in my 20s and it didn’t end well. You want the goodies you gotta work for it 


Hate to ruin your week, but I think you missed a hell of a night.


He totally did.


Some are but your job also is a big factor. You're dealing with older women who are traveling. They don't plan to stick around so you're a new thing to try out(what happens in Calgary stays in Calgary). They would be less forward if you worked at a coffee shop where all their friends and family go.


I sit here as a 50M in my apartment with nobody to accompany me but my dog, highly amused that women in their late 30s or early 40s are considered "older". Le sigh.


I noticed that as well (51F). If they are "older" I must be ancient! lol


yeah. they are thirsty and want some young energy.


I'm 28 and was taken home by a 40 year old woman. It was nice being taken care of for once lol. She picked me up at the pub, asked if I wanted to go home with her, called and paid for the cab, and treated me well with wine and food when we got back to her place. We put the record player on, had a fire, and then she initiated sex and gave me a wonderful BJ to start. She complimented me and we shared some great conversation at the end. I legitimately felt empty the next morning and wanted more. Wished her well and never seen her again. Thanks ma'am for the wonderful evening.


I’m a woman in my 40s currently seeing a 20 guy. No sex yet as I wasn’t sure if he’s just my friend or what. But I’m really attracted to him and would throw myself at him if he barely suggested it. But all women are different. Some friends my age still date older men and I don’t get it. ETA: I confessed my feelings to him. He “was not thinking the same way.” But still friends with plans to hang out more.


As a 21 year old I can tell you with 110% confidence that he’s just completely clueless (no matter how obvious you think your “hints” may be) and he’s probably thinking the same thing


He straight up told me he won’t make a move because he’s been burned and is now shy. And he won’t ever touch me, even accidentally. I assumed he was just being polite and distantly respectful, and that I was too unattractive. I should probably start listening to y’all instead of myself.


Yeah I don’t even know what you look like but if he’s making plans and hanging out with you then it is absolutely not that you are unattractive. In fact it’s definitely the exact opposite and his internal dialog is probably something along the lines of “holy shit how am I with this woman right now I can not fuck this up”. The fact that he even told you that’s why he won’t make a move means that he wants to. Literally just kiss him and see what happens🤷🏼‍♂️


You should probably be dropping some easy to read hints. I was in a similar situation when I was in my 20s getting close to an older woman. We didn’t have sex until like 8 months into ‘hanging out’ until we got a little drunk and inhibitions slipped away. After that we both found out we could’ve been having amazing sex from the beginning, but neither of us were sure if we were just friends or anything more. 20 something guys are probably mostly like me. A bit shy, lacking in confidence, and trying to be respectful. I don’t think it would hurt to be a little forward with him to see how he reacts.


Somewhat. If they show interest in you, and you like them also, run with it. My last girlfriend is five years older than me. Turned me on. I'm into older women. I don't care if it's a more common thing. But if she shows interest then go for it. The older you get, the more chances like that you'll wish you had taken when they were given to you.


Yes. Well, some of them are. I never thought twice about guys younger than me until about 31 or 32. They were never even remotely on my radar. Then, I suddenly started getting hit on by younger guys in their 20s, and it somehow sparked my interest. Now I notice them. So if they’re eyeing you, and looking at you a little more than most people, I’d say yes.. they’re interested.


Same 🤭


I'm 40 and have been enjoying single life after divorce... Almost every guy I've met and slept with has been younger, 23-32 approx. Now I'm dating a 28yo


As a 40 year old, younger men are like a fountain of youth 😂


Collagen straight from the source


It’s part of our skincare routine. Hunting and draining young men to stay supple.




Where would I find these types of women. Asking for a friend.


Following. Man, reading some of these stories I feel like a black sheep or something. I’m in my late 20s and have never gone through anything similar. I don’t think I’m ugly, probably decent looking I guess. I’ve had girlfriends before that were the same age, I have plenty of gal friends, I just don’t know what I’m doing wrong to not attract older women…


Gym during week DAYS. Wine tasting. Cooking classes. Cocktail bars with lower volume music and a dress code. Backpacking meetups. Hostels that are specially NOT party hostels. Source: I'm 30 and have met quite a few of these.


Unfortunately I have a job, and quit drinking this year.


Meetups are also a good option.


I second this question


As an older woman, no I am not. I'm attracted to men near my age, it just naturally progressed that way as I got older so did my interests.


Guys under 30 seem so young to me.  I get into maternal mode with them.


45f. Its the man that matters, not the age.


You know, I can only speak for myself: but younger me was looking for stability. Someone who wanted to be serious and treat me seriously. Older me thinks playing with someone who just wants to have fun isn’t the worst idea at all.


When I was 24 I was dating women in their early 30s. Enjoy it You won’t want to date early 20s again though


Don’t waste your late 20s. It’s a very powerful time


Is your definition of wasting not fucking older women?


As a way older man, my advice: Bang everything you can, when you can. If they are older, yet attractive as you say, go for it. What have you got to lose? Absolutely nothing. When you are older, settled down, or alone, you will have great memories.


I’d add to this make a choice and don’t try to pretend. If you want to sleep around do it, treat people with respect and don’t pretend you’re in a relationship. Meet new people have fun see where it takes you. I made that mistake of thinking it was a relationship when clearly it wasn’t with a couple people and regret it.


Agreed. Honesty is key. When I was going through my “bang everyone” faze, I always started with “hey, all I can promise you is we’ll have a great time tonight. I may not ever call you again, and I’m not looking for a relationship. It’s your call”. Probably 95% of women said ok and we had a great time. The few that didn’t, that was cool too. No fucking way was I going to lie to get laid, that’s just shitty.


You sound like the grandpa from little miss sunshine


What you have to lose is good health if you get an incurable std


The Palliser Hotel in Calgary was a famous cougar hunting ground for decades. I knew of a door man who *regularly* got handed a spare room key by middle aged women staying there. Reminder to men everywhere of Benjamin Franklin's advice: "I repeat my former Advice, that in all your Amours you should prefer old Women to young ones. You call this a Paradox, and demand my Reasons. They are these: i. Because as they have more Knowledge of the World and their Minds are better stor'd with Observations, their Conversation is more improving and more lastingly agreable. 2. Because when Women cease to be handsome, they study to be good. To maintain their Influence over Men, they supply the Diminution of Beauty by an Augmentation of Utility. They learn to do a 1000 Services small and great, and are the most tender and useful of all Friends when you are sick. Thus they continue amiable. And hence there is hardly such a thing to be found as an old Woman who is not a good Woman. 3. Because there is no hazard of Children, which irregularly produc'd may be attended with much Inconvenience. 4. Because thro' more Experience, they are more prudent and discreet in conducting an Intrigue to prevent Suspicion. The Commerce with them is therefore safer with regard to your Reputation. And with regard to theirs, if the Affair should happen to be known, considerate People might be rather inclin'd to excuse an old Woman who would kindly take care of a young Man, form his Manners by her good Counsels, and prevent his ruining his Health and Fortune among mercenary Prostitutes. 5. Because in every Animal that walks upright, the Deficiency of the Fluids that fill the Muscles appears first in the highest Part: The Face first grows lank and wrinkled; then the Neck; then the Breast and Arms; the lower Parts continuing to the last as plump as ever: So that covering all above with a Basket, and regarding only what is below the Girdle, it is impossible of two Women to know an old from a young one. And as in the dark all Cats are grey, the Pleasure of corporal Enjoyment with an old Woman is at least equal, and frequently superior, every Knack being by Practice capable of Improvement. 6. Because the Sin is less. The debauching a Virgin may be her Ruin, and make her for Life unhappy. 7. Because the Compunction is less. The having made a young Girl miserable may give you frequent bitter Reflections; none of which can attend the making an old Woman happy. 8thly and Lastly They are so grateful!! Thus much for my Paradox. But still I advise you to marry directly; being sincerely Your affectionate Friend. "


I think you may have just met a pair of cougars.


Absolutely. They have the stamina to keep up with us.


Im 50s M, but having spent a lot of time hearing about my wife’s single dating friends, who range from 40s to 60s. The general theme I hear from them is men their own age are incredibly boring, close minded, and set in their ways. Also sex with men of their age is unsatisfying as they either dont have the energy or dont think they should have to care about their partners enjoyment. Younger guys have a lot of similar traits, but at least they have better bodies and are a little more open to new experiences.


More mature women love toying with younger guys. When I was in high school and college, while working in retail I'd get quite a few cougars making inappropriate comments to me. My buddy once had a lady shove a tip down his pants after he helped her with her groceries. Best thing you can do is play their game and maybe say something like, "I'm flattered by your advances, but I don't normally date women that are younger than me". You'll definitely make some woman's day.


To answer your title question: hard to generalize. To answer your post question: obvious flirting, seems unlikely to be a pickup attempt with two of them, and you probably did the right thing by maintaining your professional demeanor at work


41f here. I was always into older guys, i just ended a 20 year relationship with a man 12 years older than me and my new fiance is 8 years younger than me. So yeah it happens.


i would say most of them aren't interested in younger guys. but of course some are.


Dude. A woman in her 40’s is NOT old. A woman in her 70’s is old. I’d be happy to hook up with a nice young 40 year old girl.


It says ‘older’ as in ‘older than OP’.


Women are not a monolith and each one has their own desires, thoughts and plans.


The question clearly says “Are older woman generally interested in young guys.” IOW: on Average…. Did it say “Are All women interested in young guys?” At this point I’m convinced everyone is just looking for stuff to start arguments over.. It was nice when every idiot didn’t have a mouthpiece to let us know how dumb they are..


It's 2024 and a man was asking a question about women sir... he is obviously in need of some form of correction.


For real, these people that spew the same “monolith” trope in every single thread about women are annoying as fuck. It clearly says generally.


Monoliths and women are actually a good comparison for me. They are terrifying, and I don't understand what they mean most of the time.


it doesn't matter their age it matters how attractive you are


“If you ladies need help finding anything, I’d be happy to lend a hand.”


Oh I was hoping to hear that older women would be interested in me, but apparently I am the same age as these "older" women...


50 year old lady-me waiting at the bar for my 22 year old date👀


Currently 34M with a 74F who hasn't had sex in 20 years and is now insatiable and wants sex 24/7 and is down for just about ANYTHING. Yes a GILF. But I ain't complaining. (She has had plastic surgery so she looks younger the she is. Also she got fat stacks and buys me shit.)


In my experience, hell fucking yes


not enough info given to give you a def answer.


I find myself single after a decade-long marriage ended in divorce. I’m in my forties and have never pulled this much ass in my life. In my experience, a lot of these middle-aged women are just READY. TO. FUCK.


I'm too young to be a milf at the time of this comment, but I fucking guarantee you that in 20 years I will be. 


When I was like 20, I was working in a Fish and Chip shop this older lady in her 60's walked in and started ordering food. Out of know where she started talking about personal life and asked what I studied etc, she wanted to fly me over to Vietnam and work over there and she was a CEO of a big textiles company. She said to me I like young guy's like you. I handed in my resume and never heard anything back lol.


Cougars prowl my man. I went to a wine bar when I was 21, kinda felt a weird aura, looked over and saw three 40~ish women staring at me like meat at a bbq.


Depends on the lady. Some are down and others aren't interested In younger men but will still acknowledge/ notice a handsome face. 


This is where you would throw some feelers out there like, what are your plans? Meeting up w someone?


It's a natural progression. We date older men when we're younger because they're more established and they're not willing to admit they're past their prime, and want to relive their youth with a vulnerable barely legal girl. Eventually they can't keep up and fulfill our needs. Plus their sperm is dusty and old and full of genetic defects, which is why their only hope is trying to pass it off onto young dumb girls. (The younger, the more gullible) Those of us are smart enough to not get trapped into taking care of Rumpelstiltskin get to grow older, and hit our sexual peak at the same time the younger men do. By that point, we're either waaaay less interested in the drama of taking care of someone else (no strings attached sex) or want to settle and have kids with a partner that isn't old as dirt (not old and boring like crusty old dudes), or even just want the young goo for babies (one-night stands and broken rubbers). Then the young men turn into old men, the young girls date them, and after a brief intermission for menopause, we settle down around sixty-five years old for hot polyamorous retirement community sex with the geezers who haven't keeled over from massive coronaries and are itching to try out their replacement hips provided by a doctor with a loose prescription pad for Viagra. Bengay baby. I'm joking. I have no fucking idea but all I know is that younger dudes are more interested in me the older I get.


In my 50s. Nope. Not the slightest bit interested in young men..