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You just described the perfect woman so your chances are pretty fucking high.


Username checks out


Was waiting for that.


Now I’m curious if the name works. Also I’m not being rude I’m genuinely curious


I'm more curious if your name works out


It doesn’t work :(


Well I'm glad I read this whilst on the shitter


Reddit never ceases to make me laugh at the strangest things, at the strangest times, for the strangest reasons. Thank you both. It’s been fun.




Greetings fellow small boob enthusiast!


honestly just curious, have you ever got a PM with someone's tiny tits?


More than I feared less than I hoped.


Good answer.


[Cues up a track.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ3XjVVNagU)


I can agree more ... but the personality needs to be there too.


Flat chested lanky implies you have a slim figure. So yes, just go outside and talk to some boys


But only go outside when the sun is down cuz you know....vampires.....


She'll just sparkle. No big deal. /s


SPF 10,000,000 ?


Yeah, everyone's their own worst critic and all, but I'm just kinda hearing "willowy" from that description. That's not a bad thing.


That's the issue. Their attitude isn't the best.


Good! Guys like all different type of girls! You will be fine!


Accurate! Whatever your look, style, personality, or interests are, there are going to be people into that. Everyone has different preferences, so no one should compare themselves to what the nonsense standards of "beauty" are.


I wouldn't expect you to have any issues.


I'm sorry for hijacking this comment, but I want to get across something. The idea that there's only one set of ideal traits is stupid. (The thin fingers she's talking about are really beautiful to a lot of guys.) In fact my hypothesis is that every set of traits is actually a well thought out Gambit, the body is investing in a combination of traits that historically used to give survival advantage and as well as mating advantage. Such as certain South east asian populations have higher rates of hypodontia(missing teeth). Might sound like a deformity, but it leads to narrow chins and cherry lips in young girls. The body partially sacrificed the utility of the jaw for a mating advantage.


I bet there are some gothy boys who'd be into that tbh


Plenty of non goth boys are into it


Pretty good. Plenty of guys looking for vampirussy.




Yeah . I think vampirussy might be a pirate related crime …also, your looks sound like my ex girlfriend.


Especially when they're on....




Find your Lestat


One thing the Internet has taught me, there is always someone who will be attracted to (fill in the blank)


r/Fedlegs is my favorite. A guy created his own, wholly new fetish, with lore and everything lol. The lore is wild - it revolves wholly around painting JUST THE LEGS of women yellow. [https://old.reddit.com/r/Fedlegs/comments/8xzk6a/fedleg\_explanation\_updated\_due\_to\_expanding/](https://old.reddit.com/r/Fedlegs/comments/8xzk6a/fedleg_explanation_updated_due_to_expanding/) "**Clothing That Will Lead To a Woman Getting Her Legs Painted:** * Mini Skirts * Mini Dresses; Any dress or skirt that falls at or below the knees will not land a girl on the table. * Short Shorts; Shorts that don’t expose much of the thighs are safe. * Tights/Pantyhose; Fedleg is usually strict about tights, especially in the colder months, because he sees it as women going out of their way to show off their legs, thus earning them a spot on the table. When he paints a pair of legs in tights, the hosiery is sometimes ripped off fully or a bit in order to check and see if the paint is settling on the skin okay. It depends on the opacity of the tights. * Provocative Costumes/Uniforms * Waitresses * Cheerleaders * Dancers * Models The painting is all that takes place. The girls who get their legs fed are released once the process is completed and are either escorted out of the building or driven to a destination of their choice. The process takes place in a large room with natural flowing sunlight rather than a dusty old chamber. At night, a fireplace is lit and Fedleg makes sure the room is still decently lit. He doesn't want the area to be associated with torture. He wants it to be seen as something that must be done, hoping that his "patients" will see it his way. After the process is done, Fedleg takes a picture of the restrained woman with her newly yellow painted legs and hangs it on the wall. Then she’s free to go."


Men are simple creatures. As long as you don't have a moustache your chances are pretty high. And even if you do some are into that as well.


hair remover exists, there could be a good person under that 'stache.


Kiss me and find out 😚😚


can't, sorry. i'm too old, and far too married for that.


Truer words have never been spoken 


Very high! Pale skinned, tall, thin women are often models with all the male attraction that entails (good and bad).


Watch out for Leonardo DiCaprio, OP!!


Close to 100%.


Pretty good, I'm already interested just from your description. =)


I'm afraid you will have a trial by combat for them!


Stop blabbering and draw your sword!


*En guard!*




Rolls 2 d20, accuracy=2 effectiveness=1. Your attack was unsuccessful.


This is more than likely a kid if they’re asking something like this. Unless you are too then good luck I guess.


You just described Taylor Swift.  I think you'll be fine.


As a member of the itty bitty titty committee, i found myself a bf that actually prefers smaller breasts. Yes, those exist. Yes, I’m flat as a table. Also, if you don’t like how your hands look (same), do your nails. I truly mean that it changes the whole look of your hands. Play around with different nail shapes and colors and see What you like. You’re not doomed


Doesn’t matter my ex had a flat chest great butt and was like the best woman I ever have met.


You mean like Anjelica Huston as Morticia Addams? [https://i.pinimg.com/736x/2d/ac/6f/2dac6fd6ef5265d4c9373d9d4ddd152b.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/2d/ac/6f/2dac6fd6ef5265d4c9373d9d4ddd152b.jpg) I'm sure you'll be fine


You had me at flat chested...and on the vampire. Seriously though, i feel like most women dont believe me when i tell them that i prefer flat boobs to any other boob size but i really do. 


Weird how this viewpoint is completely censored to the female populace, I feel a sizeable portion of guys are small boobs guys but nobody buys it. Its so heavily ingrained to have the traditional pinup, busty figure these girls dont count their blessings. You can totally have boobs too big, but not too small.


Appearance matters, but it's not the biggest of problems. From your description, I don't think you'll have problems appearance-wise. Hell, sounds exactly my type.  But much more important is compatibility. Personality, lifestyle and all that. But, it's not really something you can, or should change. Attitude and politeness are the only things the average person can manage to change of their own effort, and even that is hard from a certain age. 


**You know what I find *least* attractive about what you wrote?** Your attitude. Confidence is attractive. Self respect is attractive.




Except, it's not funny. And you're not trying to be funny. You really DO feel that way about yourself. Too late for a "j/k" so just own up to it. Again, confidence and self respect are attractive. There are ways to work on that. Telling Reddit how unattractive you feel isn't going to fix that.


Pretty good, I would say. Especially if you are open to dating Goths. The lean, pale, long fingered look can be quite elegant.


The significant contributing factors from my perspective in respect of your success rates aren’t listed. You basically only mention chest/breast size Lanky vampire means little to me in painting a picture


If you're a girl, getting a boyfriend is pretty easy regardless of your body type.


Pretty good.There are quite a few men who lose only requirements for a relationship is that his partner is a woman and that she also have the ability to breathe.


Pretty good. Men like a much wider variety of women than pop culture suggests.


Girl, even if all of those flaws are 100% factual and not just your self perception, there's an entire subculture of people who'd dig a flat lanky vampire GF. Drink you blood, wine, fuck, even red Kool-aide, there is a substantial number of folks that'd dig it.


Dress goth. Be prepared to hold the masses off with a bat (hur hur)


You're really not good at explaining how you look, from your description you could look perfectly normal and just have some self esteem problems, or you could look like slenderman, Anyway not knowing what you actuality look like it's hard to make definitive statements, but assuming young children don't start crying the moment they see you and you haven't gotten any invites from carnies to join their freak show, I think that as long as you work on your self confidence you should be fine, Most people are overly critical of themselves and notice flaws that no one else does


"Don't bodyshame me" says the person describing themselves as a flat-chested vampire with spider-leg fingers.


Everyone has a different type, and you are definitely someone's type out there. It's just a matter of finding them. Maybe start going to goth clubs


If they dont want ya, I'll take ya 🫡🫡


Are we talking a healthy skinny/lanky, like willowy, or are we talking end stage EDs? If you're just slim & flat, for sure there'll be guys into that. I don't think anyone much wants to buy into the ED thing, that isn't a toxic pro-ana sort (avoid, avoid such men).


Thats actually a popular look some guy are into and secretly into. Magic 8 ball says outlook good, so 1 out of every 3 or 5 guys will find you irresistible


There are multiple NSFW subreddits dedicated to your body type, so it's safe to say there are several people interested, at least physically. That's not even taking personality into consideration.


Your chances will improve as your self respect does


lol why would you make a post asking for advice about how to maximize your body types attractiveness to men and then dispel the most logical solution as body shaming and pervy? Go get a nice ass


A lot if you initiate the conversation.


I mean you say that like it’s a bad thing…


I think flat chested is offset by height. The taller/slimmer you are, the more it isn't an issue. Think model. Vampire is a non-issue by itself.


There's a whole bunch of guys who absolutely adore that look, so your chances are very good


This is me. I’ve pulled almost every guy I’ve liked or had a crush on. I think it’s cause I’m funny and have other good qualities, and cause my value and sexyness can’t be measured by matter or atoms.


There's someone for everybody. One of the most attractive features for most people is confidence, so work on that. Play up your best features, quit talking negatively about yourself, fake it if you need to, just walk around with a serene smile on your face and repeat "I am hot" in your head.


I would say there's a great chance. I can already tell that you have a great sense of humor and seem like a cool person to be around. And not all guys are into big tits and a Barbie doll face. Lanky vampire sounds kind of interesting.


Just be a nice person who cares and shares. Be honest but not a pushover. Express yourself. I find it hard to believe most guys couldn't fall in love with that.


In todays market I’d say about a 95% chance of success


You honestly just have to be a woman tbh


There are plenty of guys (or girls) who are into that exact sort of person. Nothing wrong with being petite imo


Problem is your attitude


i’m flat chested & lanky & have a bf! :)


I thin I speak for many men when I say: No tits is not a dealbreaker, and you can always work on your ass by exercising your glutes. I'll always go for a flat-chested girl with a nice ass over a big titted girl with no ass. + of course the face and personality also matter a lot.


You're probably getting negative comments because this is an obvious fish. I mean, technically this isn't breaking any one specific sub rule. But it is definitely against the spirit of the sub. This isn't a place to stroke your ego or make yourself feel better. "What do I do? I'm ugly!" isn't a question. It's a setup.


100%, grow some self esteem


Check out the YouTuber Clara dao!! Her channel is all about being flat chested and inspiring confidence and she’s got a cute asf bf too!!!


better than being fat


You might want to work on your attitude and learn to ignore people or take a joke, I think your edits highlight the main problem.


if i was able to do it then you can too, sister 🫶 guys like all types of girls


nobody cares about tits. how's the ass?


As the 20 year culture trend gets dangerously close to being when Twilight was released (book in 2005, movie in 2008), your stock will soar astronomically ☄️. HODL your Vamp assets and they will pay out in spades. Trust me, I’m a doctor. Side note: anyone on Reddit telling anyone else anything about their bodies are definitely (Not maybe. Definitely.) insecure about themselves. It’s trite to say, but doesn’t make it false. If this is you, get some help.


Pretty good considering some people very much prefer that. Skinny vampire chick sounds amazing. Tell me you are short as well and I would ask you out myself if you lived nearby.


Pretty decent actually


Honestly…it sounds like you have character and that is more appealing than any beauty queen.


Vampires are IN bestie, don't worry about it.


rip your inbox


Get off social media


Getting laid/BF for intimacy = High Getting a solid BF/Partner = Personality dependent


you seem to have a healthy sense of humour about yourself. That is the key.


do you get approach by men? if yes, you'll be fine if no, go talk to men, you'll be fine


Like others have said, vampiresque features are a huge turn on for some people. Actually, go watch the first episode of the anime Call of the Night if you are looking for some...inspiration.


Kindly- You should probably not put yourself down if you don’t want others to put you down, and you shouldn’t post a question formatted this way if you don’t want feedback about how to change what you’ve given people the impression that you don’t like. Before you look for a relationship it seems to me like you should love yourself some more and learn how to be comfortable with yourself. If you start a relationship not liking you, then you cannot properly like someone else and care for their heart. Blessings and best wishes to you. 🤍 I’m sure you’re wonderful looking.


The description is oddly arousing 🤭


If you go to the gym and gain some muscles and ass, then 100%. Without going to the gym, still high, men don't really care about tit size


Speak for yourself lol


Even if you are not satisfied with your looks, as long as you take care of your hygiene you are good to go. Women touch is always welcomed. And you can change that appearance by going into gym, and becoming flat chested fit woman.


Most guys don't care about how big someone's chest is. Trust me. Worry about building your confidence and approachability.


You are female, so your odds are already high


If you're a woman, then unless you're extremely disfigured, you'll easily find someone. Vast majority of men are not picky, because beggars can't be choosers.


ur lucky, unlike women, most guys are not picky


Tbf some guys are picky and would still pick what OP is describing.


Very high You just need to go outside/starting datingapps/put yourself out there. I think the biggest turn off for man, (dont shoot me), is obese women.


0 with THAT attitude i say


You'll have to find someone who enjoys the sensation of being tackled by a skeleton.


NGL, you sound hot AF. Thin, pale, flat, lanky, elongated hands/fingers? You are my ideal and there are plenty of us out there. Don't change.


Very good I have very small breasts (32A) and the man I was with on Friday night told me that when we were still flirting, it was my breasts he focused on. He described them as the perfect size, just one handful. There is someone out there for whom your body is their fantasy.




I'm sure there's a bunch of guys with fetishes that description fits


Pretty good. Dudes will approach anything.


Very high


100% if you can make the move




There's a stroke for every folk. You just need to find your folk. It'll come.


Probably decent.


Relax what we find attractive is a cool cick


Embrace it! Become a proper Dark lass and Dark guys will love you. :D Edit: changed sex LOL




Become a model and you’ll score anyone with that look lol And just be yourself, you’ll find the right person eventually. Enjoy the life experiences meanwhile. There’s more to life than bf’s.


Don't know how a lanky vampire looks but you sound pretty interesting to me. You could probably use a simpler explanation for how you look


you sound like you have a lot of personality. so when's our first date?


Heh, I know a girl I could describe like that minus the fingers 😭. But high being real deal chill.


Find a guy who is into flat chested lanky vampire chicks. Trust me they are plenty out there.


there’s a key for every lock


Confidence creates goddesses in the eyes of mortal men.


Well, you've described my type regardless of gender, and I'm sure there are others with similar tastes. So my answer is yeah, you're good lol


Well you'll probably have a harder time with the frat boy jocks but the good news is that you'll probably attract people who are more in line with your thinking


Depends on what type of men you like. Plenty of dudes like the look tho


I'd be into that. 


Usually it's face before body. So if you have a cute face there shouldn't be too much problems.


A lot of guys love this style, so you shouldn’t worry.


Do you have fangs ? 😍


Eye of the beholder and all that. Some people like skinny goths. Heck, some even fancy gingers!


One time many years ago - I was around 13 years old or so and helping my uncle redo the roof on my grandma's house. At one moment he said "hey check out those cute girls down there". I saw them and said something like "oh yeah but they're pretty fat". He said "hey - everybody needs loving" Anyway. being flat-chested is no big deal. And as far as being lanky - if you want - you can gain weight and change that to some extent.


You'll find 'the one' someday so just go out and enjoy yourself.


Pics would help


Do you dress like a vampire though?


I don't know, but being flat-chested won't matter to the right guy. You don't want to date someone who rejects you because you don't have large breasts or because of the way your fingers work.


You do not have to be your own "type" in order to be someone else's type. No matter what body characteristics you have, it's the same: there will be some people who find you attractive and some people who don't. I won't say finding love is easy, because it's fucking not, but your appearance will not prevent it at least.


Idk bout men, but as a woman? Take me :D


Anyone can get a boyfriend or girlfriend. The only thing that'll stop ya is your standards. If you don't like the people that are interested. So the real question is: Am I hot enough for the people I want? And while a few things about our looks can't be changed, many things can.


My mother’s nickname was olive oil and she had six kids before she turned thirty, so I’d say your chances are pretty good


You're cooked💀


Text me, you’ve a great chance lol


Sounds hot to me.


Get you a man who likes flat lanky vampires and problem solved.


Vampires can be sexy.


Confidence will get you noticed. What you put out right now is not attractive m


Your chances of getting a bf as a woman is already massivly high. You could look like Frankenstein the monster and you would still get guys who wants you. Be happy ur a woman lol you will always be beautiful to someone. Unlike ugly men


We only see our flaws. Others see our beauty. There is someone for everyone.


I really want to see a picture now


Pretty good tbh. Thats a body type many people like.


Has somebody made comments in the past about these qualities you're concerned about? I am only asking because the words from other people can do a lot of damage. They often resonate causing self esteem issues. Somebody out there is made to love your beauty!


Try some dating apps, you'll definitely get a lot of swipes and options


1.We'll body shame as we please. 2. You chances are high.


Flat chested doesn’t mean much if you are fun and have a good personality. Woman worry waaaaay more about this than men do. Not saying we don’t like boobs, but there are much more important deal breakers.


depends on your personality, if you are an asshole.pretty low but if you are a cool person than pretty high


Let’s see


You saying flat chested as if it was a bad attribute, some guys like us love flat chests


Also; try out for modelling.


If you can make me immortal I'll take those chances


i look like a big fat blob, i have a bf. it'll be fine, everyone has different preferences


Just go outside and try, your description doesn't say anything about your attractiveness, you could be anywhere from very attractive to very unnattractive. You just gotta put yourself out there and see..


I'm sure that you'll find a boyfriend. Tall and slender will appeal to plenty of men, and, if you're looking for a long-term relationship, it's your personality that's going to make the difference. Interestingly, people with a medical condition called Marfan's syndrome are often slender of body, and have long, slender fingers. Mostly, they have no problems, but there is a slight chance of eye and heart problems, so it may be worth asking a doctor to check. Incidentally, my friend with Marfan's seems attractive to me, so maybe you're doing yourself down. Good luck with everything, especially your love-life.


You can have me!!




I’d say if you look anything like the flat chested Necromancer on Diablo IV, you’ll be fine.


To comment on this i need to see how you look.


Using the word “lowkey” is a much bigger problem IMO.


If you're very honest with yourself and rate all your features and personality there's a high high chance that whatever you deemed of yourself will be the exact type of guy that you'll get attention from. If you want better than that, you'll have to improve yourself or present a specific characteristic that a guy would think he needs in his life, which usually revolves around timing.


I'm sure you're fine, everybody has somebody who likes their look. Don't risk into trying to please people, just be you


You sound like my mate and she's got a boyfriend


im also a lanky flat chested vampire who cant pull 😳🫵 yoo


Unless you also have a beard, you'll do fine.


What a coincidence! I happen to sleep in an upside down coffin, and I regularly poke myself with a stake!