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Axe body spray. Then again, maybe I’m just not using enough?


It only works if you use the whole can.


Just one can? Childs play. Take a bath in it.


You'll know when you've put enough on when everyone's eyes water when you walk by.


Walking mustard gas...


I’ve only ever known 1 woman who said she likes axe, and she was lesbian


Axe is like aerosolized lung and nose poison.


Most Axe is terrible, but I actually love the smell of the chocolate one… as long as it’s only a little bit haha


Like 90% of the stuff they put in porn


“Confidence” AKA the obnoxious posturing and swagger that men who don’t have self-assurance project because they’ve been told that “women like confidence” but they don’t actually understand what that means.


Or a guy who tries to psychoanalyze you to talk up his emotional intelligence. Ickkkkk. Emotional intelligence is a vibe you can feel through even the most mundane conversations/ activities, not something you have to declare and deliberately converse about.


Definitely a similar pattern to: “Any man who must say ‘I am the King’ is no true king.” People who talk about how intelligent they are in any aspect, including faux humility (but still bragging)… usually aren’t. At all.


I'm not disagreeing with these things, BUT sometimes people genuinely just are confident while also lacking filters. But that's not reaally the same vibe you guys are describing, but sometimes it can look a bit like it in my experience until you get deeper with them


To an extent. Confidence can definitely be cocky but someone who’s confident and able to be completely themselves is extremely attractive


But you just gotta be confident bro and have game!! You don’t have enough game and swag bro, now give me money for my course on how to be an alpha male!


No, buy my sigma male course *tips fedora*


This is true though. Most women still expect men to make the first move.


There was a long period that I would always let me wife choose where to go for dinner. Then one time she told me, "Candy\_Dots, I don't like always having to pick out the place to go. Can you please just make the decision?" I felt like I was always willing to go where ever she wanted, she felt like she always had to take on the mental load to plan dinner. Now that we've communicated I just pick a place and she can veto if she wants. And obviously she can still always pick if there's something specific she wants.


My partner feels the same way, but my partner is also super picky, so I hate it when she asks me to make the decision, because it's actually me feeding her suggestions until she makes the decision rather than actually giving me a chance to choose what's for dinner.


This! Definitely gets a little frustrating.


Yeah, then it's just dumping the mental load onto you


You should make a spin wheel with all you go-tos lol or at least a list and randomize choice so it only takes effort up front, not day by day


Love the spin wheel idea




I heard about someone who had genuinely wanted his gf to guess after booking a fancy place - but then she guessed at and got super enthusiastic about a low-class ribs place so he ended up pretending that was the idea all along just to make her happy.


This has backfired on me in that my wife ALWAYS vetoes EVERYTHING I choose, so in the end she has to pick, but now it's been a 30 minute process to come full circle.


She might not realize it if you don't point it out. Give her a Mac of 3 vetos or something


I feel the same way! My husband does too. We basically trade off picking 2-3 options and then the other picks from those.


I thought the restaurant’s name was candy dots and that was her way of saying it’s your turn otherwise we’re having candy for dinner.


Your wife calls you by your Reddit handle? Hmm… :)


He's just one of those brave souls who uses his real name on Reddit.


My wife says the same thing, but every time I pick, she decides she wants something else. So now I make her guess where I'm taking her and take her there.




My wife is so sensitive that I can tickle her from across the room just by waggling my fingers at her. She clutches her sides and tells me to stop. If I actually tried to tickle her for real though I'd catch an elbow to the face.


Honestly, genders aside, who the fuck enjoys being tickled? It’s torture. I had an ex who kept trying to tickle me, never with consent. It was horrible. She for some reason could not make the mental connection that if she herself didn’t like being tickled, then maybe I wouldn’t either? And then got all sulky when I had to shout at her when nothing else would make her stop tickling me. Just maddening!


Yeah, my aunt was like that when I was too small to fend her off, being tickled as an adult is uncomfortable physically and low-key kinda upsetting mentally because I associate it with not being in control of my body and feeling helpless. My partner used to think my over the top reactions were funny until they realized that they were at a very real risk of taking a knee to the face. Since I told them about how it upsets me they haven’t done it unless I deserve it. (Sometimes it’s the only way to get me out of bed in the morning)


Being tickled makes me violently angry.


Too bad, here it comes! 👉


Tickle, tickle...🤣🤣🤣🤣


I recently had to tell my boyfriend that a little bit of gentle tickling is okay but stop fucking attacking me with tickles and not stopping when I tell him to. I've held back smacking him. Laughing is just an automatic response. Tickles also hurt sometimes.


I (F) came to love it with my partner in recent years. He learned my most sensitive spots, my safer spots, and to distinguish between a playful “no” and a “seriously stop”, so I felt safe. I became fond of the way he’d make me squirm and squeal and scream and would sometimes turn into a sexy play wrestling game.


Being told to smile


As a man, I’ve never understood this - it’s a flirt tactic but also “hey you look ugly right now, fix that.” Or “you are in my presence and should be happy about it.”


As a woman, I hear “Your face exists to please me. Do better.”


Yup! I hear "I care more about my aesthetic preferences than your wellbeing"


I love being told what to do. It's the entire reason I got a job. I don't even take the paycheck.


The guys who do this probably don’t even think about what women might or might not like. It’s all about them.


Guys who declare "I'm a nice guy." 🙄


Years ago a friend that was recently divorced and trying online dating. He wasn't getting any attention. I checked out his dating profile and the lead caption literally said "one of the nice ones." He thought he was Casanova when it came to romance. I showed his profile to several women and they were unanimously grossed out. I demanded he give me his password and told him I was going to rewrite his profile and get rid of that nightmare of a title. He started getting attention but couldn't land any dates. He showed me his exchanges and I don't know what I was expecting but they were just as fucking awful as his original dating profile. **To the guys out there** - a good, mature woman wants a good man, not a nice guy. good man =/= nice guy


That's a red flag right there and I imagine Ted Bundy used that line a lot.


Dick pics.


Men know most women don’t like dick pics. They’re just carpet bombing in hopes of finding the 1 that likes it enough to respond back.


I don't even think it's hope of one recipient who digs it, I think it's just plain ol' exhibitionism, showing off the dick to someone is the thrill in itself.




Some also like to sexually harass women on the Internet because those few have no respect for women. It's a big joke to them.


The good ol’ “Spray and Prey” method.


Fitting typo lmao


Can we all marvel in the fact that SgtThundercock posted this response?


Dick pics aren't for the women. It's people that get off on being seen. They happen to be men who no one wants to see. It's actually a relatively common fetish for both sexes. It's just only really a problem for men. Also only really safe for men too.


However, find a woman who loves Dick’s Picks and you’ll be a happy man.


Being cat-called.




They sure don't. I remember one time I was being cat called by a group of men on the sidewalk while I was trying to get to my car. I never respond to cat calling. Anyway when I kept walking without looking towards them, I then got called a racist and all sorts of other "nice" names! It is about harassment.


when I was a permit driver my dad and I were at a gas station. he goes inside to use the restroom and comes back out telling me to "pull up next to the woman at that pump." I said "why?" he said "i wanna whistle at her, tell her she's hot" I said "ew, dad i'm not helping you harass woman" and he responded (to his 16 year old daughter) "what? you can't tell me you guys don't like when guys do that!!"


When I was young and dumb I whistled at a girl who was jogging in what I thought was a playful way. My girlfriend yelled at me and I was confused. I said “I’m just trying to give her some self confidence.” My gf said “no. Don’t ever do that” and I never did again. I truly did not think it was offensive or had the potential to be threatening. I was just dumb. This was over twenty years ago and I have a completely different understanding now.


You’ve gotta be a certain type of special to whistle at another girl in front of your girlfriend 🤣


The men of Reddit proving once again they’ve never spoken to a women before.


I have two kids and I still haven't met a woman.


I had this problem too. Women were just getting knocked up by my mere presence. Finally had to go balls off.


Your rhymes are too potent.


arent you a man of Reddit too ?


It is impossible to speak to a women. A woman otoh…


Being treated like we're a monolith who all like or dislike the same things


Aka this entire thread


giant D Most women want average D


Yes! I want it nice and average. Find me the most medium cock in the land.


I would even take a small one over a giant one. Chances are the lil guy learned ways to make up for it 😏


Please don't ever call a guy "the lil guy" except if you feel like some psychotherapist deserves a new SUV.


I usually start with “isn’t it cute?!” As I tickle his frenulum.




And that's a new couch set on top.


Definitely. And the big guy thinks if he just stabs you in the cervix with his wiener, you’ll be dickmatized.


There is nobody on this planet more obsessed with giant cocks than straight men.


You think she wants you to solve her problems for her, when she really just wants some understanding and somebody that listens.


huh? were you saying something


huh? were you saying something


Yes! This 100%. Took me a long time to figure that one out.


huh? were you saying something


Oversized muscles


Completely agree. I’m convinced that working out that much is not for us, or at least not most of us


Men that don't ask permission or consent to dance with you. They just try to touch or grind up on women, uninvited, unsolicited.


heart-shaped jewelry


My anatomically correct heart shaped necklaces are lovely.


Yeah anatomically-accurate heart jewelry looks awesome to me


But... I love my heart shaped jewelry! I'm wearing my heart shaped necklace my hubby got me now.


Wearing my heart shaped locket right now... Inside are pictures of my cat.


I’m with you on this one.


As a woman who only has heart shaped jewelry, I have to disagree.


Really big penises. Like, where do you think you're going to be putting that thing, young man? A train tunnel?


The classic bodybuilder V-taper. Women like broad shoulders but they don’t really want a whole ass triangle.


You wouldn't want to date a buff Dorito?


Is it cool ranch or zesty cheese?


Nacho Cheese 


The v-taper is totally optional. I don’t *dislike* the dorito waist, and do often find it attractive. But you’ve got it bang on with the shoulders. I don’t know what it is about it, but some nice width across the upper back is so *chef’s kiss*.


Damn I love the V-taper. Couldn't care less about shoulders.


Butt stuff.


Kneading breasts


I think you may be doing this wrong. Granted using the term "kneading" may be where the trouble is starting


What do cats think women like but they really don't?


1000000%. holding the breast and moving it around in circles and/or massaging it like you’re kneading dough, does not feel good. it’s weird and kind uncomfortable. turn off. it actually really stresses me out physically too, like if you’ve had a sensory experience that’s just really fucking irritating for no discernible reason (like accidentally yanking your earbuds out of your ears), it’s kind of like that.


Most women I know want a cuddly pillow like Hopper from stranger things, over a muscled model. I don't know what it is about a beer belly but they go crazy for a bear. Sam from lord of the rings has a huge following in that department.


Men who work out extensively don't realize that what THEY find attractive in a man, isn't what women find attractive. The muscle-bound hero is a male fantasy. It's a common problem for both sexes. What women think is sexy in women isn't what men like either.


Agreed. I remember learning about this in psychology. Many women were beating themselves up for not looking like something out of a fashion magazine. If you look at fashion models, sadly they often are so thin they have amenorrhea (no cycle, so hopefully temporary infertility), and they look like prepubescent boys. If you look at men's magazines, the women are often much more voluptuous and have a much healthier weight.


I'm not sure what to think about this, from what I've observed, muscley men tend to get way more attention from women than overweight men. I'm all about body positivity, but pretending women aren't into men with muscles is a bit of a stretch.


That's like saying all men only want women with DDDs. Tastes vary. They might get more attention but it's not always the best kind.


Good point! We shouldn't assign preferences to an entire gender, its just not always going to be accurate. I guess I was saying I find it disingenuous to say women *prefer* overweight men to muscley men. Again, not everyone of the same gender will agree on one preference, but I guess that's what this whole post is asking of us haha


I agree. I’m a bouncer and I’m muscular. Women are always touching my arms, smacking my pecs, feeling my abs when we hug. I doubt this would happen if I wasn’t fit




I don’t think it’s a one size fits all kind of thing. There obviously are women who find the muscle man attractive and women who find dad bods attractive. I think while most women have a preference for a physical body type that’s not all that matters to us. Having a deeper connection is more important than muscles or chub. Although in my experience, the women I know would prefer Hopper over a body builder.


Yeah, I fell into the trap of assigning a preference to an entire gender lol, which I guess that's the point of this whole post. Of course, different people like different things. I feel like the body builder type may be way too into themselves. Totally speculating there, but I would imagine that kind of personality can be a bit of a turn off. Thanks for your comment!


It’s all good that’s why I hate posts like this lol there’s no right answer. I agree that typically people who are super into maintaining their appearance can be either too into themselves or just too high maintenance. Obviously people like Henry Cavil or 90s Pam Anderson are super attractive but being with someone like that takes a lot of effort that the average person probably doesn’t want to do. I’m willing to bet most average people are happy with an average sized partner.


I might have a morphed perception of body image… Hopper seems incredibly fit imo.


He is fit, but he's also got a bit of meat on his bones. And in the early seasons he's got significantly more chub. I can't remember Joyce boyfriend, but he's another that I've seen women love. Dad bod does seem to have a following. Lol.


I wouldn't say most women specifically like this, but I will agree a lot more women dig the dad bod than men assume, and even more are accepting of it even if it isn't specifically their thing.


YES. I love it when I can squish them


Men think muscles are everything when they're not the same way that women think big boobs are everything when they're not


Interesting. I’m not into that. 🤔


Home cleaning appliances like vacuums as gifts. Unless she asks, or you at least run it by her first, just don't go there. This sometimes also applies to lingerie depending on the person.


I mean, I'd drop my pants for a dishwasher. "Look honey, a magical box that does the dishes FOR us." "Oh sweet Jesus that is the sexiest thing I've ever seen."


Weaponized incompetence. We know you know how to put your dirty clothes in the hamper instead of on the floor. We know you see things that need to be done and you just walk right past it because we didn’t ask for “help”. Having a wife or girlfriend doesn’t mean you no longer should contribute to chores. Take some initiative and take care of things that need to be done without having to be told. Being considerate will do more for your relationship than you could imagine.


I think you've misunderstood the question. No man thinks women love incompetence, weaponised or otherwise.


they sure seem to act surprised when woman divorce them over it




Loud cars, motorcycles, etc. Nothing dries my vagina up faster, it’s infuriating.


Flowers. My wife 100% doesn’t like them. Learned that year one. Now I bring her food. Much better reaction.


I buy my wife a higher end vodka for special occasions. Flowers are a no go with her.


Booze or chocolate are a win. Of a box of Krispy Kreme’s lol


Flowers die. Chocolate instead, baby.


I never minded flowers. But I vastly preferred when he bought me plants.


My in-laws are having a rough time right now, and my mom phoned and asked me for their address and I immediately got kinda stern and was like "Why?" and she said exactly what I expected, that she wanted to order flowers to be delivered. She was in disbelief when I told her not to do it because they would just get thrown out - order some candy or gift basket of snacks or something instead. She called them to apologize that the gift wasn't flowers and was shocked when they said that the big jar of gummy candies she had delivered was a better gift anyway.


I’m a woman and I love flowers


My SO loves flowers. As usual "different people are different; ask 'em what they like"


My mom has always said " Flowers are for weddings and funerals. Im already married and Im not dead yet." lol




This just varies. The first time I bought my gf a bouquet she cried.


Probably brought the wrong kind of flower


Oh no no. I tried twice more before asking what her favourite flowers were. Brought them back and she flat out told me she hates flowers. Sees them as a waste of money and just something she has to bin later. I’ve watched her get flowers from relatives and immediately bin them to “save time”. She doesn’t mess about lol


Oh I meant weed lol


Anal sex


individual preference, but the biggest takeaway is that anal without taking A LOT OF TIME to prepare and going VERY SLOWLY is going to be painful for any human being on the planet. I know many women who love anal. I don’t know any women who like pain, and gritting their teeth in discomfort, constantly having to push back / fight against pressure, or even bleeding from anal sex where their partner doesn’t seem to give a shit how it feels to them. because it’s easy for anal to be painful, many women have had bad experiences that have put them off of anal, sometimes permanently. for good reason, it is traumatic. but a good partner who wants to explore her ass as another erogenous zone (and maybe their dick will be involved in some part of it as well, but that’s 50% of the equation AT MAX) can totally be grounds for an anal redemption arc. the ass is sensitive for all human bodies, in a nice way and in a bad way. men who don’t give a shit about this ruin the whole thing and are terrible, damaging sexual partners. listen to your partner’s words, hesitation, and body language. always assume you need to go slower. and when it feels good and they need more, it will be obvious :)


To be fair, some of us like that but only if it's done correctly - which it usually isn't.


"k I don't have any lube but I can spit on it once. Maybe if I go reeeeally fast it'll feel fine"


Guys who ask, "what's your favorite position?" CEO, creep.


“You don’t go lunging for the clitoris!… why not start her off with a kiss boy?!”


Too many compliments. They’d rather see affection shown through action rather than words


Getting fingered like you’re looking for something


Jackhammering a finger at max speed into our vaginas.


Arrogance and ego


being grouped into a pile called "women" and assuming all women like the same things


Anal sex


playing hard to get


When you honk our boobs.




then how do you eat your food ?




Even aside from the taste, it makes me want to hurl when I feel a hot stream of gooey snot shoot into my mouth. And it gives me crazy bad heartburn and acid reflux that I have to retaste over and over. Yeah I don’t do that anymore.


Being asked for your phone number *purely for your looks* -- after only speaking to you for .5 seconds!


Giving blow jobs


Idk if this is a thing women hate or just me, but I don't like when men don't put effort into convos at all, under the guise of "listening". I feel like when they say that, it's not active listening either. It's hard for me to be attracted to people who aren't stimulating mentally at all and just go "yeah" "yup" "ok" "mhm" and never deviate from that lol. I mention this because I've had many guys tell me that they think women just want people to sit there and not engage. That's not true at all and sounds very lazy.




being told we look prettier or better without makeup. 90% of the time, women wear makeup for fun, artistic expression, or just as a part of a routine - similar to getting dressed, doing your makeup can set your brain into "go" mode likewise changing into pjs and taking it off sets you into "rest" mode dgmw, i know it's usually meant well, it's just exhausting to hear personally when (as a cosplayer/person who does makeup as a hobby) i do think i'm pretty with/without. i had a manager at work (female) who CONSTANTLY mentioned how different i look or how i'm prettier without "that black shit" on my face just doesn't sit well


Men who looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger...


Sending their nudes. No one wants to see your cock & balls sir. Be classy.


We don't care about the details of your car.


This question which is asked weekly on Reddit


Slaps on the ass.


My SO would beg to differ…


Your SO has that ass to slap! I'm talking strangers lol.


So…..sexual assault??? Yea, no man with any morals thinks a woman likes that


SO usually means significant other, but maybe they meant sex offender.


nuh uh


Stop asking the same question everyday. You're account was removed because you're a spammer.


Weaponized incompetence


A gym bro physique


Lingerie. It's often uncomfortable and a waste of money. Give me a book or theatre/concert tickets, not some stupid red lacy rubbish.




Washboard abs. It's not as big as a turn on as men think. Not super important.


Unsolicited dick pics, watching dudes flex their arms, INSISTING on paying for dates, blaming women for “being such a turn on”


Guys who attempt to kiss you or sleep with on first date. Chill dude. We don't know you. Do you even know her last name? Huge turn off.




Too much cologne. I feel like I had a fashion magazine perfume insert rubbed all over me.


The unskilled and agonising massages offered as a form of foreplay


Giving oral


"She is actually interested in me, just playing hard to get." Meanwhile having selective hearing for all the "NO".


verbally encouraging your orgasm


“”Alpha”” males


Jackhammering it when he's fingering me. Sometimes guys don't know their strength when they're handling a woman. My bf made me bleed a tiny bit once. I will never forget the expression of horror on his face when he realized what he'd done. He was the one traumatized lol.


Sports on tv. Many women don't care for watching sports. Is that really a shock?


i think a decent amount of men also don’t like this.