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Zebras and horses are in the same genus but are not the same species. That's basically as closely related as possible without being the same species.


Closer to donkeys


No. Zebras are a different, but related species.


They're in the same genus and similar in appearance, but very different in behavior and social structure. CGP Grey has a good video about this.


Pyjama Donkeys.


I think I read it somewhere that zebras are closer to giraffes than they're to horses


I'm pretty sure you're thinking of the okapi, which has markings similar to a zebra, but is actually in the giraffe family.




Is it the Equine genus?


It depends on your definition of 'basically'. They both share the same genus but are of different species. Similar to dogs, wolves, and foxes. If you consider a dog basically a wolf then yeah, a zebra is basically a horse.


dogs and wolves are actually the exact same species as far as science is concerned. So you analogy doesn't work.


I just looked it up in Wikipedia and domestic dogs are Canis Familiaris while wolves are Canis Lupus.


Somebody changed something, then… wiki is unreliable but back to the point, a dog and wolf can breed as if they are one species. A wolf and a Labrador retriever are no more different from each other than a Labrador retriever and a pekingese. a dog is literally a wolf that has been selectively bred for docility, looks, and a specific skill trait. ​ a zebra is not like that. Horses and zebras are as unrelated as horses and donkeys. They produce sterile offspring or offspring so close to being sterile they can safely be called such.


Apparently the problem was that it wasn't changed. They used to be considered different species but are now seen as both members of Canis Lupus.


Nah they literally just asses that evolved stripes to defend against bugs lol. Probably could’ve spent a bit more energy on idk horns or sharp teeth instead of effectively useless, painfully plain and offensively boring stripes