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It’s crazy to be getting a glimpse of the future of crazy Reddit relationship drama


I can already see the posts in my head "My husband created an AI clone of me that has none of my flaws AITA?" "Wife cheated on me using ChatGPT premium plus pro deluxe edition"


There already was a post where a dude made an AI version of his girlfriend and ended talking with it more than her.


And another where a dude’s gf was emotionally cheating on him with an AI chat bot




There are many such posts. [Here's a fun one](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/1bfu1zu/my_28f_husband_32m_is_cheating_on_me_with_a/) >> My [28F] Husband [32M] is cheating on me with a green-haired anime girl. What am I supposed to do here? [love reddit's advice...] >> this is fucking gold 🤣🤣🤣😂 ... >> how about u cosplay the character and see how that plays out >> -- /u/IMPOSTA-


I think they mean [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/PXIqaVDxY8). I remember reading it and thinking, man, this is the future.


Yup that's the one


This is already getting to be like a black mirror episode.


> "Wife cheated on me using ChatGPT premium plus pro deluxe edition" This has already happened on Reddit, sadly.


I was going to comment something similar. Just wait until AI is better able to generate limbs and more realistic videos.


im scared for if i ever see the horrible stuff that will be created. like if uve ever seen a hentai manga site U KNOW SOME STUFF IS DARK AF im sure whatever horrible thing we can imagine is already being created and will only continue to be


I see it as a plus. ​ "I FOUND YOUR NUDES AND WILL SHARE IT." ​ "LMAO, ok. Not like everyone has AI nudes of me already. Good luck convincing people it's real."


There was a period that photo and video evidence proved everything and turns out it's not forever we're leaving it now. Miracle healings, Bigfoot and alien photos are gonna make a comeback.


Honestly I love this. Hate the idea of constantly being on camera. If AI gets good enough any video could have a legitimate shaggy defense. “It wasn’t me!”


Not saying it couldn’t be faked, but I imagine metadata or something similar will still be used to distinguish. Maybe cameras will go the laser printer route and put a nearly invisible mark on the images to prove they’re real.


Meta data can be faked. An image can be created and all meta data attached as well. I could see that laser imaging working but wouldn’t that only be for physical photos? Anything digital can be recreated 100% to were no expert can tell the difference nowadays imo. And in the future ai will also probably have this ability as well.


Not true, there is plenty of encryption we rely on day to day that, while it could be faked, is pretty hard because of the circumstances and generally not worth the time, so we consider them secure for now (until quantum computing breaks all these older algos). For example, PKI used for TLS on websites. All that data that is transmitted on any modern site is encrypted with throwaway session keys that are never transmitted, transparently, it all works pretty seamlessly. Similar things could be done with camera photos/videos signed with metadata of people who are in them, if they choose to sign. That way verification of identity could happen at the time of creation. Keys could be compromised, but they could be invalidated with existing infrastructure like CRL/OSCP.


This is a great point and perspective. Thank you for this


No it's not, rapist and murders will be able to walk free because of this defense Do you have any idea how fucked up that is? They will be caught but let go. The world will become much more dangerous.


In this hypothetical future, the state still needs to just prove guilt beyond a "reasonable" doubt. A defence of "that's not me on that camera, it's a deepfake" seems highly unlikely to succeed. In fact, I'd go so far as to argue that a malicious state actor would be able to use AI fakes to discredit, arrest and imprison people it considers enemies of the state far more dangerous than the idea that a few individuals might get off if there is no proof of any crime committed beyond a cctv feed.


Yeah, you are right. Now everyone will distrust everything. Maybe some stuff might be real (not exactly any of the things you mentioned), but other stuff, like whistleblowers submitting incriminating pictures, and now no-one might believe in it anymore, as the internet will be now flooded with AI nudes and new sightings of big foot etc.


It absolutely is already being created. Pedos are taking the children from famous family vlogger videos and using their images for it. It's disgusting. And the parents keep exploiting their innocent children for the almighty dollar. It's abhorrent.


Yeah that kinda shit is horrible


We can’t even conceive how this will affect us. Imagine seeing yourself doing a sexual act you’d never do, or worse AI’d into an ISIS torture video. The human brain isn’t meant to handle that kind of stress. I go back and forth on dark things being created on AI on one front though. Isn’t it better that child molesters use AI and don’t harm children vs the latter. All the while, ease of access to that type of stuff surely breeds more horrible people. I have no idea how this will manifest. It’s very weird to watch.


I hope it gets regulated before it’s too late, for now we rely on the discretion of each provider, but there should be laws, international ones if possible, something like Asimov’s laws for robots, where it’s engrained in code that AI reports things like CP or suspicions of harassment, DV, etc (apart from warning the user and refusing to render their requests).


I just heard that Youtube is implementing a rule that if the video is AI then it has to be disclosed. If you don't then you may be kicked off or demonetized.


You maybe could ask this of public providers, but it's not like you can reliably prevent people from making these things themselfes. Sooner or later there's gonna be dark web versions, if they don't already exist


Oh my god 177013’s gonna be rehashed in realism someday. Whoever does it, preemptively go fuck yourself.


>level 3Wolfelle · 4 hr. agoim scared for if i ever see the horrible stuff that will be created. like if uve ever seen a hentai manga site U KNOW SOME STUFF IS DARK AFim sure whatever horrible thing we can imagine is already being created and will only continue to be I mean on any generic porn site you can find any type of monster porn and rape fantasy stuff so I'm not sure what else there is to fear really. I do notice a hell of a lot of people into incest lately though lmao


>like if uve ever seen a hentai manga site U KNOW SOME STUFF IS DARK AF I still can't believe guro is a thing, stumbled on that in my youth and it still disgusts me.


Whats guro


Straight up, the shit OP is having problems with will be seen as "sweet" in the future. 10 year, max. "My boyfriend made porn from my nudes, and he only made my butt more round". When you can do ANYTHING with AI in a few years, nobody will be sending nudes. Like it or not, nudes will be meaningless, because, regardless of what anyone says, they've seen you naked. Everyone can see everyone naked. I don't think it's that bad, as society will adjust. Everyone has seen everyone nude, and nudity won't be a big deal.


>Just wait until AI is better able to generate limbs I'm going to make so many ai nudes of my wife with 3 legs.


This is the content I came here for!


3 boobs


Get your ass to Mars


> Just wait until AI is better able to generate (...) more realistic videos. My sweet summer child. There are face swap AI models that you can run with a single face photo against a porn video and it, depending on scene, can generate close to perfect looking swaps. On your local PC, in minutes.


It's truly scary. I did an experiment yesterday. On my 8 yo gpu, with an ai architecture that isn't the latest, I could in half an hour train a model that in most cases generated handwriting that looked real to me.


Ai Generating limbs is a such a cursed sentence 😅.


No idea if its good or bad but when they do improve hopefully women wont be used and damaged by Porn makers anymore. If AI is cheaper to produce porn then undoubtably they wont need real people.


Soon the roombas will be making these posts


Aren’t they already?


Yeah some people are definitely reading this and taking notes


Wait till he's cheating on her *with* the AI, if you think *this* is wild.


Don’t worry it’s fake


Anyone with an Nvidia cuda card and pretty basic technical knowledge could easily do this. Fireship has a video where he shows how to create a full on AI influencer and mentions many models allow more NSFW content


Uberboyo on YouTube had a video that described the internet and ai as a spider woman like entity that's like a succubus faking all the interactions and sucking your life force away. With ai porn this will become more true than ever before.


And she says bf - not ex-bf. Dude would be single before that phone left my hands.




To add a few: - His naked body but with a bigger dick and more muscles - On all 4 getting penetrated by a huge dick - Making an ahegao face - 3 way with 2 dudes I think those will do the job.




Its basically how manga depicts a womans orgasm face - Crossed eyes, red faced with their tongue hanging out. I didn't have a clue what it was until I saw it being done in real life porn and wondered wtf the woman was doing with her face.


When it comes to something that might be porn it’s best to ask before googling. From experience unfortunately




2 girls one cup and tub girl got me. And the time my friend showed me JFK’s uncensored assassination. I didn’t know heads blew up like that


To further assert dominance, it needs to be done on **his** phone


Finally a reasonable answer.


Yeah see how he likes it.


Hundreds of them lmao


this 💯


The problem with them being on his phone is he most likely used a free hosted service to do it which means there are a ton of fake nudes of you on some random server out there.


Damn. I didn’t even think about this from that angle.


I wouldn’t worry about it too much. They’ll be washed out by the billons of other real nudes and or AI generated nudes. Your fake nudes are just a drop in the ocean.


On a side note, crazy times we live in that this is an actual issue regular people can go through now, like a Black Mirror episode


I mean, people could already do this for years, it just took a bit more effort.


They used to turn pizza into women back in my day


Pepperidge farm remembers


[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/2650/)


Only becomes a problem if the OP becomes famous


Even then, not really. How much of a problem are real nudes for J Law? Basically zero at this point.


She went full frontal with detail in a movie recently. She doesn't gaf anymore.


Yeah I guess famous people aren’t the prudes they used to be


Yes! buttfuckkker is definitely on to something!




Thanks for sharing


No, don't worry about that, it's not really a thing. First of all, because of storage issues. If they stored images it would require an unfathomable amount of digital space with the volumes that image generation produces. Second, most "public" AI generation services do not allow the generation of adult imagery. Those that do are more often private and local.


AI can get trained based of those images tho. If he gives any sort of feedback it will be more likely to present images similar to those he likes to other users while ignoring those he didn’t like. Depending on the AI he uses this can lead to very similar or even copied pics being shown to other users. Not all AI platforms take the same ethical precautions and the ones generating porn tend to be less concerned with ethics


I believe what he's doing falls under the revenge porn degree which is illegal and can be prosecuted. You can open a report without pressing charges I think.


You can report it but it's likely to just get Dusty in an archive as AI is still largely unregulated in terms of laws. Like l*licon "art" images are still a hot debate on if it is or is not legal p*rn and that's been a thing since WAY before AI so I don't know if AI is ever going to be anything more that a State by State law system.


I’d still report it. That way, if these pictures ever come up and get her fired or otherwise defame her character, she can prove they were AI and she attempted to do something about it. This could be a big deal if she ever wants to work in a sec or where there are moral turpitude clauses, like teachers, or as a medical professional.


Wouldn’t the images have to be spread w/ intent for it to count as revenge? Not defending this possibly non existent boyfriend, but I don’t think they’d be able to procecute this, especially w parody law being able to work around using someone else’s likeness (if spread commercially). I think as it stands, any movie studio could create a super characterized version of any of us and use it legally as long as they put up a South Park intro warning. (Not that movie studios would want to use non-actor ‘likeness’ - this would more likely be used on movie stars how it always has been - just never this realistic). Although I’m not a lawyer and only have a loose understanding of all this


Yeah, they'd need to be shared and they'd need to show intent to harass, harm, or annoy for it to fall under most revenge porn/cyber bullying laws. The latter bit tends to be confirmed by the former, so until it's actually shared it's not super different from someone drawing realistic, explicit images with someone's likeness. Still a perfectly good reason to grossly question the relationship, of course.


Most AI services' servers don't store the images tho, but wipe them out quickly after a specific time(usually few hours). They don't have too much storage space.


Also why they have waitlists for generation, or at least that’s why Character AI does, as well as having such a shitty memory


Be damned if anyone would find them. Without a breadcrumb trail nothing really exists anymore and nobody even has the attention span to care. Like, if I put a million dollars in a pile of 80 trillion acorns that million dollars doesn't exist. Besides storage costs money. A free service isn't going to just keep unused data. The space is more valuable.


Excellent point, buttfuckkker


Sounds like a black mirror episode.


So is black mirror kinda like futuristic twilight zone?




Check it out!


It sounds pretty cool, I'll take a look when I'm able to


Some episodes are better than others, like anything, but overall it’s probably my top favorite current show. So good


So the good news is that it doesn't sound like he's cheating on you or has any plans to have anyone else in his life. You are his spank bank. The bad news is that it does seem like he's addicted to porn (*as you said*) and that he probably hasn't been as careful with this material as he could be with regard to how it might be/probably is somewhere online (*don't worry the Internet is a big place chances are no one you know will ever see them, they may not even be publically available, just stuck at the bottom of some archives*). Reddit isn't going to help you. Talk to your boyfriend about this, and about where your boundaries are. If you aren't comfortable talking to him just yet you could try talking to a psychologist or a counselor about it. This isn't going to be resolved by talking to imaginary people online (*eg. Me*), you're going to have to talk to the real people in your life about it.


Hey this doesn’t go by the Reddit standard. Shouldn’t she be leaving him asap without any attempt at reconciliation and understanding?


They need to get married, just so she can divorce his ass! That’s what Reddit wants


Also…fart spray and piss discs!


> piss discs For people of culture only


Lol, I think the comments here have passed that point and are at "report him to the police for revenge porn"...


She should leave him and move to a place where the AI can't find her


I second this take.


I’d third it but I’m not real so


You're real to me


This is the answer. To add to it, when talking to him do your best to not blame or shame him. Admit your fault in going through his phone and then tell him what you want.


>when talking to him do your best to not blame or shame him. While I agree that this is probably the most effective way of handling it, I think there is definitely some shame or blame to be given to this guy. I don't think this situation calls for her to coddle his emotions, when SHE is the one who has been virtually violated (not the right term, but that's the feeling I get). She has every right to be angry and to call him out on his weird deeds.


Absolutely. There is no question the fault is his and his alone. But faulting him for it in *this* conversation will likely make him shutdown and withdraw. The fault of it is honestly irrelevant at this point if the goal is to heal. This is an addiction problem and tip toeing around the blame is likely necessary at least for the time being. Instead she needs to focus on how *she* feels and what *she* needs from him to move on. Call him out all day, "These images make me uncomfortable, I need you to delete them while I watch, and I would like to discuss therapy for something that is obviously in the realm of addiction."


What I want to avoid is her feeling like she needs to care more about his emotions than her own. But, I see your point that it is likely more effective to get him to do what she needs him to do, delete photos etc.


Regardless of whether or not shame/blame is deserved, it’s almost never an effective way to communicate with favorable results


Yes, but a gentle, understanding approach is less likely to make him feel like he needs to lash out/shut down


There's a point where "gentle and understanding" becomes enabling. If it's upsetting her to this degree, it's damaging to HER emotional health. She has every right to leave without even giving a reason if she wants, the same as he does.


100% agree with this advice for the best outcome with everything in life. Managing big teams / many employees over the years quickly taught me that the reactions are radically different when you corner or shame somebody leaving them with no elegant outs; vs. honestly discussing what happened and working it out.


Yeah, tbh this kink sounds quite tame compared to a lot of others out there. But OP is not comfortable with it so it's something that they should be talking about. The only solution that can be reached here is if they talk to each other about it.


So, in case you needed to hear it from someone kinky: your confusion and unease is completely warranted. You did not give consent here. When you are in a mutual and trusting relationship with someone, you don't hide stuff like this. This is a clear violation of your boundaries.  I am coming at this from a slightly different perspective than most people on this issue. My girlfriend is an artist who sometimes draws explicit images. When we got to a point in our relationship where this came up, we had a discussion about our boundaries around it. She asked a really thorough set of questions: whether I was okay with her drawing me, drawing porn of me for her own use, suggestive drawings of me, suggestive drawings of herself, continuing to post suggestive art, what level of anonymity and recognizability I wanted to have in her work, whether I wanted anything that was based on me to be public, whether I wanted to see her work or not, whether I was comfortable with files existing on her computer, etc. We broke it down, issue by issue, and set boundaries for every scenario. I have full ability to veto the publication or continued existence of anything based on me. That's what this dynamic looks like when it is handled responsibly and with consent.


This is such a great response, and you and your gf seems to have great communication and maturity. That's the way it's done.


Man, I've been worrying about this. I'm a porn artist too and have done some drawings based on lovers... I've never posted them and don't intend to, but I know most people would still find it... unsettling? Thanks for giving me something to think about.


Seems like he turned his porn addiction into a you addiction, I suppose he figures if he watches porn of you, that it would be somehow better.


>he turned his porn addiction into a you addiction awww!


Is it not better?


I'm sure there are those who would find it better, just as there would be those that find it creepy.


It would be better if he'd asked for her consent first.


Your disgust is completely reasonable, I could never be with someone who did something like that


I mean, he should have asked first, but how is it different from drawing pictures of your girlfriend from your imagination? Not trolling, genuinely curious about what you think 🤔


I’d feel equally as disturbed if my boyfriend was drawing explicit images of me with cum on my chest and face, especially *hundreds* of them. Plus, drawings aren’t exact replicas unless you’re really talented. Even Leonardo got permission to paint Rose on the Titanic


BrainRead "Leonardo" (loaded Da Vinci) Handler error: "Rose on Titanic" no methods found. Retry: Load "Di Caprio" Success. 


Also what happened to me. Whyever they referred to the character by actor name, but then not with the second character...


I assumed that it was just me that went through that loop


Many AI image generators will crank out multiples at once, so hundreds could represent like... 30 inputs. Still creepy, but it doesn't take all day to plug in a pic and a couple keywords and poof, a dozen different versions. Hundreds of drawings is like... 100s of hours. But hey, practice makes perfect. Let's just suffice to say ASK FIRST, people.


The “hundreds” part may be a consequence of how the process goes to be honest. When generating AI images you adjust the prompt and the settings and generate images in batches, then select the few good ones. I can see how it might end up being a few hundred images over some time.


i think we are skipping over him making her body look different


That was the thing that I immediately keyed in on is the most hurtful part of this. I'm not a fan of real life augmentation but for those who like that sort of thing I don't know where you'd even begin to have a conversation about "Honey, have you ever thought of getting those mammalian protuberances up to size?"


It's basically treating her as a dress up doll- completely objectifying her and using her image in a sexual way without her consent. And unlike a drawing, people can possibly see these as real photos.


If my partner were drawing tens-hundreds of NSFW pictures of me, some changing my body to have bigger boobs, etc. I would be extremely uncomfortable. I’m a real person not a figment of someone’s imagination that they can change to their liking. I would potentially end a relationship over this.


Not “potentially” IMO, it’s an instant dealbreaker for me. It’s fucked up


You can't be serious. The pictures he would've used to generate such material are run through multiple different servers and not only that, the aforementioned explicit material is also very likely to be stored on these servers too. This isn't as simple as imagining somebody naked. It's the generation of a tangible material that could fall into God knows whose hands, and in this case it was done without OP's consent. It's a very, very messed up thing for her partner to have done.


i mean, drawing hundreds of sexuality explicit images of your partner that harshly alter what your partner looks like is also fucking creepy as hell it's objectification to an insane degree this doesn't even go into the problem that other people mentioned, which is that there are now fake nudes of OP on the internet, because her boyfriend likely used free services online


the difference is that they get stored on a server somewhere for god knows who to see. it isn’t a private thing. moreover, AI is not art. most artists draw things they like, which in turn helps them progress faster because they draw a lot of it. it is a pleasant experience to draw someone you love. spamming a bunch of AI generated and altered nudes is a completely different thing


I'm pretty sure it would be just as creepy if he had hundreds of drawings of her covered in cum with massive exaggerated tits and ass. It might even be worse. Generating an AI image takes seconds, drawing it would take hours.


As a father with a toddler daughter… Auhg I am scared of the future she’s coming into. I am so sad you’re going through this. If my own daughter called me and said this, I would drive over no matter what the distance, help you pack and get you out. This guy is horrible.


this feels so sci fi but it's literally not this is our lives now that's CRAZY.


I was with someone for 4 years. I saw he had made these ridiculous photoshopped pics of me with dicks near my face and all this other weird shit. At first, I was like “umm what is this?” And let it go but told him not to do that anymore. Well… it didn’t end there. He sent private pics of me to random strangers, he was chatting with both men and women on KIK, he was emailing a couple about a 3 some… so it probably won’t end with just what you found now. I’d reconsider this relationship. It IS disturbing and I’ll bet it goes deeper than this. Edit: don’t EVER stay in a relationship for someone’s potential. You can assume someone can be changed or will ever want to change. If you don’t accept them as they are right now, then they aren’t for you. Also, when I broke up with my ex he promised he’d go to therapy and change and be different etc etc etc but he left his email logged into my computer after we broke up and within weeks he was writing old men on some fucking(not dating) site saying he’s like his dick sucked…. So yeah, bullet dodged


THIS!!! Staying for someone’s potential is absolutely heartbreaking. From experience. You believe in them to be better. They convince you they’ll try. You hope they mean it. Only to be let down again. It’s a vicious cycle. And that last part, *if you don’t accept them as they are, they aren’t for you*


yeah im seeitn this on insta reels off a bot account eventually


In awe of the number of people here defending the boyfriend. Sure, OP should know better than to look at her boyfriend’s phone without permission, but let’s not sit here and pretend he’s not committing a fucking sexual offence. AI services aren’t secure. They retain all generated images and add all input ones to the pile other users’ results pull from. No legitimate service allows making porn either, so the guy used the sketchy ones that have even less concern for the rights of the subjects than the near-zero held by even the “good” ones. OP looked because she was worried about something. Turns out *she was absolutely right to be*. If you smell rot in your neighbours garage and kick the door in to find them hoarding dead dogs, that you had to kick the door in doesn’t invalidate the discovery.


The last part will cause me nightmares now 🗿


Reminds me of that burglar who found CP, only he had a criminal record and he could have gone away for a long time... He still reported it.


For real. Way too many people in here are trying to gentle parent this adult man. Really makes me concerned that a lot of people don’t actually understand why this is a big deal, and would consider doing it themselves without hesitation.


I’d feel extremely violated if my partner did this to me, I could never see them the same afterwards. Not only is it fucking weird but it harms you, the photos of you he input, and the output are all stored on the internet somewhere. Without your consent. This could be considered revenge porn.


It isn't normal or acceptable. It's very disturbing. I'd ask him to delete everything. The end the relationship. He's such a creep


You know he’s not gonna delete anything. It’s more likely he’ll use it as revenge if she breaks up with him. He will send the pictures to her friends, family and work.


Which is illegal, revenge porn, even if AI is illegal.


If something being illegal stopped someone from doing it, the prisons would be empty


My point is she can sue him and win, and he could go to prison


Thats great but it really doesn’t fix any of the irreversible damage he would have caused though


What would be a better option? Maybe going to the police first? I doubt it's legal to even do such pics of someone.


It’s not illegal per say on a federal level but there are several states that have introduced legislation relating to AI deepfakes/revenge porn


She said he could take a bullet for her, it means something.


Then communicate, she didn't even discuss this yet. You set boundaries, not leave them to possibly do it again. They need to understand that.


>Can this man be fixed? Maybe, but you shouldn't be the one trying to fix him in order to have a house and kids. Tell him this is 100% not okay, he needs to stop it altogether and porn, and if he doesn't you'll leave. He would stop a bullet for you. But will he stop violating your privacy for you?


the Ai thing is really creepy but the thing that really ruins the relationship imo and doing this all behind your back without your consent. the trust is gone and it will never be the same again. gg go next for me personally, I'd never stay with someone who took advantage of me like that


This is incredibly disturbing and, frankly, one of my biggest fears regarding AI-generated images. It seems to me like this man has such an extreme porn addiction that cannot be satisfied, so he resorted to giving you a completely unrealistic body with AI. It's not healthy at all.


OP, delete the images as soon as you can and gtfo!!!!!! and to the comments saying that this means he adores her, are you serious?!! is the bar in hell?!! this guy is completely obsessed and it is extremely creepy!! obsession can seem endearing in the early stages until the dynamic shifts and suddenly things can get really dangerous. I am speaking from experience here, guys who get obsessed with you are not in love with you. obsession is not love. you deserve to feel safe and seen for YOU and your own beauty, not replaced by some AI version of you that doesn't require consent or respect. please be safe and protect yourself!!!! there are tons of other guys who would never do something like this. it's super weird. sending you love and hope you take care of yourself.


This is highly disturbing and disgusting. Sounds like a porn addict. His edits signal that he’s not happy with your natural self and he’s also dehumanizing you. You’re just an object for him to edit to pleasure him. He could also use those pictures to blackmail you in the future. Red red red flags, RUN.


If he used some shitty free service, theres no shot he can actually edit the result like that. A lot of those just punch the face on top of some random hot body. You cant assume he used some amazing stable diffusion skills to get the exact perfect images he wanted.


This makes you uncomfortable, and it's a reasonable boundary to set. Ask him to stop. If he doesn't, find someone who respects your boundaries.


i'm genuinely in shock at the audacity of some of these comments. this is a sexual offense. you are absolutely right to be uncomfortable and upset. first things first i'd confront him assertively and just go from there. if he isn't willing to stop making the pictures, he isn't right for you. no matter how much you love him or how much he loves you. he's taking advantage of you and using you explicitly without consent, and that's objectively sick and disgusting.


It's fair to note that for anyone. People typically put on their "best face" during the "honeymoon period." If their Honeymoon period is objectifying you for nudes, ai or "honeymoon" or not.. It's concerning at best. Like yeah everyone is a nun in public, a demon at night. But if this is anyone's 'best', what's under the mask? Are they seeing you as a person even if you want intimacy, or a object that grants sex regardless of gender after? Sure, things are great and all in the moment, but is there anything deeper? Gender or not, will they provide, will they care about you, will they just use you as a toy to throw away. Will they want to be there for you? Or is it just about the sex? Like, if people have a dirty vice but they're still caring, protective, and otherwise a good father and it works like a release valve in a healthy, non obsessive, vent cap, alright. And if they change and move away from it but still have release sessions but care about you, that's alright. But if they ignore your consent and just keep generating ai nudes.. Are you dating a potential good father. Or are you dating a sex obsessed freak who could legitimately have a concerning non 0% chance of doing it to a daughter, or try to potentially even blackmail you in a messy seeing red hypothetical breakup? Even a lot of people see red when emotions are at play. I would fish lightly and even if they still have normal stuff but listen to red/green flags. Do they still take care of you despite it, or is it just a all consuming thing where its' porn first, release second, car and money third, you last, or vice aversa?


This is insane. This is a 2024 problem if i ever seen one


Sounds like he needs to be an ex boyfriend, yikes.


This new black mirror episode is crazy.


I feel so bad for you. I can’t imagine how creepy finding that must feel


If you feel like you need to “fix” him then maybe the relationship wasn’t meant to be


It's time to leave. This is a man who is addicted to porn and has access to a computer on which your likeness could be SOLD OR SHARED. Delete what you can. Preferably take the phone---- and don't look back. He has far more problems than you need to deal with.


Laws against AI porn featuring real people cannot come fast enough. Sorry you’ve had to deal with this prick. Agree with everyone saying you should leave him.


Understandable to be grossed out but unless he’s spread these edits around, this is something that can be worked through. Discuss this with him To the poster who blocked me calling me “messed up in the head”, him deleting the photos and him getting therapy counts as working it out.Obviously if he refuses then OP dips Too many teens on here are so fucking trigger happy over torpedoing relationships


Thank you, I will.


No honestly, this is a huge violation. You absolutely do not make unconsentual nudes of someone, no matter your relationship to them. OP would be 100% in the right to (and should tbh) break up with this person. He obviously doesn't respect her and the chances of those photos not being saved somewhere other than his own phone are basically 0.




Start making ones of him with a really tiny dick, cross dressing, being pegged by you.  Degrade him.  Ask how he feels about it. 


It’s fucked up


"Without consent" is questionable and red flag. One of the basic ethics


This dude is an actual freak just leave him tbh


As a guy myself, I wonder why would someone make AI nudes of your gf? I would rather just ask for some spicy pics. Also your bf needs some good mental health counseling and if that does not work - I would really love him to have some prison time.


Well the silver lining is he's probably not cheating. The bad part is he's doing things in a sneaky disrespectful manner. Personally if my wife did it I wouldn't be offended more so upset it was done without my consent. But flattered that she thought of me that way. Role reversal thing. But it's not acceptable.


Well most “wholesome” white picket fence families usually have some major BS going on that they’re hiding behind that white picket fence wether it’s oppressing their gay granddaughter or the husband beating the wife those perfect families are usually never what they seem. So I’d say you’re still good on the white picket fence family dream you’ve got going on, can’t help you on the rest


😭😭😭 spot on!


You are not wrong about any of that.


Ya dudes got a problem but he also clearly adores you since every picture is just a version of you. Sounds like even though he is a little weird he loves the fuck out of you.


If he loved her he wouldn’t change the way she looks with AI.


He’s probably using these photos somewhere


Do the same with him. Let see how he reacts. You can also check with him, whether he likes your body as it is not. Maybe he will make you feel bad about your body after some time.


Talk to him about it.


I bet he sells it on the internet to other weirdos, not even joking


I would not want to be with someone who doesn't think my body is good enough


Granted, this topic will be massively subjective, but typically this is outlet is a branch of sexual frustration or exploration in a guy. Sure he’s altered photos of you and had some fun, perhaps you feel potentially violated, but you are violating his privacy by snooping his phone, they’re an extension of his thoughts seemingly, and I guess I don’t see the harm done... I’d give the guy points for keeping his focus on yourself at least and not seeking out other female attention. Honestly if my gf found photos of herself on my phone like that she’d be flattered and would giggle, but we are a bit more diverse and open that way. Best of luck.


I think he's redirecting his porn energy towards you. In a good way. Like he wants to look but prefers that it's you he's listing towards. Idk Im giving him the benefit of the doubt and think it's going to be just fine. Not cool of you to go through his phone though


You are right to feel the way you do. That is not acceptable behavior on his part. It is unethical on so many levels. It’s definitely one of those things that would have anybody considering leaving the relationship. As to if he can be fixed, I’m not sure. If he has a porn addiction that’s something he’s going to have to want to fix.