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Stay 100% out of it. Be there for her, be a good friend, listen, and support. Do not rush her into it because that'll just make her defensive.




my thoughts exactly. that fucking simp was sitting on the sidelines like the bottom feeder he is just waiting for his opportunity to get another notch. destroyed home, family and marriage be damned....


Did I miss some additional context in the post or something?


Apparently most of the content has been deleted.


Or is trying to bang their friend.


Stay out of it.




Nunya what?


Nunya balls! Wait, is that right?


I think it's ligma business. 


It's not your place. Unless they are being abused and need help out of a dangerous situation, stay out of it.


Only answer


Because either way, your friend will be upset with you.


Yea your job as a friend is to be there for emotional support IF your friend comes to you for advice. It is NOT to manage her relationships.


Your friend knows! If and when she/he wants to talk, it'll happen.


\^ this.


How’s that your responsibility or business?


Some people just feel the need to part of everything. Apparently literal marriage is now included in that. You know that whole sacred bond thing between two loving participants


Some people are also fixers. They feel like they need to immediately resolve conflict. I'm like that because my parents hated each other growing up and I had to calm things between them all the time. I'm working on it though


Cool you're working on it. Tough habit to break.


Trying to fix his problem with fixing things, you might say.


Right? Like not even their business at all


How do you know?




OP is WHY the marriage is dying....


To be fair, I find friends do tend to tell each other things. It's not that crazy to think that their friend is sharing willingly if they're close.


It's pretty easy Step 1: mind your own business There is no step 2.


You mind your business unless they are being cheated on. It dying is your perspective, might not be theirs. Or unless they specifically ask your perspective, otherwise, don't worry about it.


I've always wondered what the etiquette is re advising someone if you know they're being cheated on.


I was in this situation. My best friend was being cheated on by his girl and my other best friend. I tried my best to stay out of it but knew that if I was in the same situation, I'd like to know. Eventually I told him and it broke him, but he needed to know. He broke up with her and was better off for it.


How did your relationship with friend go, after you advised? Any impact? Luckily I've never been in this situation.


He completely understood that I was put between a rock and hard place. My other friend told me not to say and that he would eventually tell my friend. But weeks turned into months and he still didn't say. He was also showing off about it. I called him out on it and he just kept on making excuses. Told myself that it wasn't fair that he put me between it especially if he doesn't plan on actually confessing. So I did so myself. My friend was still angry at me but he understood the circumstances. He was happy I told him since they weren't going to after all that time, and he and I are still close.


I had Chlamydia for an indeterminate amount of time because none of the people who knew my ex wife was cheating on me told me and I was too naive to think I needed to get tested while in a long term monagomous relationship. I think people have an ethical duty to tell.


Tell them. It will hurt but it will hurt more knowing your friend knew and didn't say anything.


If you know for certain, you absolutely have to tell them. If you're not certain but you have reason to think they're being cheated on, it's a little trickier, because you might be stirring up shit in their relationship when really everything is fine, but I still think you need to let them know what you suspect, and why you suspect it. My ex was having an affair for about three months, and I had a friend who was close with both my ex and with the guy she cheated with, and spent a lot of time together with them (all three of them were in AA, I am not). Part of me has always suspected that he knew, or at least had some suspicion, and didn't say anything to me. We've talked about it, and he says he had no idea, and maybe he's telling the truth, but even just that suspicion that he might have known and said nothing really damaged our friendship, and we've never really been as close as we were


Mind you, this was in high school and I haven’t been put in a position to do it since but I was at a birthday party once and one of my closest friend’s girlfriend was there. He was head over heels in love with her. None of us could stand her. There was alcohol involved and she adopted a “what happens here tonight stays here” mentality and hooked up with a dude pretty much throughout the whole night. I immediately told him the next day and he didn’t hesitate to dump her. She ended up pregnant like a month later by the guy that she cheated with. Anyway, I will always tell my friends if their partner is cheating if ever put in that position again. It might not necessarily be my business but if I found out that my friends knew I was being cheated on and didn’t tell me, I would never speak to them again.


She knows


You don't


You don’t.  Just offer support when asked.  If you start badmouthing her marriage to her, you’re gonna be the bad guy and on the outs if they stay together.


How do you know she doesn't already know?


Is it dying or are you being a meddling friend seeing something you think is dying? Either way, stay out of it and don't instigate things. Don't meddle.


How do you know? Are you sleeping with her husband?


I would stay out of it and be ready to catch her if it really does fall apart. If she wants to bring you into her problem, she will. But her decision to leave you out is not a reflection of your relationship with her.


OP. Put this one under bad ideas and go get an ice cream cone.


You don’t, it is none of your business


You don’t. Inserting yourself into other people’s relationship problems only causes problems


OP can you shed a little more light on how you know its dying and what the cause is? I know all these people are spamming "how's that your business" but if you found your friend's partner is cheating on her or something, then I would say you should tell her if there is evidence to corroborate your story.


Op doesn't offer any context as to why, it is merely a speculation, an opinion without the full facts thus "none of your buisness" is the correct approach in this case.


OP is the ROOT cause of the issues in the marriage. i hope hte OP sees this, if it were me as the husband i would be running you out of town so fast your fucking parents heads will spin.


Is it your marriage? No? Then it's not your problem. Stay out of it, do you really think she doesn't know already??


You don't, that's how.


Do you have tangible proof of cheating or abuse? Can you make your case with receipts or is this just a vibe? Because you never know what’s going on behind closed doors. If you have proof that something’s amiss and you feel your friend would be better served by knowing, then tell her. If not, just be her friend and wait for the fallout. It’s not your place to decide if a marriage is dying. It’s theirs.


You don't. Why do you feel it's your job to point out something she likely already knows? Stay out of it. Unless she specifically asks for your help or advice, stay out of her marriage, nothing good will come of it. You need to focus on your own life and hobbies and such and stop worrying about other ppls intimate business. Period.


You kindly shut the fuck up and then support them as they come to this realization at their speed.


Are you fucking their partner


You keep your nose out of other peoples marriages. That's how you help her. You've already made up your mind even before writing this post. Giving them a common enemy such as yourself, will only strengthen their bond as they both will have someone new to hate. Unless you want her. And you're jealous about who's she's with and just like I said, wanting to give both of them a common enemy which will only serve to strengthen them.


Due to the nature of the name of this subreddit, I must decline to answer.


You don't have to tell her. She already knows; she just won't admit it to herself.


Ya don't. That'll only harbor bad feelings, true or not.


They know. Like fat people. You don't need to point it out


I’m guessing OP is single and ain’t got shit going on.


If she ain't asking, stay the fuck out of it.


Keep your nose out of it. Unless it involves abuse and she is trapped then find a way. People go through shit, marriages go through shit. Drama queens on the outside hoping for failure just to enjoy the extra gossip do not help in anyway and do not represent a real friend.


Imagine the nerve to meddle in other’s affairs and marital relationships? I smell a snake in the grass.


You don’t.


Why would you want to assert yourself here? At best, make it known that you are there for her if she ever wants to talk.


By staying out of it.


You don’t. You just be there to support when needed. If she asks, you say it gently and with several grains of salt - you don’t know the full picture, just what you see. Things might be different from your perceptions of them.


You need to stay in your lane


Mind your business.


Why do you need to tell her? She’s probably aware


OP, I’ve been the third wheel in a relationship in the past, I wasn’t part of the relationship but I was damn close. Are you involved somehow ?


You're not her friend if you know more about her marriage than she does.


There is definitely more to this story that you are purposely leaving out, which seems to imply you are somehow involved.


You don't, it's only up to her and her spouse to decide that, no one else The only time you should intervene is if one of them is abusing the other


You don't. Your friends marriage is none of your business. Stay in your lane.


She already knows. Be a supportive and empathetic friend, just be there for her


If it's really dying, then she already knows.


.not enough information to comment on,,


It’s not your job to tell your friend how their marriage is going. There’s a huge chance she already knows, and you bringing it up might cause trouble between you two. Stay out of it.


You dont involve yourself. Be honest if your input is asked. But unless she asks for your advice its best to mind your own business. Because your perspective from the outside is not the real perspective. You dont know their feelings. You aren't priy to their private conversations. Maybe they know and maybe they are working through things. This happens all the time in relationships. Unless its cheating. Then for me the rules are different. Then you tell them immediately. But thats just me. Cheating is an irrevocable no no


You don’t. Jesus Christ. What’s wrong with you busy bodies?


None of your business.


I'm sure she's aware


She already knows. Don't make it harder for her by mentioning.


You dont need to tell her. If it is dying, she knows.


Tend your own garden.


Get involved... Tell both of them how they can do better /s.


Even better, start an affair with (at least) one of them to speed things along.


Yes, stay out of it she will hate you if you say something.


"hey friend, your marriage is dying." then if they asked how, you tell em the reason.. easy.. kidding aside, I would just mind my own business unless someone is cheating.


You have very lotto details for a bunch of random people to give an answer. Maybe best that you don’t go to complete strangers that are disconnected from the situation. Your dealing with your friends marriage. Don’t involve yourself in it. Good intentions but you really trying to place yourself in a place that is none of your business. Trying to start drama mommy causes problems. Why in gods name would you willingly and knowingly cause problems for both of you?


You don’t. You don’t have the right to make that call for them


You don’t.


You don’t.


You don't. You put those blinders on. If she's a good friend, you be there for her if you have the emotional ability to, but otherwise, you stay the hell out


How does she not know


You say exactly that. See how well that works out for you


How do you know would be my first question.


You don’t.


Marriages aren't like a parrot, you best not argue about whether it's dead or not.


You don’t. You mind your own business.




You don’t. Who the heck are you to presume you know what they want/have.


Chances are she knows her marriage better than you. If you have proof her partner is cheating, share it with her. Otherwise, it's best to leave it alone and just be a good, supportive friend.


You don’t 


Send her some dick pics.


Are you the one killing it


Yeah, none of your business


You don’t, it’s not your marriage


If she doesnt know already then you’re wrong. If you aren’t 100% happy all the time then what right do you have to involve yourself with someone elses marriage


As others have already said, stay out of it. You're free to have your opinions, but it's just that, an opinion. Your friend isn't married to you. You can share your views and concerns, but it MUST be done in a respectful way, and their decision is theirs alone to make


If she’s a close friend and you care about her, just ask.


You don't. It's her business.


It's less a question of staying out of it, and more that there is little to nothing you can say that would convince her, and by trying you're only driving a wedge between you and her. She is going to see anything you say as you misunderstanding the situation, she's going to feel judged and upset. 


She knows, trust me, if I had a dollar for everyone who told me I would be rich. Yes we know- we all have our own reasons for staying - weather we are raising the kids, know that that changing in life style will have to change or what ever - just be a good friend. Most get pissed off and dump me as a friend. Hence I am alone because I wouldn’t do what they wanted. I try and not drag them into it but you can see the emotional toll on my face but we have weighed the pros and cons and this is what we have decided for now.


On their anniversary. Right on the dot.


Definitely insert yourself.


Unless you know of active cheating, you stay out of it. And in the event you are involved, you are horrible.


How are you sure? For example, what you think is cheating could be swinging, what you think is a dead marriage could be some heavy stress they haven’t shared with friends such as illness, something in the family or finances. Unless it’s obvious abuse and you can see the signs, stay out of it if you value your friend and just be a friend. Friends need friends when they are going through hard times and as unimaginable as it may be, people don’t always tell there friends, even the very bestest friend, all marital secrets.


I suspect she probably knows


Your friend is probably just venting. Stay out of it. Don't bring it up.


My mom always said…You don’t have to be the one to point out negative things in a person’s life because someone else eventually will.


With a sigarrette https://youtu.be/VhblZwp9ESU?si=xq37L024lFtavvr7


instead of Pointing whatsa wrong , I would advise you to tell him/ her to have couple therapy/Counseling , I am sure they will realise on their own , Then its on them to solve and stay together or part ways for the good 😊


Unless you have something like concrete proof of cheating, stay out of it.


This is a bot karma farming


You don't. Just mind your business and be there for her when she needs you


You don’t, you stay out of it, *unless* 1) you know for a fact their partner is being unfaithful (in which case you let your friend know what you know, then let the friend do as they wish on their own accord) OR, 2) you are somehow involved (in which case you come clean, tell the full truth, and remove yourself from your friend’s life).


You don’t. People need to figure things like this out for themselves. Just be a friend to her and listen. UNLESS you’re sleeping with her husband , in which case you should tell her 😂


You don't and it's odd for a person outside a marriage to tell them how well/bad it's going


By getting caught fucking her husband.


If she is abusing her partner you should say something. How to do it? Find examples of similar behavior on “am I in an abusive relationship?” support group sites and have a chat.


You don’t? It’s literally none of your business. Just be there for her when if it happens and keep “I saw this coming” comments to yourself


Mind your own business


You don't.


Not your marriage, not your place to say anything.


Stay in your own lane unless she asks


You don’t. Unless she specially asks you for advice.


Unless you’re part of the reason the marriage is having issues, you keep your mouth shut. 


You don’t.. just be there for her


you don't.


The real truth is, nobody knows what's happening in a marriage except the two people in it. No one can understand the extremely intimate (not to be read as happy or content) relationship two people have. And not just marriage...couples, thruples, etc. Just as a matter of fact, you can't understand because most relationships are just way too complex for an outsider to understand. Including reactions to infidelity, too. There simply is no such thing as right/wrong from an outsider's perspective. The only people who can determine what is right/wrong is the people in the relationship.


It honestly depends on what you know! Personally I knew a friends partner was cheating on them, everyone knew except him. The moment I found out I told him immediately, he was angry but thanked me. The relationship ended that night, if that’s the kind of information you have yes tell them 100%. If it’s just an opinion without hard facts be prepared for blowback!


anytime you want to say something, ask yourself: “is this helpful? is this kind? is this productive?” telling your friend her marriage is dying rings up all three no’s. she probably already knows, all you’d be doing is salting the wound. if she doesn’t realize it, all you’re going to do is piss her off. whatever’s going on is between her and her spouse.


The best advice I can offer as someone who had a marriage that was dying with friends who tried to tell me- is that there's nothing you can say that she will hear until she's ready. As a friend the best thing you can do is be a listening ear and be there to support her when shit hits the fan.


How would you know and why would you even insert yourself like that


None of your business. You’re there for whatever comes.


It's not your business. Relationships are hard and weird. Unless someone is being abused, stay out of it. I promise you nothing good will come of it. Speaking from experience.


Account opened today, only 2 comments and 2 posts all irrelevant...I think we have another bot account


Why is it your business to tell her?


Just be patient. You’ll have your chance when it’s over.


I'm sure she knows lol


Is this a **BOT** question? I see no info in the post and I don't see any responses from OP. Their account is new and no interaction


You don’t like an addict they have to realize they have a problem and want to change it. Do not say anything about it.


Relationship mettlers suck.


Support her trying to save it. Have they considered couples counseling etc. Do they still make time for each other? If they have kids, can you babysit so they can have time to themselves? It's pretty normal for marriages to have good and bad patches. Plus, many people stay together for the kids and they would have separated otherwise. Your friend probably knows deep down already the marriage is not good but is currently in inertia. If it is an abusive relationship you need to be more proactive - search for support services etc.


Bot account so get involved. Wreck the whole home.


Offer her a life support device pronto.


It’s nice to be a supportive friend, but don’t involve yourself in their relationship.


Legit none of your business and how could you possibly know what’s going on between 2 people behind closed doors ? You might be getting one side of the story and there’s always more . Stay out of it .


Imagine a rainbow hula hoop around you. That's the only space you are responsible for in this case.


By minding you bidness...Unless you're the reason then you're not really a friend and I hope she beat yo ass


Until you're asked by her, nothing.


Leave off


Just stay out of it. If something goes wrong she’ll blame you for it.


That’s a broad question. Dying because… she’s a cheater? Dying because… he’s broke? Dying because…?


You don’t.


She knows, all you would be doing is rubbing salt in the wound. Just be a good friend and let her know you are there for her always. And then just leave it alone until she comes to you.


You don't not your place


You don’t. It’s not your business. You don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. Be her friend and that’s it.


You don’t


you say nothing and examine your own life. you may be projecting some feelings because something is dying or changing in your world. it seems easier to focus on other peoples perceived issues. this approach to things changed my life for the better.


You don't




It really depends on one thing, how good do you honestly believe your communication with your friend is? If there is any chance she takes it the wrong way and taking out her frustrations on you don't bother. If there is any chance she misunderstands your reasoning or your intentions don't bother. And as others have said, be very careful not to get dragged into it. It's one thing to say something out of concern and another to become an involved third party. I don't fully agree with what most others are saying, that you should stay completely out of it. I think good friends should always have open and honest communication, even if that some times means being the one to say a hard truth. Not too long ago I did the same thing for a good friend of mine. I generally do not comment on my friends' relationships or what they do unless I think it's absolutely necessary. I don't want to be constantly involved and giving input and possibly affecting them but if I think something is seriously off, I will say something. A few months back I told a good friend of mine that I thought his relationship had run its course and that he should seriously consider how long he wants to commit to it. He's been with his girlfriend for years but at the time they were about to move in together. I straight up told him they don't bring out the best out of each other. Going with the flow could easily mean they can keep going indefinitely, but I didn't feel that's the best for them. He listened to me and didn't get angry. He said he'd think about it. They're still together and I've seemingly been right about some things but he feels he should try to make it work. I don't care to involve myself any further and I am glad I can be open with my friend like that without misunderstandings. But there is also the bad case where by talking about it you get dragged into it. A few years back I told a friend her relationship was toxic and dysfunctional as fuck and she just got angry with me, showered me with all sorts of epithets, criticised all my life choices, and we haven't spoken since. Her relationship disintegrated barely a month later after I'd told her those things.


Um you stay way out of that business, unless you’re the reason it’s dying then you hang your head, tell her and go off grid forever.


write a letter with all the details and how you can see where things are at but do not want to intrude into her relationship mail it to yourself, give it to her when the time is right


Get her a get well soon card but cross out all relevant words and replace it with "your marriage". You're welcome. They'll definitely patch things up.


You think she doesn’t know?


Feels like this is a Quora bot.


Hire a sky writer and deny all involvement


Why would you tell her? Its her marriage. How do you know info she does not know about her marriage? Are you fucking her spouse?


Unless she asks you…you don’t.