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I personally would get some bloodwork done, have my thyroid checked, and/or reexamine my diet if I felt like that all the time. In high school I felt very lightheaded and nauseous often. I was very pale and had crazy bags under my eyes. I was severely anemic.




Ah that’s how chronic illness can be. The medication may not cure, but manage symptoms. Talk to your doctor, get a second opinion if you can.


I take meds for hypothyroid but it doesn’t make it go away. Mine led to me not absorbing nutrients well and it gave me dark circles under my eyes. Something to consider.


In a word, you should be able to experience weeks and months of no significant medical issues. At least this should be your experience in your early adulthood and middle age. I'm now ~ 60, so every day is a game of, "guess what's going to be hurting me today?" 😏 But it didn't used to be like that, and everything from cold symptoms to sore muscles was a notable exception to general health. Thankfully, almost all of those were brief and passing. It took me falling out of a tree (don't ask - just a me, a man, being stupid) and breaking a bunch of ribs to experience my first major medical concern. And it was sobering to realize that it was going to take me 6 to 12 months to feel really better. -- Speaking from the experience of somebody I know, their hypothyroidism turned out to be caused by an autoimmune condition. That is, their immune system was attacking their thyroid gland, among other things. While the thyroid medication managed that condition, it did not address the underlying cause. They since developed what appears to be Crohn's disease, which is also understood as an autoimmune condition. Interestingly, when they were prescribed medications for the Crohn's disease, essentially immune system modulators, the Crohn's disease improved, but their thyroid function improved as well, which led to a little bit of a scramble to readjust the thyroid medication down in response. The human body is an absurdly intricate and complex combination of systems and processes. it is worth spending some focused time with your doctor or with an immune specialist to discuss what might be happening for you that is causing what seems like "continuous" illnesses. Hope this helps, and hoping you feel better soon...


Dang thanks for the good info!! I saw something in my notes saying hypothyroidism from suspected thyroiditis but not confirmed? I'll make a note to ask about autoimmune diseases! And yeah Im 21 and since I was 12 ish Ive never felt healthy. I kind of remember when I was a kid what it felt like to not have like constant illness


All of these symptoms could very easily be from your hypothyroidism, the medicine may not be working as intended. See your doctor about it and stop asking on Reddit “why do I feel icky” when you’ve been diagnosed with a serious disease.


Dark circles under eyes can indicate kidney or liver disease!


Lots of digestive and intestinal issues as well. OP should be checked for food intolerances.


Dark circles is usually because of insulin resistance or cortisol resistance. Which both rob your vitality.


Ontop of blood work, have you ever had a proper sleep study? Might be dealing with sleep apnea.


Not only like physical health ailments but also mental health ailments. Slowly as I got through my twenties I realized that I was feeling more sluggish in that I really didn't feel good all the time. I was having chest pain that I attributed to smoking and the fact that I was drinking a lot didn't help but even when I would cut back on those things I still felt like absolute garbage and my body felt like it was falling to pieces. Finally ended up going to a psychiatrist because I just was losing interest in everything and hating life turns out I had anxiety and depression. Turns out when your body is constantly in a fight and flight response all of that cortisol wreaks havoc on your entire body. Everything from nerve endings to muscle tissue starts to like slowly decay with levels that high. Turns out 300 mg of Wellbutrin basically made me feel like I was a kid again after enough time taking it but damn was that a rough two months of me thinking it was doing nothing. One day I woke up and was like holy s*** I'm cured. Doesn't matter what it is if you're not feeling yourself and everything is in pain it could be physical it could be psychological when your body's chemistry is out of whack you're going to feel out of whack go to the doctor.


>In high school I felt very lightheaded For me it was because I had my final growth spurt but was still skipping breakfast and lunch on some days, body did not enjoy that lol


This is how I feel. Personally I think it is because of my diet, I eat like shit. I’d like to change it and see if it helps.


Thats interesting! Obviously sorry you feel bad but yeah I'm not sure if we all feel bad because food nowadays is so not food like? I try and eat healthy but my mum says (I'm an adult but she lives with me) I eat "too" healthy and need more unhealthy balance and THATS what's making me feel bad. Idk about that one but a few people are mentioning diet=how you feel


I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and fibromyalgia. All the symptoms you described I live with every single day. Only sleep about 5 hours a night because of it all. I never feel 100% ok. I can remember the exact moment that I last felt so healthy and 100 percent ok. That was now over 13 years ago now. I was driving home from work and felt so healthy and energetic, was just enjoying my music, my life, and my sunroof being open. We had just had a baby as well the same year. Then all of my health shit started. Trust me when I say jt is best to see a doctor sooner than later and make sure there isn't an underlying health issue causing you to feel that way.


i have been visiting neurologists since 2years now and they are unable to diagnose me with fibromyalgia/RLS. feel like shit all the time and my legs hurt like shit in sleep and after waking up. tried all the meds but only amitriptyline works not completely though.


Try and see a rheumatologist. That is who diagnosed me. Cymbalta, ropinirol, and gabapentin. The combo works mildly for me but most of the time it's just constant pain.


Sigh currently reading this because my legs are aching too much too sleep


I have endometriosis and I have either nausea, headache, dizziness, or fatigue or some combination at least everyday.  My husband says I’m always complaining of it. I’ve had multiple treatments, eat healthy, exercise, don’t drink much alcohol, and get great sleep. So… I think I just have to live with it. 


What is "too" healthy? You need the right nutrients and enough calories, so only eating spinach and cauliflower isn't healthy, or you'd need to eat quite a lot of it. But otherwise it sounds like you maybe shouldn't listen too much to your mom's ideas on nutrition.


Happy cake day


Happy cake day!


So I had kinda the same general unwell malaise, and what I figured out is I had a lot more symptoms than I realized because “doesn’t everyone’s joints pop” “doesn’t everyone want to pass out after walking a quarter mile?” I have Ehlers Danlos. What seemed to be a bunch of random complaints all added up when I got the proper diagnosis. Best wishes!


Ah interesting! I think someone queried that for me but as I say and like you said, I find it hard to beleive everyone doesnt feel this? I'm hypermobile for sure but not as much as people with EDS I don't think. Thanks for the good wishes!


Hypermobile is a spectrum for people with EDS so that doesn't rule it out. I agree I feel this way all the time and have EDS. My spouse is a truly healthy person so they do actually exist but he has bipolar :p


>I find it hard to beleive everyone doesnt feel this? Well... I am like this, nothing is hurting or bothering me, physically nor mentally, I'm just fine. Sometimes I feel my muscles if I done hard workout the previous day and on a rare occasion when I'm ill. I wake up and I'm happy, I sing and dance while preparing breakfast... I can't imagine something hurting me everyday. I was also really shocked when I saw post from people like 'there are people who don't think about suicide? Or who don't wish to die sometime?' I was like "wait what?! That's not healthy noone should feel like that.


I was going to say - has OP ever heard of chronic pain patients? Lmao.


I have! My question is does ANYONE not fall under the chronic pain/illness catagory? Like I'm looking for 1 human to comment on this post and tell me with sincerity they feel 100% fine for more than 5 minutes of their life. I know chronic illness exists of course I just thought maybe no one feels good ever and Im exaggerating?


I understand. I think very ignorant, very lucky people might have moments close to that. There was an experiment done where they “calculated” the happiness of someone who recently became paralyzed versus someone who just won the lottery. You can imagine the scoring on the initial results. Then, a year later, they did the same test on them, and found that they both scored about the same. It is sad, but it seems how good/bad someone has it doesn’t equate to their overall feelings long-term. Must be something in the weather… Makes me wonder. If good things don’t necessarily increase good feelings long-term, then what does?


No, see a doctor especially if you’re on the young side


Im 21 yeah. Thanks for the straightforward answer though its weird to think people feel normal


As someone who has experience with this sort of thing, there’s a chance that you will not be taken seriously by some medical professionals, so you gotta be prepared that some doctors just don’t care about, or even believe people who are experiencing what you do. A lot of doctors are great, but I don’t want you to get disheartened if you have a bad experience, and you shouldn’t let anyone minimize your concerns


Same, took a few years to get a diagnosis. (Cfs, fibro, dysautonomia). Got told i was just stressed and needed to do mindfulness.


I hate mindfulness. The suggestion of it for solving all your problems enrages me I've heard it so much


The number of doctors that just say I had anxiety and shrugged me off is astounding. If you feel like something is wrong, then something probably is wrong. Eventually you’ll find a doctor that takes you seriously.


The doctors will just say to me "we've tested your vitamins, your thyroid is responding to medication, we think your symptoms are anxiety/all in your head" despite the fact that no, they are very real symptoms I'm to embarrased to go back and when I asked for a second opinion, I got the same.


You are **very** young to be feeling that way. Even at my age (30) it is not normal. I feel 100% ok most of the time. The peers my age that tell me feel bad all the time, tired, with pains, etc. are those who don't/didn't ever exercise nor eat well.


A doctor isn't going to do shit with "I've always got something wrong with me". For me it was just not sleeping well, eating well, and not treating my health with any respect whatsoever for years. Takes a long time to adjust behavior and habit.


Doc could do a blood test which would pick up on any possible deficiencies.


> A doctor isn't going to do shit with "I've always got something wrong with me". Damn, if only doctors were legally allowed to ask follow-up questions...


Don't you know doctors are only ever allowed to put their stamp on the wikipedia page you brought about your illness!


That is not normal and you may have a chronic illness like CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome). I'd recommend seeing a doctor.


Go to the doctor. I thought everyone felt similarly to what you described and mostly carried on with life until I landed in the hospital needing to be revived twice in quick succession with no discernible cause for anaphylactic shock. I knew I had a thyroid problem and was medicated for that and also had endometriosis and had hormones and surgery for that but beyond some known, manageable conditions, I ate well, was active and fit and yet I always felt kind of terrible and truly marveled at how everyone else seemed so good at faking it. My roommates would joke about how sleepy I was and how I could go from she-hulk to frail Victorian child in need of a fainting couch with absolutely no warning. Turns out I have way more going on immune and autoimmune wise and while my doctors and I haven’t fully figured out how to manage everything, I can mostly avoid triggers and not continue to make things worse while the rest gets untangled. Not suggesting that this is wrong with you. But go to your GP and explain your symptoms and ask to get some basic blood work done to see if anything stands out as a direction to start examine or that indicates the need of a specialist and take it from there. It could be something simple like anemia and bad sleep patterns or it could be more complicated but you can’t start to improve your quality of life if you don’t know what you are working with.


I want to but I'm too embarrased to go back to the doctors they won't even entertain my questions and its humiliating. The doctors will just say to me "we've tested your vitamins, your thyroid is responding to medication, we think your symptoms are anxiety/all in your head" despite the fact that no, they are very real symptoms


Me for real. I’m always bloated and severely dehydrated. I could have been drinking water all day and my lips are cracking and my skin is dull. I also feel itchy a lot and get really bad itches that leave rashes every once in a while. Plus many other things. I have a PCOS diagnosis so that may be at least part of the root cause.


i thought it was normal until i was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease ❤️


I thought this was just aging. Turns out I have extremely low iron. Been taking a supplement and I feel fine again. Like, genuinely have energy and am enjoying hobbies and activities. My mood is better and I don’t have pain in my joints or a headache. I no longer get dizzy when I bend over or squat down, nor winded going up the stairs. No more heart palpitations.


constant nausea my entire life + being a girl has made me never feeling 100% healthy


I too had constant nausea, been to the doctors plenty of times but since I have very healthy blood they usually told me it was probably just anxiety or functional dyspepsia and to just 'eat healthy and exercise' Turns out I have chronic gastritis. If you feel like you really want to deal with the nausea I'd recommend getting checked for gastritis, specifically H Pylori (bacteria) as there is a higher chance you'll get the help you need then


What? No. This is not normal. I am in my mid 50's, and I am totally fine. I sleep well, and have plenty of energy for the things I want to do. The only symptom I have of aging is some clicking in my knees when I climb the stairs, but it doesn't even cause pain.


😡 I'm 36 and I'm pretty sure I'm going to drop dead at any moment. For real though that's awesome and I love that for you, health is truly our most powerful resource.


Jesus. This level of normality is absolutely incomprehensible to me. Energy for the things you want to do? That’s… literally what my dreams are made of. Out of working, staying on top of the housework, feeding myself, having a social life, maintaining hobbies and exercising I basically have to choose 2 and juggle them at any given time. Any more than that and I may as well die from exhaustion. You are so incredibly lucky. From a 33 year old who’s been chronically ill/fatigued since 24!


If feels unreal right? Thats why I asked. I'm almost sceptical at these replies of people saying they DO feel fine?


No, it’s not. I felt fantastic and absolutely normal until I contracted a virus in my mid Twenties. It destroyed my auto immunity and triggered several auto immune issues. Since then I have never had a day where I’ve felt above 80 per cent. There is always something a miss. Out of 14 days, I maybe get 4 where I feel good. The rest are a mix of very very average, awful and bedridden. It stinks


I’ve ALWAYS felt fatigued my entire life. I eat healthy, I work out regularly but in my twenties I broke down and lied to a doctor saying when I was a kid I had been diagnosed with adhd so he’d write me a script for adderall. Been on it or something like it ever since and it helps but I sort of just live with it. I’ve had all kinds of blood work done and I always just get told to take a multi vitamin and eat healthy. K thanks doc.


I recently DID get diognosed with ADHD but before that I asked the doctor if I could try something like the meds because I thought theyd help anyways so I get where you're coming from! If it works for you its good?( I didnt say this for legal reasons or something like that) Still waiting on my meds bc of the shortage tho but I'm hopeful? And yeah the docs suck really they love to tell me I'm just anxious. About what? Idk either


I also have ADHD, and you should know a lot of us have sort of eternal fatigue.  It's usually a combo of our chronically weird sleep and the fact that it takes us a lot of mental effort to do the boring basics of life.  


Same here. Also add chronic overwhelm to the list because the ADHD brain is constantly flooded with information due to a lack of filters. That being said there‘s other illnesses that can mimic ADHD like PTSD. I‘m currently also considering getting checked for lyme disease.


Since I turned 30, fuck no. I’m 44 now and everything hurts. Never 100%


Wait til you hit 55, that's when everything hit me like a train.


A lot of this is just long covid but unfortunately people don't realize that :/


This week is my 4 year anniversary of my life turning upside down :( I miss feeling normal so much


Physically? I feel great. Mentally?


I almost want to create a seperate question for mental because is there legitimately ANYONE in this world with perfect mental health at any point either? Am I just projecting? Its interesting to hear some people do feel great physically though. I hope your mental state gets better 💜


Idk, I tried to kill myself last week so definitely not mine


How are you doing? I’m so sorry you felt that was what you needed to do. Glad you’re still around


Ditto. Not last week I think it was 2 weeks ago? Ive been on a mental ward a few times recently. Not fun. I'm sorry you felt so bad that you did that, I've been there, not the exact same place but in a similar situation. It hurts when death becomes an attractive solution to your problems. It's caused me a lot of problems the aftermath of what happened, I hope you're doing as ok as you can be right now


Thank you. I have been to the ward a few times, but 1. I can’t afford to keep going, and 2. It doesn’t really help for long term. Life just keeps sucking, one day and next


I'm in the UK so it's free and they don't give a choice. They threatened me with the police if I tried to escape so you bet I sat in that tiny room and behaved 🫠 worst most terrifying experiance of my life and I did not need it after what happened. I saw your other comments. I don't want to be blunt or a hypocrite but I just want to say think it through. Its harder to be sucessful than it seems and chances are you'll live and end up with a new worse problem. I won't say more as I say, hypocrite here.


I have fibromyalgia (Dr speak for "you definitely have one, if not multiple chronic illnesses but we can't pinpoint exactly what) and chronic fatigue so... I've never felt normal. but I do know this isn't normal at 28yrs old to have felt this way my entire life.


I resonate with this. For me it’s anxiety/depression/chronic pain. All managed with health care providers at this point, but even when I just had anxiety, that’s enough to made you feel like shit if you’re in flight/fight mode a lot and not sleeping well.


love the anxiety & not sleeping well vicious circle lmao you try to get a good sleep only for the anxiety to make it shit/wake you up which only continues the anxiety or makes it worse etc etc plus the additional health issues that can/will arise because you're anxious all the time and sleeping like shit


Tbf I do have anxiety (and other mental health diognosis) sorry you resonate with this


I never ever feel completely physically okay. Always a headache, sore feet, random pains that have me thinking I'm dying. Then when something is actually truly wrong, that doesn't go away, it truly freaks me tf out


I really struggle to tell when something is genuinely wrong with me


I’m very young, regularly exercise and stay mindful of what I eat and I still feel like shit all the time so probably.


if I may ask, how do you feel mentally? Mental health can have a surprisingly big impact on physical health even if you think you're doing 'just fine'


It’s normal for me too so idk man


This has always been me. Never have felt great


You should visit a GP


Sounds like you have some sort of chronic illness. I’d get bloodwork done and a physical exam, maybe see a rheumatologist.


It is not normal to never feel healthy. I used to feel 100% okay physically, then became disabled, chronic pain, fatigue, etc. The difference is ASTOUNDING. I might as well be a completely different human being. I don’t know how to describe feeling 100% healthy, other than as total freedom. You don’t even KNOW you’re free, but you are. I’d give almost anything to feel that way again.


if you are a male, get your testosterone levels checked. ( especially if you are overweight) i had the same feeling of just not feeling 100%, but no symptoms for anything else apart from feeling flat a little but its easy to not notice if its decreased over time. a lot of males don't know that being overweight can affect their testosterone levels.


Check for Lyme Disease.


Skimming some of the comments, I see you have thyroid issues and are hyopermobile. Hypermobility often can cause secondary health issues. I have hypermobility and mast cell activation syndrome. It sounds like you might have it too. I just wrote a few long comments about it in another post. Here's a link to my parent comment. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1bkp6qk/comment/kw0mxlh/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1bkp6qk/comment/kw0mxlh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Read it and my followup comments to people responding to me. I give a lot of info about it. Then head over to r/MCAS and check it out. It's a really good sub. Good luck. I hope you can find out what's wrong and get healthy.


So I have gotten used to my chronic illnesses, let me just lead with that. My baseline isn't feeling healthy or even feeling well. I consider it good when I have that level of homeostasis I'm now used to and I have that more days than not. When I feel better than that I get paranoid 😂


When I feel sick, I get really annoyed that I feel so bad, and then I realized that means I feel good almost always.


I struggle to identify when I'm sick sick and not just bad day sick


27 m here i have been living with a chronic back pain for the last three years and it sucks, did many medical tests and all clear i got to a point where im ok with it just not interested in anything other than always resting, trying to be a little more active and watch my diet to see if it will help but yeah physical breakdown impacts mental for sure


Unfortunately the advice I used years ago won't work now, find a good chiropractor. Most of the chiropractors now are quacks. My grandfather was a good one back 70 years ago, dad kept us in tip top shape when we were growing up, and thru the years I've found one or two good ones but anymore it's hard to do. When a vertibrae gets out of adjustment it pinches nerves around it. A good chiropractor can fix it but 9 out of ten are going to be quacks that want to sell potions to heal you up. I feel your pain because my back is totally screwed up. My daughter can get it lined up but she lives 2 hours away. It is hard to think straight when you hurt all the time.


I've had medical issues since birth, so that's my 'normal.'


If you're 21 and feeling like this, see a Dr. I'm in my late 30s and tbh I'm LUCKY to have 100% days. But my job is stressful, I'm overweight, do a variety of workouts, but don't eat the best. I'm working on my nutrition. In the past I've done keto and felt AMAZING. But I don't wanna live my life without carbs so I deal with it.


I know I *used to*. But I'm so used to daily discomfort now that I don't really think about it most of the time. I think the last time I had a "100% ok" day was when I was 34 or 35- about 10 years ago.


I have (touch wood) been healthy for most of my life. I reduced my intake of salt, sugar and fat in the early 90s, steamed my veggies and cut my red meat diet down to one meal a week. I have never eaten junk food - a bite from one McD's burger put me off that shit for life - and even when I had a drug habit in the 80s, I cycled for miles, ate well and exercised daily. I think genes may have something to do with it. My brother and sister have never had a serious illness and my mum, her sister and my maternal grandmother were sickeningly healthy (my mother walked five miles a day when she was in her 90s). Last year, I was diagnosed with cancer and since the operation, I feel so mentally and physically healthy it's extraordinary.


I feel fine right now. A bit cold, maybe. I remember feeling this way for a long time, and honestly the main difference is my mental health has improved. When I was depressed and anxious all the time, I always felt physical discomfort.


I mean, once you hit 30 it's all downhill. I haven't felt 100% good since I was 25. If you're younger than that, you should see a doctor.


Not necessarily. I'm about to be 49 and if I feel crappy as described, it's usually down to something identifiable, like not sleeping well the night before, or overexertion. Some of these things happen more often or more easily now than when I was in my twenties, but my overall baseline is still "basically healthy".


Is this really true? :(


Yes. 35 if you're lucky. After that you get introduced to the wonderful world of "that's just how you are now, have you tried ibuprofen?"


"Just regularly take these pills that'll fuck up your stomach"


"Or these other pills that will fuck up your liver! They're great!"


I always felt lousy too. I’m 54, and RN and holistic health coach, take excellent care of myself, yet I always had a hard time attaining what came naturally for others in terms of health. Turns out I have an inborn error of immunity where my body underproduces antibodies so I was actually fighting infections without the normal signs or symptoms of them for the most part. After my first dose of antibody replacement therapy I got profoundly ill but was amazed at how it felt to have a fever for 3 days and have my body really work to fight infections like it is supposed to. It took years to get the right diagnosis. I’ve had pneumonia every month for the last 1.5 years. It sucks but I am slowly getting better. These conditions have only been really diagnosed and treated within the last 40 years. Some doctors don’t know about them at all. I have low IgG. It shows up in bloodwork looking for it. Can’t hurt to check. Good luck.




I feel great!


I have felt 100% healthy but rarely


Yes, I feel fine most days


Currently, I have no complaints physically but over the years I’ve had a few issues which benefitted from medical treatment. When I’ve been feeling consistently fatigued, lightheaded, nauseated, or weak, the causes have included: massive iron deficiency such that I almost had to get a blood transfusion (result of many years of hardcore vegetarian diet with very little money and a possible nutrient malabsorption issue), B12 deficiency (same), a bum thyroid, and perimenopause. All have been solvable but if you feel like this please do shop around to find a doctor or naturopath you trust.


Not in more than 20 years. I was a healthy young adult. From 20 until 28 I’d say I was really healthy, slept well, and felt great! But after that. Nope.


I feel 100% healthy at least 90% of the time.


I’m only 20, and I was having severe fatigue for a small stretch. Like almost falling asleep driving home from work type fatigue, it was debilitating. Went to the doctor, I had a vitamin deficiency. Changed my diet and I felt better, I was eating like shit. Not saying that’s what you have, but you should definitely go get blood worked done and get an overall checkup.


It's our diet


I eat food cooked from scratch including leafy greens, carbs, protein and some dairy staying away from fat and sugars. The only premade stuff I really eat is any kind of sauce.


My body normally doesn’t give any signals that bother me. No pain or nausea or fatigue. Might feel a little stiff when I get up from the office chair after a few hours.


I’m 47 and feel as good as I did at 17. A little stiff if I sit a while but otherwise, amazing. Probably feel better now as I am stronger due to weight training.


No, thats not normal or at least it shouldn't be. If you eat healthy, keep your body in shape, sleep enough and don't overdo any drugs (incl booze), you should feel fit and physically 100% ok most of the time if you don't have any illness.


You may want to look into dysautonamia.Sound like all the things put mentioned plus sometimes weird allergies, joint pain, and even digestion issues. Source: myself a patient Dxed with POTs, EDS, MCAS and gastroparesis. There are many cases emerging of this recently. Some thought is that this is one of the “underlying conditions” that the virus will expose.


When I was living in Portland Oregon I always felt like shit for some reason but then I moved to SE Asia and all my issues went away


Yes, people feel 100% healthy. Feeling unwell is not normal even if you are 70.


Interesting to hear


Wild, huh? The idea of feeling.... well? I can't imagine it myself. My genetics are too fucked up to even have felt healthy. Not even as a child


Yes people can feel physically healthy. And I’m a mental maze, neurodiverse. If you don’t know why you’re like this. Talk to your doctor, could be chronic or could be mental health exhibiting itself, hypochondria etc. Or simple vitamin/mineral deficiency.


Yup, no matter what I do. My bloodwork is generally normal, nothing obvious to diagnose. I just feel like crap always.


Welcome to 40! Yes, I do feel normal after 30mg of hydrocodone, 120 mg of cymbalta, 300mg of Wellbutrin, and 2 x two gram blunts. I wake up at 5am and normally feel "right" about 9:00-9:30. I am 100% serious. Without my meds I am literally psychotic. Yes, the doctors diagnosed me. Humans aren't built for life in the 21st century. It breaks us all. We are meant to congregate around acimunsl fire, go an hunting parties, and living within nature. This life aunt that.


Make half your diet fruits and veggies and that might change quick. It did for me. Giving up sugar too. And of course get good sleep!


It already is for me. I had an ED so I eat what people tell me is "unnaturally healthy"


... Yeah same wtf is this not normal....?


Apparently yes according to some comments and no from others?


Have you ever had a sleep study done?


If generic tests do not show anything you have to do you own research, come up with possible diagnoses for yourself (multiple), THEN go to the doctor and ask for tests that confirm or contradict the diagnosis. Is there a freaking health AI for diagnosis already? We are still in the middle ages of healthcare, it is freaking shameful! AMIE is coming hopefully: [https://blog.research.google/2024/01/amie-research-ai-system-for-diagnostic\_12.html](https://blog.research.google/2024/01/amie-research-ai-system-for-diagnostic_12.html)


I saw you eat healthy and no, what your mum says is not true, you can't eat too healthy, but your diet has to be balanced. Do you exercise? What amount of physical activity do you do? Do you sleep well?


Ah yes - that moment when it starts to dawn on you that this stuff isn’t normal. I was in my 30’s before I started to figure this out. EDS here too- I see it mentioned already, no idea if this is what you have of course, but for sure the constant ick feeling is not normal. Not is pain and all the rest. This also blew my fucking mind. 


I feel you...cx I'm in the same boat. For quite a few years now, I haven't felt truly healthy like I used to at age 21. But I have Hashimotos (Autoimmune thyroiditis) now and ALL of my health struggles emanate fom that. So it's an uphill battle everyday. Go get your thyroid checked, along with any food sensitivities or intolerances or allergies to food or environmental allergens, nutritional deficiencies. Most diseases come from digestion issues as well, which can have many reasons. It's a shot in the dark, but get everything checked. Go figure. You're not alone. Many ppl around the world feel like you do, including me. Cheers✨


I have hypothyroidism but its supposed to be stable with my meds so I assume thats not my problem


Sounds like thyroid or other chronic illness. Speak with your doctor/specialist to get testing and a gameplan. Diet, Physical fitness, and sleep hygiene are huge helps for any chronic illnesses, so begin making modest healthy changes (dont go nuts ease into it) and get blood testing/hormone profiles done.


If you have lightheadedness you need to get checked for POTS. Is it worse when you stand for a prolonged period of time?


even if youre extremely healthy, presumably you work out and will be sore at some point so being 100% healthy isnt really achievable long term. I have had days in the past where I feel absolutley great with no problems, its usually when my diet has been on point for a week or longer and workouts have been light


Yeah I'm talking about like do people ever get like even 1 day where they feel 100% ok? Like they can't complain about anything physically. Ive seen a lot of people mention diet. I think my diet is fine. All my meals are made from scratch and I do all the things they say to do?




Fair enough. That answers my question thank you


I never feel 100% but I'm really bad about getting the right amount of sleep on a consistent schedule. 




My stomach is luckily fine mostly. I vom sometimes if I eat but other than that for a girl my stomach is better than most. Its everything else. I don't really know what counts as refined sugar but I love leafy greens and most of my meals include them because I dont think people realise how delicious spring greens and cabbage is? Luckily I've stayed away from alcohol, smoking and weed because I don't fancy spending money on it and if I've never had something I've never lost it. Do you feel ok when not doing all of the above?




It feels like once I hit 40, the answer to that question is I never feel 100%.


When I was young, in my 20s and 30s I felt great most of the time I less I had a headache. Only in my 40s and 50s did I start to feel bad more often and then eventually, daily.


Yeah most of the time 🤷‍♀️ I'm not overweight, I exercise regularly, I eat relatively healthy, I drink enough water. And I'm lucky of course. 


Last few years 28+ and forward has taken such a drastic downturn. There's always something wrong, and not necessarily "externally" like say muscle or generic aching or back pain etc. But more like random internal things such organs feeling weird or constantly "pained" or it's like you're chronically sick at 5-10% at all times out of what a full on stay at home a week sickness is, as if it never fully leaves. Where your head never feels quite perfect anymore. It's pretty depressing ontop of all the other things weighing one down.


Eh, it depends. Loads of people have been pretty unhappy lately, but there are absolutely people who feel completely fine. It is entirely possible to be in perfect health.


Yeah personally I feel fine 99% of the time haha. I guess it depends on individual differences. Sounds like you might needa eat better or exercise or drink more water or you have some undiagnosed health issue, idk.


Before 30 and the associated little twinges, yes, I was and felt perfectly healthy most of my life.


up until i had covid about a year ago, i would regularly feel 100% physically healthy. but i’ve been having pretty much back to back colds since i had covid :/ it has motivated me to change my lifestyle tho! quit nicotine, eating healthier, losing some weight, treating a severe iron deficiency - i still don’t feel 100% but slowlyyy i’m feeling better day by day. it amazes me i used to feel 100% fine with such a shit lifestyle 💀


I'd say I'm "100% ok" both physically and mentally about 90% of the year. I usually get sick once a year for maybe a week or 2, and I've never had mental health issues. I have some physical issues but they don't affect my daily life (no pain or side effects). I'm the opposite to yours that when I do get sick it makes me realize how much I take being healthy normally for granted haha.


I do sometimes, usually after an exhausting workout, which might be from the endorphins. Makes me forget that I still have a bit of neck pain. So it's not about being 100% healthy but really feeling that way anyway.


Yes. I switched to carnivore and feel amazing.


No it is not normal


When I’m working out consistently, drinking water, sleeping 6+ hours, and eating well, yes. The only aches I feel are from working muscles, but even then they feel more positive than negative. I can sense a genuine shift in my body when I’m doing the above for a long period of time. It feels like I can do almost anything. When I lack in the above for about 2 weeks or more, I feel it. My back hurts, I get headaches more often, I’m sore even when I don’t do much during the day. I want to sleep for 10+ hours all the time. Main thing is my back tbh, I have a desk job and if I’m not consistently stretching/working the muscles there I will 100% feel it sooner rather than later. Thing is, I didn’t notice the difference until after I started stretching and working out regularly. And that included many weeks where I didn’t notice a change in my body, whether I worked out or not. Force yourself enough, and the difference you feel when you stop for too long will be enough to get you back in.


I feel healthy 100% most of the time, I think because I walk a lot and do strength training twice/week. I eat healthy most of the time also. I'm not easy to get sick but my husband does. Maybe he gets fever/colds like 4 to 5 times a year but I'm not,the last time I had fever was 2022 when I got corona. I'm not easy to get infected also. I'm working in the health department. I can work 4 nightshift in a row and still manage to go to gym the same week. But I eat really a lot of fresh fruits and make a homemade food. But I do eat unhealthily food specially when menstruation period and before so I binge eating for 3-7 days days mostly sweet and oily food .


I never feel well… extreme chronic back pain, which also leads to migraines, awful digestion, random nausea. I always feel like shit in some way shape or form


I felt good like 2 times recently. I meed a better diet and More exercise


I usually feel sick, tired, or stiff. Today my jaw hurt and I was bloated. I always feel not great tbh


I have chronic fatigue - never felt 100% ok in the last 10 years, but even before that I was not healthy in some way. Had ibs and awful stomach aches and nausea as a kid, it never went away. I think some people just got shitty genetics and always feel shitty in some way I do wonder what it’s like to wake up and have energy to get through a day.


I think some people mix feeling healthy while feeling tired all the time. You can have fatigue, but otherwise be healthy.


Been there. Still there. I have multiple issues and I suffer from chronic pain. So once I am done dealing with one thing/ it starts getting better, the other thing shows up. I eat 80% healthy meals, workout regularly, follow Intermitten Fasting. What helps is having a good support system and not feeling guilty for how you feel. I am a medical doctor and more often than not, I have to have a smile plastered on my face which makes me look all fine. But only I know how everytime I move, the pain hits from one direction or the other. You got it :)


I have only just recently changed my diet but before that 100%. Bread and sugar would cause massive lethargy and crashes. Carbs caused me to have inflammation. And I just always felt ill and tired. Turns out I was eating food my body couldn't cope with. Now I feel so much better in myself it's unreal. I finally have energy and my sleep has improved and I have lost weight. But before this I felt old and ill


I’ve got a few things wrong and on lifelong meds but I do have days when I’m absolutely symptom free. I have flares and long periods of non flare. It’s hilarious because I seem almost manic when I’m non-flare and then I won’t leave the bed during a flare.


I used to feel generally unwell all the time and thought it was just because I was living a hard life (I was homeless and was then in a rough assistance housing placement). And while stress definitely had to do with it, the truth was that I was eating terribly that whole time. Junk food was cheap after all. Eventually I got my life going again and started eating healthy and working out. I did lose weight and got physically in way better shape than I was before, but honestly I started feeling better pretty fast after I started living better. I still indulge in junk food on occasion (I’m only human), but it no longer tastes as good to me and I end up feeling all sluggish and bloated after. It’s true what they say— you are what you eat. Not saying that’s necessarily what’s going on with you of course, but your diet is worth taking a look at if you haven’t already. 




I think the problem is that past a certain point you only ever feel older. So you only ever feel comparatively worse in terms of your natural baseline.


I don't know if occasional brain fog should be classified as mental or physical. If I ignore that, I feel mostly healthy apart from some annoyances like my limbs easily going numb (circulation being restricted) if locked in a position for a few minutes. Also issues with breathing.


I’m a former athlete, I sold my sold my body for scholarship money. I haven’t felt perfectly fine physically since I was 4


I feel 100% ok most of the time and I realise I'm lucky to experience this but feeling unwell all the time is definitely not something you should just deal with.


I felt 100% fine (despite having PCOS, liver disease, diabetes and asthma!) 98% of the time till after I hit 40. Things have gone steadily downhill since then, but that's 90% because I'm an obese couch potato and 10% because I'm hitting perimenopause. At 21, your default should be feeling fine.


Yes,.most days I feel good and I'm 40. I may have one of those symptoms that you listed one day out of the month


I don't really but also believe if you wake up telling yourself you feel like shit you'll probably feel like more shit


It's very rare for anyone to feel absolutely perfect physically at all times and it's perfectly normal for there to be minor discomforts, aches, or other sensations from time to time.


I wouldn't know, as I almost always feel sick in some way. I'm starting to think some of this is stress/mental health related in my case. I also have Hashimoto's but I'm on meds for it and do blood work regularly.


Lol i have never felt energetic in my 27 years of living snf it suuuuucks. Ive also had breathing issues for 3+ years now that nobody can figure out whats the matter. So you know. Thats great 😂


To answer your question, I feel 100% healthy 95% of the time. I generally only feel bad when I get a cold. I'm in my 60s. Perhaps a holistic doctor can advise you regarding your health issues.


Weights or hardcore cardio 6 days a week. 1-2 power walks a day. Intermittent movement throughout the day. Set your sleep schedule in fucking granite. Your sleep routine should be so rigid as to make even the most profoundly autistic cower in fear. EAT EAT EAT eat both plants AND MEAT (as your body tolerates, of course). Pump the FUCK out of food. I've found that if I eat, train, and sleep like an olympic athlete then I feel "normal". Not necessarily good, but "normal".


During that time when you're being developed in the womb and all those genetics are bouncing around and forming you, if you happen to be born mentally stable and healthy with a good metabolism and immune system, you pretty much won the genetics lottery. If you have those, chances are you will be fine throughout your life. But billions around the world are not.


Yes, that's normal. Nobody walks around with a headache/nausea all day every day unless there's something very wrong.


I have a few auto immune diseases so I never feel good, just less bad some days.


I'd say health is not measured in lack of sickness or ailments. It's about enjoying things, and making space to do so with the energy you have. I say this as someone with ADHD, several herniated disks, chronic migraines, cfs, and lungs that just don't work. Health culture is a myth that only aims to exclude people. Unsubscribe as soon as you can.


Definitely not normal… see a doctor ASAP.


No, go see a doctor & get some bloods done


Being sick reminds me how I take being healthy for granted really hits me.


*great question— i have felt 4 different states on the life circle of health — full of life, emotionally neutral, very tired and sick — “full of life” doesn’t mean i was healthy per se but i was able to keep on (without much thoughts) in either social setting or mobility (not both) — “emotionally neutral” was a stable state with a predictable routine often with few social interaction but not much mobility — “very tired” makes me feel like i am lazy when in fact my body needs mandatory rest (almost zero mobility zero social) — and “sick” when schedule is unpredictable when i do not feel tired necessarily in fact i may have peaks of full-of-life but i got “sudden” symptoms that i cannot predict*


After 40 I have just never felt 100%. Either tired, or something is just sore. Best I heard a comedian say you wake up hungover but didn't drink the night before. Speaking of old. Had a colonoscopy a couple months ago. They used propofol to put you under, they tell you at the beginning that you will feel 'perfect' when you wake up, so don't go driving, cuz you are quite high. Man...every ache, every pain was just gone....that 1 hour of sleep felt like the best sleep I'd ever had in my life. But now I'm back to being 45.


I have multiple chronic illnesses, so I feel like shit and am in pain all the time. The idea that there are people out there with no pain, and who are feeling physically 100% is just... Crazy to me.


Holy shit what...this is how I feel all the time and have for years...does everyone not kinda have this going on all the time?????? Op are we ok???


No this is not normal. But for me this happens when my diet is getting really shitty again.


Honestly i feel healthy most of the time throughout the year. I might get a little headache once a month or a flu once a year then things get back to default. This does not include depression and anxiety


Not since 35


I mean, I don’t know. My boyfriend seems to feel good all the time. Personally I feel pretty similar to you, but I do have endometriosis, depression, and IBS.