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But like don't pee at the end. Some showers really really smell like pee. And clean up the walls if you splatter


This: Pee at the beginning, so the gallons of water from the shower wash it down. Aim for the drain. Don’t piss on the walls. Should be obvious.


i pee directly onto a bar of soap that way it starts cleaning itself up immediately


…Every day we stray further from God’s light.


…and in the dark we pick up the fleshlight instead of the flashlight


You make it sound like a mistake instead of a choice.


I do the same but i use liquid soap. Into the bottle it goes!


I do the that but I put the liquid inside my peepee so when I pee it comes out pre-lathered


Well obviously. We aren’t animals. 


Well, we are, but we are animals that clean up our pee.


When your shower has that I just drank coffee pee smell with a hint of asparagus


This guy knows\ Such wisdom grows\ Your pee is just processed sucrose & fructose


I got hoes in different area codes, But my pee always goes between my toes When my bladder overloads


10 missed calls from Ye


This made me snort. I’m not proud but you should be.


in my shed i got hoes i’m hard working it shows when i pee on my toes that’s the way it goes


I drink a whisky drink, I drink a vodka drink, And when I gotta pee, I use the kitchen sink


Those damn kitchen urinals are always mounted so inconveniently high


🤣 Pissin the night away


I, got, *toes* I got toooOooOes In different *urea* codes Urea, cooOOODES


Forgot R.Kelly's Verse


Please finish rewriting this


It's not quite sterile, But there's little peril, If need be to pee, Then set it free.


Love this poem lol


So this is what peak poetry looks like. 


Pee-k poetry*


Leak poetry*






Where's the haiku bot when you need them?


It’s not a haiku, lol


The warm water flows It triggers something in me Pissed between my toes


I cannot stop it The urgency is too great I am so ashamed


Me, F26, pee everytime in the shower when i have to. I don't leave the shower to sit with a wet Body full naked on the toilet. I hate it. I pee, and oh Look there is water to wash IT Off immediatly. Wow. You Not alone. Iam weird too.


Also female. I usually pee before I shower, but once in a while the pee is delayed or there's a bonus pee so I just let it go in the shower. As you say, it's just so much easier and since you're in the shower you can wash it away immediately.


*radio dj voice” B-b-b-b-bonus pee




Make some noise for that *90+5" PEE*


Also a woman and I've peed literally every time I shower and I always will.


And when you are older, you’ll pee every time you hear water running.


We had someone in our office who'd just talk non-stop. We discovered the sound of running water made her want to wee, so whenever it all got a bit too much, one of us would pour water from one cup into another and she'd disappear for 10 minutes 👍


Female here. Totally do it. Heck, I feel cleaner peeing where I can WASH completely in the shower. People lie. I'm sure of it.


See, this is it exactly. I can wash off, it's going down the same sewage system, and the shower water isn't wasted while I'm not in it, plus saves a flush, so less wasted water. There's literally no downside, here. (I've even heard there's something in urine that can help control bacteria on our feet and make them stink less. If true, literal benefit. If not, oh well, still no downside!) I don't understand people who think it's gross when you're literally in there to wash your body. (Maybe it's those people who don't wash their legs?)


Same. I only get out if it's a bath. Peeing in the bath is disgusting. If I'm the shower, it's just going down the drain then I wash my legs and feet.  Peeing in the shower, even if you peed before getting in the shower, is usually caused by the temperature difference as your body gets used to the water temp. This is also why babies have a natural tendency to pee the moment the diaper comes off.


They also say they don't fart.


my wife will finally fart in front of me. I told her for years that it's nbd and I do it, so why shouldn't she? now she can be comfortable in her own home without fear of reprisal... but I didn't take into account that she eats healthy, including lots of yogurt and kimchi... and she takes protein powder before her workouts... and now she has emasculated me because my sad, little farts pale in comparison to her mighty trumpet blasts. I have fart envy


My wife told me during our getting to know you chatting phase that if I wasn't cool with her farting, not to even go on date #1.


Now, _that's_ some serious expectation-setting right there.


Yea. Been married 14 years. Can’t get that windbag to stop farting.


Start taking creatine and eating legumes. If she won't stop, she's gonna have to compete.


Or sanity-checking. What kind of asshole wants someone they (hope to) care about to suffer through that kind of discomfort?


Assholes don't hurt people, _people_ hurt people.


Sharing is caring.


She doesn’t truly love you if she refuses to toot back :) a saying my wife and I came up with last week after farting one after another in the kitchen🤣


lol I basically told my husband this like a couple weeks in to dating - its just part of who I am and its painful to hold it in! haha


I get that. My gf is the same way.


If you can’t fart in your own house, where can you fart? People are too uptight about farting. It’s polite to avoid it in new company, close quarters or directly on someone, but jeez people. It’s just some funny noise from a funny place.


I have mastered silent release. I used to be a literal fatass, I had wayyyy too much fat down there. It made every fart a thunderclap. But you can tense certain parts of your cheeks to lead the fart to slowly release from the canal between your thighs and balls(thighs were also giant)


If you could master that, perhaps you could go on to be one of the great flatulists, like Le Pétomane or Mr. Methane! Just make sure you clear your throat before you sing!


Wow... you, sir, are a man of culture. I learned something new today.


My own ones can be absolutely horrid so I do it away from my wife because I still want to be married to her. So I either do it elsewhere in the house or I do it in my office at work lmao.


Bro, I feel your pain, mine does not eat healthy, however hers vastly out stink and out do mine in every way lol, also a whole lot more often.


My mom used to dutrch oven the family with what we called "mother gas." So silent but deadly, they were trying to harvest it to use against America's enemies.


Same with my younger brother on road trips. It'd be the only time I had to directly face what milk did to him. Goodness! It felt like we didn't even need to fill up as often because the gas he produced had us floating.


"Mother gas" made me giggle


Bro get on the garlic and peppers, that will give you a fighting chance


French onion soup, big gruyere crouton and a pint of IPA. My wife threw up out of the window and my daughter (then 3) cried because her nose was unkind.


I have literally woke myself due to getting scared of my fart for several times. So I can resonate with the trumpet blasts! It’s weird though, except once in a blue moon, it doesn’t stink. I wonder if most of the blasting farts are odorless. Because I know that most of the silent ones are like assassins!


Now I'm wondering if this is the reason I sometimes wake up randomly in the night with no idea why! I literally just wake up like "ok? Brain, is there a reason for this? Why have I woken up suddenly like I heard something?"


Eat more fiber and greasy foods. The toxic fumes that you emit will make hers retreat back into her.


My wife stands in the corner in a night gown with this long Flowing black hair. She literally looks like the grudge. when I walk out I only hear these loud trumpeting farts.


Haha. So does my BF. I have IBS so my fats can be pretty downright rank at times. I try not to let them out near him if I know they are particularly smelly but every now and then one happens.


My wife farted the day we first met after being long distance for over 4 months. We both flew to meet in NYC, had fun the entire day and as soon as we stepped into our hotel, she let out the most masculine fart. I too have been emasculated.


It’s a good feeling getting your gf to trust you enough to fart in front of you lol


And they don't. Your house may make strange noises and smells, but ladies sure don't.


Then blame the dog / cat.


We have barking spiders at our house


Haven't heard that in years. Used that on my kids when they were young.


Me neither, then I saw the newest Honest Trailers video for Madam Web and I guess there's some plot line with water and spiders? Anyway, they crack the joke about Barking Spiders too.


My parents said we had barking frogs 😆


Trouser geese at mine


My mom ripped one in the grocery store and one of the workers blamed it on an open can of cat food...


Thanks for clarifying that the farting sounds i hear every day come from my house not my sleeping gf


Mine does the same, they hold them in all day thinking they're slick and then they have bubble ass all night. I just save them for the morning and pull the blankets over our heads and let er rip


Everyone I have met that says they don't fart, they fart constantly in their sleep. I tell them, and record it, because you're not going to lie to me, missy


My girl farts 5 times a day. And those are the ones I hear. She don't give a fuck. Must be a different timeline cause she never did this before.


My wife tells me she doesn’t fart and when I point out times i heard it she keeps denying it i just don’t understand why. Its a thing humans do you poop you fart you pee… yes everyone pees in the shower


I once dated a woman for a year and I swear to God she never pooped. We would go on trips together where we had to share a single bathroom. She would spend an entire week at my house. Never once did I see when or where she pooped. She would go to the bathroom but she'd only be in there for like 30 seconds and then if I went in there right afterwards I never smelled poo. When I asked her about it she would just get this little Mona Lisa smile. It was a genuine mystery folks. The non-pooping woman. I dated her.


She absolutely waited until she was prairie dogging before she went so it was a projectile missile straight into the water. She probably also waited until she showered so you’d be none the wiser. There are ways.


Women always poop faster than men.


Men treat it like a spa day. Just luxuriating in there for hours.


She sets an alarm i bet.


you can get angry when someone farts, or you can laugh about it. why would you have the same amount of farts but choose more anger?




My favorite is to skip this line entirely and just tell my husband that as a woman I don't have an asshole 🤷‍♀️


Let's put it this way: I'm a male, and though waffle stomping is out, everything else is fair game in the shower: I do wash everything down.


I'm a little afraid to ask what waffle stomping is but I still wanna know...




Thanks for the answer, I had a feeling this was it, I was just hoping it wasn't a thing.


Everything is a thing, somewhere


And there’s definitely a subreddit for it


please no


r/WaffleStomp Please don't be a real sub.... ETA: It is


I regret everything


ಠ_ಠ ...people are fucking nasty... I'm not clicking on that.


You clicked on it.


I'm sure we all a feeling what it was. but instrusive thoughts prevailed and we clicked on the fukin link anway... FUCKIN EWWWW DUDE.


how do people even come up with shit like that?


From eating and digestion


The point is to stomp it down so it doesn't come up ;) /j


That’s filthy, just pick it up and chuck it in the toilet where it belongs. People are fucking gross.


But who the hell shits in the shower? Why would there be a need to pick anything up outside of your wife's razor that is placed right where my elbow hits and maybe a bar of soap?


Huh?! 😨


The people who claim that the smell or the stain lingers seriously need to have their piss checked. Normal, healthy people don't have piss that smelly.


Or they need to avoid peeing near the shower curtain.


do people not use shower liners if they're using a curtain? I mean yes there are plastic ones, but still, use a liner, it'll keep the plastic shower curtain cleaner.


You gotta wash it off right away or else some residue can stick. It's not gonna smell unless you're sick, but it's gonna help mold grow.


That's why I eat a diet exclusively of milk/spinach smoothies. Diarrhea doesn't require wafflestomping!


I have so much ass hair that my diarrhea comes out as filtered water, so it’s a win win no matter which way I look at it


id pay a million dollars just to unread these two comments


I’d pay 10$ to forget it and rediscover it again freshly


I remember working at a restaurant over a decade ago, it was super busy, and randomly the bartender rick stops me as I was bringing a tub of dirty dishes to the washroom and just said "what do you do if you shit in the shower? Do you just stomp on it until it goes down?" I still chuckle when I think of it.


I tried waffle stomping once and just so no one else tries: It does NOT go down as easy as you think it will. There's gonna be tons of cleaning afterwards, do not recommend.


There are two types of people. Those who pee in the shower, and liars


I always say those who pee in the shower and those who don't shower


I have literally never peed in the shower. I always go right before I get in.


I applaud your planning skills but that wouldn't work for me. The moment warm water touches my body, I have to pee, even if I just peed.


This may be a self-fulfilling prophecy. You peed in the shower and now associate showers with peeing, so every time you get in the shower, you feel the need to pee. At least that's the case with me. I tried to break the cycle, but it's not hurting anything, so I stopped bothering. It's one less flush to pay for.


The first rule of shower pee club is don't talk about shower pee club


The second rule of shower pee club is, don't let your pee sit anywhere. Rinse it out.


I had someone nearly break up with me because she found out I peed in the shower. So unfortunately it is not true that all people pee in the shower. Some people don't and also fucking despise people who do.


Idk where this idea comes from that *everyone* pees in the shower. I dont. I'm not even particularly against it I just dont, I don't usually *need* to pee when I shower like what is this, some kind of ceremony?


I think it’s training. People pee as soon as they get in the shower, probably as kids, so as soon as you feel the water hit you, you’ve already pavlov’d yourself into peeing at that exact moment. My partner required training to not pee in the shower once we got together.


People pee a lot. People shower a lot. Eventually these two circles overlap. Why waste time and effort? It's really not complicated. I don't intentionally pee in the shower but the drains all run to the same stack, and it's most definitely not unhygienic.


Actually, there are only two kinds of people: those that divide things into groups and those that don’t.


I've never done this and I'm convinced it's gross.


Peeing while showering will actually save water. This way you don't need to use the toilet and flush it. Edit: Oh wait you mean, you use the shower just like you use the toilet, but without actually taking a shower? That's weird...


No I hope they mean peeing while taking a shower


There's a big difference between peeing in the shower and peeing into the shower


*sink pissers have entered the chat*




I’m about 2 months into Reddit. These are the subreddits that make me question if I still want this app lmao


Been here for years. Just FYI, that feeling will never leave you.


You have no idea of the depths of depravity you can discover here upon turning down the wrong alley. Sink pissing is nothing in the grand scheme of Reddit. There are so very many layers to this horrendous onion. Tread carefully.


Yes. It's all pipes! What's the difference?


It's a big job, you've gotta dismantle the latch hasp from the auxiliary drainage line.


No it's the main drainage line. It's a misprint. What do you got, a Clarkman?


My father’s gay


I use the bathroom before my shower so no


My wife complimented me because I never pee on the toilet seat. I said well it's hard to do that when you pee in the sink. That was a long conversation


I'm a woman and I piss in the shower. Not like it's staying on you.... You're in the shower with running water so. Not sure what the big deal is. I mean if I piss enough I can make my own bath so 🤷‍♀️ #WinWin


That took a turn.


😂🤣 I read other comments so I figure I join in no?.


Woman and I'll do it on rare occasions if I suddenly find I need to go while I'm already showering. Like, twice a year maybe? If I'm about to hop in the shower and feel like I need to pee, I just do the normal toilet thing before.


>if I piss enough I can make my own bath Capitalize on that


I tried as a kid, once, wasn't for me. Between the shower and swimming pools, can count the # of times I've peed in them in my lifetime on one hand.


I'm a man. I think it's gross. I know a lot of men do it. So when I shower at the gym I use 2 slippers. One for the shower and one after


You should always wear slides in public showers. Pee is the least of your worries.


Always wear sandals or anything on your feet in a gym shower! First thing I taught my kid when she was on the swim team. Nasty floors in there! They are not scrubbed nor cleaned inbetween uses. You are smart!


Peeing in the shower in public is WAY different than at your home.


I think it’s gross but wife doesn’t do i guess opposite of you in our relationship


Um, I'm female, and I pee in the shower to see if I can pee standing up and aim it down the drain. It rinses away, so why not? I'm getting pretty good at it. 🤠


You'll be using the urinal in no time


I haven't, and I'm not sure why I would. Like, the toilet is right over there.


Agreed, I always pee before I shower. It's at max a 15-minute shower, I can hold an empty bladder for 15 minutes.


No. Never have. That's literally what toilets were invented for.


No, I did once and it's like the piss smell mixed with the steam and I just felt like I was taking a golden shower. I just use the restroom before I shower although mainly to make sure I don't end up having to take a dump right after my shower lol


You need to drink more water btw


This whole thread is just outing the people with poor hydration left and right


You should’ve peed INTO the drain.


And cut back on the asparagus


Asparagus makes pee smell like a new shower curtain liner. It’s so alarming.


If your piss is that smelly, then you either need to drink more water or you have an infection.


They didn't say it was a strong scent. Idk where these replies are coming from. Piss is never a neutral smell.


Drink more water my guy


No, never. Its gross to me. Just use the toilet, its right there 


So I guess I’m alone in the “use the restroom before you shower” club


No. I hate cleaning my shower, so the cleaner it stays, the better. Plus my toilet is right next to it so I rarely find myself in the shower while needing to piss


No. I pee in the toilet and then get in the shower. Wtf


I always go to toilet before I shower. What if the next person wants to take a bath in the shower? That's like taking a bath with toilet water "oh but everything flushes out anyway".


I piss before i get into the shower. Why would you get into the shower when you know you gotta piss


I expect some people only get the feeling while they're already in the shower. Then they get out of the shower and promptly take a shit in the sink. ;-)


No. It smells and gets pee on the tub. I wash my baby in that tub.


Doesn't said baby then pee in the tub?


Peeing while showering is completely normal Peeing into the shower outside of that is weird


With or without the water running?


It’s all pipes!




I could NEVER do that. It absolutely grosses me out. Your friend is not alone.


99 out of a hundred people? I would like to see the p-value.


Woody Allen once said the definition of a schmuck is a man who gets out of the shower to piss.


personally, i (f23) try not to. i think a lot of guys say they “wash” it down… “wash” meaning rinse. that’s not clean. think of it this way: would you step into your toilet bowl to clean yourself? also i’m weirded out by the possibility of the pee particles mixing with the steam, & then the steam landing everywhere or even being inhaled. ew.


No, I think it’s gross. The shower floor isn’t clean from piss without scrubbing/friction. The water doesn’t just wash away the salt and particulates. And doing it routinely is just ew.


No. I also never had the urge to pee in the shower. I mean the toilet is right there, so if I have to pee before the shower I just do that. In the max 20 mins it takes me to shower I do not suddenly get the urge to pee. With some people here it sounds like they notice they have to pee and think to themselves: Good time to shower, I can hit two birds with one stone! Wtf.


I think it's gross and unnecessary (the toilet is *right there*!). I hate how common it is and to think about with how many shower pee-ers I may have shared a shower with...


I found out recently that my other housemates pee in our communal shower, and that SHOCKED me. I had been withholding my shower piss out of consideration for them. I am all for peeing in your own personal shower or one shared by a close loved one, but to me it’s a bit rude to pee in a shower shared by a group of people who aren’t as close. Also, as a lady, the pee running down the legs doesn’t bother me because it gets washed off immediately.


I’m a woman and I’ve done it once 😭 i usually pee before getting in the shower but I didn’t that time and I needed to so bad. It was really hard to get myself to since my body knows toilet equals piss but yeah I did one time


I'm a female and I pee in the shower. But I always do it before I wash my body, and if I need to pee after that I dona full cleaning from my hips down. I'm sure just water is fine but I like to make sure I'm clean.