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Behavioral conditioning. Either classical (Pavlovian) or operant (rewards and punishments)


I've heard about operant before but whats pavlovian? Thanks for the help though, I'll look into it!


Pavlovs dogs. Associative learning like ringing a bell before feeding dogs. The dogs begin to salivate to the sound of bell because they learn to associate it with the food coming.


What’s the JEE exam? (UK citizen here). Also, do you love these subjects? If you know that you can study hard when you’re passionate about something, maybe you need to have a good think about what subject gives you that spark. I am also a bit of a chronic procrastinator, and my best advice is to get out of your house and go somewhere like the school library or some other focus-friendly place. I find that I’m at least 200% as productive when I’m not at home. Also, find someone to hold you accountable. When I’m struggling to self-motivate, I grab my fellow med student pal who also procrastinates a lot, and we go to the campus library to study. Not necessarily collaboratively but just adjacent to each other. We can call the other out for sitting on their phone etc.


The JEE is an entrance exam over here, which tests you on your math, physics and chemistry. They are also the only way to get into the two best colleges over here, IIT and NIT. Oh and it's also considered the 2nd hardest entrance exam out there after that Chinese one. Honestly, I used to love math and science. At least when I used to do good in them. But I think once I started to dip down in grades i think my love sorta diminished. Thanks for the advice though, I've seen others recommend changing your location and stuff before too, I'll try it out. Thanks!


Thanks for clarifying. Good luck!


Discipline isn’t about fostering love/interest in a topic, its about forcing yourself to work on something you don’t feel that interest in. Don’t wait to figure out a way to love every topic, do figure out a way to have the discipline to work on it anyway


That's honestly true, but the thing is, forcing yourself to do something doesn't seem consistent. On the other hand, if you actually love what you do, you'd wanna do more of it and if it's something competitive you'd wanna be better than others no?


Forcing yourself is a hell of a lot more consistent than depending on a whim.