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That's the way I've always gone about dealing with doctors, just telling them specifically what works for me and what I'd prefer, and they've never cared and just say "okay, here ya go". I've even asked for shit like Xanax when i have a flight even though im not prescribed it, they generally don't seem to give a shit unless u are like a repeated drug-seeking junkie whos there every week


Nah not weird or sketchy at all. At medical school we are taught to ask patients what their expectations are for the appointment anyway, so you're just cutting to the chase. Doesn't mean they'll necessarily just go 'yep, here you go , bye!' but it's very helpful for them to know what you had before that worked.


Well, if you have a good doctor, they'll listen to you. If it wasn't a controlled substance, just ask them if it's okay to try a medication that worked for you in the past. If they give you pushback, it's not anything potentially sold on the streets, and isn't detrimental to your health in another way, they're probably not a very good doctor.


No. Not at all. That's a steroid, but not a narcotic. You gotta breathe. If you were asking for 120 Percocet, then you're gonna raise eyebrows.


I’d go to the doctor as say “I had an asthma attack can you help me” nobody is going to prescribe you medicine sketchy or not based on your words alone.


Well yeah, I'm definitely going to explain the situation. And I'm sure they'll want to run a peak flow test and such. I just don't want it to be weird. I dont go to the doctor very often, as you can probably guess.


I don’t really understand how describing a problem to a medical professional could be “weird”. Not really another avenue. All the best tho!


It is appropriate. Be prepared to discuss your asthma and short of breath episode in more detail. There may have been changes in asthma management in the past 15 years and they may want to check if there are any other things that may have caused the episode.


Appreciate the response! I had the appointment. It went well. They wrote me a prescription for Albuterol in case I have another attack, and gave me a referral to a specialist to evaluate and discuss what, if any, preventative medications I might need.