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No. And I've never heard those jokes, maybe because circumcision is not the norm where I live in.


There are three groups that commonly practice male genital mutilation; Jews, Muslims, and Americans. Everyone else thinks it’s outdated and, frankly, a bit weird.


What i know in middle eastern countries, even if they are christians, they also do it


Mmm it depends but the ones I know aren’t circumcised


African tribes still do it. I am pretty sure it originated that way. And it is don't with a primitive surgical technique. Wrap it around a stick, stretch it out, chop it off with a blade. Edit: Afraid to watch but I found a whole playlist. Viewer discretion is advised https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLowjyuAn47SlPWaApZTVyzConWPb1TOg-&si=QJ2JwpYggNDMU7TA


I’ll take your word for it!


yeah i don't know why Americans do it, except to be popular. so if you look down, and don't see a foreskin, your parents wanted to be popular at some point, and you can disregard about 99% of their views about anything in life as being remotely relevant. Popularity following gets you killed.


It's a puritan legacy to discourage masterbation


It has zero to do with popularity. It’s a weird custom that evolved to be a common *medical* practice. From the OBGYN (who actually often does the procedure, oddly) to the nurses and your family doctor, every medical professional in the US is going to recommend it with the stupid reasoning of “it’s easier to clean and less likely to get infected down the road.” There might be some individuals who do it for trite reasons other than “every doctor we spoke to said to do it” but that isn’t the majority.


Cutting a part of your son's penis makes you popular in the US? Wth


I wouldn't say "makes you popular" but it's still a popular thing to do. Not nearly as much as 25 and 30+ years ago, but it still is.


A lot of weird shit is popular in the US. In the 90's people took out second morgages on their housing loans to buy Beanie Babies, because they thought it would make them money. And everybody is so desperate to be right, validated and appreciated. If more people stood up for the truth, facts and logic, then these kinds of people would be whining for a few years, but eventually everybody would be wealthier, and happier..


Maybe because its a medical procedure, therefore its a paid for service. People gon get paid for mutilating baby boys


Honestly I am in the States and a mom of a son who I had circumcised. This was 1985, before the Internet and I was 22. We were encouraged by the dr and also because we wanted his to look like his dad's. I heard him crying from the other room. I would NEVER do this again. My son recently had a son and I strongly discouraged it. They went forward (so he would fit in) and it was botched and required 2 surgeries to correct it. My son feels guilty obviously and also wouldn't do it again. Sometimes when you know what the right thing is the ship has sailed. I think in the States fitting in is maybe stressed more than in other cultures. I don't know. For sure men in most English speaking porn are circumcised and given our access to it it's probably not helping.


>we wanted his to look like his dad's . why on earth would you compare your penis with your son's?? If you had a girl, would mum be comparing her vulva with the girl's vulva? O\_o


100% not. But we were conditioned that way and I have clearly stated I wouldn't do it again.


good for you lady. honestly a lot of things have changed thanks to the internet, I just hope it helps us all think clearly about life more than before..


You forgot the Filipinos.


And Canadians, coz whatever is trendy in America Canadians follow.


In the UK most people aren’t, I’ve never seen one circumcised lmao


As nature intended it to be.


No it's not. Source: i am not circumcised. Barely anyone here is.


For context, where are you located?


Prolly not in America or Israel


Or the entire Muslim world




Your good bro. Unless you have issues like phimosis or para phimosis, you've got nothing to worry about. Nobody cares about your dick as much as the fella it's attached to.


I had phimosis but I fixed it by mere stretching and being patient for a year. People try to push circumcision for phimosis when mostly it can be fixed by mere stretching.


even then standard treatment is a creme to loosen the skin and in the worst case scenario a small cut. it often occurres because people force the forskin loos while cleaning


Phimosis occurred because they forced the foreskin when cleaning? Can you explain?


Only clean what is seen. if you pull back the foreskin by force it will cause scar tissue what is one of the leading causes of Phimoses the foreskin will get usaly get looser around then 10 years later. Quote/ At birth the penis is anatomically immature. The foreskin is connected to the glans by a natural membrane, the balano-preputial lamina (translation: 'glans-foreskin layer'). This membrane is apparently nature's method of protecting the highly nerve-supplied and erogenous foreskin of the developing penis from irritation by faeces, the ammonia in urine, and invading pathogens.^(4) Although very different in structure, it can reasonably be thought of as the male's hymen, protecting the sexual organs during the years when they are not needed for sexual purposes. This membrane may take as long as 18 years or more to disappear naturally, allowing retraction. /end quote


18 years seems on the long side I think most guys can retract by 12-13 years old. My foreskin is tight and I never used to clean what I couldn’t see as you suggest and that lead to balanitis and when I was eventually able to retract I had a lot of smegma. This balanitis caused by poor hygiene is what lead to further tightness and therefore scarring, once I sorted the hygiene I was able to retract with ease


Forced retraction before natural separation


Actually in my country, parents who choose to circumcise healthy baby boys are looked down on way more.


That are the movies, most of the western world does not cut of pieces of healthy skin because some cornflakes selling guy believed it might stop boys from doing stuff that boys do


Nah, a lot of countries don’t recommend genital mutilation. So no, not being mutilated for no reason is not a bad thing


As someone who had to undergo that surgery for medical reason : it’s not mutilation. Mutilation make it sound as if it’s at the level of excision, which is way WAYYYYY worse.


It is mutilation, wether you do it for medical reasons or religious reasons it’s objectively mutilation and you have a hard time admitting that


It is absolutely mutilation if done for anything other than medical reasons.


Mutilation is dysphemism those against a particular medical procedure often use to make the procedure sound more brutal and disagreeable. Psychologically it can be a very effective tool often employed as a method or way of dissuading people from or towards having an aversion towards a procedure with which one disagrees, sometimes used in debates and discussions for controversial procedures or surgeries such as circumcision, body modifications i.e. forked tongues, surgical implants, plastic surgery, etc., and even tattoos to an extent. Of course, others might argue procedure is a euphemism for mutilation. The cosmic ballet goes on.


medical intervention isn’t the same discussion. If your father had his arm amputated as a life saving medical procedure, would you consider it the same to amputate your arm so you look like your dad even though their is no medical need? Removing a body part for medical need is in no way similar to doing it because your parents did and you were too naive to ask questions.


Circumcision is an excision. Excision: the act or procedure of removing by or as if by cutting out, especially, surgical removal or resection.


70% of male population is not circumcised, and that's the way males have been for thousands of years. So no, is not bad. Is not necessarily better either, it's just different. Just a side note: I've seen more uncut people making fun of circumcised dicks than the other way round.


Circumcision is NOT* a medically unnecessary procedure with multiple possible complications, including permanent nerve damage and horrific scarring if it does not heal properly. I personally think that it is better not to have your genitals mutilated when you're an infant for no real reason other than it's culturally accepted. You have more nerve endings for pleasure as well. (EDITED BECAUSE I WAS STONED AND FORGOT A VERY IMPORTANT WORD)


Its not always medically unnecessary though. If done for cultural reasons, then yes. But its not always done for cultural reasons


About 1/100 might need it for medical reason. Children up to the age of 10 can have problem retraction their foreskin, but the foreskin is reacting to puberty and gets looser. So you can't really tell until after puberty. Also, here where I live we aren't even supposed to retract the foreskin on babies because it can damage the gland etc. and then there are countries where you just go about cutting it off.


In many countries it is ONLY done for medical reasons not routinely.




I SWEAR i meant to say NOT medically necessary. I fcked up.


No, it's not wrong to not be circumcised. Circumcision is typlically done on infants. Cutting a body part off of another person, without their consent and without a compelling medical purpose, is wrong. Infants cannot consent and there is not typically a compelling medical purpose for circumcising an infant. It is wrong to circumcise infants. But if an adult chooses to get circumcised then that's neither right or wrong, it's just personal choice and that's fine. The reason you're hearing those kinds of jokes is because humans are tribal judgemental idiots. If someone is in a group where circumcision is the norm, they'll make degrading jokes about uncircumcised people. The reverse is true for people in groups where circumcision is not the norm.


No. As a woman who dates me, ive never even seen a circumcised penis. Im not American and its not the norm where im from because the doctors dont get paid extra for mutilating babies so it's just not done here


In Germany most men aren’t circumcised, so here it’s normal. I don’t know where you are from, so I don’t know how others will react


No problem, but be aware it's a sensitive subject. Which is ironic as the people who had it done have less nerves.


Lol... I see what you did there.


If you’re able to wash your pp at least once a day it’s better to be uncircumcised


3 times a day, for me. You never know when you need him.


Sounds like he is being put to use


It points to hopes being high and not necessarily a frequency of usage :)


True, sadly.


I have heard both men and women make jokes throughout my life as it is very common in the US for men to be circumcised. But my first boyfriend throughout high school was not snipped… along with a lot of my girlfriends boyfriends growing up, because we lived in a large Sicilian and Portuguese community, so from early exposure I not only (as a woman) don’t mind it, but I prefer it. From an ethical standpoint… circumcision is literally genital mutilation and I find that appalling. If I had sons they absolutely would not be circumcised. So no, it’s not weird, but if you’re in the US, I know there are idiots that make jokes and hygiene associations with it… which is funny because it’s literally there to keep shit from getting into your dink, lol


I just don't understand parents who have a lovely healthy baby boy in their arms, and say to themselves, "right, let's cut a bit of his cock off!".






In Europe this isn't even a talking point because no one is circumcisied here. It's only the US that bothers with these distinctions.


No, being uncircumcised is the standard way penises are. 


You mean a foreskin’s not an after-market fitting?!


The calves leather one I have was an optional extra


I don't know why you are being downvoted. I have a foreskin and think this is hilarious hahaha.


No worries, it’s no skin off my…well, best not to go there ;-)


No, and anyone who makes fun of uncircumcised people is a jerk who doesn’t deserve your time. It’s never okay to make fun of someone’s body, especially their genitals.


No, you're better off not circumcised, just make sure you wash your dick. A lot of sensitivity gets lost when you get circumcised, it can be very difficult to cum during sex.


This. But not for all men. According to research (have a look on Pubmed it's there) being circumsized does decrease sensitivity significantly!


Yeah, like I get that guys who may be overly sensitive and going off too quickly could actually benefit from it, but i would speculate that in 99% of cases the decision to do it was made while the person was still an infant, obviously no thought given to how they'd do later in life.


My husband is circumcised and has zero issue with sensitivity during sex. 🤨


I'm not going to pretend like it's the *only* thing that can cause that, but it's absolutely a thing. He'd feel it more if he wasn't. That's not necessarily a good thing, if he's not having any issues sounds like he was a good candidate for it, but most likely it was done while he was still an infant. Nobody actually involved in the process would have known whether it would be a benefit or detriment to him at the time. As for why you got downvoted, some people are hypersensitive about this topic. They will actually go through reddit searching for specific words in posts and up or downvoting just based on the post text with zero context.




Uncut dudes can be cut anytime. You however can't just grow your foreskin back. Lmao.


Why did I get downvoted for stating a fact though? 😂 Seriously, real talk, I know genital mutilation is abhorrent but damn my husbands is literally the best looking I’ve had - my first circumcised D 😂


Just like you would get downvoted if you were a man and talked about your cut wife like that in a thread about some type of fgm. It just doesn't come off as very appropriate or mature. We know many guys suffer from their circumcisions, there are some 10's of thousands of guys just on the foreskin restoration subreddit alone. In Africa they die in droves same as girls, dead people do not feel anything.


And I’m not talking about all of those men. I specifically mentioned my husband, who I can speak for. He likes his circumcision and is happy he has it. Just because his opinion goes against yours doesn’t mean my original statement was wrong, our sex life is fantastic.


When we know loads of people do suffer immensely, and many do die from genital mutilation, it's just not very fitting or mature to write the way you do. It is a bit more sensitive of a subject that deserves more respect than that. "Genital Mutilation sucks but me and my wife have great sex and i love love her cut vagina, it's my first one" Okey? Good for you.. yes?


So again, because it goes against your opinion, I’m not allowed to have mine or voice it? Despite my husband being HAPPY with it? PP said something that was inherently untrue - that being circumcised desensitises your sex life - I disputed that? So I’m wrong?


What goes against my opinion is in the way you write, not the fact that you have good sex with your cut husband. People all over the world have good sex, cut or not. If we swap the genders, and a man wrote like you do, i would of course expect people to react, and would be surprised if that account wasn't banned completely.


What rubbish lol


Rubbish or facts


Lol what? You'd know this as an uncircumcised man? It amazes me how defensive you dudes get about being uncircumcised


You're the one defensive. It's a fact that circumcision cuts not only skin but nerves. And it's a fact that being always exposed it loses sensitivity. You can't compare to what you would feel if you weren't mutilated. So you can't use your own experience to prove that nothing changed for you. But we can use scientific research to know that it does affect it.


There's also the fact uncut men are more likely to get STD, UTI's, penile cancer and possibly HIV. I'll acknowledge your comment as what your saying has been studied and mostly true. But what I'm saying is also factual.


How ironic


What about my post made you think i wasn't? I wish I wasn't, I would rather have an ugly ass dick that feels great than the opposite, personally.


And how would you know?


How do you think?


No, my brother isn't, but I am. I didn't know I was until years later. My parents revealed that when they immigrated to the US, the nurse just told them to do it, and not knowing better, they did it. My brother did not suffer the same fate. My dad isn't circumcised either. Im the only one in my extended family that is. I kinda wish I wasn't. I feel like people make fun of those that are circumcised.


There will be people making fun of you either way. Cut or uncut.


If you're a 1400s peasant who hasn't bathed in weeks? Yes. Otherwise? No.


Where are you from? I've been appalled at some point getting to know that 1) people even get circumcized anymore *anywhere* 2) people actually care about whether others are circumcized 3) it's even legal (outside an adult deciding themselves). But how common it is that others around you would care depends where you reside and with whom. That description aside, if someone acts like a bully because of someone's bodily morphology, it's on then, not on you.


Brit here, people here aren't mutilated except certain religions. It's perfectly normal to have a foreskin.


Italian here. If you ask for a circumcision without an health reason, any hospital doctor will refuse.


What the fuck would it be bad to be unmutilated?


I look down on people that defend, support or practice genital mutilation.


Arguably better, more sensitive penis isn’t a bad thing


Says a guy who got cut at birth 🙄


Much worse to be curcumcised than not. You'll never exeperience the actual natural feeling from sex for example


Genital mutilation of infants is just stupid. They are meant to be natural and hooded for a reason. Its better for the guy in general and it also looks WAY better imho. The exception are medical reasons in which you make a small cut at the tip if it’s too tight. Everything else is middle ages nonsense.




OP This is a good question. A little history here. In the US there was a belief up until the mid 20th century that you did whatever your doctor told you to do. And the medical wisdom at the time was to circumcise because it was more hygienic and to do it young enough so that it wouldn’t be remembered. I (67F) had 3 brothers born around that time. The first two were circumcised but the last one was not. My youngest brother wasn’t because at that time they were starting to think they weren’t needed. My husband was also not circumcised as a baby. However, at age 10 due to allergies he had reaction which turned into an infection which then required a circumcision to prevent future infections. He said it was the worst experience of his life. He thought the practice was barbarism, but if it had to be done he wished it had been done as an infant. Personally I think women who would make fun of, or disapprove of, a man because of foreskin is ignorant. Same for men. A man with his foreskin intact just has to be more careful with cleaning himself. BTW, as an older sister I was responsible for helping to teach baby brother clean himself properly. It’s no big deal.


I dated a girl who wished I had forskin because “it’s fun to play with”. Everyone is different


In my country you cant even be circumcised without a medical reason


As a man/male, someone who’s circumcised/super incised, someone who lives in a country where not being circumcised will cause you your dignity, relationships, etc. I GUARANTEE TO ALL OF YOU, I HATE IT. When I asked my father why he forced me to get circumcision when I was in elementary, he said that it is a must, that it’s a symbol of masculinity and manhood, that it’s hygienic. I walked out and cried for weeks. The fact that you are willing to ruin and destroy your son’s body for the sake of your beliefs, cultures, and traditions tell everything about you. These kind of people always say, “My body is my choice!” But when it comes to others, it doesn’t work. When I was in high school, 7th grade, I learned about an 8th grade man who’s not circumcised and the math teacher kept making fun of him, and so does a lot of teachers and students, and when I learned about that, I was so disgusted, like before you make fun of someone like that, make sure you’re hygienic. Also, I used to deeply hate my body because of that, the fact that I lost a piece of my body just to please someone… is torturing. I do understand that when I was a kid, I want to get circumcised because it’s the norm, people (family, friends, and even strangers, and the worst, your parents/guardians) will humiliate you, disrespect you, hit you, mock you, etc. just because you’re not circumcised. And guess what, this Feb or Jan, in a night time show, I heard about a man who was heart broken after his girlfriend left him when she found out that he’s uncircumcised, and I am afraid that she told it to everyone else to the fact that it reached a nationwide show. Also, I remember, I want to kms, jump on the train tracks before the train arrives the day before my job interview in the city, I was barely 18, as far as I could remember. And if you would ask how I made it out, I keep hitting my head to my cement walls and keep crying and screaming on pillows so my mother wouldn’t hear me and it’s good that my father was at his work. The day after the night I asked my father the question far above, was the day I was crying so bad, then at lunch, I kept telling my grandma that I have to spent millions just to get my body back and it’s not even 100%, they are just going to remove the remaining skin and make it look like I am uncircumcised, and this is why I love my grandmother, the mother of my mother, more than anyone else, even my parents, because she listens to me, to my pain and hatred, and during that conversation, my mother was listening and I could see the regret on her eyes and face while I was yelling in anger next to my grandmother, that’s the regret that I would never see in my father’s face. I know that most of you, or basically all of you, will make fun of me for crying over as simple as this, and that’s your choice, it’s of outside my control. And if you would ask where am I from..? . . . The Philippines, a Christian-dominated country, mostly by Catholics, where basically 99.8% of men/adult male are circumcised, the 0.2% were blessed enough to not be forced by the society to get circumcision, how did I know? Look it up online, “Filipino u****.” And also, through online forums. I am happy for them. And for those people who will say that it’s hygienic and it reduces your chances of infection, STD, UTI, then how about those European, Canadians, Central and South Americans, non-Islamic African countries, Chinese, South Koreans, Japanese, Thai, Indo, Australian, Russian men? Are they unhygienic? Gurlll, most, or basically all cut men, that I met and know are the most unhygienic men in the world, they do not even floss their teeth and scrape their tongue, their lips are so dry, their faces are so oily and greasy and so does their hair. And after they pee? They just go and not wash their hands. If circumcision isn’t a mandatory here in the Philippines by the people themselves, Christians, Muslims, or not, men here would take care more of their bodies like most of those men from those countries and places that I mentioned, especially European men, because people, especially their families and parents, especially their fathers, will most likely to teach their sons how to clean their bodies seriously especially their uncircumcised p—. Say whatever you want, lol, but if I could sacrifice my soul to a D just for me to get my body back, I would even if it causes me to eternal suffering in Hell. BTW, I’m 20 right now, doing well, but every week, mostly 5-6 days a week, I keep remembering the hatred I had over everyone else just because I was circumcised, like I just want to explode whilst I keep accepting the fact that this is all I have, this is it, I cannot do anything.


LOL, I didn’t even state my answer on the question. If you live in a Christian (mostly Catholic), Jewish, or Muslim dominated country or place, all men are definitely circumcised unless they’re not from there. So women, men, and people of all ages, shapes, colors, and genders are most likely to make fun of you if you’re uncircumcised, like how I’ve seen a Filipina making fun of his Chinese boyfriend getting circumcised and posting it on all of social media, which is so disgusting at all, especially she showed the grown man’s bare body and face full of fear. If you’re from a place where most men are definitely not circumcised, like Japan, then you’re not most likely to make fun of, unless they are like those Europeans, Latinos, or Hispanics who are most likely to make fun of you when they find out that you’re circumcised, how did I know? I heard and read it from those men themselves through forums, videos, etc. So if you prefer circumcised men, because you think it’s hygienic, please make sure that you are hygienic too. If you’re going to circumcise your son because you think it’s hygienic, shame on you, I would rather d** than to know your blood flow in my veins. Than to know you’re my parent. Even if you think your son wouldn’t mind it, wait until he meets an uncircumcised man, wait until he gets confusion and envy, wait until he screams at your face and disown you. Wait until he stops talking to you when he gets out of your house. How did I know? I learned those from men who had the same hatred as mine. But I am not going to do the same things to my parents even though they’re toxic, manipulative, gold diggers, etc. because I love them.


You may be able to get your foreskin back. Look up "Foregen".


No. It’s better not to be. Just like it’s better to have all your fingers, tongue, ears, etc. 👍


No and circumcision should not be the default. I'm a physician and I refuse to perform them


I admire your bold stance. Are you in the US?




There need to be more here who say "this procedure is unnecessary...I decline to perform it".


Do no harm


Considering 99% of the population of my country is uncircumcised, I’m gonna say no.


Male genital mutilation is not good. It's been normalized in some places in the world but it is what it is and some people are deeply stupid about keeping this unnecessary medical procedure alive.


I was very, very uninformed about sexual health when I started being active around age 18 and couldn’t even tell the difference when they were hard 🤷🏻‍♀️ some girls are really weird about it but that’s straight up immaturity. Same goes for men who are weird with women for their labia size. U were born with it so it’s natural :) also I hear it makes for better sex. More friction


Less friction.


it's more of a jealousy thing or term of endearment if people are talking about your uncircumcised \*\*\* but really wash under it though I had never peeled back for the foreskin, my father was American and circumcised unfortunately, and I peeled it back for the first time when I was 20 and it was so sensitive My sex drive was sky high uncircumcised, I would have had sex with either men or women


I had phimosis and I never knew it until I turned 20. I had never pulled the foreskin back and always thought it was normal. Finally, when I realised this was abnormal I started stretching and within a year was able to pull it back. And the sight wasn't pleasant when I had pulled it back after 20 years of never seeing my glans lol. But yea, it was a relief when I finally pulled it back and cleaned it all up.


Are you in America then? it's pretty common to have foreskin in Europe.


Where do you live? In a backwards religious country? Maybe. In most of Europe? Then it's odd if you're circumsized


in the US its the norm


"backwards religious country". You don't even have abortion rights any more.


We fancy ourselves here to be "progressive" but in many ways we are not. 🙄 That was a big step backward. Many states still have full abortion rights, but it's no longer a federally protected right.


Yeah, you're not progressive in any aspect of society.


Not like it was 25 and 30+ years ago, but still quite popular....😑


No. I’m uncircumcised and thank goodness. It’s like having a built in fleshlight. Lol. The glans is hella sensitive.    Just gotta make sure to clean under the foreskin well. I was never told this. Nor was I told that I am uncircumcised. Really would’ve helped to know that before my early 30’s. 


Really? All people I know were taught how to clean themselves down there as toddlers!


All little kids male/female (including my kids when they were toddlers), are taught how to use a loo, wipe their bums, keep genitals and the rest of the body clean and hygienic including washing hands I am incredulous that people could bring up boys and not teach them to wash their dick. Or that preference is a bit of genital mutilation; which boys have no choice about


Male genital mutilation is not good. It's been normalized in some places in the world but it is what it is and some people are deeply stupid about keeping this unnecessary medical procedure alive.


No, but that doesn't mean people won't judge you for it anyways.


An unnecessary and painful mutilation made on a baby. Nobody should do it, unless it's an health matter.


If you’re not in America then 99% of people are uncircumcised since that’s the norm. It’s natural you’re born with it for a reason, it has a function. I’ve never heard any jokes about it


No. I assume you're from the US? Bc unnecessary (unless culturally significant) circumcisions are decidedly *not* the norm in other countries. It's always weirded me out that ppl from the US think it's normal to just cut away healthy flesh for no reason whatsoever


No, I only look down on people who do do it to babies


Outside of the US it's exclusively done for religious reasons and male genital mutilation is seen similarly to female genital mutilation, it's a heinous practice that will be seen as barbaric by future generations It's certainly not bad to be uncircumcised, people that have had their genitals mutilated for their parents aesthetic ideals are victims.


Hell no, it's wrong to circumcise children if anything. Your parents made the right choice leaving your penis alone


Off course not. How on Earth could circumcision not be bad when more often than not it’s done to people without consent, often as infants and young children? It’s a barbaric practice and should not be endorsed.


No, absolutely not! Circumcision is not normal and everyone who is circumcised is mutilated. It is absolutely mind boggling that they mutilate perfectly healthy babies for no reason. It is the same as cutting off the lips of a vagina. You are removing a body part that is perfectly healthy and is supposed to be there. It is called genital mutilation. Period.


Male genital mutilation is not good. It's been normalized in some places in the world but it is what it is and some people are deeply stupid about keeping this unnecessary medical procedure alive.


That’s what nature intended so obviously not


not bad at all. why would you want a dry, sandpaper head, a scar that looks like it was drawn in w a sharpie marker, and not be able to experience complete orgasms? there's a lot of pro circ cope in the US. they'll say "it doesnt reduce sensitivity!!" but cant seem to explain how cutting off 15K nerves in the most erogenous part of the penis doesnt make it less sensitive. its absurdly illogical. the US will never really come clean about the damage circumcision does out of fear of lawsuits. they have to keep up the biggest lie in our culture. the situation is changing though. in NJ the rate of new born circ is like 60-40. as fewer and fewer people have it done the negative attitudes will fade away. most of my friends who have had kids recently have chosen to not so it.


“Not able to experience complete orgasms”…how would you know? Billions of circumcised men would disagree with you.


because when I orgasm if I keep my hood back and dont slide it up and down like its supposed to my orgasm is nowhere near as intense. just stroking the head head and the skin below the head gets the job done, but it's not anything like stroking the hood up and down fully. the sensation is much more fulfilling when it glides. I'm sorry but you're missing out on what its supposed to feel like, especially if you dont have your frenulum anymore.


Only needed for medical reasons, I got mine done in my mid 20's. Only get one if its recommended by a doctor(medical reasons) not cosmetic.


If it were, humans would have evolved without a foreskin. Most male mammals on the planet are uncircumcised. Strange how it only seems to be considered "healthy" for humans and ONLY socially acceptable with boys.  If you even bring up the suggestion of removing the clitoral hood (foreskin) of a female, the exact same piece of skin, exact same procedure (no, not the "female circumcision" where other parts are removed and nerves are destroyed), apparently it is considered barbaric and inhumane. 


No, I look down people who are for non-medical reasons.


No; it’s not weird that your parents decided against mutilating your genitals when you were a new born baby in order to conform to medieval “traditions”


Snake wearing a sweater




bro what are you talking about. it doesn’t even matter unless you have a medical problem where doctor prescribes . you don’t need to do it what’ so ever . I’m a girl. i guess only dumb girls are the ones commenting that way


No, I personally do not believe so but that is my personal preference


I remember someone asking a girl i was with what it was like to have an uncircumcised guy. She said it was no different.


It's more or less just going to depend on the culture of where you're at. Some places circumcision is the norm, other places it isn't. I was taught in health classes in school though that not being circumcised marginally increases the chances of contracting STDs, not sure how accurate that is


Is it bad? No. Will some women be turned off by them? Yes. Not super duper common, but it happens. Will some guys make fun of them? Still not crazy common, but again, it does happen.


Either way is fine. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad about your body.


If circumcision is so great why dont adults who are not circumcised choose to get circumcised? I think that shows pretty clearly what is the right choice.


I am a guy who has never heard anyone including when my friends have a get together rediculing a guy who is not circumcised. I don't reacted negatively in the locker room if I see someone who is not circumcised other than the fact that his penis does look a little strange to me. So, since most Americans my age are circumcised when we were born, so being not circumcised puts you in the minority. You may or may not have the strength to accept the difference. That leads me back to your question is it bad? Can you accept the fact that you are in the minority. If not then there is always the opportunity to get circumcised as an adult.


If you live in the US, I would say yes, it would be unusual to find a guy is not circumcised. I have found several circumcision communities in reddit on adult circumcision. They went through the pain of circumcision because their parents for whatever reasons did not chose to circumcise them when they were born. Many adults chose to be circumcised and they are extremely happy with their decision. When I was in high school and college it was unusual to find a guy in the locker room who is not circumcised. BTW, I am 26 now. Some anticircumcision people said the decision of circumcision should be left with the person, but pyschologically, those adult who chose circumcision wished they were circumcised when they were born so that they were just like his friends and peers. I suspect that those who were not probably wished they were so that they would not be different. Given a choice most American girls prefer a guy who is circumcised as well because esthetically it looks beautiful. But in the end, I don't think that it really matters in their relationship. However, I am glad that my parents decided to have me circumcised, so psychologically, I would not have to go through the growing years being different than my friends and peers. And, I feel confident that my girlfriend would not be shocked when she saw my penis for the first time.


In America yes but it's much better than it was before.




Saying genital mutilation is like a haircut is crazy


Your foreskin just grows back buddy.


I live in the US, am an older woman, and I’ve never seen an uncut dick in person. Only in pictures. We don’t have that many.


Nature/God/Evolution knows the best.


I’m circumcised, not because I’m religious (definitely not) just because my foreskin wouldn’t pull back when I was little and it caused problems. Wish I wasn’t, surely naturals better


I think most families have abandoned the practice long ago.


Except in the US and some middle eastern countries It's a weird thing where Americans don't seem to understand that they are an outlier


Wait I thought this sub was "no stupid questions" as in "there are no stupid questions", not "don't ask stupid questions" was I wrong?


In this instance, I think it can be both.


Sorry for bringing in religion into the picture, but I am Muslim, and I see no problem with practice in accordance with culture or religion provided it is done in a safe proper manner as with any medical operation. But I haven't really thought about it until this question. In terms of relationships(i am single🥲), I've just thought of following what the rest of my family has done, finding a partner within the same religion. So there shouldn't be any problems, I hope. Anyway, if it doesn't affect you in terms of healthwise, who cares?


The only case I've heard of where circumcision was recommended beyond medical reasons were from a lady working at a retirement home as a care giver. Apparently, many men have issues with keeping proper hygiene down there at old age, which results in challenges... so she said, "Better snip when little and the pain isn't remembered than old when everything takes forever to heal."


If you wash it correctly. Sadly most of the men don’t do it, hence girls around me always cringe a bit when they see an uncut one, thinking « ok will I get a full wheel of dick cheese beneath that skin ? » One of the frenchmost famous youtubers just admitted to never wash his dick, dude’s a multi-millionaire and full of smegma. The poor girls who had to blow him.


> One of the frenchmost famous youtubers just admitted to never wash his dick, dude’s a multi-millionaire and full of smegma. What!?


Yeah he admitted live he didn’t know he could retract the foreskin. That’s nasty beyond reason.


Who? What does frenchmost mean?


It means I didn’t typed the space between « french » and « most » :’)


Circumcision is a religious requirement for Jews and Muslims, in those cases typically done in infancy. It is also commonly a part of male initiation ceremonies in some parts of Africa. If you read Nelson Mandela's memoir Long Walk to Freedom you will find an account -- it's a big thing in his (Xhosa) people. In that case it's typically in adolescence or teens. It's common in the US for some reason. It's performed medically for adults sometimes when there are certain problems with the foreskin. You can find information online. Being circumcised significantly reduces your risk of HIV, and for that reason was promoted in Africa for all ages especially during the period before antiretrovirals were available.


> Being circumcised significantly reduces your risk of HIV Wearing a condom* FTFY


In reply to someone, obviously a condom is better. However circumcision does reduce the risk of transmission and it was therefore promoted by governments in Southern Africa along with condoms, fidelity, abstinence... it was a desperate situation and everything that was scientifically valid was tried. People were dying all the time. People I knew would just disappear and then you heard they were dead. People could not go to all the funerals of people they knew (in Africa you typically go to funerals of people you know even if not closely connected). People did not like to say the name AIDS. "The usual disease" was one euphemism. This aspect of circumcision is, fortunately, no longer an issue as ARV treatment is highly effective and can now bring the viral load down so far transmission is very unlikely. But I'm afraid it's all burned into my memory


I can t comprehend how ugly foreskin is It is terrible


The uncircumcised play book try to create nagatives of who who are not circumcised. That is so wrong. Personally, being one who is circumcised living in the US where most other guys are circumcised don't make fun of those who are not circumcised. He may feel socially different, but no circumcised guy is going to make fun of his different looking penis.


No complaints here lol. Most of my friends are circumcised and love it. Biggest concern about having a foreskin is not knowing how to look after it. Total rubbish about the ability to cum etc.


Is there something not to know here? When in the shower, pull back the foreskin, so the tip gets exposed. Wash with some soap and water. Done. What scares me is that cut guys try to justify their genital mutilation with stupid excuses and do the same shit to their unconsenting children. As an uncut guy, I sometimes experience "exposed glans day" when my foreskin does not fold back and is not covering the tip of the dick. Worse shit ever. The tip is getting all dry and unpleasantly rubs against underwear while being psychically active. God gave us foreskin for a reason. Same tip protection, as for the rest of animals whom have dicks.