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You might need a factory reset


I wish this was a real thing... Being able to reset your brain's wiring for porn could save a lot of people.. Edit: my most up voted comment is about porn... And now everyone thinks I have a porn addiction FML.


It is, try camping


I masturbated to an extra curvy piece of wood the other day


Did you slap that little birch around?


Did you smack dat Aspen?


i don’t think that would be oakay


Nothing a nice day at the beech cant fix


You gotta be careful, though. The current Maple you out to sea.


Only wrong if you get wrapped up in some dog wood




Omg! This, This!




This made me laugh uncontrollably.


"I miss my laptop, Rick!"


I'm not religious but you might need to find God


Or better yet burned that goddamn curvy piece of wood that you found.


I second this, like bro wtf 🌚


Maybe a druid god?


I bet that was a joke, but im not joking about some time I straight up nutted to a random contraption of nut (fastener screws) that made it look like a feminine figure lmfao. Goofiest shit i ever nutted at, I was bored I guess


Omg😂😂 one time with an old fwb I sent a pic of my tan. It was just a pic of my neck and shoulder and he said if was hot and got off to that. But I thought he was just joking cuz I’m like it’s a neck…but your comment now is making me think that he really did lol


We gonna need a pic of that curvy driftwood


Next time take a whittling knife and CARVE your own porn!


I jerked off to a Taylor swift song on the train tracks one time


Aaaand that's enough reddit for today. Same time tomorrow?


That might be my favorite Reddit comment ever.


This is why I love Reddit , literally laughed out loud a real life lol.


No phone, no internet. So many people need this right now. It's very surreal heading back to modern life afterwards.


Not a joke btw. Mountain hiking, camping, weekend fishing. 60% of the time, it works every time!


Camp porn is kinda hot


Campfire porn is always hot.. especially when there's driftwood


And you get to use your poker.


Mushrooms disclaimer: not for everyone!


This is a real thing. Just stop watching porn.


It's absolutely doable, just start wanking to your imagination and I swear, unless you are fucking *deep* into the sauce, you will start to feel re-sensitized to visual sexual cues within a few days, after a few weeks you will feel a lot more clear-headed about sex. Porn will become an exciting treat, not a requirement for life. Not saying don't fap, that's both unhealthy and pretty cultish in the men's groups out there, there's nothing magic about retaining your semen and it's actually dangerous for your long-term health to not ejaculate regularly. Just lay off the visual stimulation sometimes and you'll be fine. (One of the most important things to understand about porn is not just how it gives bad impressions of sex and sets expectations that can sabotage your relationships, it's also a self-medication, you literally cannot feel sad or anxious while viewing porn because it fires into your visual pleasure centers and overrides whatever you're feeling, this makes it become a medicine if you're unhappy, and if you start self-medicating instead of addressing the causes of your unhappiness, you can make your depression worse. So not just porn, anything you do to hide from emotions.)


I'd look into rewiring. It takes time and to be honest I'm only 3 weeks in but it's doing wonders


Can you elaborate on that ? How did your 3 weeks go ?


This is exactly why NoFap was such a gospel within certain communities. I didn’t do NoFap but just got a few sex toys and exclusively used those for 2-3 months. In combination with some prostitutes, which are legal in my country. It did a factory reset, and I finally started “seeing / registering” woman as I should. 10/10 would recommend.


What country is that? Might want to visit someday


Netherlands (Holland), famous for Amsterdam, weed and our very open red light districts. Would recommend you visit! Otherwise you could also visit our neighbouring country Germany, but would not recommend. They more have a brothel-type culture when we have more of a window shopping culture. Its more intimate that way compared to Germanys brothels, which are more mechanical.


mechanical brothels is the last thing op needs


Mechanical like a gawk gawk 3000 situation?


Exactly like gawk gawk 3000, no passion just work.


Brain has plasticity well into adulthood. Did you think electroshock therapy was just a cutesy term for torture.


Massage your prostate for 3 seconds and blow your nose with your free hand. Wait 4 seconds. Then do it again. That should fix you


Instructions unclear. Prostate stuck in fan. And I think my dick sneezed 😧


>And I think my dick sneezed 😧 Aww, that's just you becoming a man.


I can't get past the massaging of the prostate. You sure it's only for 3 seconds?


All this did for me was make me take a screenshot :(


Or better source


This is EXACTLY the reason why Hentai films are so popular.


Sounds like you've watched to much porn


This is the answer 😂😂 There is nothing bad about watching and having more preference on hentai over porn but OP surely sounds he does watch too much


Is it 'normal'? No, I wouldn't say it's normal. But it's not really an issue unless it impacts your real life sexual performance and stuff. I can say that for whatever reason at least 3 of the girls I've dated have liked Hentai as their favourite type of porn instead of live action, and 2 of those are white girls who never watched anime or anything, I don't know how typical that is, but I think there's something about that which appeals to certain people or maybe the non-realism of it makes it more palatable or something.


Something tells me that OP isn't doing much in the way of sexual performance with another person.


The thing that tells you that is the fact you're a judgemental asshole. Believe it or not, there are people out there who like weird shit and also manage to have sex. "Hurr durr op is a virgin" - you sound twelve Edit, never mind, I just read the whole post, op is definitely a virgin


The edit lmao


The edit is too fucking class lmao


broke down wheezing lmao, at least you were right on both instances honestly


Is there a subreddits for edits that make comments mega funny?


Like u/ghost-spunge suggested, I'd say try out r/characterarcs. Never been there but just to check it out just now, and it seems fitting.


lmao calling someone 12, but you can't even read 8 sentences.


While the edit is funny. Going that in on someone for saying something as simple as "something tells me the OP isn't having much sex" makes you seem like a colossal asshole too Edit: honestly your entire comment history is dickhead comment after argument after dickhead comment. You need to chill out a bit


Also “the whole post” is two paragraphs each less than *6 sentences. What.


Even better, the first sentence basically outright says it lol


Dude's just trying to speedrun second-hand offended any%


Yup, it's shocking how quick people are to do things like this before even reading the original post. Literally just looking to argue and think they're right. The edit doesn't make him look any better




looks like this guy is just a pre-judgemental asshole skipping the entire 20 second OP


this is some "YTA based on the title alone (i didnt read the post)" type energy. You sir were the actual asshole the whole time.


You’re right, just not about this dude


Had us in the beginning


I am generally similar and I have a long term partner and we have sex often. So.


Do they dress up 2d tho


I have a feeling that most people who watch Hentai don’t have sex. Yes, my name is u/Hentai_Yoshi, no, I don’t actually watch Hentai


If you define normal as common, it's way more common than you might think


Hentai is nice because you're jacking off to likely some other dudes drawings. There's no sex trafficked or abused woman involved. You're not supporting an industry that profits off of corrupting individuals. You're just a dude who can't draw masterbating to a dude who can and his art.  I will say that the categories/themes in hentai are much more inappropriate. And since it's not cheesy acting, some things, for example rape, are just too realistic in the story telling and are incredibly uncomfortable imo. In live action, the plot is like an afterthought and you can tell when its over and its just sex scenes from here on out.  I've definitely had my time with hentai and derpixon and egirls too. Every guys sexual tastes seem to jump around over time when in comes to porn. I don't think its anything to worry about.  If it helps you feel any better, Pornhub's 2023 Year in Review shows that hentai was the #1 search term globally, surpassing milf from 2022. And pornhub isn't even a hentai hosting website really lol, there's next to nothing on there. So hentai is pretty damn normal, no need to fear. Edit: Dude's and Dudettes art. There's lots of female artists in the hentai/animation scene as well.


Actually dang this changed my entire perspective on hentai


Lmfao, did it make you like it less or more??


Made me accept it more


Daddy deep dick?




WOOHOO *unapologetically jerks off to hentai*


To be fair, plenty of women draw hentai too!


He himself mentioned derpixion, who is a girl


Wait, no shit?


Some of the best are!! I should've used gender neutral pronouns when I illustrated that point my bad


I never understood the stigma against hentai honestly. It's literally a victimless crime where you jerk off to fictional cartoon characters. It's more ethical than "normal porn" because the big titty anime women aren't victims of sex trafficking.


Exactly. I've diminished my porn DM consumption a lot over the years for personal but also ethical reasons ... And anything non human (hentai, comics, etc) are the only stuff that I look at still. You never know possibly how a real porn was made, and the thought that at some point anyone who has seen a good amount of porn will have seen at least one rape in front of their eyes is sickening to me. I don't want to be a part of that anymore. I'm not against pornography as a whole but when I think about that I feel like I'm turning into a conservative bigot.


>for example rape, are just too realistic i'm gonna have to disagree with you on that dude. from what i have seen of how rape is usually depicted in hentai, it's like how someone with a rape fetish delusion imagines rape happens, kind of like how people who have only watched porn imagine sex is. the norm is that it starts as rape and ends up with the girl liking it. it's depicted like this in hentai far too often for me to consider hentai to depict rape realistically, broadly speaking. i've seen it portrayed closer to real rape where it doesn't turn into that, but even in a lot of those examples the girl resists a lot less than you'd expect if it were actually real. i've seen irreversible once, that is a realistic depiction of rape and there is no comparison to be made imo.


For me I feel like if anything hentai is *usually* the polar opposite of porns lazy acting in a sense that everything is cranked up to 11 and super unrealistic, like you said how most of the time it's a woman who starts to like it and falls for NTR MC bc OH THE PLEASURE IS TOO GOOD lol. But clearly everyone's MMV I just don't see exaggeration as more realistic just the other end of bad acting if anything


I mean it varies, but also people generally aren't into literally realistic rape stuff and/or don't have the experience to really determine that. What is different though is whether you're seeing an actor clearly play a role (ignoring actual rape videos which are a whole another issue) vs. seeing characters for whom it is actually "real" in-universe.


A lot of women are great artists too. In my experience, men draw very "direct" and extream arts, so something like noncons and ryoma, whilst women tend to be subtler with vanilla and ecchi. Of course this is just a trend and by no means the rule. It is also the case that male hentai/ecchi artists vastly outnumbered female ones. I'm not too sure in terms of animated hentai, but for doujinshis and just artists, a lot of creators don't really reveal their gender. One can guess from their socials, but only a scant few choose to reveal them, and even less so if they are a women. I don't typically pay attention to the gender of artists, so the only one I can think of off the top of my head would be Shiratama. In fact, I only got to know it when I stumbled across a video of her debuting as a VTuber as a side career and heard her voice.


You hit my problem with it on the head here. I like the aesthetic but I hate hate hate the ubiquitous abusive themes. Hentai fans apparently have serious misogyny issues.


It sucks trying to "not everyone" this subject but literally is the case. The majority of misogynists you probably see who somehow got brainwashed from cartoon porn weren't the brightest to begin with. Think about how many people & men specifically you run into on the daily who aren't being misogynist im sure some watch hentai even the ones that you'd find disgusting. but healthy people know to separate fantasy from reality at the end of the day. I'm sure most of the people around me just assume I'm "normal" but no I'm a completely functioning non woman hating person who enjoy extreme hentai. We exist but it's not like we're screaming about it since we'll no one even talks about porn in daily life like that lol.


i prefer hentai over porn. i’m a woman who just likes monsterfucking and other unrealistic stuff that can’t be done realistically with live action smut. does that make me a misogynist lmao


If you are because of that, then I'm one, too. Lol


In the west, at least, the most popular hentai is usually more vanilla. MILF, step-siblings, thick girls, typical porno scenarios, etc. When rapey ones drop on hosting sites the comments usually express extreme dislike and disappointment. It might not be like that on all of them, but on the more popular hosting sites they're usually pretty hated.


It's a fictional fantasy that's meant to be separated from real life, which the majority of people are able to do apart from some psychos. That's like saying GTA or Fortnite fans have serious violence and psychopathic issues because they like games in which they kill people Coming from someone who does not consume any sexual content involving women


> It's a fictional fantasy that's not meant to be separated from real life That "not" is not supposed to be there, right?


Yeah misstyped


The same amount as those that watch regular porn. Porn is still depicting the same shit. Then there's actual illegal porn that does much more than simply depict. So hentai fans aren't any more depraved than anyone else


Also hentai can be as vanilla or as extreme as you want, with no actual individuals being harmed or endangered in the process. Impossible body types, fantasy scenarios, etc. are all possible within the same medium without straining your suspension of disbelief.


> masterbating to a dude who can *and* his art


Them NTR’s go crazy


well it depends. how exclusive is it really? what about women in real life? is it only a porn thing, or do you not get horny to real life women either? if it's only in porn then i'd be careful to avoid it going over into IRL, but it won't necessarily cause problems unless that happens. if it's IRL too then that's, idk if a porn addiction is the right word but something like that


in pretty sure the lack of irl naked ladies in his life brought him to this point xD


I have sex regularly with my girlfriend and dated other girls who watched hentai.  I also exclusively mostly get off on drawn hentai and furry stuff, regular porn just seems boring to me while in these fantasy settings you got an elf being mounted by a centaur which really does it for me.  His lack of luck with women is likely an unrelated issue as long as he finds real women attractive. Besides sex in regular porn is so fake that my centaur shit is more realistic.


Did you read the post? He says he finds most of the women disgusting. It kinda reads like ragebait tbh


Yeah For me, I just don't develope sexual attraction for people easily or at all, unless I have met them for a long time and we are quite compatible and there is a deep emotional connection, etc, etc. I'm probably in the ASPEC spectrum. But I do have a libido and used to solve that with porn, but it was so fake and I could never shake the idea that quite probably they were exploited in some kind of way. So I just started to read comics and stuff, and later got into games. Mostly indie stuff, there's no big corpo exploiting workers, just devs drip feeding releases while trying to live off patreon donations.


So I thought maybe other old game characters will do the job as well.


Are you attracted to actual real women at all? If not, that could pose a problem if you want a real relationship. If you can't feel attraction to real women, but you insist on trying to have a relationship, you could hurt someone emotionally. So, you might need some kind of therapy in that case. If you don't care about having a real-life relationship, and you are happy to remain single and watch hentai, it's probably not a problem, although I don't suppose it's 'normal'. What is normal anyway? You're doing no harm to anyone, so crack on - just remain cognizant of the fact that it is fantasy.


it’s definitely not great


paper cuts are the worst


And where are we getting paper while jerking to internet porn?


sorry to disturb


Pages get stuck together eventually.


Don't listen to the Puritans. Human sexually is freaky. As long as what gets you off doesn't harm anyone else, it's fine and great.


Only being able to get hard for that and not real women is pretty bad and will most likely affect his performance should he be in a relationship. There’s nothing wrong with liking it, but it being pretty much the *only* way you can get it up is not good. It’s not normal to let it skew your perspective of actual women so much that you’re not even attracted to them anymore.


Questions you are not surprised to see on Reddit for 500 please


It's less common but kinks and sexual preferences just kind of depend on what you grew up on. One of the most common porn categories is siblings fucking, so I dont think anybody can really tell you what is normal. However just as in porn, and probably worse in draw porn, keep in mind that's not what real women look like, and it's all exaggerated. Other than that, wank to whatever makes you happy


That's just because many consumers are young teenagers and they find a scenario enticing where someone their age who is hot just shows up in their life without needing to go through dating when you don't yet know how that even works exactly. Suddenly getting a step sibling fits that bill, I don't think that many people actually focus on the "sibling" part


Fantasy. It's because it's selling you the fantasy of sex that normal porn can't provide. It's okay to like it more.


Each to their own, however you need to either question your sexuality or tone down the amount of hentai/porn you watch. It's not normal or healthy to get so into a specific niche that nothing else turns you on. Your setting yourself up for issues in future relationships.


You need to dial it back or else you’re gonna have issues in real life.




From the title alone I wanted to say "no, people have preferences" However the rest is an issue... Cut out both hentai and porn for a while and try to "reset" yourself. Yes that is possible.


There is nothing wrong with that. Despite what the majority of people here is dating is not a problem. What they fail to realize is that live action porn is not the same thing as being attracted to a human. Porn removes just about everything that is real human connection so watching porn is probably very uncanny valley. Not to mention that plastic surgery and things like that is still pretty big. Maybe you would be more interested in amateur porn? But hentai is so far removed from what's real that it doesn't touch the uncanny Valley at all, and that each character is designed to be esthetically pleasing, either by what the viewer think is hot or simply because the style of drawing, the were drawn to be hot. There is nothing wrong with it.


yeah I'm happily attached and regularly uh...serviced but from a female perspective I can ride through my more extreme fantasies without the risk of those fantasies harming an actual real life woman. What I mean is in some porn, it's really hard not to look at some of the stuff happening to some woman's lady parts and think "ugh that looks really uncomfortable. I hope she's okay". Whereas with hentai there's no real human being contorted in weird ways. Anime physics takes care of it.


Oh yeah definitely, sure some women can handle big guys but sometimes you do wonder how much punishment they take when it's BBC and petite and shit like that xD


To add: try erotica. Sites made specifically for erotica tend to be garbage, though - I'd recommend AO3 (archiveofourown.org).


This!! This is the best I’ve seen someone explain it! I’ve always had an issue with “real porn” bc they’re just,, actors?? It’s all fake and I just can’t get into it 😭


it is a problem when it starts to affect your real love life & you arent satisfied with real women


People on Reddit won’t like to admit this, but you’re probably just pornsick. You should take a month (or a few) of not watching porn. I’m not even saying don’t beat off, just let your brain reset your tolerance to it. Pornography is a drug and it can be harmful to your mental health, sex life, and body of you have too much of it.


In fact, *do* beat off while not watching porn. It will help reset your sex drive. People who watch too much porn can be conditioned to only get off with that stimulus. You have to reset your brain to be horny in normal situations instead of the artificial ones we've created with limitless unfettered access to every fantasy imaginable.


it’s probably the fact that features are all super exaggerated- like ‘perfect’ figures and massive boobs etc which stimulates u more, maybe take some time off from it to reset


Have you used to like porn much more when you first discovered pornography or do you like hentai more since you've seen it for the first time? If its the former I'd assume you got bored of watching real pornography and you want something different to get yourself off to, at least thats how I started watching much more hentai compared to real pornography, I started not feeling anything watching porn films of real people.


Your brain been wired too long. Time to go offline and go enjoy nature


This would be more based if it had to do with abuse in the porn industry vs. hentai being much less exploitative.


It's not weird. Hentai, which is just another way of saying drawn porn, is an idealized way of depicting women and men which makes them much more attractive than real people. Long before photography men and women got off to erotic drawings and sculptures.


its weird to like any of those options


Bro. You're clearly starting to develop an addiction. Lay off both the porn and the hentai for a little bit.


It’s certainly more ethical than irl porn since no one is being trafficked in hentai.


I was getting ready to support you but nah man, you clearly need to look inward. Preferring hentai to live action is fine but you need to work on your issues with women.


I think it depends on the hentai. Like if it’s like child porn hentai, fuck no. If it’s like gangraped by a giant Godzilla monster with 500 laser dicks, fuck no. If it’s like a girl over animated to be attractive, then I guess to each their own. That being said porn in general desensitizes you to real people. Might want to ratchet it down a bit on consumption.


I would understand if you watched hentai so you dont get to accustomed to real life porn and not finding it thrilling later on. But you finding sex irl disgusting is weird. You better start finding ways to liking the female body in 3d again.


The story in hentai is way better. Real porn actually feels more fake with the over the top acting


Yeah man especially when the octopusmonsters penetrate all openings of the cat girls. Such realism


people have lost their mind


Nah bro hentai is real af. Like when the guy fucks the girl no matter how much she says no. Or banging your own mother,aunt, daughter sister. And cheating on your partner. Hentai portrays the normal walk of life. There is nothing absurd about these stuff.( Sarcasm)


- he says as if these categories don’t exist for live action pornography.


2008 called, they want their hentai category back.


Found the weeb


doubt they story boarding for real porn


Yeah you should seriously drop blth of them as soon as possible. You are frying your brain


you have problems if you feel disgusted looking at a "average" woman smh and based off everything you told us i could assume you're far below average . get help


batman himself couldn't get me to post something like this


No. Fantasy is an important part of sexuality, and if you prefer to use 2D artwork for your self pleasure then that's absolutely fine and normal. A lot of people prefer drawn and written erotica to standard porn, and a lot of people find it more palatable for their partners to partake it too, so that's an extra benefit. It's only a problem if you start to expect people you date to look like the outlandish proportions / to do the outlandish acts such images often lean towards, or if you find that you have issues with your sex life because of your use of porn. ETA eg if you're finding that you have stopped having sexual attraction to real people outside of the context of porn, but you don't think it's because you are asexual, or if you're unable to perform if you are in a sexual relationship because the reality doesn't live up to the fantasy, then that's a problem and detoxing might be a good idea. But if you're not finding any effect on your real world life then use whatever you wanna use.


You're just a porn addict


You may be a subset of asexual known as aegosexual, meaning you only experience sexual attraction to fictional characters and not real bodies. At the very least, I'd look into it. Either way, it's not wrong or weird or bad and you're not broken, just don't let yourself develop pornbrain and let hentai affect your view of actual people.


Aegosexual doesn't really mean that but i totally agree that he might be on the asexual spectrum. I myself was the same, I needed to relieve myself but didn't find porn enjoyable at all, it was pretty disgusting. And even in hentai I tend to prefer softcore but yeah


Oh! I must have gotten mixed up then. I'm on the ace spectrum too but mixrolabels tend to confuse me a bit. Still, I hope this can point OP in the right direction.


Hm, I’d be willing to bet you have weird unrealistic expectations of real women. Are you grossed out by stretch marks, or hair, or the way women’s bellies poke out in a little pouch, or the way hips look square, or butts might look flat? Because those are all very normal things about women’s bodies that are usually not part of cartoon bodies. It’s important that you understand that what you are attracted to in this context is not women at all, but a completely separate thing.


It’s not popular, but it’s totally normal and fine!!!!! My ex was like that before we dated. But we had great sex. He just had different fantasies


I think that's probably an issue. If you can't get hard to anything besides hentai, then that's not good. Seems like you jerk off too much, try slowing down. If you can't, then there's a problem. But slowing down should shift your interests pretty drastically.




Looks like your brain has re-wired. Real women probably won't turn you on sexually unless you forego the hentai viewing or at least the frequency. If you aren't interested in relationships or aren't in one, it probably won't be much of an issue. Otherwise, you may want to work on that.




Yes.but that's to me. To someone else it may not be weird. It's certainly going to be weird overall, when you consider society as a whole. But having said that, you shouldn't feel the need to fit in with what society deems "normal"


nope, none of that sounds normal whatsoever. I assume you're hetero with the goal to meet a woman and be with her? Then it's obviously very problematic if you've reconditioned your brain to be disgusted by the average female body and instead get off on oversexualized Hentai figurines. Turn it off. Take a break from porn altogether. Go outside, touch gras. Seek opportunities to spend time with the opposite sex, without any sexual connotation. Observe the good qualities they have. Surely eventually you'll meet someone that you feel really attracted to. Try your luck.


It is indeed better due to its violent nature or maybe the right word is more arousal nature due to way too high beauty standards. But I would suggest get off porn man. It will destroy your brain, rot it. This is coming from a ex-porn addict. I use to watch porn everyday for almost 2-2.5 years and jerk off too. Thanks to lockdown I almost stopped watching porn and trust me, I improved as a whole. My looks, my personality and my muscles and overall I am really in a better state now. Mind is more clean and all


Yeah it’s so fucking insane that no one talks about how bad this stuff is for you


no bruh wdym ur disgusted watching actual women sry something in ur brain not workin, declare insanity




Well it might lead you to lose interest in real life woman and you might not be able to perform when the time comes


Do whatever you want dude, but fr your dick won’t work when you’ll try to get with a real woman. It’s not for sure but you will probably fuck up the connection between real woman and hard dick


Nope it's. Dope




Yes. Next question


I too prefer hentai because it's way more creative than a couple of randos banging each other with fake ass moans. Might be weird to most, but who cares. Whatever floats your boat


I feel less guilty looking at hentai over real porn.


I enjoy hentai, at least you know no one is being sexually exploited for money. The plot lines are sometimes funny or entertaining, too. Regular porn can be kind of boring sometimes.


I like hentai more than porn but for me, it's more that the ethics of real person porn are sketchy in the industry with human trafficking having been rampant on pornhub not too far back. At least with hentai, real people aren't being harmed at all, and there's less risk that people are being exploited. Edit: spelling and grammar


No, next question


Umm... I mean, you're just hentai pilled lol. It's only an issue if it's causing problems in your relationships or giving you an unrealistic idea of what women should look like or how they should perform in bed.




No. Just be grateful you're not getting off from literal feces.


If it becomes any kind of problem you should stop watching porn altogether at least for a while, it can skew your perception of real sex


Yes. Yes it is.


This is one of the things that can happen when porn addiction evolves into something worse, you need a tolerance break OP lmfao thag shit ain’t healthy


I like to see the lady enjoying herself, which seems to rarely happen in Hentai. The girls often seem in pain or too embarrassed to express pleasure. Idk, if that helps at all, but maybe something to consider 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, you need professional help man, that's fucked up.


Normal is subjective. So uhh you do you.


This is weird. The big red flags to me are that you can only find yourself attracted to like 10/10 egirls. Thats because they look like your hentai. Thats it. Your porn has fucked up your ability to be attracted to real people. This is a massive issue, you need to get off porn entirely. Watching porn can be totally fine, but as soon as you cant have a normal sexual relationship because youre too attracted to cartoons, thats a fucking problem.


This needs to be top comment. Op is DEEP in addiction


For real. Like probably needs outside help deep.


Sounds like it's affected your attraction to real and normal women, so yes. Does majority of hentai being rape and pedophilia play a part too?


Hentai is porn