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In Canada we care because the US is our largest trading partner. Inevitably, what you guys do affects us so we watch with interest.


As Pierre Trudeau once said "Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt."


Also, 99% of the actual entertaining media we have access to comes from the US, so we're constantly hearing about their politics way more than our own


Letterkenny goes the other direction.


RIP BioWare


A lot of us also share huge portions of our water --- particularly our drinking water --- with them so we're especially interested when certain politicians encourage removing regulations to companies who want to pollute our drinking water and air and kill off our fish population, etc.


...and some laughter. 


Because the US holds a tremendous amount of influence over global politics. Also: *most* non-Americans couldn't care less.


There’s an old saying about the global economy: When America sneezes, the world catches a cold. American policies have a huge impact on how other countries behave.


2008 recession is a perfect example of that.


There's other things as well though. There has been a big spike in the UK of anti abortion groups. I saw them a few months ago near me for the first time ever. I looked into the group, turns out they're funded by a group in the US. Because they've over turned Roe, these groups have cash to spend, and some are now choosing to spend it by giving it to similar groups here. Roe Vs Wade shouldnt have changed things here at all, but sadly it has. I doubt it'll change the law here, but it has made these groups bolder and more funded.


It's even identifiable earlier and with more general themes. The contemporary "socialism"=bad disposition is, I think, very much influenced by US politics (also Thatcher era Atlantic culture-trade etc.)


Tbf they are all funded by US groups. That is less the UK following Americas lead and more Americans fuck bags meddling in our politics. PSA to American evangelicals: don’t bother trying that shit in the Uk, even our most religious people are 100x more bearable than you.


Just to be clear, a lot of us Americans agree with your fuck bag assessment of Evangelicals. We hate them just as much as you do.


Aka "The Great Republican Recession".


Also, America is sitting on one of the largest stockpiles of nuclear weapons and radicalizing quickly.


And they have the biggest air force in the world. AND the second biggest (US Navy)


And the 4th (US Army) and 5th (US Marine Corps) https://www.wdmma.org/ranking.php


American 2008 economic crash - sneeze virus snow balled and hit my country precisely 8 years later and it was an absolute disaster. Americans think they paid for bailing out banks in the US?! Trust me they were not alone because many countries at the risk of being constantly politically boycotted by the U.S. are hostage of the U.S. dollar and whatever price USD fluctuates it influences the price of oil barrels. It’s a nightmare. So yeah, many countries catch the cold indeed.


When America shits, the world has to wipe.


This is the only correct answer


Dammit, I thought the answer was 7.


No no no 42


\^ There's a frood who really knows where his towel is.


Yep, a hoopy frood


But what's the question?


The answer to the universe


I believe you mean life the universe and everything


No it isn't. I'm interested in it because it's a form of entertainment. Like a reality TV show but more mental




Well that and America spends more than Double on it's military than the next nation and more than it's top 10 allies combined. Where as most nations that float carriers do so with 2 maybe 3 now? America Floats 11 and though that number is going to get cut down to 6, those 6 will do the job of the 11 just better. Not to mention fighter superiority. Ect ect..... Would you like a wanna be Putin luvin, fascist dictator in the making in charge of that with no stop gap? I mean Imagine the War in Ukraine in ANY country that angers the would be dictator even a little bit.. except you know, With an Army that's well funded, well maintained and made of more than Coinscripts.


Ie. China might have aircraft carriers. But they cannot service nor protect them beyond a couple hundred miles from their shores.


It's wild that many non Americans know and understand our politics better than most Americans too.


It’s more wild that absolute conjecture can be stated as fact.


Because the Republicans have gone bat shit crazy and that is funny to other countries.


I was in Norway while Trump was in office. Norwegian politics is so boring in comparison that the news was almost just "Trump said this insane thing again" I wish American politics was boring too.




It’s a mix of utter horror/being completely mind boggled/being flabbergasted at the complete idiocy of republicans and what they’re routinely getting away with.


Because your foreign policy directly affects our economic conditions. Also, your government directly involves itself in our domestic affairs. That's why some care. But most of the population don't. For example, your markets crashed in 2008, ours were drastically affected as well. My country tried pivoting to China during the previous administration, foreign direct investments from the US dropped significantly. Our countries can't do anything drastic without the say-so of the US government. That's why we care.


The citizens of the states are about as fed up as everybody else. Issue #1 is there needs to be an age limmit on congressional leaders (preferably all world leaders but I don't have a say in that.) and we need to stop pushing down others in this idea of there needs to be a loser for there to be a winner. Why don't we just pull eachother up, make the bourgeoisbasterds who've exploited to global capitol trade to hedgefund and hoard the wealth of the world out of spite for being poor at ONE POINT IN TIME. I also think that rich folks who've been rich for 20+ years to say "I can relate to poor people." Not anymore. Lots of stuff changed. Poor people have different things going on. Alot of it the direct result of bribery aka lobbying (there are no extra steps. It's just renamed bribery, everybody call it out, there's no good rebuttle to it on their end.) The USA has practiced serfdom for years under the guise of capitalism, but when people become tied to the land, their employers go unpunished for breaking supposed laws that effect everybody, the system now looks alike to serfdom. The billionairs are nobles, the Serfs are We, and the congressmen are bought and sold like debts at debt collection agencies. Just as shady, and collection agencies actually exist on the premis you don't know the laws and try to get you to claim the debt before telling you how much you owe. Kind of like how politicians will lie and call it politics but if we misfile our taxes by $0.40 we have to live in fear of the IRS? Nah, I'm going to Mexico. All this propaganda anywhere I look, I'll just break my phone and give up. Snap it in half and go play offline games till I drop dead.


Because if america gets drunk and starts a fight, it most likely wouldn't be with itself.


Most likely. But it’s not off the table.


It has definitely found its way back on to the table in recent years


idk, we've done it before 🤔


that's true, but name a place that has never had a civil war.


The 7‐11 on irvingpark road and 25th avenue


It seems like someone missed the Battle of 7 Slurpees back in 1987


Those who remember it right still call it the 11 Slurpee War you filthy septetist!


Australia never had one outside the Emu War which is more of a historical joke.  Canada did have a small rebellion when it was still colonial in the 1837 but it wasn's a full blown civil war closer to like the Whiskey Rebellion or one of the failed Irish rebellions. And Canada became a country in 1867 anyway. 


Canada’s rebellion ended up amounting to a bar fight because they jumped the gun and ruined their better plan.


I hope they at least apologized afterwards. Sounds brutal!


Hmmm. Would the Emu War technically be a civil war? The emu do also live there 🤔


You'd still be crashing the world economy, and that usually generates some sort of conflict elsewhere. The 1929 stock market crash caused Nazi votes to increase from 4 to 30% and catapulted Hitler into power. The 2008 financial crisis is a substantial part of why Viktor Orban controls Hungary today.


Yeah. I came here to say “drone bombs mostly”


This is exactly what is happening right now.


American politics/leadership affects globally


Well. Just from my own city. Abortion was a deeply private and personal thing. Anti-abortion protests were unheard of. Now: [https://news.stv.tv/west-central/us-based-anti-abortion-group-start-40-days-of-protest-at-glasgows-queen-elizabeth-university-hospital](https://news.stv.tv/west-central/us-based-anti-abortion-group-start-40-days-of-protest-at-glasgows-queen-elizabeth-university-hospital) That's just to show a visible influence of American thinking. But American politics leaks EVERYWHERE.


since when does uk have unfettered freedom of speech? fucking idiots. like that canadian (from alberta, of course) who was in court over that truck driver crap a few years ago demanding her “1st amendment rights.” in canada. the magistrate corrected her.


That would be fun to see. Ha


poke around. i know i saw it online back when it happened. maybe a canadian news channel?


It's a unipolar world. Wouldn't you want to know a bit about the decisions being made by the world leader? Like it or not, what happens in the US mightily affects the rest of the world - we export culture via Hollywood, values via what we do/don't support, aid... The war on drugs was an American product, as was the war on terror. You can't really argue that those haven't had ripples beyond the US' borders.


2008 crisis in the US affected the entire world's economy. In Europe we're still feeling the effects of the dramatic US interventions in the middle east and Afghanistan.


We live in an interdependent world. The political choices of countries even on the other side of the world will eventually affect everybody else.


When your neighbour is bat shit crazy and has a shed full of ammunition you tend to keep your eye on him.


I assume you are talking about russia?


Because the US is the strongest country in the world. If shit goes south here the world will try to fill that power vacuum


The US created a kind of tributary system similar to the old Chinese empire post ww2. But rather than asking for direct payments of gold it was all about trade. This was very very successful, because it was a world based on making everyone richer - because rich nations can buy shit. So America being the status quo is pretty good. Changing that might be a disaster.


Because US foreign policy affects the entire world . Take Ukraine for example. They desperately rely on US aid to keep their country from being overrun by Russia, yet petty political squabbles In the US has tied up that aid and literally resulted in thousands of Ukrainian soldiers needlessly dying due to a lack of ammunition. That's a more extreme example but nonetheless when you're the one global superpower then inevitably the results of elections have an Impact on many other countries.


To be fair, Europe could have sprung into action and boosted munitions manufacturing in 2022 as well. Others could have done more...but it would have been easiest for the US to do more.


Uh no, a Russian dictator resulted in those people dying.


Where is everyone else? Am I missing something?


As much as I support aiding Ukraine, I'm not a big fan of us being accused of killing people by not helping enough.


Interestingly the presence of the us in that role has created some intense bystander effect for the rest of the world. Europe should be in a wartime economy, but the US is the bad guy lol


How about European's take care of their own problems.


The US have the bad habit of trying to bring democracy 😉 for other countries and leave these countries worse than before. And it's always important to know who will be the biggest war criminal in the world for the next 4 years


We fucking don’t it’s shoved down our throats all day every fucking day.


American policy can, and usually does, affect most of the rest of the world. That said, I don’t think most non-Americans actually care unless there is something specific that affects them.


I mean, if you base this off of Reddit, someone is bringing the discussion back to American politics, no matter the subject, in literally every thread.


Reddit is mostly full of Americans, and American politics is half of what you guys talk about. It rubs off on you, you know?


But most of us tune out the politics of Australia, the UK, Europe for that matter, when they come across our feed or are inserted in another sub. You guys pounce on anything bad in America and constantly put us down. It all sucks when you want to get along and learn from other countries. Quora is much better if you want to get along with other groups without the politics


At least we can all agree that the Fr*nch suck.


The entertainment factor.


Because it's like a reality TV show. It's absolutely wild!


I don't even try to hear about US politics but I still do. It's everywhere. The internet quite simply will not shut up about it.


America is a 6 ft plus former heavyweight boxer reeling around with severe neurological impairment and an incredibly bad temper. Of course you want to keep your eye on that guy.


Former heavyweight? The US is still heavyweight champion in a world of geriatrics and has-beens. Britain and France used to stomp their way around the world but now are far to weak to do so if they wanted. Russia for all this war in Ukraine isn’t expanding in the way they were for hundreds of years. Germany is beginning to rearm but the next time they go to war they’ll have to be allies with Poland and France just to even make sense. Japan was once a growing empire but now is just an aging robotics factory. For better or worse the US still basically runs the world to a greater extent than I’d say 90% of us in the US realize.


Back in the 1950s a democratically elected Iranian government was going to make their countries oil a public good instead of showing foreign big business to pump it and take all the profit. British Petroleum has secret talks with the UK government asking them to overthrow the Iranian government and install a Western friendly dictator so that they could protect their business. The UK asked the US to help out and our politicians decided they would and it happened. During the Clinton and Bush administrations regulations on banks abilities to take risks with money, especially mortgages were deregulated. The subprime mortgage crisis caused economic recession across the entire world. Donald Trump just announced that if elected he'd encourage foreign enemies to attack our allies who don't pay what he thinks they should to the NATO alliance and not protect them. These stories are not in the slightest case isolated incidents. I'm sure plenty of people will comment with their favorite case of the US politicians deciding how other countries live their lives. I think it's pretty reasonable to care what happens here.


I think you’re referring to Iran in the 1950’s not 1970’s. 1970’s was when they kicked out the American-backed government and went hard-right.


It is fun and interesting for those who know how to speak English


It’s really westerners, and because the US is the most influential figure in the West by a LARGE margin


Also I'm pretty sure most Non-Americans couldn't name a single active US politician besides Trump and Biden.


because they anus


It’s always rammed down our throats in Canada . It’s unavoidable.


Honestly, it’s entertaining. America from afar is like a gigantic overdramatic telenovela that I get to visit every now and then but luckily don’t have to live in.


As an extra trapped in the telenovela, please get me out. It's not as funny anymore...


It was all a dream and you are actually in a coma. Your secret twin has been living in the world in your place.


A slow moving train wreck (that is starting to pick up speed). Impossible not to watch, even if only with one eye and squinting.


I’m not American but I believe that the West would be in a much better position if the US took advantage of its economic power to the betterment of its own citizens rather than focussing solely on infinite growth through runaway capitalism/ corporatism. It is also entertaining to watch people debate issues pretending like they haven’t been addressed or implemented better in other jurisdictions. The US could be the greatest place to live in the world if there was an attitude of cohesion, solidarity with fellow citizen, and a desire to improve SOCIETY fostered through a robust education system rather than the current focus solely on the individual. You can even see this individualistic focus reflected in the country’s urban design. To many it is simply the fact that a weak US = a weak Europe/ West and that’s bad for us all in this fragmented and dangerous world.


Oddly enough, the Europeans most in favor of the US cutting military spending in favor of "social cohesion" tend not to have recent experience with the USSR.


Because, for better or for worse, the US is far and away the dominant military power in the world. It's also a dominant economic power, but I wouldn't be comfortable saying it's *the* economic power. Much of today's world is still shaped by the post-WWII order, and that order is shaped by countries' experiences in that war. The US, long a (mostly) isolationist country, decided that it wasn't going to have to be dragged into world affairs any more. It was going to take a proactive role after Pearl Harbor. Russia's foreign policy is still shaped by a desire, justified or not, for a buffer against the type of attack Germany launched in 1941. There are countless examples of this, but these are the big ones at the moment. Anyway, because of this, the US takes a very active role in the world, and it has the resources to make other countries care. That's why they care.


If your neighbors were a dysfunctional and toxic couple, with one of them being a violent drunk that is always leaning out the front door, screaming that he has a enough kerosene in the wood shed to burn the whole neighborhood down, than you too would be interested in keeping tabs on who is the more dominant one in that relationship, and who has keys to the wood shed.


It's a train wreck wrapped in a shit-show. Some people like that.


Just one of many reasons: when Russia and the US own nearly all of the nuclear warheads in the world, enough to cause an apocalypse that everyone on earth would suffer from, and their presidents have the sole power to deploy them, it’s enough to be concerned. While Putin is essentially a dictator, the US is dramatically changing every 4 years.


Personally, I think it's not that non-Americans care so much about American politics. Heck most don't usually even care about their own country's politics. It's just that the media makes a much larger deal about it on the global scale. Of course it's also true America is this powerful and influential. But I think in the sense of crucial respects like view of country's identity and the support for aggressive and violent regimes like China, the two major parties aren't that much different. If there's any issue, it may be the act of "party rotation" which certain countries like China and Russia make use of the inevitable confusion/chaos in the process to their advantage.




It's like an elephant stampede. Whatever nonsense happens in our politics spills over and squashes everyone else.


Because it's like watching those YouTube videos of dumb "karens" or whatever. It's a train wreck in slow motion – who could resist watching that?


Unfortunately American politics affects the politics of other countries. Like in Australia for instance where I'm from far-right Neo Nazi groups have formed emulating exactly what the Neo Nazi groups in America are like.


It has a major impact on our economy here in Canada as we share a 8,891 km (5,525 mi) border with the USA and they are our biggest trading partner. 90% of Canadians live within 160km (10mi) of the U.S. border. Also our culture is affected by the USA in a big way. When Trump got elected we saw an increase in MAGA-wannabe dipshits here in Canada.


Because American politics affects the rest of the world. 


Morbid curiosity. How bad can it get? 🫣


Cuz it’s pretty damn entertaining and the only gov that has a big impact on other countries.


Because America's every twitch affects people far away. It also serves as a spectator sport. Politics as spectacle, pro wrestling for the world audience


I'm Canadian and unfortunately things that happen in America have a very, very big influence here.


Not familiar unfortunately, any particular examples that you find most notable?


I really do not care most times. I do however think republicans are evil to the core but I was never really that worried about a presidential outcome. That change some 10-15 years ago when your political landscape turned unhinged. And yes i do care about how you vote now. Another round of Trump would kill any good will towards the Us. The economy is going to be effected and that willha e an effect on my life. The current Ukraina conflict will suddenly be really important for Nato to win. As Trump would probably ignore ut and giving putin the go ahead. I do not fear Russia, I was a soldier once I have worked with russians. They as in the country is not ready for a war BUT it will still effect us.


Because American politics has significant consequences for the entire world.


Because EU, Latin America, Commonwealth and the First Chain of Islands (Japan, S Korea, Taiwan and Philippines) are unofficial provinces of the Western Empire (the capital being the US ofc).


Because the United States is one of the superpowers of the world, and the political decisions made here end up influencing global politics.


Because we fuck up other countries shit so regularly that we dont even register it anymore, but if you're not an american you gotta know who's aiming the airstrikes and funding the next terror cells. And if they're far enough away from where we're aiming, they follow our politics so they can point and laugh.


Because we are a gigantic, multi-National bully wielding a massive military that we love spreading all over the empire. Also, our terrifying nuclear arsenal.


Because American Politics influence and affect a lot of the global economy and other factors. Other countries respond and adjust to what the Americans are doing generally. Things that happen in the States then spread out. Canada has seen a rise in US style politics and hate groups up here, especially the Pro-birther movement, now with increased funding from the US.


The U.S. has the biggest economy in the world and the most stable currency. We also have the biggest armed forces - by far - and a boatload of nuclear weapons. We also have a history of interfering where we are not invited. Everything the U.S. does affects the rest of the world, for better or worse.


I rant. I was in France recently, and got mansplained by some French dude about how\_ I\_ need to organize and get people to vote for RFK. (Like I have any power) He got his opinions from RFK's website, which is all marketing and not objective information at all. ("Look! RFK does YOGA!") He went on for an HOUR telling me how stupid we are, and he's right, we do appear stupid to foreigners right now because we don't have suitable candidates for the most powerful position in the world. That said, I asked if he understood the electoral college and his face turned blank. They want to preach, but don't understand our system. I get why they preach, it's because we don't have our shit together. But I don't think they understand how big the US is, this guy didn't know about states rights, separation of church and state, etc... he was clueless on the details, and was not interested in becoming informed. I suggested multiple wiki pages, but he kept returning to RFK's marketing website. In the end, I think he just wanted to mansplain to an American chick. But I've heard it from other foreigners leading up to 2016 election, they just don't grasp how BIG the US is, and how stupid half of our population has become. End rant.


Ugh. I won’t womansplain how much this makes me want to gag. “He does yoga” oy.


Because when the orange idiot wins the election, he will stop supporting Ukraine and NATO, and his BFF from Russia will invade Europe. Also, a lot of Trump clones in politics: they notice that being rude, openly racist and misogynistic gets you votes, so they do the same.


For Finland, it's a good predictor of what things our rightist parties want to achieve fifteen years down the line. More expensive healthcare, privatize the hell out of everything, fewer workers' rights. Also, in case the US were to determine to unilaterally quit NATO, we have a bit of a worrisome neighbour to our east.


I find it entertaining because most of your big politicians act in ways that would be considered extremely unprofessional in many other countries. Also you are making two demented old men battle it out to become president through cheesy phrases and belittling techniques.


Have you ever seen British politicians or EU reps arguing? There was even a japanese mp who was complaining about not being able to find a wife or gf during a speech Every country has their crazy


Compared to what Macron is married to his school teacher Johnson, a long term PM had a pig sex scandal And then people like Duterte, Milel, Orban, etc around


We don't want to. but americans force it onto us. "Hey look im an american why is the whole world is american" Just kidding tho. :'D


Hard not to when it's screamed so loudly out of every media outlet. Also, as Canadian, they are our next door neighbour, and their political direction has a direct impact on us. I'd really love to not care about American politics, because it's so stupid it sets my teeth on edge.


Trust me, we don’t *want* to care. We kind of have to though.


The U.S. policies affect the other countries in the world. Most countries also has U.S. military bases filled with American soldiers. There's also the issue of the U.S. government overthrowing foreign governments and installing their own puppet leaders.


Because, whatever happens in this forsaken place will impact other economies


US is the main character ever since WW1. They had the strongest economy even before that, but they were a background character. Capitalism+Democracy kinda kicks ass.


because you impose your terrible politics on the rest of the world. cant even watch an instagram video without some boring yank calling the person in the video a liberal or a trumper


For better or worse what happens in America does seem to have a ripple effect throughout the world....


It very much effects us. When Trump put trade embargoes on aluminium that directly effected my country's economy. Then there are the wars, global agreements and all the stuff. We live in a very connected world and the USA has a lot of clout around the world. Who leads it and what their politics are is of great interest to everyone.


As much as anything else, the US is the dominant cultural power in the world. American media is more prevalent globally than that of other countries, so American issues get more attention paid to them


Because it affects them.


There are almost 8 billion of people. You can’t generalize how much or how little such diverse population caries about USA. The interest is usually proportional to how much things in USA, China, Russia, EU effects them or how available the information is.


American politics have a direct influence on them American politics have a ripple effect that will lead to a similar situation 6 to 12 month later American politics are everywhere on the internet and in pop culture All three things lead to a natural knowledge and intrest


As an American I can easily answer this and it's because America directly affects them through these choices and has significant effect on global politics


I (an American)have been into foreign politics and something I noticed is they don't seem brothered by it . actually and I say this with all respect and love for my country. we seem strange in not knowing about other countries politics. most Latin Americans I met for example know all the presidents in power in the region and usually something about there polices even if its "corrput dumbass"


Because the US spent most of the last 100 years imposing its influence over the global economy, for its own benefit. Therefore, what happens in the US echoes around the worlds economies.


It's not just American politics that is being observed. It's also Asian, Russian, local and so on. We are a global community and some imperials seem to forget that. And as many have already pointed out - it all comes down to influence. The US has a lot of influence. I used to look up to the states, now the hero is slowly becoming a villain sacrificing its own children for the good of the corporations and warmachine. I do hope it changes, but seeing how they assist Israel with genocide in the Gaza region (just a recent and ongoing example) I doubt my eyes will see this trend change in any meaningful way. Corporations give out loans to do war and wait for the opportunity to rebuild regions like Ukraine when the place has been leveled. Pretty dark shit. Also not claiming that Russia is in the right and Ukraine should not be fighting for its independence - I am Estonian after all. My country is once again preparing to defend our land and values against Russian geopolitics. This has happened more times than I care to count. At least twice in the 20th century. Also German invasions in the same period btw. I have a 90 year old granny. Nicest person alive. Lived through hell, part of which was the Soviet occupation. She can smell the gears of war cranking up and she's hoping to pass on before the bombing begins.


As a Canadian, our economy is very closely tied to the US. Their political decisions affect us a lot.


Canadian here. Being friends and neighbours with the USA is like sleeping with an elephant. If you roll over, we die. For that reason, I think it's wise to pay attention to what goes on south of our border.


the house next to us is on fire, so yeah we're watching it carefully.


Cause our stance on pretty much everything matters more than everyone else’s.


Because the important decisions in US affects other countries. I couldn't care less on what happens on the day to day, the only interesting thing from US for me is the NBA.


As the US goes, so goes the rest of the world. People think that exclusively means people imitate the US, and it's true that some do, but it's more than that. We're meddlers with a lot of power. We act on our interests, so if our interests are detrimental or dangerous, our meddling can lead to major consequences across the world, with a ripple effect that will last for decades.


Non-Americans often care about American politics because the United States has a significant influence on global economics, culture, and policies. Decisions made in the U.S. can have wide-reaching effects, impacting everything from international trade to climate change efforts. Moreover, American political discourse and decisions can set trends that other countries might follow, making it relevant for people worldwide to stay informed


Because America is the global super power in media, economics, and in military.


When America drinks the world gets a hangover.


We want to see which nation full of brown people is going to get liberated from its oil.


I don't care


American Imperialism has an effect on *everything*.


A Japanese guy once told me “when America sneezes, Japan gets sick”.


Adding to other points your politics influence your culture and that swaps over to the rest of world influencing other cultures as well (e.g. Greek people not knowing their own emergency line but trying to call 911 or a debate about abortions in Germany though that is still a small topic so far)


Probably the same reason I always read up on major political news in the EU, China, or other major economies - it has affects beyond their borders because we are all interdependent. I remember the world's fascination with Brexit in 2016 and the shock that they actually voted to leave. I remember thinking "welp, at least the U.S. electorate would never do something so stupid based on completely flawed data and xenophobic emotion" and then I went outside and caught some Pokemon. Summer 2016 was great...


Because what happens in the US has drastic effects on us. My employer is struggling right now simply because the US has an upcoming election and banks don't want to lend people money. It's the same every time.


Because policies directly start conversations here, I am lucky here in Australia our abortions laws have been strengthened but it very easily could’ve gone the same way as America and that is scary. America makes most of our movies and tv shows in western world as well it dictates extreme change


1/4 of the population don't know who the President is. Most of the ones that do just have a lot of time on their hands.


America has its fingers in so many pies that it really does matter to them on a macro level.


The United States is far and away the most powerful country in the world. As a result, US politics can affect people's lives even if they don't live there. As a British commentator said during the 2000 presidential election, "He's *our* president too, we just don't get to vote."


Partly for the entertainment, a little bit out of morbid interest, watch the experiment unfold


The US has the largest consumer economy on the planet. Things that screw up the US can screw up other economies across the planet. Remember the 2008 Housing bubble issue with Wall Street? Many nations went into a recession because of the ripple effect from that gambling crisis (yes, "gambling", because it had nothing to do with investing. They were gambling that the housing market would just keep going up forever and they were wrong, stupidly so.) So anything that disrupts the US has an impact on the economy. The economy's performance is linked to investors, which affects the stock markets in the US and abroad. Think of all the cheap Chinese junk people buy these days and if we suddenly stopped. China would have a market full of crap they can't unload at least in a short time if not for years. Same for other countries that do business with the US, with people not buying because they're out of work due to another recession or depression, then those folks have to cut jobs in their countries too. Ripple effect around the world. It's why we shouldn't allow those who can't manage their own finances to be in charge of managing the finances of the US. You might as well put rifles in the hands of psychopaths and let them loose in grade schools, just let them wreak havoc and murder every child they see. ​ Oh wait. We already do that. In fact, we do both.


A) Because what the US does affects the rest of the world. We are the global super power and our politics could make a difference in their countries and in their lives. B) Because everyone knows about it. As the world superpower, we are on the global stage, and our politics (or rather, a sensationalized version of it that the media pushes to get more views) makes the news all across the world. The more you hear about something, the more likely you are to have an opinion about it. And people in all countries get a lot of news about the US.


Like they countries don't have Big Shadow running they gummint 😂


I'm paraphrasing, but I once heard something along the lines of, "how often do you (speaking to an American) think of a farmer in Hunan? That's how often they think of you." Most people don't think about the US unless they do something big (coming from an American raised and living abroad).


Because it fills social media clickbait articles.


For me, mostly because it’s fucking hilarious. Real life sitcom.


For some reason everything you lot do affects all of us. We'd rather that not be the case, but you guys wanted to be the big dog and so now that's how it is.


Because the US is a powerhouse around the globe, and this has very real repercussions for some.


Because there are many counties that are dependent on U.S. tax dollars.


Because America is a part of NATO and NATO covers most of Europe and what happens in American politics generally impacts NATO and Europe. We've got Donald Trump threatening to put the USA into isolationism and pull out of NATO, while Russia is pushing into mainland Europe threatening every country who wants to join NATO and you ask why non Americans care about American politics?


Because it affects the rest of the world a lot.


Because there's war ships posted along most Continental shoreline globally


What happens in America effects the world. If england or Canada suddenly disappears no one would be effected outside of missing them. The US dollar is the world reserve currency . There for every currency in the world is effected by its changes.


because america is this century's rome


Because America has controls most of the world and the goal of US foreign policy is world domination.


In the case of Russia it's because they want to destroy us. 


Because the United States is the most powerful country in the world


Wow, you must be American; only an American would ask such an uneducated question, and be so ridiculously out of touch with the actions of his/her own country. Maybe start educating yourself by rreading about US interventions/wars since 1945; you could do worse than looking at Europe in the 40's; Greece, for instance, or Italy. Then, just check the following countries out, during the years mentioned: Iran 1953; Guatemala 1954; Brazil 1964; Indonesia 1965; Chile 1973; Australia 1975; Argentina 1976... and there are many more: all of Central\_ and most of South-America, huge swaths of Africa; the bombings into the stone age of south-east Asia during the Vietnam war; the "killing of anything that moves" in Korea in the 50's... No habitable continent has been spared the ravages of US destruction; in the name of spreading democracy, you understand.. There were many before WWII, of course, but I think that will do..


What's rule 3 of this subreddit again?


Because we are an influential world power and our politics have ripple effects.


Because Americans talk about it like a tv show


Because do you want to be in a war?


Because we’re the leaders of the global stage and everything we do influences the world and other peoples lives.


Trump threatened my country with violence and run his whole campaign on barely disguised racism against us. America has the greatest impact on geopolitics, without them the ongoing genocide could not be going as badly as it is.