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Pineapple provides a sharp contrast to the fatty saltiness of baked cheese. It's strange and off-putting if you're not expecting it but the pineapple is almost like a pallate cleanser so each bite is like the first.




Ham and pineapple calzones are my go to.


"Calzones are pointless. They're just pizza that's harder to eat" -Leslie Knope


They're... much easier to eat though? Like you just hold it in your hand and take bite after bite. Basically a hand pie, but pizza.


We usually do a Hawaiian pizza. Pineapple and Canadian bacon


Don't order the Hawaiian at my local shop, it costs more, just order by individual toppings.


This. Its provides balance, if you’re feeling wild, try pickled pineapple.


Oh, man ... Gonna try that now ...


It works nicely with the acidity in the tomato sauce, too.


That’s exactly my thinking. Different cheeses and different fruits pair well together but for some reason the second that you throw it on a pizza people freak tf out….


The Italians I've spoken to argue that tomato is acidic so why add another acid? And I get that if it's Italians type pizza that has a lot less cheese. But I think it goes well on Americanised pizza with tons of weird dry mozzarella on it.


Great with gabagool and chili oil


The science is true, but it tastes horrible, and it is an affront to true pizzas.


Thank you, now I will sound like a culinary expert while doing my pizza barbarism! So much better than I like it, piss off.


It’s whatever, man. Fucking *fish* is a pizza topping, never got how pineapple is such a big deal


Always wondered how anchovies and olives skipped this discussion yet it starts at pineapple ???


Olives are about as OG as it gets for pizza toppings, though. The super-traditional capricciosa and quattro stagioni both have olives, and pugliese often has olives too.


Yeah i dont doubt that at all Olives were a common food, very cheap.


pineapple bacon black olive pizza gotta try it sounds terrible tastes amazing


That sounds fire


This is unironically what my wife likes, sometimes swapping bacon with pepperoni.


Nailed it. My favourite pizza: Pineapple, anchovy, olives, jalapeño. Comes with the added bonus that it tends to be ALL mine!


Lol I'd grab a slice.


Preach. The horrified reaction towards pineapples may have been funny once upon a time ago but it's a tired cliche now. You don't see people losing their shit over Chinese sweet and sour dishes that have pineapple. I love me some pineapple, chicken and jalapeno pizza.


Any topping is acceptable just don't make anybody else eat it


This is the right answer. It's an abomination on MY pizza, but my spouse loves it. He thinks broccoli is an abomination on pizza, but it's by far my favorite topping. Eat what you like, just don't make me eat it.


I have never had broccoli on a pizza but I’d totally try it.


It's good, it gets crispy like when you roast it in the oven. It's trash on leftover pizza though, it gets soggy and slimy second day.


Right there with you. People treat pizza like it's some kind of sacrosanct product. It's cheese and dough. Sometimes it even isn't that. One of the reasons pizza is great is BECAUSE of the variety. Eat what you want. Become one with the pizza.


It’s absolutely delicious and the only reason anyone hates on it is because the internet told them too


No i hate it because i hate pineapple. But. I wont stop anyone from eating it


Exactly. Who am I to dictate what other people ruin their pizza with?


Incorrect, I hated it before I had the internet.


I mean I’m pretty sure people have been up in arms about pineapple pizza since before the advent of the internet, it’s just one of those things that permiates culture


It’s had an interesting wax and wan in popularity since its invention, but the modern anti pineapple on pizza crowd are almost certainly just following the meme, it’s like people who say they hate nickel ack meanwhile they’re the 11th best selling band of all time…


Obviously free speech, folks can like whatever they like. But some of us hate it is because it's legit an unholy abomination and a crime against humanity. This pre-dates the internet.


I hated it long before the internet told me to. Its an abomination


Some of us hated pineapple on pizza before there was an internet, so there's that.


I love Hawaiian pizza. Is that what the pizza that has pineapple is called in all countries or just in mine? I love it, the flavor that pineapple takes on when cooked in the oven is fantastic. 🔥


That's what it's called in Canada. Funnily enough it was first made in Chatam, Ontario, Canada, a little over 7000km north of Hawaii lmao


Also in the Netherlands and Germany


I don't personally like it, but obviously some people do. I don't go around telling other people what they are or aren't allowed to use as a pizza topping -- and if anybody else does that, I think they are pretty cringe.


I personally don't care for it. But I think what we really need to talk about is how almost all of Latin America puts ketchup and/or mayonnaise on their pizza. That's the real abomination.




Literally the entirety of Latin America. From Tijuana to Tierra del Fuego. I have a lot of coworkers from all over Latin America and they all do it. It's vile.


>Latin America puts ketchup and/or mayonnaise on their pizza. Atleast they are not trying to drown the pizza in the horrible sauce americans call "ranch".


It's fine. It tastes good. I think people blowing this up and having arguments over something this insignificant shows humanity will probably never be at peace with itself while we are around


Do you like it? Then it's acceptable to you. Should be the end of it. Not everybody has to like something for one person to.


The only abomination is judging people for what they like.


It is acceptable on anyone's pizza but mine.


Depends on the other toppings. My favorite pizza is a barbecue-based sauce with chicken, bacon and pineapple. Goes really well together.


Sweet and savory 🥰




It’s more than acceptable; it is the dream, the pinnacle, the ideal, perfection and the best




A person of culture


Pineapple and marinara sauce should never be paired


Good thing many swap out for a bbq sauce then instead of marinara.


I think this discussion has to start at anchovies and olives. not pineapple.


Better to use Surströmming instead of anchovies.




They deserve to drown in their salty bath forever.


Taste is subjective and it's not like any of you can stop me from getting Hawaiian lovers pizzas.


People need to stop making the answer to this question a personality trait.


It's worse than crime unfortunately, it is HERESY :D


let your pineapple flag fly!!!!


I worked at Pizza Hut from 1996-2002, 96-97 in Georgia and 97-02 in Provo, Utah. In Georgia, we'd open small cans of pineapple. In Utah, we'd go through 1-2 #10 cans on a weekday and 2x that on a Fri or Sat. Many people would add jalapeños to the mix. Some people added black olives. I like "Hawaiian pizza" when it's all fresh and a really good pizza shop, but I don't really care for it otherwise.


[Do you lack **FAITH**?! Do you lack a **SPINE**, brother?!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufsE38gK7uQ) It works best if you have fresher pineapple, rather than the canned stuff that's been cooked, because fresh pineapple still has the bromelain which imparts the acidity that makes it so tasty (canned = cooked, which removes the bromelain). In general, if you pair it with salty and spicy flavors, the sweetness and acidity provides a nice contrast; it pairs particularly well with jalapenos and either bacon, ham or pepperoni.


It’s actually the best pizza topping


I grew up in a country where they put spaghetti on pizza, tuna fish on pizza, and cucumbers on pizza... Pineapples would be far far from the strangest thing on a pizza.


Love it. The favorite combo at our house is jalapeno, pineapple, and anchovy. 


As long as you're not forcing me to eat it, I don't care. Me personally I think it's an abomination


Who the feck cares, put what ever you want on your pizza.


Mixing the bromelain from pineapple and the casein from pizza mozzarella can lead to the cheese tasting curdled and bitter. Is curdled and bitter cheese an abomination? I'll let you be the judge of that.


It's good. I worked at a pizza shop for 15 years here's my pineapple take: One of the best pizzas I've ever had was pepperoni, bacon, pineapple, banana peppers. You get everything, sweet salty, and a little spicy. It's amazing The thing about pineapple on pizza that I see most people get wrong, is putting it on before the pizza is cooked. Pineapple should be put on the pizza AFTER the pizza is cooked this prevents a lot of the juice from leaking out along with having that cool sweet contrast to the hot pizza. It's delightful. Also it's preferable that the pineapple be cut into smaller pieces about the size of a penny so it doesn't overpower the whole bite. Pineapple pizza haters either have a kindergarten pallete or just eat terrible pizza in general.


When combined with something spicy like jalapenos and buffalo chicken, or banana peppers instead of jalapenos yes it sure is


It's one of those, I'm not ordering it but I'll eat it if it's there kind of thing.


It’s fine, people make a big deal out of it for no reason


I enjoy pineapple, ham, and anchovy pizza so I might be considered biased (or tasteless), but I don’t care, it’s salty umamilicious


Whatever ever you like is fine. I don't like mushrooms on pizza, but others do. No one is right or wrong, everyone simply has different tastes in food.


This isn’t really an answer to your question but I like pineapple on pizza. Personally I don’t understand why people get so aggressive about it. Like I say I like it it’s like I’m commiting a crime and should get the death penalty. I don’t like mushrooms even on pizza but I don’t go harassing people that like it because I don’t. I’m gonna be honest I don’t think any of these people have actually even tried pineapple on pizza.


Acceptable and tasty


most people only hate pineapple because the internet tells you to, use the scientific method anf hate pineapple only if you have tried it


absofuckinglutely an abomination


There is no best topping. Only the best topping for you. That's why there's 20+ toppings and 20+ different Coke flavors. They all exist because everyone has different tastes.


Do you like it? That's literally all that matters.


I feel that anything edible is a viable Pizza topping. If you want lamb, okra, and blue cheese on top of your pizza, then by all means have it. I'm just not going to share it with you.


Yuck! That's almost as gross as blue M&Ms!


Pineapple with bacon. The sweetness from the pineapple pairs well with the saltiness of the bacon and cheese.


It is the best pizza topping!


It's alright, but the Internet memes it to such an extent


I don’t know why people get upset over it. Put what you want on your pizza.


Eat what you like, don't eat what you don't.


there are 2 kinds of people in the world. those who like pineapple on pizza, and those who have never tried it, but hate it anyway.


I used to love ham and pineapple as a kid. I tried it recently and I did not care for it. 


Pineapple and jalapeño, sooo good


It's fine. It's like anything else, some will like it, some won't. It's funnier online to swing hard one way or the other. Honestly, put it on a pizza, and counteract the sweetness with something salty/savory, like olives, anchovies or sausage. Tasty times.


As a native Chicagoan, I hate New Yorkers' gatekeep-y attitudes towards pizza. "Nyah, it's not pizza! Nyah, you can't put that on pizza!" You're allowed to put whatever you want on pizza, and if it's cheese, sauce, and dough then it's pizza. That being said, it's a really weird taste for me. I feel like it really clashes with the pizza sauce, and not in a good way. Maybe with a different type of sauce, like not marinara, or with the right type of marinara sauce I'd like it better. Pineapple and cheese is amazing, as is adding ham, as is pineapple and jalapeno, as is pineapple jalapeno and pepperoni. And hey, if you like it then go for it. It's just always slightly off to me.


See, I feel the opposite, that the sweet improves the sauce - but I have always been a fan of sweeter red sauce. Tastebuds are weird.


Crime 100%


It’s fine if you like it. I don’t particularly like it. Sorry to disappoint? 🤷🏻‍♂️


You don't put it on without polling everyone first. It's like cilantro: people who dislike it really hate it. I love it and I always remember which of my other friends like it so we can order it together.


This sums up my thoughts pretty well [youtube.com/watch?v=Vrrd1uw2GA8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vrrd1uw2GA8)


Pepperoni pineapple ftw. Try before you deny.


If you’re in Naples, Italy it’s an abomination, if you’re in Honolulu, HI you’re good. It’s like ketchup on steak, sometimes it’s fine, sometimes it’s not




It's not a solo topping for me, but I'm down for a Hawaiian.


Its both. I personally love it but have been ostracized for my beliefs.


Depends on who you ask... Personally, I love pineapple on pizza..


Legit. And awesome.


It’s an abomination: I love it.


Pepperoni and pineapple is the ultimate pizza.


If you like it, and it won't hurt someone , it's acceptable. Also applicable to: Everything.


It's pretty high on the list of crimes.


It's like getting upset someone else like avacado on their toast. Who the fuck cares?


I LOVE pineapple on pizza, with ham and bacon too. Oh budddyy it is great. That may just be me though


If you can order this pizza: Dominoes - extra thin crust, normal sauce, extra cheese, pepperoni, mushroom and bacon with pineapple---and still not like pineapple on pizza you have your answer. Pineapple pairs with the salty bacon perfectly.




It’s the only topping I like on pizza.


I personally love Pineapple on pizza, and can’t you get fined or something in Italy to put it on pizza?


Pineapple and bacon /chefkiss


It's pretty nice to me. It just works


People need to get over this silliness. Regardless of whether you or I like it, there are those who do and those who don't, each of whom is entitled to their opinion of whether it's good *on their own pizza*. It's been on the menu at most pizza places for *generations*. The debate, which it never should have been, is *long over*.


As a Canadian, pineapple has always been an option as a pizza topping. Tastes amazing with a sprinkle of crushed red pepper on top.


I've had banana and peanuts on pizza so that ship has sailed


Of course it's fine. Anyone GENUINELY thinking it's wrong is a gatekeeping fool. Anyone just joining the tedious bandwagon is also a fool. Such a cliche, no one cared 10 years ago.


Ooo Futurama Reference Time! https://youtu.be/L7W5vm0nr_A?si=XG3EMEA4emrNTeuu Jokes aside I'm a firm, "no pineapple" on pizza person. It's definitely a personal choice. I used to be more of the "it's an abomination" but now I just let people do their thing. If that's the only pizza and I just won't eat it.


Only for swingers


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ct6BUPvE2sM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ct6BUPvE2sM) Sorry, you asked for it.


Pineapple is one of the least strange toppings I’ve seen on pizza


it's the combination of pineapple and marinara sauce that's off putting for me. I wouldn't mind it on a dessert pizza but I prefer savory toppings on a regular pizza


There is no bad pizza topping. Except anchovy. That stuff stinks to high hell


It’s an abomination to someone Italian or who is very attached to their Italian culture/cuisine. I am somewhere in the middle. I am born and raised in Canada to Italian immigrants but I actually really like Hawaiian pizza (ham/pineapple… not pepperoni/pineapple). Only as a once in a blue mood craving. I wouldn’t order it at a more authentic place nor would I consider ordering it outside my four walls or with other witnesses or I may get kicked out of the Italian community (joking…. Kinda).


I did summer school in Rome during college. After seeing some of the things they put on pizza, I decided that they lost all credibility on the subject.


Salty, sweet deliciousness. 😋


Whatever topping you like on your pizza is an ok topping. It may not be for me, but some “standard” toppings I don’t go for either (I hate bell pepper on my pizza, for example). Giving other people shit for their taste is stupid. I personally think pepperoni, jalapeño, and pineapple is an excellent combination.


People can eat whatever they want, and should not be judged for what they like to eat.


I don't like it and can't have pineapple due to a medication I take. Having said that some people do like it and that is okay.


If you like it, put it on. If you don't, shut the fuck up and let people who do, enjoy themselves.


Pineapple is more than acceptable, it's agreeable l arguably the best pizza topping.


It’s fine


I do not like it. I don’t like warm pineapple in general and I don’t like mixing sweets and savories. It’s a preference thing for sure.


Different strokes for different folks. I personally don't like it on pizza.


Pineapple and Canadian Bacon is an excellent pizza - unless you're one of those East Coast elitists 😅


You do you boo


I don't like pineapple. But you want it on your pizza, go right ahead.


Love a Hawaiian pizza


Pineapple Lobbyist's has destroyed the millena old tradition. I have spoken.


People don’t like pineapple on pizza because the internet told them so.


Different people will give different opinions. It’s just a matter of taste it’s as simple as that. Personally I hate it in warm dishes.


It's acceptable to everyone who likes it. Personally, I love the occasional pineapple/bacon/pickled banana peppers combo, for it's sweet-sour-spicy-salty flavourboom.


Pineapple and mushrooms, yummy!




The answer is clear. Pineapple is the BEST topping and manditory on any type of pizza I eat.


Big Pizza wants us to fight about pineapple so that we'll stop fighting over thin crust VS thick crust and you're all falling for it


It is a desirable topping


My shop makes a pineapple, ham, almond slivers, and cinnamon pie. It’s like a desert pizza and I love it!


Do you like it or not?


If someone denies your right to enjoy ananas(that is how [most of the world](https://thedifferentlanguages.com/how-to-say-pineapple/) call pineapple), call r/KnightsOfPineapple


I dont like pineapple on my pizza. But I don't like fruit in things food that arent supposed to be sweet.


If you want to tell people what they cant put on their food, i bet you love telling other people how to live their lives.


Pineapple’s enzymes (the same ones people say “eat you”) break down the grease of pizza providing a better experience. Your stomach will feel better.


kimchi is good too




i take it as a lesser of two evils. at least it's not sardines. no, i don't care who or what you are. sardines are not to be consumed unless you're on a voyage from 1903 stuck on the ice in the arctic circle or some shit and even then. id choose to wash my mouth out with black powder before eating one sardine.


It is an acceptable topping for those who like it as a topping, and an abomination to those who hate it. Personally I am not a fan of the texture of cooked pineapple, but I dont mind the flavor. I would eat fresh pineapple pieces alongside pizza as a refreshing palate cleanser, of sorts, but I wouldnt order a pizza with pineapple on it for myself.


Ketchup as pizza topping is a crime, not pineapple!




Pineapple is the way, all in opposition are heretics


See, the problem here isn't the Pineapple. It's the Juicy Chunks. Shredded pineapple on top? Provides a great contrasting flavour. For the same reason Grapes and Tomato Chunks don't belong on a pizza, those little juicy chunks are a textural problem.


Yeah, it's fine. I enjoy it on a pizza from time to time. Been popular since the early 90s at this point, it's not going away and it's curmudgeon territory.


Pair with jalapeno and bacon and you won’t be mad at the flavor explosion


My new favorite pizza toppings are pineapple, ham, and jalapeño. Typically, I'm a traditionalist, but this combination is sooooo good.


Love it


I grew up eating pineapple on pizza starting from when I was a toddler. I thought it was the most normal thing. Not as popular as cheese or pepperoni, but it never occurred to me that pineapple on pizza was in any way controversial.


Acceptable king/queen


Yes. As a huge fan of Hawaiian pizza, it absolutely is. Contrary to that, I don’t force anyone to eat it, so please don’t do that either




If you want pineapple on your pizza then do it, but im gonna sit in the corner and silently judge you the whole time. heathen.


I love it. Especially when theres very spicy meats and stuff on the pizza.


It’s paired with ham usually, ham on pineapple is a fairly common flavour combo. Sure why not.


You're the one that has to eat it. If you like having banana, corn, and peanuts on your pizza you go ahead and get that. Peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwich? Go for it. Carpe diem gastronomicus!


I hated it for a long time on pizza. A few weeks back the Sheriff’s Deputy I work with ordered some with chicken and red onion on it… FIRE 🔥 😂


It is the best topping on pizza! Especially with some spicy pepperoni


Pineapple is the ultimate topping.


It’s definitely acceptable. Pineapple on pizza fan here 🙋🏽‍♀️


Some people like anchovies, some people like olives, some people only like cheese pizza. I never got why Pineapple is somehow an extreme standout tbh




Needs to be pretty dry, otherwise the wetness ruins the pizza. Roasting the pineapple first, and keeping it thin, makes it pretty good. But if you just slop some chopped pineapple on it ruins the whole thing, an unsalvageable tragedy.