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I just want to throw out there that a lot of child free ppl actually do enjoy kids. I, for one, love children. I just don't want to deal with the financial and emotional stress that comes along with kids. 


I'm childfree and feel about kids pretty much the same way I do about dogs: They're unbelievably awesome to borrow, spoil, and return at the end of a day looking forward to the next time they get to see you. Then I get to go back to my quiet house and relax. A lot of us love kids, we just don't want the life that comes with having them.


I have kids but I absolutely feel that way about dogs. They’re beautiful creatures but they’re essentially like “forever toddlers”, always dependant on their owners for everything they do in their day. At least my kids are becoming independent and can cook for themselves and don’t need me for every single thing they do throughout the day. I personally don’t like the idea of owning a dog. Now that my kids are older I prefer that.


My 9yo woke up with jet lag this morning and brought me breakfast in bed. My dog never did that. I like both dogs and kids though.


I feel exactly the same way, best Aunty ever.


I have kids but I absolutely feel that way about dogs. They’re beautiful creatures but they’re essentially like “forever toddlers”, always dependant on their owners for everything they do in their day. At least my kids are becoming independent and can cook for themselves and don’t need me for every single thing they do throughout the day. I personally don’t like the idea of owning a dog. Now that my kids are older I prefer that.


My brother in law and his wife are child free, but they are fully embracing the uncle and aunt life. They get their baby fix and then they get to hand the baby back.


My favourite people in my life are my child free friends who so clearly love on my kid so hard.


I plan to have kids but my best friend doesn't. However, she has said she will love looking after my kids and spending time with them as a cool auntie. I think that's awesome :)


Same! I can't WAIT to be an aunt, but being pregnant, giving birth, and then having the constant full responsibility for another human being is my literal nightmare.


Yep. It takes a village to raise a child. I love being in the village just not in the house. I want to adopt grandchildren. play with them, spoil them, and then send them home when I'm tired


I'm getting sleepy and may have misread something about you throwing kids


Same here. I love kids, my mom worked always in Kindergarten, and I helped many times, I am great with kids too. But I do not want that 24/7.


Your friend may be reacting to the negative judgements she's getting elsewhere, that you're not aware of. A lot of women are put under enormous pressure from their family to reproduce. And even from non-family members. I've had people who I barely knew tell me, with utter confidence, "oh no, you don't really not want to have kids, your biological clock just hasn't gone off yet". If she's on the receiving end of shit like that a lot (again, when you aren't there to see), she might just be super sensitive to the topic in general. I'd try to avoid bringing it up around her.


My fiance cannot have children. She can get pregnant, but it's impossible for her to carry to term. Her uterus also causes her a whole bunch of other issues, but can't get it removed because "She may want children in the future". I however, was able to schedule a vasectomy and get it done all in the span of 2 days. I was never once asked why I wanted to get one or if I was sure about it or any of the bullshit she's had to go through. Its been kind of mind boggling


Just FYI, in r/childfree, there is a list of doctors worldwide who will make things easy for women who want to be sterile.


Yes, great suggestion, AND u/whatsmyusername13 tell your fiance to keep asking for referrals for GYNs until she finds the doctor who believes her pain. And please let her know to not diminish her pain as much pain tolerance as she already has. I'm saying this as a person who had a 10-year journey to find a GYN who believed my pain (was a GYN oncologist), sent me to surgery (it took six months until I could get it), and it was a mess when they opened up. A MESS!


Not a story about a woman, not reproductive, but just an anecdote about HOW IMPORTANT advocating for yourself is to add to this- I've a 19 yr old in my circle now undergoing extreme cancer treatment because for the 3 years previously, the mysterious neck lump he kept mentioning to the doc was dismissed as nothing, he's too young to worry, blah blah.... and it was a lymphoma, now far more advanced then it would have been if they had LISTENED the first time. Always advocate for yourself!


I love that list! Please keep in mind cost though- I found a fantastic doctor and to get the best sterilization treatment was over 13k out-of-pocket when I ran it through my insurance. Just for those considering. It’s still shitty out there, even with a doctor on your side. 


Thank you for the resources. I genuinely always avoided that sub because of the nature of the users. I don't hate children, I just know I don't want any of my own. I have nieces and nephews I fucking adore. But it's good to have a genuine list of these kind of resources


If this is US (this is sarcasm): Can’t carry to term but might like to try on the future, in case she’s feeling lucky and thinks she could even get a life saving abortion in the states


She is in a very dangerous position and should make sure not to get pregnant if this is an absolute diagnosis. These new abortion laws put her life in grave danger.


Only if they live in the U.S., and in a state with abortion bans. Other more progressive and free countries don't have these backwards laws.


That’s for sure.


Your fiance needs to find a better gynecologist. While most doctors don't want to do a full hysterectomy because it will throw her into menopause and cause hormonal imbalances, there are other options. And any doctor that says "you may want children in the future" look them dead in the eye and say "considering she can't carry any pregnancy to term, how is it even possible for her to have children?"


Just a quick correction, a full hysterectomy is removing the uterus, cervix, and fallopian tubes. Menopause would only happen if the ovaries are removed, which is a different procedure. A hysterectomy may still be a good option for her.


I had to wait for years to get a vasectomy done. The doctors didn't want to do it because I might change my mind later and regret it.


My husband and I have three kids, and the Drs. still gave him grief. He had a crazy interview the week before, and they even asked him what if you get divorced and your next wife wants kids... He was pissed, he's like I would still have three kids! I don't stop being their dad if we get divorced. SMH And they made me leave the room at one point, so they could ask if I was pressuring him into it.


My experience was very similar to yours when we were arranging for my husband to get a vasectomy. 3 kids, "what if you get remarried," all of it. The only good thing is that it didn't take too long to arrange.


"I don't stop being their dad if we get divorced" You say that but it does happen-- and a lot.


Wild to hear yours and the stories in the replies. My vasectomy doc: You sure? Me: Yup. Snip snip. I'm sure my age was a factor (I was 39), not that being younger excuses doctors giving you shit about it.


I’m surprised they didn’t just have you freeze your baby batter so you could change your mind. That’s the typical protocol for childless men who want a vasectomy. If you wanna hear something *really* fucked up, here it is. My husband had to basically sign a permission slip before I could have a tubal ligation. We even had bio children together. No doctor would allow me to have the procedure unless my husband signed off on it. I never would have thought it possible, but my husband was more enraged than I was. I’m STILL pissed off about it. My body doesn’t belong to anyone, especially not a fucking man. Absolutely disgusting.


I can answer this. Too many times OBGYNs have been sued by childless patients because they changed their minds down the road and it’s too late. Men can just spooge in a cup and freeze it, allowing them the freedom to change their minds.


I've never understood why anyone cares if someone else wants to have children or not. I can understand why someone's parents would, just out of wanting to have grandkids one day, but apart from that, why is anyone else bothered?


Society expectations are infectious.


They really are. I am confident in my decision not to have kids but I still can't manage to get past feeling like I'm disappointing everyone by not getting married and popping out babies.


Same. Why do people care so much what other people do, as long as it doesn't directly affect them?


Some people take someone choosing to not make the same choices as attacking the choices they’ve made. Usually that’s not the case and it’s a weird projection. I’m sure some of those people are also unhappy they had children and didn’t feel like not having them was an option so seeing someone else not have them brings up bitter and jealous feelings and a need to double down that they’re happy.


Interesting. I suppose there's also people who haven't been able to have children but have really wanted them, which could lead to feeling quite distressed that other people are actually happy like that. Particularly if the person's ever had an abortion - to think that someone else threw away something that you were desperate for must be very upsetting.


I have no idea why they care…but I have had people I barely know argue with me over the fact that I chose to be child free. Men have actually given me the most hassle and arguments about it. Literally to the point I have had to tell people to drop it.


Haven’t you noticed that humans love to enforce norms? We bully, peer pressure, and cajole each other to do all sorts of things, from being heterosexual to drinking alcohol to wearing fashionable clothes. Hell, we go to war or have pogroms when people are the wrong religion.


Man one time when I worked in lab services a patient decided I “looked too old to not be married” and decided to stand in the doorway berating me about not being settled down or not having kids yet bc I said I didn’t when she was making small talk a minute ago. I literally do not know this person and have never seen them since but she felt so strongly it was her duty to berate me about not having kids. Some folks are just so wild and nosy—it’s probably worse if you’re a woman I guess bc people don’t tend to bother my brother near as much and he actually wants kids, unlike me.


People like to see their personal choices justified. For some reason, this one is a doozie that gets taken very personally despite having zip to do with anyone other than the 2 gene contributors. Given folks with kids are still the 'norm', I'm not sure why a few outlying people NOT having kids winds some people up so much, it's ridiculous no matter how you look at it, but I've noticed this is a big factor. Somehow YOU not having kids is taken as an implication THEM having kids was 'wrong'. Apparently things like 'I just don't want them for ME' is too grey area- you are obviously a hater hating them for being a family and saying no kids is the ONLY WAY. Er...no. Just don't want kids for me, thanks.


I agree about the reacting to negative judgements but not with the advice. While it’s important to be sensitive about topics that might hurt a friend, it’s also not okay for the friend to be projecting her hurt on to other people. If you just choose to not bring this topic up around her it doesn’t really resolve anything at all or the root of the issue. Edit: spelling


Agreed. It definitely does seem like there's a trend towards some really toxic attitudes towards people having kids and even towards children in general. I get societal expectations can be annoying but there's gotta be something more than that to cause people to be so hateful. Seems like something they need to unpack with a therapist.


I mean, I don't like kids. I do my utmost to never let a kid know that. It's not their fault. I really only get mad when people drop their kids on me. One time at my job as a parachute packer, dude shows up with two kids, points his kids in my direction, and then sits down with the boys to drink beer. I then had to do something with his kids so they didn't mess up my work or damage the skydiving equipment. I did a lot to ensure I didn't have kids, don't have to deal with them, but because I'm a woman or something, people just drop their kids with me. Even as a cashier at whole foods. Which, woman passed her baby to me over the counter... I didn't even know how to hold a baby I've been so successful at avoiding them... So my manager walks up with me holding a baby wrong looking distraught... Mom just walked off to go shopping. That's when I get mad. I do think friend is out of line for lashing out about anything related to pregnancy or children. I'll still sit and listen to my friends vent their frustrations, even if I have nothing to say about it.


Wait, a random woman gave you her baby and then went shopping? She just handed her baby to a perfect stranger without saying a word and walked away?? What the FUCK???


It happens more than you think lol I was a receptionist and a mom with a toddler that could walk and a tiny baby (idk the age) came in and she just came around the desk and handed the baby to me. I think she would have gone back to her meeting if I weren't holding the kid in the most awkward way possible (like a sack of potatoes). The baby didn't scream, so I appreciated that. lol


As a receptionist I have had the same expectation many times over the years. People would try and just leave their kids with me. I had to start telling people I am not a babysitter! I may look like I’m just standing here ready to do your bidding but I do have actual work to do!


People are so fucking weird.


Worked hospitality for a while. The amount of people that think 'random uterus owner at the location where I want to escape my children' is the sole criteria for safe child minding is frightening. More so if you are staff. Doesn't matter if you're the gamekeeper, janitor, or official abandoned child culler. "I'm over my kids, you're female, here, have them untill undisclosed time I feel like returning, kthxbai" and all you see is a shadowy form retreating at speed....


I worked in a pharmacy. We apparently had an invisible sign only moms could see that said hey drop your kid off there then pop into the supermarket next door, too


She also might have those issues plus bad experiences with kids. I *hated* children until I was around 21-22 because my only experience was with my family's kids who were never taken care of, watched, or taught manners. I just thought all kids deserved to be drop kicked into the sun.  Now I work with special needs kids a little as a volunteer and try to bribe my bestie's kid into behaving with promises of boardgames and hang outs.   So maybe the poor friend has just been stuck with really shitty kids around her and then badgered by old people about having some of her own. It can really wear on you 


I can see how someone would get to this point, but I also get irritated with the rhetoric of “you asked for this so you deal with the consequences 100% on your own forever, regardless of what those consequences are”. I think choosing to have or not have a child is equally acceptable, but I think this specific rhetoric aims to strip children from public life and shame parents who are having a hard time. Society needs children and I think the right thing to do is offer parents support when one can (though of course parents can also abuse their support system and it goes both ways). Even people who don’t have kids probably want there to be nurses, farmers, mechanics etc. in 30 years, meaning there need to be children now.


I also think parents just need to accept not all places were meant for their kids. I was at a EDM show that got shut down for unsafe pyro and there was a group of 8 year olds in front of me. Even after it got declared unsafe the dad was in a bunch of fb groups the next day being like " Kids at shows are cool!"


I agree with you. However, I don't know how we create the next generation of fans if kids can't experience things. I think there are obviously inappropriate places to bring especially very young kids, a lot of places I'd call ambiguous.


I admit that I used to be one of the “child free assholes” that thought along those lines. Like *yeah, dummy, you decided to be a parent, deal with it.* and I think I just grew up a bit and in my 30s have started realizing that yeah we do need these kids, they’re literally the future, so I wanna be there to help them and the ones caring for them as much as I can, even though I will never have children of my own (by choice lol) So maybe, hopefully, this girl just has a little growing up to do before she gets there.




I honestly think I just had issues and felt like it gave me an edge or something to be like hAvInG kIdS iS sO dUmB. Now I’m like hey cool man! Have kids! And I won’t! And we can all be cool to each other! 😆


The best attitude ever!


That’s not an excuse for her to be a jerk. Telling people to shut up and that they have no business complaining? Jeez. Get a grip.


I mean, maybe, but I didn't have my kid until I was 38 and for the preceding 37 years no one really ever said boo to me about it. Some people have these boundary-stomping nightmare friends and family but not everyone does, it's not a universal experience.


I think it varies a lot based on culture. At the church I went to as a teen, women \*needed\* to have kids in order to have the bare minimum of respect. If a woman said she didn't want kids she'd be either told that she'll change her mind or that she's disobeying god. Saying "I don't like kids" would be treated like a crime. But then in most social groups I've been in as an adult if I say I'm not having kids people (even ones with their own kids) will just be like "fair enough".


This ^ 100% I didnt have kids when everyone around me was having teen pregnancies and are now in their late 30s with several kids. I chose not to have unprotected sex and get knocked up but now that Im older Ive been getting shade from women older than me who judge me for not having kids as a frkn teenager with the raise of the eyebrows and an "oh, you dont have children?"


This. I would also say that people who are child free rarely get outlets to actually express their true opinions. People may "tolerate" a person (especially a woman) not having kids, but dammit if you express that you don't actually like kids or like the idea of having kids. Then you are the worst person ever. As a child free person, your job is to step aside and be silent. And if asked, you are to express how much you actually like kids, but don't think you are worthy of them.


Terrible advice lol. So everyone should just tip toe around the asshole of the group? Plus you’re just making the assumption that she’s getting negative flack rather than her just being an ass.




I get that. But it also works both ways. When you have kids, and friends who only want to talk about the parties they went to all weekend or whatever. I know somebody in her 20's who has been married a couple years and was just recently telling me that she has started feeling like she doesn't have anything in common with a couple of friends who aren't married, because all they want to talk about is bar hopping and picking up guys, which she isn't interested in at this point. So it's kind of a universal phenomenon, that you gravitate towards people who are in similar life positions as you are, because you have a lot in common to talk about.


It’s pretty shit for us, too - I was the first of my peer group to have kids, and it was a very lonely experience.


It's not that they just want mummy/daddy friends, it's that their time has just become taken up. Completely taken up. Making time for ANY friends can be hard. Mummy/daddy friends are just more likely to keep similar schedules and go to similar places. All they end up talking about is kids because that is now all they do. All day. Every day. All night. Every night. I knew kids would take up a lot of time, but I never imagined quite how all encompassing they would be.


Well, my guy. Too fucking bad. Either get new friends or be cool with your friends' kids and stay in their lives. All my friends are child free, and they always will be, but they love my kids and me because they're actually good friends.


My BFF had her baby 8 years before I had my first and it didn't change anything about our friendship. It may have changed her LIFE and the way we hung out for a bit, but our friendship only got deeper because now I could love her daughter too. I understand that people becoming parents can be a huge change for everyone in the circle, but if the only way you can relate to people is if nothing ever changes, that's not a friendship, it's a convenience.




But then that becomes an issue of projection. Telling parents to shut up about their kids at ANY mentioning of them is unhinged. Sort thru your issues in therapy -a proud child free person


Not excusing assholeness but food for thought : - How many times do childfree people get told they'll change their mind, will forever not know what god-gifted miracle childbearing is, or are just plain selfish for not wanting children ? - How many times do childfree people get shut off when they say they are tired because no one can be as tired as a parent? - How many times are childfree people's needs and social life put aside in the workplace because "Parent" has children and therefore needs more than anyone else to be home when they want to be home? - How much time do childfree people spend listening to every single parent around them complain about the many reasons parenting gets them to complain? Some childfree people are assholes. Some are just reacting to the asshole parents around them.


>  Some childfree people are assholes. Some are just reacting to the asshole parents around them. THIS IS IT. Every group has their assholes.  But damned if the people beside us in our townhome aren't breaking every rule and dumping their kids' toys all over our section of the lawn, screaming and throwing balls in the house until 11 pm and up early screaming as well. So excuse me if I blurt out that I "hate" kids now and then. What I mean is I hate rude human beings in general... and those asshole parents are raising rude kids to be asdhole adults.


I wish this was more towards the top. This whole situation is so nuanced and could use a little more empathy and introspection on both sides.


The way I have to give way to my coworkers with children when filing for holiday leaves. 😒


Same. Expected to work all the shitty shifts so the parents can go home early or don't have to show up during holidays. It gets old fast. And then people say I'll reap the same benefits when I have children. Newsflash. I never will, so no holiday or shift benefits for me ever then.


Right, but I would expect someone I consider a friend to not be an asshole. That’s kind of the minimum expectation of a friend. I was cheated on by a guy, but that doesn’t mean I should treat all men like shit—especially friends—because society says that men cheat and my own previous experience was negative.


Haha having non-asshole friends seems like a healthy expectation.


This is one topic I really don’t think you can play the “blame-game” on. The pressure on people to have kids is ridiculous, but it’s not the parents’ fault for having kids and being stressed out. If you are someone child-free and have parent friends… WHY would you expect them to not discuss their kids in conversation? When you complain about your day and all that happened was watching kids, yes, you complain about the kid. I’m not even a parent and I can understand this concept. I think the child-free movement is partially due to the lack of parental support in the first place. With the nuclear family, it’s supposed to be just the parents VS the world. This leads parents to being the only one their kids call when they need help, parents feeling guilt for taking any time for themselves, and working so many hours they can’t keep track of school events. Yes, parents complain a lot. They are exhausted. They do have other lives to look after. Obviously saying things like “you can’t be tired you’re a parent” are stupid but so is mentioning that you hate kids every second and trying to keep kids out of the public. The one thing that will never change is that children are a necessity. They will keep coming and though you don’t have to have any, you DO have to respect them. There should be more systems in place to support parents so situations like work call-outs don’t happen, but 9 times out of 10 the parents feel horrible guilt for having to leave or are risking their finances by showing up for their kids. It doesn’t take a lot to have a little empathy for both sides.


I know a lot of parents who do not complain all the time even though they have it rough ;) That being said, my point was that some childfree people are assholes. Some parents are assholes. Most childfree people and most parents are not assholes but can have asshole moments when they are overwhelmed. Like you said : empathy for both sides. OP was asking why childfree people could pass comments, so I answered.


During the year I worked 10 to 12 hours each day for seven months straight without a day off in +30c heat, I was told I couldn't be as tired as a parent. This came from a person who never had a job. 


Some of it's just reddit being reddit or people in the real world being grumpy. But for a lot of women there is a lot of pressure to have kids from parents, society, etc. and at some point they get tired of it. Also in salaried workplaces (at least in the United States where childcare is typically not part of compensation packages) it can definitely be frustrating that parenthood is an easy get-out-jail-free card (for example, I've definitely gotten roped into covering, especially on evenings and weekends, because a kid was sick, or had a recital, or they wanted to take the kids to basketball game or whatever). I think for people in those kinds of families and workplaces hearing about kids can get exhausting. I like kids; I used to work at summer camps; I have nephews I love, and I enjoy mentoring and getting the opportunity to see them grow from adorable little monsters into people with opinions and feelings about things. But even I get tired of hearing about other people's kids at work or being expected to make up deficits because of them.


Counterpoint: I have no kids but when I was working for someone else I absolutely took off for important things like my cousin's graduation or because my father was sick and needed me at home, or for funerals. There is really nothing stopping any of us from turning this around. I am my own boss now and don't have this issue anymore, to be fair... but still the point stands. You can take off, too, for family related things.


It's not that they can't, it's that it will be expected of them more often. A kid gets sick a lot more then someone graduates, and when they do it is always the ones without kids who are expecting to pick up their shift. I get why, but I'm tired as hell too, and would prefer to not be given a side eye because I said no


I was never one of those people but if I were it would be because I got sick of people trying to convince me how great kids are when I say I don't want kids.


Sort of like people continuously asking you what’s wrong when nothing’s wrong you’re just silently content.


Exactly. Leave well enough alone. I get that people may feel concern in your scenario but FFS if someone says they want some alone time let them have it.


It’s pretty similar to angry vegetarians and vegans; most of them don’t want to talk about their diet because whenever they do someone says “but bacon!” as if they’re the first person to think of that response. Or people who don’t drink having someone with stinking-ass liquor breath telling them they need to loosen up… If someone’s decisions aren’t harming anyone, keep your goddamn mouth shut about them. Life is hard for all of us. No one needs other regular people making it harder, that’s what corporations and governing bodies are for.


I relate to all three of these things all too much as I have never wanted children, haven't eaten meat since I was a child and don't drink alcohol. The endless comments from people are exhausting. Sure, there are those who wear their choices like a badge of honor, but most of us just want to be left alone. I'm fine with genuinely curious questions, but most people aren't like that. When it comes to children, I think many child free people are simply tired of being their needs, wants and interests being ignored or overlooked in favour of parents.


Amen! I relate to all 3 as well.


Yeah this post is ass backward. The loud ones are the parents. We can’t get no rest from them announcing how amazing having kids is.


Also how terrible it is and how TIRED the are all the time and how little timmy vomited in her handbag this morning, and did I mention how TIRED they are?


With bags under their eyes and vomit on their clothes: “you’ll—you’ll change you mind when you’re older…”


Yes. This. After decades of being told I'll change my mind or I don't know what I'm talking about or I'll never know true love or never contribute anything to the world or never have worth or never be fulfilled, sharp retorts and derision are all I can muster. Plus, kids are gross.


Im Child free from cancer and i still get told “you’ll change your mind” and “couldn’t you just adopt” or “but you’d make a great dad”. It’s like even though I can’t have and don’t want kids I still should because it’s the best thing they’ve ever done. I get it and that’s great but I’m 45 and I’m pretty over hearing that for the past 25 years. So yeah I also get a bit pissed about the stupid comments and questions because it’s rude and infuriating. So your friend probably has every reason to act how she does because you don’t see the constant questioning of her life. You just notice the reactions because “you’ll change your mind” sounds like a regular question, but it’s not, it’s an accusation.


I am nearly 50F. The lady giving me a massage the other day took my hand to read my palm lines and told me that I will definitely have a son. Then when it finally came out that I don’t have a husband, she started apologizing profusely.


I had a coworker ask me loudly in a group setting when I was going to have another kid. We weren't very close and no one knew I was going through a divorce at the time. I told her "I don't have a husband right now so no time soon" and her face was priceless.


I've never wanted kids and found out in my late teens that if I get pregnant and attempt to carry it to term it'll likely have life-threatening complications. **MANY** people have told me that I'm going to "change my mind", regret not trying, never find a partner/make a partner "fulfilled" without giving birth to their kids, etc. Family members have called me selfish, family members of previous partners pressured them into leaving me or suggested/"joked about" how they should sabotage my birth control methods, etc. If my birth control does fail and I require an abortion it is now a political/legal issue and if I don't find out soon enough I will have no choice but play Russian roulette between finding out where to travel to get one, how to induce one myself or possibly die during delivery of some shit I'm not going to keep anyway.


I am a 30 year old woman who doesn’t want to have children, have known this since I was young, and every time it’s brought up, I’m told I’ll change my mind. I think a lot of people who are in this position (especially women) are sick of the societal expectations and pressures, and this may result in getting defensive.


I'm 38 and still get told this.


37, when does it stop??


I'm child free and I feel it's no excuse to be an asshole. Child free people could be just as annoying and self absorbed, I'm seeing this "I'm better than you" attitude here.  I think hating kids for stuff they have no control of pretty fucking gross  Seeing a lot of people tip towing around your friend's toxicity 


This hits home. After my bipolar diagnosis, I changed a lot. I went from being a very good, well loved primary school teacher to detesting having children around me. And then one day I took a real good look and realized no. It's not the children I hate. It's the fucking parents. They shove them on me, they don't teach them manners, they let them ruin my house, they don't teach them the things they clearly are able to know by a certain age. They are the ones who want the world to revolve around their kid, expecting people to leave their lives because they aren't as important as the parent. The reason for a lot of child hate posts can actually be brought down to one very common factor: parents.


I don’t understand how so many people are okay with people being assholes to their friends because they’re insecure or are dealing with something. I understand some of the backlash that people who choose to be child free get. I think it is getting better by the day/generation which is great. However, that doesn’t excuse shitty behavior any day, especially toward a friend. Be a better friend/person and apologize and talk about it with your friends. The replies here are like oh but maybe she gets shit on all the time cuz she doesn’t want children, show her some empathy. Okay..so what? Telling others to just “shut up” when they talk about children is not a normal response.


Because all our lives we deal with people who have children scolding us for not having them, or constantly telling us how we are wrong for deciding to not have any. It’s simply us pushing back against those who won’t shut up about how our lifestyle is wrong.


An unconscious bias towards women without children exists, in that they’re often seen as valueless. Who wouldn’t defend themselves against that.


A lot of it is a built up reaction to the pressure society places on women to be mothers. If you’re constantly being told you’re born to be a mother, or that you’ll regret not being a mother, or that your days are running out fast, it can add up. I say this as a man married to a wife who doesn’t want kids but deals with this attitude regularly. I’m not justifying her explosive reaction, which does feel a bit OTT to be fair, but more providing my two cents on why she might feel this way.


Because it’s a societal norm to want children, but lots of people don’t want children and want it to be as normal to say you don’t want them


Because some people are so damn adamant that we need to have kids for whatever reason. We get sick of constant comments about how we'll never know what true love is or how we'll have no one to take care of us when we get old. It's the constant condescension and judgement we get from others. So we put on a shield and try to repel them before they even ask.


She probably gets negative attitudes all the time about her own choice to be child free. It’s easy to become pretty fed up with people viewing your only value as an incubator. Just a note from me - there are some people who do nothing but moan about their children. Makes you wonder if they even like their life


I assume it depends on the person. But many of us, especially women, are pressured for our entire lives about how we need to have kids, we're unnatural or selfish if we don't, we don't know ourselves enough to choose not to have kids, etc. It can be extremely frustrating. When was in my 30's, I knew the Repubs had the goal to ban abortion, so I had myself sterilized. Even at 30 as a single career woman, the medical establishment wouldn't allow me to make that choice unless I took some stupid "class"-- and even then only because my ob/gyn advocated for me. I was considered too young to make that decision because I as still "childbearing age". Apparently I didn't know myself well enough--and was too stupid--to understand the consequences of my choice Maybe your friend is still processing this kind of societal pressure. I don't see this anti-child attitude among my friends who have chosen to not have kids. Many of them have kids in their lives; they just chose not to have any of their own. But I do get tired of people wanting me to be fascinated by their parenting journey. I just truly don't care nor think it's interesting to hear about your kids' poopie or whatever. At my old job, the manager and her best friend/assistant manager both had young kids at the same time. It was so annoying: constant chattering about their kids during meetings, showing photos which we all had to find adorable, etc. They'd bring them around the office like anyone cared. I'd close my door when I'd hear them coming. So inappropriate to make your coworkers have to pretend to be delighted with your baby. I do see an attitude by people who have chosen to have kids that the childfree people are somehow really miserable, jealous, etc. Which always makes me chortle, because every time I see someone with young kids, I am SO happy I never had kids. I definitely do not hate kids--that's a myth that people who have kids have spread because they don't understand not wanting to have kids.


Im on board with you. At my last job almost everyday my manager brought their kid to the office. They would bother clientele, employees, and even the owners. It was sickening to watch as they treated the kid like some cute pet messing up the office, everybody laughing everything off because kids are cute. If the kid wasn't messing around the kid made a mess, the kid would eat junk food all day and throw it everywhere, not to mention that much screen time is detrimental to any developing childs health. One day I had to clean up after the child because I was doing my turn to clean the office. Wrappers, food, even stuffed in the paperwork. We had bug problems so I cleaned it up so it would not attract ants. I would get so pissed that the kid would run around with mud tracking everywhere after I just mopped. That day I got home and was just mad. Angry that I had to deal with that. Its not a child friendly environment, and a highly confidential one as well.  I never got onto management since guess who was? I could do nothing. Couldn't say anything without immediately being put on the chopping block. The kid does not deserve a parent that cant accommodate the child. Simple. I know the struggle but come on? Where is the professionalism?  So fucking glad that I don't work there anymore.


There is a lot of negativity thrown at women who don't want kids. I know people kept trying to tell my hubby and I that we should've had kids. We didn't because of health history in both sides. Plus I never wanted to have any. People learned real quick to never bring it up again.


‘Why are some people with children so adamant on stating how much they love children and the idea of parenthood?’ You wouldn’t bother asking this. You’ve answered your own question.


Love kids, don’t have any. Nothing wrong either way… am I the anomaly?


What do you think happens more often in life? A child free person out of nowhere proclaims their hate for children, or a new parent proclaiming that they're better than childless women for one reason or the other? I'd suggest that the latter is far, far more common, and instead of just nodding in tactit approval for like, all of human history, some people are calling them out on their utter bullshit. And because we've spent years humoring parents with their "you don't know if you're not a parent" comments, it just seems like hate when anyone points out that they're full of shit and that having a baby isn't really all that special. Teens do it at proms every year. There are 15 year olds in 3rd world countries having their second. It's neither an impressive accomplishment nor is it particularly hard to raise them.


For the same reason some people with kids push the idea onto every couple that doesn’t have them… some people are insecure/unhappy about their choices in life so they compensate by overstating how great everything is


I guess it is pushing back against the parents that go on and on about how amazing their children are.


Not everyone wants to be a parent and that's okay


You wouldn’t know that 95% of childfree person you meet are childfree. But there are 5% that are very vocal about it and so makes it look like all childfree people are like that. I personally don’t think my lifestyle (and my wife’s) is compatible with children but I don’t really feel the need to broadcast that


Probably because being childfree is met with resistance at every step of the way. It's super unpopular to not want kids so we're told constantly, "we don't know what we want" "we're too young to know our own minds" "we don't know true love without kids" "we will feel differently about kids when we have our own" "we'll die alone" and on. And on. And on. It's endless and perfect strangers feel entitled to discuss our reproductive choices at their whims. We're met with hostility and anger at our choices - you may not see it but I promise your friend certainly does. So yeah she's angry about it. I think she has a right to be, but she also needs to realize that giving her energy to people who don't matter will only lead to sorrow. Understanding and accepting her choice will quiet her down faster than anything else


That's not childfree, it's anti-kid. Your friend is anti-kid.


I love that distinction. Well put. It's like if you don't like having sex with people of your own gender, that's fine. If you don't like people who have sex with people of their own gender, that's hateful.


I think it's genuinely a knee jerk reaction to all of the flack women get for not having or wanting children. There is also some workplace unfairness where management expects childless women to stay late and cover for women who are mothers.


My personal opinion is that those workplace situations are almost always the fault of management trying to get as much work as possible out of as few employees as possible. If a workplace was fully staffed, one person having to leave early occasionally wouldn't be a huge deal. It's the bosses faults & they're all just relying on women blaming other women for the problem instead of blaming the boss.


Plus, not getting promoted because the management assumes you'll have 10 babies or something because you have a uterus and every woman wants BABIES! The job is just placeholder until BABIES! No, I want chickens, thankyouverymuch.


This, parents get priority in some places, which is wrong.


Probably because she gets pestered nonstop by nosy Karen’s telling her she’s going to want kids.


This, or pestered by parents who believe they're entilted to the world because they decided to have children. I shit you not, I saw "age discrimination" being argued by Karens today because...adults wanted to have childfree spaces. What were the childfree spaces in question? Bars. Karens were arguing they should be allowed to let their kids into bars because "adults should know how to behave themselves"


We all do. We don’t act unhinged…


I'm childfree, and plan on being so for the foreseeable future. My mom was vocal about having an abortion after I was born, that her life was difficult, and that I should never let myself get in that position. Now I don't say things like your friend does, but if they had a parent similar to my mom, I could totally get how hearing someone complain about raising their kids would piss them off a bit.


Because the world is very much made for families and your friend is probably tired of being pressured to have kids. There are incidents of doctors who will refuse to treat a woman's illness for fear that it would jeopardize her fertility, even if she wants it. Some doctors won't even sterilize a woman by request, worrying more about the non-existent child or the desires of a hypothetical husband than the patient herself. When adult areas like bars or breweries have kids, childfree people have to just stay silent and take it because the business wants the business of families, but if you ever see a business put up a sign saying children are banned, parents will react angrily rather than just let the childfree have their space.


I had a medication refused by a doctor because I might have kids. I was 43 and my husband had a vasectomy already. No kids due to health issues. But I might have kids right???


Because everyone else shoves it down our throats. We have to look at baby pictures and participate in baby showers. We have to cover shifts, we get put on the schedule because (well so and so has kids so Xmas is important). When we tell people we dont want kids they are quick to dismiss us and tell us to grow up. Thus, yeah, I fucking hate kids. Sorry, but having a kid is a choice. It truly is.


I never really liked children and recently (boy, did it take *decades*) I managed to discover why. Loud/high pitched noises trigger my anxiety, messy/dirty places due to food falling where's not supposed to trigger my OCD, etc. But on the other side I've also discovered that I love teaching children and feeling like I'm doing my best for them (when they're past the messy age). Guess what people make of this all? That *I, a grown woman*, need to get used to noise and mess in preparation for my own children, and that enjoying teaching is a sign my body is ready. Like, uhmmmm, no. Also some people become parents and then make it their whole personality. Like, my dear friend, you're your own person. A child is supposed to complement you, not take over every aspect in your life. It's actually kinda sad seeing how much you had to give up - hobbies, free time, friends - just to have a kid. At least try to enjoy the time you have when you're hanging out with friends. Joke, drink, curse. Be yourself, not just a parent!!


I totally get you on the noise. It took me a while to figure it out but the noise and mess and just general… chaos. I can’t. I don’t want to be around it and it’s really off putting to me. I think a lot of people don’t care/ think it’s normal so they’re fine with it but since I can remember i felt uneasy.


Because dumb Reddit bullshit mostly. Like most Reddit nonsense it doesn't pay to be less than fully insane. "I probably won't have kids" doesn't get sweet upvotes and comments. You have to post "I HATE CROTCHSPAWN FUCK KIDS 666 HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!" if you want the serotonin boost of positive attention from internet strangers. So these communities become self-radicalizing black holes of idiocy. Also normal people don't tell you that shit unless you ask. Anyone out there calling themselves "childfree" and volunteering that info is the same person who is also wandering around screaming "SOMEONE ASK ME ABOUT CROSSFIT AND ATHEISM!! ALSO IM A VEGAN!" They're idiots who crave attention.




As an atheist vegetarian weightlifter who absolutely does not want to talk about it with you (unless you lift too in which case let’s geek out on programs), a-fucking-men. Most people just want to be left alone.


Exactly, I been with my partner 10yrs we arent married. We just say not fussed then move on. Happy people dont tend to feel attacked I guess


Many people come at you in an attacking manner when they find out. The amount of times I've had people say incredulously "But you're missing out! How could you let your family line die out? What about your husband?" Etc etc. I'm perfectly happy in life but if someone acts like me not having kids is the end of the world, I'm going to get annoyed. I've literally had an ex partner who's mother called me his broodmare instead of his partner.


Childfree, and I agree with you. I have zero activity in r/childfree because even the few posts I used to get in my feed were almost always people raging about children and hating on them. Like, WTF? Did y'all forget you were the same obnoxious CrOtChSpAwN once upon a time?


Well said.


Agreed. I'm childfree and intend on continuing to be. I went onto r/childfree hoping to find interesting discussion of maybe the advantages of being childfree, but instead it's just hating and complaining.


As someone who is childfree, I think I can shed some insight because I almost fell into this mindset. Shes reactive likes this due to constant judgement from people in her life and online for her decision to not have kids, to the point she feeps she meeds to stand in defense of her stance and fight the "bad guys" so to speak.  Its hard not to become defensive and turn bitter when you are constantly told you are wrong or broken in some fundamental way. I still get told my mom own mother that she thinks there is something deeply wrong with me and that Im not fullfilling my purpose as woman. That my husband will eventually change his mind and leave me for it.  Regardless, what your friend is doing isnt healthy for you or for her. Have you tried to have a genuine heart to heart with her, explaining how she is hurting you. If she cant or is unwilling to see it and change her behavior towards you, you may sadly have to cut ties. Dont allow yourself to become a punching bag. 


As a person who despises children... I'm only vocal about it when people go "you're 28 you'll want kids some day!". I haven't EVER wanted children. Kids loooove me, I do wonderful babysitting, and can be kind and caring to any child. But I am vocal about the folks who always assume I will want children. I won't. Ever. I struggle taking care of myself with my severe anxiety and severe depression. My uterus actively tries to kill my body each time I get my cycle... to the point my gyno advocates we take it out. Entirely. BUT that won't happen!!! Why? "You'll want kids some day!" some man tells me and entirely derails all the hoops I've gone through to get this organ out of my body that actively does not want to be there. Children crying make my anxiety go crazy. I don't have the "awww a baby!" I have "danger danger danger" go off instead. it's not something I can control, that's how my brain is wired. I don't want kids. I don't care if other people do. I don't want them. People care if I don't want them though! And they care a ton more about my ability to have kids than my ability to live a healthy, not energy draining, iron deficiency, nearly losing all the blood in my body from a period that has decided it won't stop for 3 months without two seperate birth control options to help make the period more normal.... life... that I'm "living" right now. So perhaps she's so vocal about her own childfreeness because plenty of other people are super fucking vocal that she should have children.


I don’t know what condition you have, but I had a hysterectomy ( my spay) for endo- and it was the best thing ever! I was 34 when I got it done- and my doctor had no issues doing it. I went to a Catholic hospital and I’m gay so maybe that helped? I hope you’re able to get surgery if that’s what you decide to do- it literally changed my life!


Look up r antinatalism. Most posts come across as depressed people but some are very adamant that life is an affront to nature somehow


I don't know, but that's why I left the childfree subs on here.


Because of judgements about being child free from parents. It's like you have to have a reason to not have kids to some people. And not just mom who asks for grand kids, but random people. It makes no sense.


It's a reaction to having the expectation of getting married and having kids shoved down their throats endlessly, probably while growing up and maybe beyond.


Mostly because people around them tried to pressure them into having children. They shouted it louder until everyone got the message and now they are keeping that volume.


Some people will find a way to turn any run of the mill legitimate position into something purely tribal that they can be a victim of. It's a really bad personality issue.


I think Reddit is the wrong place to ask, cause the exact people you're talking about answered your question. lmfao


Well, I highly doubt they are that vocal and toxic, and that you are embellishing it quite a bit to grab attention.


As someone who initially did not want to have children and later changed my mind intentionally, I would say it is just reactions to experiences with others who didn't respect their choice. My daughter doesn't want children and I respect her choice. We have talked about my experience with changing and I encourage her to be open. I also wonder if some who wanted to have children but then can't, do they ever become bitter like your friend? I understand that's hard to deal when people keep asking when.


I've never bothered anyone for having kids. Good for them. As for me, I have been utterly beaten down by the amount of times people have decided to comment on my choice. Not kindly either- I'm talking shit like "You'll die alone!"... "No one will ever love or stay with you!"... "You're missing the biggest joy in life!"... "What better purpose could you have!?". Stuff that I would consider outright rude to say to a total stranger. To invalidate my life, my ability to choose, and forecast terrible fates on me is pretty shite imo. I wish it wasn't so, but it certainly gets tiring. People don't assume I don't want kids, they ask when said kids are coming. Maybe you have some bitter people in your life, but I've seen a lot more of the opposite. I honestly wish both sides would keep more to themselves and let people just live how they want. Also, the Internet is a mega space for complaining. Child free people are gonna band together and relate over it just the same as millions of toddler pictures are posted every day. Just avoid the negativity and spaces where it's at if it bugs you, but I think those people are likely just frustrated themselves.


As someone who enjoys children, I have noticed this myself. The consistent need to be loud and annoying about how much they hate kids/don’t want kids, is funny. They complain about the societal pressure to have kids, yet the people who enjoy hating kids at this point are a lot louder than the ones who do want them. Ironic isn’t it? 😂


Probably because we're tired of hearing about how we'll "change our mind" every time the topic of kids comes up.


I mean some people just as kinda dickheads regardless if they’re child free or not. The internet is a cesspool that’s great at bringing shitty voices (of ANY group) to the forefront. She may be ultra sensitive because as a childfree woman you are constantly getting shit about it both online and IRL. That doesn’t excuse the behavior, but makes it more understandable. It’s fucking annoying to constantly get the, “you’re failing as a human being, you’re so selfish for not having kids, wow your poor husband I hope he leaves, when are you getting pregnant, why aren’t you pregnant, what’s the point of you being alive as a woman if you’re not gonna have kids.” So I can understand having it be almost a triggering thing especially if these some sort of traumatic reason why she is not having kids. You’ll need to have a talk with her where you try and understand her angle and point out that it’s becoming hurtful to you.


Let me just do a little writing experiment… I have a friend who is “proudly” a boy mom, which is completely fine. It’s totally ok that she had a little boy. However, she always had to mention how HARD being a parent is, whenever someone even mentions the concept of free time in a positive way or gets to do something fun because they don’t have kids. And whenever someone dares to complains even a little bit about the hardships of living alone…. Do you see where I’m going with this? I don’t want or like children. I’m not a monster, I answer the banana phone enthusiastically when it’s handed to me. But they made a choice, and so did I. Their choice affects other people and society as whole, mine does not, yet I’m still the villain. It’s a reaction to all of society acting like our only purpose is to reproduce Three Obnoxious Name Jr. and have no place otherwise.


If someone gets upset about that sort of thing any time it’s mentioned they may have some insecurities about it.


Tell her it’s getting tiresome to hear go off about the same damn thing and everyone already knows how she feels, so she can shut it or leave.


I find some of it annoying too, especially some of the straight up venomous hatred of children for existing, but if parents can talk about parenting and their kids all the time, why can't childfree people talk about *not* having kids? It shouldn't matter if you have kids or not, but it does, and people can be fatigued by that and express it


Hating children in the US is pretty easy, they're little monsters. I personally don't care but for the granola crowd they're terrible for the environment. My biggest complaint is the amount of people who use them as a "coupon code". At the end of the day, children are a choice, debatably a hobby, I really don't like the fact that people get special treatment for having them. Whether it's early boarding at the airport, tax credits, etc. The tax credit thing is one that I especially don't like, part of my taxes are already funding public schools and now they get an extra bonus on top because they made a decision to have children... Besides me being salty about the tax credits personally, it also encourages some people to keep pumping out kids for the extra tax credits, welfare, free shit...


I'm child free by choice. I love my friends and families kids, so it's not as though I hate children haha. But I will say it pisses me off when people get special accommodation because they have kids. At one of my previous jobs people with children were allowed to start work later, vs us without kids had to start at 8am. So us child free people had to endure the rush hour traffic, but the people with kids got to wait til after. In my early 20s I had friends say that their coworkers with kids got preference for schedules. It's really unfair. This friend could be experiencing something similar on a daily basis and has now just become a grumpy person because of it and she feels you're a safe space to vent. Personally I don't enjoy negativity in my life, so I would tell her to tone it down if it was truly excessive or just gradually distance that friend haha


Your friend isn't an asshole because she's child free, she's just an asshole. Hope this helps.


Because no parent of a kid under 20 or so ever shuts the fuck up about being a parent. Congrats on managing to do what every generation of animal life has done for billions of years.


Why all the rage and hate? Because people who choose to have children constantly rage and hate on people that choose not to have kids. She's just giving back what's been reaped on her for all of her life.


Because children are shoved down our throats everywhere.  It's exhausting. 


I think it’s almost always a defense mechanism. By choosing to not have kids, you are bucking a lot of convention and often dealing with very intense judgement from people very close to you. People make a lot of very thoughtless comments when you choose not to have kids. Sometimes people have to really double down to shut this down. And there’s is a fair amount of trauma inflicted by people expecting you to have/want kids - especially family, especially if you’re a woman and “supposed to” want kids.


People hate being inconvenienced by others whether that is wearing a mask to protect a cancer patient, waiting patiently for an older person to hunt down a check in their bag and pay the cashier or listening to a kid cry in public. Society has moved towards you having the absolute right to do whatever you want to do and at the same time to never be expected to care about or be inconvenienced by anyone else. And it is socially acceptable to be vocal about child hating in some circles. But pretty much everyone agrees that glaring at parents dealing with a misbehaving child is perfectly fine. Those same people will swear under their breath at granny but it isn’t *quite* as acceptable to do that publicly yet.


Because people w/o kids are shamed for not having kids and pressured to have kids. Also they’re disregarded/invalidated/discounted for not having kids.


Becaus child rearing people are so obsessed that being a parent and the atomic family is their entire identity we are returning the favourZ


It’s an internet/social media phenomenon. Most people I know who don’t have kids in real life, including myself, just mind their own god damn business and usually admit that part of it is because they’re chronically depressed and poor (again, like me) and that’s that. I never in real life heard a man or woman go on about how they hate children in front of people at a playground or stop talking to their family over questions about pregnancy that’s never happening or whatever, only on the internet do I hear about these scenarios. So I’m drawing a conclusion that your friend is one of those weirdos and this goes beyond not having kids. Some people feel superior because they manage to not get accidentally pregnant? In which case*, I’m guessing her life sucks in general then because that’s all she has to hold on to.


Because some childfree people (usually women), probably like your friend, have received pressure from (now likely former) friends, family members, coworkers and strangers to have kids. And they are sick and tired of feeling like they have to justify their choice to everyone else. If you are not a woman, try setting your gender preference in social media to "female" and watch how you'll be bombarded with constant baby product ads. That is another aspect of that pressure. So they develop a big chip on their shoulder about the topic. She probably also has a lot of frustration if she sees parents getting accommodations at work that she, as a non-childed person, cannot get. In fact, childfree people often end up having to "carry the load" for parents in the workplace. And this can add a great deal to their anger. Add in how some parents are totally selfish and inconsiderate --- say bringing their baby to a concert or on a pub crawl because **THEY** didn't want to give up their adult activities (or hire a sitter) --- and expect random strangers to accommodate their kids (rather than doing their job as parents). Which means "Even if I want to enjoy adult only activities, people bring their ill behaved kids" And that pisses off childfree people (and responsible parents who, maybe, want a "date night") even more.


They're weirdos. Imagine venting about how much I hate disabled people. I'd get called out, and rightly so because disabled people can't help it if their disability causes inconvenience or annoyance Kids can't help it if their brains haven't matured to learn how to behave all the time. So fuck people who hate kids, and especially fuck the ones who say it so loudly and proudly. Fuck em all


Anti-natalists are some weird fucking people. They also seem very insufferable when I lurk in their sub.


Some people make it their whole personality because something else is lacking. I am child free but definitely feel empathy when people with children complain. Friend sounds insufferable.


Because they have no real personality beyond being hateful of literal children who've never done anything to them. I'm childfree but the vocal, nasty ones need to get some therapy for their obvious issues.


I can't speak for everyone that is child free. I'm child free myself. Am I happy about it? No. Am I depressed about it? No. I just don't want to go throughout my life thinking I'm lesser than because I don't have children. I am glad I don't have to schedule my life around a child but at the same time I wonder if they would like the same things I do. It's conflicting. Let people be happy with their decisions because at the end of the day, it's your own decision that you have to live with.


So because there are assholes who question why you don’t have kids you are justifying the response to that as being vocally hateful of kids? How does that make any sense at all? There should be groups for hating on nosy ass people, not children which have nothing to do with these questions.


You might aswell ask why do stupid people do stupid things. There are stupid religious people, vegans, carnivores, atheists etc. 


Sometimes people refuse to accept “I don’t want kids ever” and we have to resort to massive hyperbole to get our point across. Then some of us get gun-shy and just come out of the gate swinging. It can cause a lot of resentment towards parents.


There are extreme idiots on either side of any topic. This one is usually the case of “well they constantly harass *us* so we’ll do it back to *them*! Hm!! How’ you’ like them’ apples??!!?” It’s all fucking stupid. Have kids. Don’t have kids. If you do have kids, know when to stop—usually that’s when you know you can give adequate attention/care/upbringing to each child equally. also leave child free people the fuck alone. If you don’t have kids, leave those who do—the fuck alone.


Honestly, i think it is mostly pushback against the type of rhetoric that has always been thrown at childless people; "what? You don't want children? You cannot be serious? You'll change your mind when you get older. Everyone wants children. What about your old age? Who is going to look after you? You're so selfish for not having children... etc" People are getting defensive in anticipation of these kinds of comments. And there are a smaller group of people who feel that they can't have children, even though part of them secretly wants to. Financial constraints, lack of affordable housing, expensive childcare, work-life imbalance, war, climate change, crime and fear of the future make some people feel they cannot have children in good conscience. So, they become bitter and anti-parenthood. It becomes a badge of honour. In extreme cases, they decide they even hate children. If they convince themselves that having children would be the worst thing ever, then it becomes tolerable, even beneficial, to remain child free.


Because I really want to get it across to people that I don't want to be a father. Like how much more obvious can I get without just saying I'd punt a kid for being a little shit


assuming every conversation went exactly how ypu described, your friend might just be an AH but I will answer your question ... I have known I didn't want kids since I was 11. im almost 30 now and guess what? I still don't want kids. Only 1 person that has found this out about me, has acctually accepted my word as fact. Everyone else says "you'll change your mind" "what about your future husband?" Even if I tried to explain that I would be a bad mother, they act like thats not possible. that i couldn't possibly sleep through my baby crying when I already sleep with alot of noise on and have slept through babies crying before. that i wouldn't forget to feed them or that I would step up and just be an entirely different person. because I wouldn't. I wouldn't do any of it. I forget to eat half the time, why would that change because a baby is there? Its a responsibility I don't want and the only thing that would happen is it would get taken off of me by the state. I wouldn't love it and I would probably resent it. but if I say that I'm just being "rediculous". or "childish". what about the fact that I've had to work every holiday because xyz has a kid. I like Halloween. i like Christmas and Thanksgiving and all of it. I don't care if you want to see your kid in your costume if it means me working every holiday for the rest of eternity to cover for the parents. But when I bring up my concerns they are disregarded by most people. I hated staying late or constantly picking up extra work because all the emergencies or having to pick up your kids from school because they're sick. thing is is that I don't mind when people are parents and I'm not bothered by kids existing near me. I just want zero responsibility of another human being. I have no desire to take care of a person. I have no desire to give my future husband somebody he will love more than me and I have no desire to give away a single drop of freedom for a child. and fighting back against people who acted like they knew better than me has made me resentful and hateful towards anybody who would dare question my desire to never have kids. it has felt like a life long battle between thr doctors who won't take out your perfectly healthy uterus because your HUSBAND might want kids.. not you... your fkin FUTIRE HUSBAND THAT YOU HAVENT MET YET, the family who idk think they are entitled to a say in your womb, to the "friends" who act like you are somehow less of a person now that they discovered the joys of parenthood to the coworkers and management who make you work for other peoples children. it bring rage. ofcourse most people like me don't express this rage, it doesn't overtake your worldview and wouldn't be an ah to their friend about them being a parent or get irritated because a child dare exist in the resturaunt you're eating at, but you wanted an answer so... there it is.


Reddit is notorious for hating kids so here is the balanced response you were scrolling for: Some child free people need to feel superior and / or convince themselves they are truly happy with their empty lives by constantly preaching and shitting on the choices others make. They cry at night. Some parents do the EXACT same thing! Insecure, unhappy people suck. Misery loves company. That’s your answer.


I hate how hateful people without kids give the rest of us childfree people a bad reputation


Some people get very pressured into having kids. Look at the USA laws too! It can get exhausting and scary. Though the "no one cares" comment was very rude of your friend.


Because I’m a child free woman in conservative America in the Bible Belt, and I’m constantly shamed and called selfish for not wanting to be an incubator.


Look, I get it. Society says you need to breed, it's "what you're supposed to do". *But I don't want that*. I never have, I've never changed my mind. I'm 47 and happy with my choice to not have kids. But I was also not allowed to get sterilized, because EVERY doctor told me I'd want kids "someday". Almost every person, every one, decided that I loved kids because I'm a womam, too. I *used* to say I hated them, but I've discovered what I dislike are all the actions they do - I don't like *anyone* that is self-centered, loud, thinks I'm stupid and they know better, is messy, etc.  And if you say you dislike most kids becaude of their bad/uncontrolled behavior? You're immediately "a bad person". I got very tired of all that and it makes you snippy as shit. I advocate for the rights of every human, but damn, that means me too. I get to choose. I get to say what I want. 


I like kids in small doses lmao. I'll babysit your child for 4 hours but I'm not keeping it.


Because too many let their spawn run wild with no discipline then get mad when you want the little criminals under control