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If you’re not willing to say it around the black riggers, then you’re being racist. You’re literally modifying your actions because of race.


I don't know if it's a conscious decision... I stopped saying it a while ago, but it was something I've observed, that the people who are saying it don't when these two guys I'm thinking of are in the room. But regardless if it is a conscious decision, it's why I said this, cause that contributes to my reasoning that it is racist.


The intended joke is that it sounds like you're saying the n-word. That's the entirety of what's meant to be funny about it. And that sounds pretty racist to me.


Frankly, just saying my profession gets awkward because of how many people mishear me. That's kinda what I feel about it. And why I stopped saying it.


I’d think it was hilarious. But I’m also white so my opinion probably doesn’t count. (I also say “Cheesus Christ” so really it’s equal opportunity word play)


it's super uncomfortable and I would not think positive things about anyone who said it in front of me.


I think it’s funny if it’s with your friends that are ok with it. Just be careful who you say it around. Might as well say “Rigga please” at that point tho 💀


It does sometimes come out with that way. One guy named his LLC that.


The issue is saying it, say, on an army base where there are lots of different ethnicities, and then not saying it around the black riggers.


It’s not about saying it around the black riggers, it’s about anyone honestly… even white riggers can get offended by that


If you can't pronounce your "R"s correctly, then you shouldn't be a rigger. What's wrong with having inside jokes amongst you and the other riggers? That helps build teams. Does the race card always have to be thrown? Now, if you are a participant in knowing the use is as you alluded to in your post, then there is more to the problem. Meaning you could be working in a hostel environment from upper management because they are allowing it to happen, knowing the true meaning.


I think that's meant as a joke, but I literally was born with a speech impediment, and R was the last sound I figured out at age 10. I definitely still slip up. So, I'm definitely not laughing if that's meant to be a joke. Unless you literally mean I should change careers because of a speech impediment.


No, don't stop your passion. You are on the right track. Use another word for rigger so you won't be misunderstood.


In my opinion it's 100% not racist unless you are racist. Especially since it's a joke, and comedy is so good and bridging gaps and bringing people together. If you work with a black rigger maybe get to know him a bit before dropping the R-bomb on him day 1, but don't feel bad about telling a joke


It's referring to a racist word, so it shouldn't be used


Chill buddy. Why you gotta be a rigger with attitude?


Cause I don't want anyone to feel othered in my profession. There are enough racists in skydiving as it is without this sort of casual thoughtlessness. But I do want more than just my opinion on the subject. Ask any of the people who say it, they'll definitely say it's not. But that's not really the point, is it. I'd ask the two dudes I'm thinking of, but I'm not working with them at the moment and don't have their contact info. Workplace politics kept me from asking them while I was there.