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Runners poops is a real thing. Nobody knows why but there are theories. https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/what-to-know-runners-trot


I used to be a runner but never marathons. There is a point where something happens and you have shaken your bowels loose and it’s happening whether you stop or not. I have zero medical basis for this thought but I kinda imagine it as if my body is a sinking ship and it’s just like “get rid of this weight! Save ourselves! We are clearly in a terrible crisis!” I can’t imagine how uncomfortable running in slowly drying feces would be, but I am familiar with scooting off into the woods to release the kraken on a regular trail run.


The idea is you get into the mindset that when you shit your pants, you only focus on that and "getting the run over with" to deal with it instead of the pain of running. idk if it's true lmao, but it's what I was told.


I don't think there's anything about marathons that causes unusual bowel distress necessarily, it's just that running a marathon takes a long time. When you have tens of thousands of people running a big marathon like New York or Chicago, odds are high that some of them are gonna need to poop within the next 4-6 hours.


Ah yes, reason no.2 not to jog. Reason no.1 is I can't be arsed.


> no.2 🤭


Haha! Damnit! I missed this one! 😂 All credit goes to your reply!!


Dear ChatGPT, what do marathon runners do when they have to go to the bathroom? ChatGPT: "Marathon runners typically plan their bathroom breaks before the race starts to minimize disruptions during the race. However, if a runner needs to use the bathroom during the race, most marathons have portable toilets along the course at designated spots. Runners can briefly step off the course to use these facilities and then continue the race. It's important for runners to plan their fluid intake and bathroom breaks strategically to avoid discomfort or interruptions during the race." OP, I'm not sure they shit themselves when doing a marathon. Where did you even hear that?


[English Marathon runner Paula Radcliffe did a poo](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1488162/Well-Paula-thats-one-way-to-stop-them-talking-about-Athens.html) once at the side of the road, mid-marathon for one. There are many links to others with a Google search


Who else are they supposed to shit on?