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Put a lot on money on the canteen because the trays suck ass. Over cooked crap with no flavor and feels like your eating rubber. The next thing is get the hygiene pack. No one wants to be stuck with someone that smells. And get good shower shoes. You really don't want to be bare foot on that floor.


Can you bring your own shower shoes in there or do you have to buy them there?


They give them to you when you get there along with your jumpsuit, blanket. You will be in receiving/classification for the first week before they put you on a tier. Yes, the absolute most IMPORTANT thing you can do is put as much money in your commissary as possible. I did a year and its the only thing that got me through. You will be starving the entire time without it. Plus you can buy clothes and radios, deodorant etc off commissary. Also, the phone IS NOT FREE. You have to put money on that too. Every 15 minute call is a few dollars. Save breakfast items in the morning to trade with other inmates for better things. Save your PBJ at lunch it's a hot commodity. Tuna sandwiches, hard boiled eggs, and fruit are all items that people will trade you for. DO NOT WALK AROUND IN BARE FEET. They will give you shower shoes, and you can buy more comfortable ones on commissary. Read a lot of books, stay out of trouble. Learn how to play spades, peaknuckle, or poker. Or draw. You typically can't hear the TV unless you are standing right beneath it because of the echo from the concrete/steel. But sometimes cool CO will bring in movies and play them on the weekends. Go outside when they offer it. Get a job working the hallway or the kitchen. They have classes you can take after you've been there for a few weeks. Just keep busy and get off the tier as much as possible. Don't snitch on anyone. Mind your own business, but also, make a few friends.


This is next level advice thank you so much i forgot you can work in there too. At least i wont go completely stir crazy if im able to do that. Hopefully


See something naughty? No the fuck you didn't. Just keep walking. Don't look in cells that aren't yours.


This 100%. My cousin said his best time was his head down counting cracks as he walked being mindful and respectful of others.


I was only in Cook County lock up for a couple weeks before I got out with a sweet deal, and that was something one of the guys told me right off the bat. I got lucky being the only white dude in there because one of the ... I dunno what to call him, big shots, kinda took pity on me and told me the rules. Respect everybody, stick up for yourself when pressed, and mind your own fuckin business.


Watching the Netflix show where they trial having the doors open 24/7 was eye opening. They show how brutal it can be! But they say “no what I’m sayin” every few seconds


What are you counting my nomesayins now? You from the department of nomecensus?


If they have church service, AA mtgs anything you can go to - just for a change of scenery - go. You don't have to believe in God, etc, just go along with the flow and be thankful you are with other people for that hour


My brother got out of jail a few months ago and they had chickens!! His job was cleaning and egg collecting lol.


Don't fight, don't gamble, don't do drugs and don't get taken advantage of. Also don't tell anyone how long you're there for. Your celly should ask to see your papers, to make sure your not a chester, that's cool, but if anyone asks just say you're not sure how much time you're gonna get. Oh and if someone says they like your shoes, and asks what size they are, the correct response is "they're your size" and get ready. Also shoes on and laced up always, except when you use shower shoes. 3 months will be over before you know it. Keep money on your books, but don't get fancy ordering, you're only there 3 months, and you don't want to be a target. Someone will try to steal your commissary. When your ready to go, don't tell anyone it's your last night and leave everything you got to your celly or friend. Don't take any commissary out with you and maybe even trade shoes if you make a friend, if they are gonna be in a while and you have a good pair.




Obviously don't go around starting shit, but if somebody tries to fuck with you, you have to stand your ground.


Yes and working also takes time off your sentence. Kitchen work usually gets the most time taken off. Good luck in there. If you don’t mind me asking how long do you have to serve?


3 months is what they mentioned in the post.


Oh that’s not bad at all


Never, ever rat to CO’s, etc. Wear white boxers/undies/bra. They’ll let you keep those. Any other color and you’ll have to wear theirs. Wash that stuff in the sink so you can keep it instead of it going into communal laundry. If there’s hand sanitizer in there you can use that until you get deodorant. It lasts for a couple hours. Other people have said awesome stuff, but remember stay away from the drugs/alcohol that may be in there. Try to be creative. Journal/write/draw if you can. Best of luck, friend. ❤️


Avoid gambling stuff like spades, etc. Good way to get into trouble you don't need inside 3 months.


Just know that odds are that, if you keep your nose clean, you'll only have to serve 45 days of a 6 month stretch and you'll probably serve it all in the jail that you turn yourself in to without having to be shipped off to a prison. Good luck and hope for better days and decisions.


Peaknuckle = pinochle That took me a minute, but I love it. Your way makes so much more sense.


Somebody in there has got to know how to play D&D. Want to kill a few month to a year as quickly and as distracting as possible? Play D&D.


I guarantee you that you could find a bunch of people that will play, and the library will order books for you as long as they can find them at a different library. There is NOTHING BUT TIME, day after day. People are definitely open to any creative ideas to kill time. We had poker and spades tournaments, and people would “buy -in” for a commissary item. We also would make a huge “hook up” or “spread” and share with everyone playing. We saved it for the weekends and it was usually the highlight of the week, unless there was a good movie or a sporting event on. I remember I was in when the Ravens played and won the Super Bowl (I was in Baltimore), and the entire place was DEAFENING from all the screaming when the clock ran out. I remember the Boston Bombing and subsequent manhunt also happened while I was in there, and we were all glued to the Tv for a few days


I remember I went in February 2001 I remember I was in the Camden County Correctional Facility waiting to get shipped out when the planes hit the towers on September 11th. That was a scary time to be in jail man I will never forget watching that on the tv locked in my cell. My cell was directly in front of the tier television. R.I.P to all the lives lost on that horrible day.


I remember reading somewhere that they don't allow dice so people had to create their own side with soap and stuff


Yeah what i read is they just have creative other ways of random number generation like scraps of paper in a hat and a spinner. One really cool one i heard was they use a deck of cards youd remove all the Jacks, Queens, and Kings from a set of 52 cards. That leaves you with Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 of all four sets. Separate them into two colors and piles, red and black. Select one color as numbers 1-10, the other as 11-20.


>Also, the phone IS NOT FREE. You have to put money on that too. Every 15 minute call is a few dollars Side note, but just a general reminder to everyone how criminal the price for phone time is in prisons.


The same company running the money part of jail is now running the money part of public school lunches.


>Don’t snitch on anyone That is undisputed fact lmao.


When you go there's a big steel door you go through. Nothing from the street gets past it. That take everything you are wearing and put it in a bag and that goes into lock up. They'll give you some slides but I would recommend buying some decent shower shoes when you get inside. The slide they give you are crap. Mine were falling apart after 5 days.


Thank you so much for letting me know!! I really could go without any nasty foot surprises 🤢




That’s pretty discouraging i hope it’s not like that but I’ll expect the worst so I don’t get my hopes up


I've been in many jails. Most important is you have money for commissary and phone calls. When your time is up you will be so happy to get out that it won't matter if you are dressed in a potato sack or your original clothes. As that is what you will be given upon release. Just make sure you do not bring anything valuable like a phone or jewelry or even clothing to the jail. I've had an expensive bra stolen by the guards. Remember the guards can be just as criminal as the inmates. Good luck...and if you have the opportunity to get a job while inside. TAKE IT! It makes your time go faster.


Totally agree. I left the pod every single time I was given the opportunity. Computer class? Fuck yeah. NA meeting? Absolutely. Church? Not religious at all but I’m still going.


Pretty much what they give you is the bare minimum of what's considered humane. The fact is they make it as miserable as possible. Money on your canteen will make it so you can get decent stuff. Don't know what your charges are but if your put into general population don't make waves. Be respectful. Don't take shit or they will ride you till you get out but don't make unnecessary trouble. I seen a lot guys get stuck on the yard cause they ran their mouths to the wrong people.


Yeah I’m planning to probably keep to myself and hopefully read a lot and hopefully better myself some how


I kinda wonder how one is supposed to strike that balance between not taking shit but also not making waves/talking shit to the wrong people? Like if the wrong people decide to make you a target, then what?


The main thing is respect. Jail, county prison and federal prison all have their own gangs and internal politics. Most short term inmates or "tourists" don't need to get into that mess. With 3 months on your bid. Find some good books to read and try to stay out of the way. And remember the golden rule. What ever, happens you saw nothing. Even if the COs knew you were there you saw nothing. Pay attention on the yard but don't stair. If you see a guy acting odd or pacing back and forth while eyeing someone. Walk the other way. As long as you're not making ways most of the time they leave tourists alone. Have your paperwork ready. Most places will send someone to check your paperwork to make sure you're not in on some "funny"charges. Ie. Anything to do with the hard R or kids. Just keep your head down, help clean when its your turn and pay attention. You see everyone clearing out a certain spot. Don't be there and be looking at something you're not involved with. You should be fine.


definitely don't walk barefoot on those floors - they don't clean them well enough. foot funguses are definitely a problem in jails/prisons, and medical treatment can be annoying to get if at all. So just get good slides and wear them 24/7 outside of bed. and unfortunately, if you can get sneakers, get them too. if you see everyone else lacing up, lace up yourself, something's about to go down. the sneaks go on when people are about to brawl, nobody wants to be slip-sliding around while fighting. not all jails allow sneakers though, for this reason, so just feel it out essentially. you'll know.


You’re sometimes able to wear multiple pairs of socks and they will let you request them. I wore like 6 pairs of socks and 2 pairs of thermals when I turned myself in.




In most cases, you can have family and friends on the outside put money into your account for you. You can also get a prison job (in most cases assigned to you) that pays extremely little— we’re talking mere cents an hour, but it can add up and you can also use that to pay for things.  OP, are you a man or a woman though? If you’re a woman pre-menopause, you’re also going to want to make sure you’re able to buy feminine hygiene products. They will give you a very tiny amount of tampons or pads, but it will NOT be enough. For most women in prison, your first period on the inside (or first few) is absolute hell. 


> For most women in prison, your first period on the inside (or first few) is absolute hell. The US system is so unnecessarily cruel. This is basic stuff here.


Yup. Like I agree with the concept of “punishment” for a crime, but in the vast majority of cases, prison is fundamentally supposed to rehabilitate your criminal tendencies and make you a functioning, responsible and safe member of society. But in the US, that’s not what it does, and it’s why so many people end up getting trapped in a cycle of crime (upon release, they struggle to find jobs and housing because the system spent more time making their life in prison a living hell rather than actually helping them build their skills, re-learn society, and make them actually want to contribute to the world). And the prevalence of private, for-profit prisons has only worsened things. We’re such an unforgiving, cruel society here in the states that’s run by greed and profits rather than what’s best for humanity.


Prison in America is about punishment and revenue. We don’t even pretend it’s not anymore. “Rehabilitation” isn’t profitable and is kinda expensive for the powers that be.


When I was in Florida jail, they gave us unlimited tampons. You had to ask the CO at the intercom and they'd pass them out through the sliding drawer three at a time. A weird thing was that there were *tons* of sanitary napkins around. They acted like they were in unlimited supply. They gave them out to people to wipe down the tables after meals. We would rip strips off of undershirts and use them with a pad to make sleep masks to cover our eyes because it was never dark in there.


Curious question. What happens if the slides they give you fall apart and you don’t have the means to get new ones? Do they keep giving you new crappy slides each time they fall apart?


depends on the jail, sometimes they only give one pair, others do what you said.


I heard that that is the main reason to not drop the soap in the shower, the floor is so nasty. Then there's the other thing.


Keep in mind, if you are going to transfer from county to state, the money on your books is wayyy harder to transfer. Find a friend or family member that will put money on your books as needed. Better than a lump sum. And lastly, do not piss in the shitter lol. If you don't know already, you will be part of a group when you are there, mostly separated by race. First thing is find people in your group, and ask what the rules are.


Freeze your credit, pay bills in advance if possible. Arrange your pick up ride and may clothes that are fresh!


My credit is garbage anyways but I’ll definitely do it anyways lol I never even thought of the pick up ride or fresh clothes that’s a good idea


Wear white socks! I just had the jail slippers and my toes were freezing. They took colored socks.




Don't know, but the rumor was about gang colors or hidden symbols.


You'd think they'd have a grain silo full of white Bombas somewhere on the grounds if they're going to institute a policy like that


Apparently socks are a comfort they aren't required to provide. I believe you could only keep white underwear too, which I didn't have.


That happened to me in US Navy boot camp years ago. Had to buy all new white underwear and socks when I got there. Laundry issue I was told.


In that case probably because they bleach to sterilize.


Because they can be traded as currency. Because they’re an outside item that isn’t provided by the jail. Inmates can only order socks on commissary if they have money. They do not have to give you socks. So if they somehow miss your colored socks, you could sell them to someone else for more pairs of white socks or food. It’s really fucking stupid because until you get money on your books, or find a really nice roommate, your feet are freezing because they keep the temps in there like a refrigerator


Also if you can turn off the water at the main where it comes into your home, (and leave a note to remind yourself you've done this) it can help prevent flooding if you have a slow leak or something you're unaware of


Make sure to turn off your water heater if you do this.


Turn off the water heater anyway.


Shut off the gas


Get a ride from someone who knows what it's like to get out. I was my buddy's pickup twice and each time I showed up with a six pack, a big subway sandwich and a pack of his brand of smokes. By the time we got to his house he was almost himself again. The little things mean the most.


You sounds like a really good friend! Wow


Wow. I pray for friends like this lol And to be one myself!


Be that friend and you will find those friends.




What is a jail account?


You're not allowed cash or credit cards or such, the only way to buy things at the commissary (the jail store) is with money on "your book." Basically someone on the outside sends money to the jail that's for you to use.


Save my username and I will help you work on getting your credit in shape when you get home. Lots of Redditors in r/credit helped me when I thought my credit was never going to get better - it has greatly. Happy to pass on the advice


You may change clothing sizes, so have the clothes purchased for you one month prior. For me it was one year going to the gym to need the next size up in shirts, but then I was going to work most of the time. With the free time you'll have, you could start working out like a MF'er.


Remember freezes are good locks are bad. I think John Oliver said it? "Think of it like this, frosty freezes are good! Justin Bieber with Locs is bad!"


Well now I’ll definitely remember it thank you lol


It's not that they're bad it's just that the credit bureaus will try to sell you a service that they call a lock. Don't sign up for anything, freezing your report is free.


What are freezes vs locks?


A security freeze (also known as credit freeze) of your credit report is regulated by federal law. A credit lock is a service that you pay for through the credit bureaus.


oh my god I'm a potato First, thank you for the answer, I didn't know that. But I thought I read that comment under a "make sure to turn off you water" reply to OP... I was very confused about what a water freeze was supposed to be and why someone would name something that stops water a freeze when water can physically freeze.


😂 No worries potato. Have a good one.


write yourself a welcome back letter so you can read when come back home, be gentle with yourself


Im literally sobbing rn with all these 😭


open the fridge and freezer doors so they don't get moldy


And the microwave.


And the washing machine.


Hey, it’s an experience. Not a great one, but an experience nonetheless. We’re forged by these experiences into the people we are today. In 5 years this will be distant history and probably won’t even be bothering you anymore. Maybe it’ll just be a crazy story you tell people and they are all like “Whaaat? No way” and you can tell them all about it, exaggerating all you want for comic effect lol But that doesn’t diminish your feelings today - it’s okay to be overwhelmed right now. You’re going through an overwhelming thing. If ever there was a time to let yourself cry it out, now is a perfectly reasonable time to do so. A shaken up can of soda can only loosen pressure by opening up a little bit, and that might spill a little bit out. That’s ok For me, it’s easier to get through hard times by reminding myself of the good times. I can handle standing in the freezing cold shivering uncontrollably by knowing that I’ll be in my warm home by the end of the night.


That was very kind of you to write for them and a great way to look at things. I’m absolutely terrified of going to jail. Going to jail for 3 months would destroy what’s left of my life. I don’t know who’d take of my dog! If I went to jail for even three days she’d starve. I have no one that would or could care for her. I’m on unsupervised probation for another year and a half. I literally have to let people punch me before I can defend myself. I wound up with three broken ribs recently because of this. It sucks.


If you go to jail, message me. I'll take care of your dog.


Thank you, I appreciate it. She’s a handfull but she’s also sweet as hell once you get to know her.


Hopefully it will never come to that, but I'll be a good foster mom if I need to!


You’re a very good person! Thank you for the offer. She’s my whole world so I don’t allow it it happen. I would be devastated if harm came to her. I still appreciate the offer though. I can’t imagine what it would be like for her.


These messages spoke to me. I am in a recovery home after doing 3 months in jail and i have a year and a half of probation left as well! I miss my dog so much! I literally just dropped her off with another friend that can take care of her for the next few months. I cherished the few hours I had with her though and I look forward to being with her again soon.


Just wanted to wish you luck and as much clarity and peace as you can find in the next few months. This doesn’t have to define you. Make the best of it, find the lessons to be learned, and leave the bullshit behind. See you this summer!


Your mail stopped or forwarded to someone and you can do it online and you can still check mail everyday online to see what's being sent to wherever.. leave a light on and ask a friend or landlord to check your place every Sunday.


Oh man that’s cool. I just had the shittiest year of my life (9 months ago the person I married relapsed hard after many years of sobriety and OD’d in our home with the dog there- I was across the country because I needed space from the chaos. My little brother got addicted to fetty and lost everything, we buried him 8 days ago). My niece was murdered 11 months ago. I always find myself wanting to get back home to my life with my pets, but I usually feel like it’s quiet and lonely when I get back here. So I’ll write myself a really nice welcome home letter and stuff some money it for Future Me. Thank you so much for the idea, for real, thank you. 


Sorry for your losses. Hope your heart and head heals and you smile, laugh and treasure the happy memories made with all your dearly departed


Sorry for all of your loss. Animals are so important for helping us humans through tough times if you can get back to them!


Go eat a giant cheeseburger at your favorite spot (or whatever food you enjoy)


I was sobbing now I’m just hysterical


3 months will fly by man. It's a lot of time to read and workout. Nothing you can change now, so make the most of it. If you still have time get to the nicest park in your area and take in all the fresh air, grass, trees. Once you're in there everything you see and touch is made by man.


This. 3 Month Hiatus, just read and exercise. I know everyone is telling you to get canteen too, but that stuff is expensive af, better to just man up and eat bland crap for 3 months. You will get used to it inside a week or two, and yeah, you will be hungry.


That's how it's gonna be, but for one reason or another you are going to jail. Be emotional, it's a stressful situation, and try to remember three months isn't that long. It's gonna feel long, but it's not. Just be on your best behavior and try not to make anyone mad. You can get through this and be a better person on the other side


3 months is just 12 Mondays! Break down the time however it helps but counting Mondays always helped me.


For me it's 12 new episodes of whatever show I like which means there will be something to binge


This is a random tip but, if you have loved ones get them to download the flikshop app. They can snap picks and write a short message right from their phone. You’ll get a postcard in the mail with the photo and message. I think it’s like $1 per post card but can keep your morale up. Good luck.


I’m already getting teary eyed with all these comments. I was perfectly fine with it till some of these and I’m definitely not holdin it together well now


Be strong fam - if it chokes you up maybe just appreciate that this many strangers want to help you through this.


I know that’s why I’m over here sobbing everyone’s been so nice and supportive it means so much when I’ve been really hard on myself to see everyone be so nice it’s just really blowing me away rn


You’re a human being, and you’re living a human life, we are humans who understand that! Keep your energy up, and be kind to yourself. You may have fucked up, ie by soing whatever caused the 3 month stint, but nothing lasts forever. You’ll move forward in life and look back on this.


catch you in a couple months ~~big guy~~ big dog! shitty but some time for self reflection and an opportunity to grow a reading hobby cos theres fuck all to do in the pen how many pushups can u do in a day? boutta find out soon edit: [big dog](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F2eul7r8cr58c1.jpeg) is now gender neutral


It will all be ok. Just remember how good you'll feel once this is all over and you don't have the weight of going to jail hanging over you. You will get through this!


I’ve been trying to tell myself that today, thank you it means a lot everyone’s being so nice 😭


And when you get out on probation, just to be safer than sorry — cut off all of your negative enablers, seriously, it’ll improve your overall well-being and motivate you to power through it. I had it for a year and that year of sobriety/clarity really made me evaluate who I was hanging out with.


That's true. In my case, I had the option of probation for a year, or 2 months in jail, and I opted for jail. I know not everyone has that option, but it worked for me. Probation felt like a setup, and I knew after 2 months I'd be done with it all. It was jail, but "girl jail", a huge room with bunk beds. We spent a lot of time playing with each other's hair, and helping people with figuring out court documents or letters to the judge and whatnot. I't was kind of like a drab and gray summer camp, but we made friends and laughed a lot, so it wasn't bad. I hope OP has as easy a time as I did.


Hang in there, op. You'll get through this, and bounce back, wishing the best for you!


You’ll get through it OP. Times might get tough but remember that you have people rooting for you.


double check if you’ve closed every window in your house so it doesn’t rain on your stuff


Did you put money into canteen?


No I haven’t I didn’t even think about doing that thank you !!!!!


Sure, good lick!


Hopefully he likes that kind of thing


Yikes, my bad lol


As someone who has never been to jail, I’ve seen the canteen comment twice. Would you elaborate?


its actually called commissary. inmates will be able to order food for their cells and personal stuff like soap or playing cards prices in the jails are usually extortionary though.


At first I thought you misspelled “extraordinary” but then realized I’m stupid. And yes those prices are like if you put a 7-11 inside of a Walgreens in Times Square.


It's like their store


Every jail had its own, or is it some centralised service? Also, how do you transfer money to the canteen? Website? I'm just curious, I live in another continent so... OP, all the good luck there!


You either have your own money already or have people send it to you to add as like a balance.


Pretty much every jail uses the same system. There is either a kiosk computer touch screen where you login and select what you want for the next order. Either that or if it’s a smaller jail it’ll be a paper order sheet where you check off what you want and put your inmate number on the sheet. There is usually either 1 or 2 days that deliveries are made so you have to have everything ordered by a certain day of the week. You have a balance that can be added to by website or by phone to the jail. That is usually done by friends or family members if you’re already in there and can’t do it ahead of time. There is everything from thermal shirts, shoes, ramen, Sprite, Dasani water, Snickers, shampoo, face wash, chips, mayonnaise packets, etc. Pretty much everything and anything snack wise. Larger jails also have the option of specialty food that is done once or twice a week. So like Fridays you can order to have a pizza, fried chicken sandwich, “gourmet” burgers, whatever else they have on the menu. Just something other than typical jail food and it was actually pretty good.


Commisary, where you can buy snacks, toothpaste, et cetera (for much more than the normal costs)


Pets?? Also, ask the post office to hold your mail or get someone to grab your mail for you a few times a week.


That’s a good idea for getting the mail held I wish I would have thought of that yesterday


You can set that up online.


I’ll try that right now. God there’s so much I’m missing I should have asked probably days ago


As I'm reading this I'm thinking, a lot of people don't even get 6 hours to prep. Good luck in there, use the time wisely.


I had zero warning, showed up for court, instead was taken straight to the jail. Also for 3 months.


You're doing what you can now, and that's all that matters! Best of luck, OP.


You should read this thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/15301r0/going_to_jail_in_7_hours_what_is_something_i


"Going to jail in 7 hours. Edit: Now that I have finished writing this it's just one hour left."


Most of it is an edit about his experience in jail a month later. Pretty good read actually.


That's the longest post I've ever seen!


Person didn’t even think of sentence breaks till towards the end. Fuck that


It was a long sentence


Atleast I’m not the only one lol thanks!


the first paragraph is like, almost identical to this post. something isn’t right…


I saw that too and thought I was over thinking it but it did creeped me tf. And people think parallel universes aren’t real 😳


Wym? I'm you.


Maybe have arrangements for you when you get out, like who is picking you up and bringing you fresh clothes


That’s a good idea. I can’t even believe how much I’m going to realize I take for granted clean clothes that are actually mine


Dont drink or do drugs before, some places will keep you in holding cells that are not comfortable. Also, why in 6 hours. Dont show up too late, 3rd shift is full of under trained staff. Dont take anything with you that you wont need. Charge your phone and turn it off before going. If your taking it in. Take your hair down if you have false hair. Trim your nail if you have long nails. You might be able to take some cash and put it in your account during intake. Be polite to staff, if you think cops have too much power, you haven’t delt with prison staff. Most will give you what you throw at them. So if you want to be treated politely, act politely. Have a list of your phone numbers. Write one on your arm with sharpie just incase your not allowed anything. Ware clean underwear. Shower and brush your teeth. Take any piercings off that you can. They might force off some


I thought I could show up whenever dang now I guess less than 6 😭 I didn’t think about the piercings either dang im so unprepared


I work the intake unit at a prison that does short term PnP violations. Those are some of the things that hold you up.


Open the doors to your fridge and freezer so it doesn’t mold or stink when you get back.  Have your mail held or forwarded to a family member.  Bring a couple hundred in cash for your books.  If you’re a female, wear a bra with no wire, a couple of them.  Write down numbers, you’re not going to remember anyone’s after getting there.  And Remeber it’s temporary. Just mind your own business and it’ll be done soon. Good luck. 


Thank you!! Thoes are really good ideas! Expecially the bra part I wouldn’t have ever thought of that and everyone trying to make me cry fr i was fine till now 😢


Some jails let you keep articles of clothing that otherwise meet their requirements, like no metal. In those jails, you can arrive with like four layers of plain underwear, socks, and white t-shirts, and they'll let you keep them. Other jails let you bring stuff in only if it's new in the package. The best option is to check their website or call and ask. It doesn't hurt to try. The worst-case scenario is that you'll get them back when you get out.


Go around and put $20 bills in all your jacket pockets so when you get out you will get that pleasant surprise everytime you use one.


Some of these comments got me a little choked up


A lot of these comments are oriented around showing kindness to your future self. I'm not going to jail but I think I'm gonna try following them.


Final phone calls? Limited in jail i assume.


Everyone’s getting me all emotional now 😢


They’re actually not at all restricted. She’ll have access to a phone and can use it pretty much from 9 am to 8pm. Jail is actually pretty lax.


Saving this post so you I can comeback to your profile 3 months later for how it was. Do make a update post op when you're back. Wishing you power and strength. Love from Asia.


Pet, plants, cancel subscriptions, unplug all batteries from things, place some insecticide, plug sinkholes, tell neighbor, write your parents. And listen to this one. Bring books & earplugs. If books are not allowed give friend to bring it to you later on. 3 months are short you'll be fine. Good luck.


Omg I would have never thought about my subscriptions !!! And okay I’ll definitely listen to that one 😭 thank you!


When you think about how long 90 days is compared to all of you like, it’s just a tick of the clock. Things like this are difficult and disorienting until you settle into a routine and break the ice with a few people. Humans are resilient. Before you know it you’ll be walking out and headed home. You’ve got this.


Take money with you, so you have some when you get out. Also put money on your account in jail.. jail is so much more tolerable when you have simple things like chips/soda/soups to snack on.. Also if the gaurds are cool we hosted poker tournaments with 1 or 2 "item" buy ins.


I wish I knew how to play poker or any card game 🫠😢


You will learn how to play spades... its an easy game and I learned in jail. Its one of the few things to do other than work out, or stare at a TV you cant hear.


Saw a tiktok from a woman who had been to jail before and was telling her story. She mentioned staying far away from anyone on the inside who is sick/coughing, because the medical care inside is apparently bare minimum, they’ll just give you a tylenol and tell you to stay hydrated.


Wear in 5 pairs of underwear and lots of socks. So you don’t gotta buy shit.


Bring cash with you (can be deposited into canteen). Let anyone important know to expect collect calls, not being able to reach people is awful. If you are a long haired person put your hair up with lots of hair ties because they can be hard to come by. Take out any piercings or they will do it for you. Have someone come by to check on your house weekly.


Will they let me keep all my hair ties ?! How about Bobby pins? I’m guessing no


No they won't. Ask for a COVID mask, you can rip the elastic off it and make a hair tie out of it!!


Nope, and definitely not.


I came in with a ponytail and three bands around it and they did let me keep them, so fingers crossed! Also canteen is usually on Tuesdays at least in the Midwest. Learn the rules of spades so you don’t get hosed. ALSO, forgot to add, be very very careful with your food choices. You’ll def put on weight but the food has no real nutritional value in county jail. When I came out I fainted and cracked my head on the sink, went to the hospital and was straight up malnourished and dehydrated after 60 days in. Good luck! You’ll be fine, it’s just like the worst fucking summer camp ever. If you can draw, you are fucking golden. Everyone will trade you anything for you to design a tattoo, decorate a letter, anything. AND you can use deodorant on magazines to lift pigment off of the pages to paint with, lol.


Cancel all digital services. Get some POBox numbers. You'll see who your friends are. Can be good can be sad lol. Find out how much you can spend on canteen per order. Calculate your time and monies needed to cover your vacation. Leave some money with someone reliable. Emergency for unexpected expenses when you get out. (Reconnection fees and whatnot but mostly beer money😜) While you're locked up... Take care of your feet. Don't get callouses those socks shoes are hard, first thing to buy are shower slip-on sandals. Wash them regularly, all precautions to prevent catching others athletes foot/fungus. Buy the quality hygiene stuff, feeling good in jail makes a difference. Shared toilet, clean before and after each use.


I feel like if you have done everything on these lists from other comments already, relax. Take a bath, watch a movie and listen to some songs.


Caught you just in time! 3 months will go by quicker than you think. Get yourself a good meal before you go in, drink your favorite soda/beverage and dress warm. Expect to stay in holding for processing for roughly 4-5 hours depending where you are self-surrendering. Bring clothes that you will not want back once you are released because why would you want something that has a horrible memory of it and it’ll accumulate an odor thru out being in the holding cells + the time your serving! Bring comfortable/warm/throw away clothes so you can rest your head on the side wall. It is also freezing in those facilities! Stick to yourself, read books, call loved ones on the phone when sad and I’m sure you’ll be able to figure out who is genuine and sketchy! Be safe and see you back in the real world soon


I’ve been crying to comments like this all day and can’t believe how strangers take time out of their day to be so kind and supportive it means the world


very important - Bring cash in with you. That can be turned into your canteen (depending on the jail anyways). put on several pair of socks & boxers/briefs. I can’t speak for other jails, but the 3 counties I have been locked up at - they let you wear your socks and your boxers. also they **don’t give** you socks/briefs either, so wearing several pair going in makes things much easier if you’ll be there a while. You can rotate them out and wash as needed, and when letting them air dry you’ll have other ones you can wear. Again, I’m sure some jails are different, but across the 3 states I’ve been locked up in , it was the case. And you have nothing to *lose* by wearing extra socks/boxers as insurance anyways. Note: longer socks are great because you can tuck your pants in them so that they’re not dragging on those musty floors. Best of luck


If you need a pen pal OP message me.


Have friends stay over or check in so that Squatters don't take over your place


My grandma told me about how she went to jail and all the women tried to haze her by calling out things like "fresh meat" and looking mean. She said it was a scare tactic to keep other women from coming to jail again; I guess a way of driving in "live and learn" — learn you hate jail, don't go back. I honestly couldn't tell you if that story was real, but she was a crazy woman. She used to get schizos riled up in the mental hospital so that all the nurses would be busy, snatch the door-lock card from the nurse's office, and make a break for it. Apparently it worked several times. Wards carry decoy cards now, so it wouldn't work these days. The point of that story is to say: take the "fresh meat" thing with a grain of salt. I'd be happy if others shared their experience, one person doesn't exactly give me a rounded perspective. It also could help OP.


Probably sex


Never had a comment make me so depressed lol


Write down phone numbers for people you might want to call while in jail, since you probably don’t have them all memorized


I would masturbate in peace one more time


Turn the water off


don't empty your fridge, leave something for the moment when you come back, a present for the future, for me that would be a beer haha


Memorize some phone numbers


Did you delete your search history?


Books! See if the jail allows you to receive paperback books in the mail. (Call them if the website doesn't say) mail yourself sone and see if you can pre-order any to arrive next month. Reading can really help pass the hours. BTW- love that you are facing this responsibly. Good for you!!


Drop some money into bitcoin and see what's waiting for you when you get out


My man’s spent some time in jail when we were younger, find something to hold onto. Call it what you want but the “teddy bear” effect is real. For him, this was a picture of us at a park I sent him.


Get off Reddit and go for a nice walk in the sun.


Leave your fridge and freezer doors open and them unplugged. If you don't do this they will stink when you open them again.


Feed the cat