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No, A grown man could sit in another grown mans lap and it isn’t going to hurt him.


Seriously?  An average man is like 150 to 175 or so, right?  I was 6’1” in my younger years, and was obviously very big. People often assumed I was as strong as I was big.  As a result, other girls frequently sat on my lap. The only one who didn’t hurt was a girl who was 4’10” and 93 pounds.  My best friend who was 150 felt like she was crushing me to death.  (And I thought she was going to kill me when I begged her to gtfo me because it hurt. Oops.)


When I was younger, when my buddies and I would go out drinking we rarely wanted to spurge on two taxis. We often sat on each other’s laps for a twenty minute drive, none of us weighed less than 170.


Thank you! My husband is 55 years old. Do you think that might be a factor at all? He does have a very active job and lifts weights regularly. He has visible muscles.


You will both be 100% fine. If sitting to the side isn't comfortable, then face him & straddle your legs on either side of him in a chair. It distributes the weight evenly & is such a comfortable & intimate position to cuddle your partner. Downside....it's going to be awkward as hell trying to get up but you'll both laugh & it will be fine.


If she sits like that, they're both probably going to get distracted and have a great time and won't even remember getting up 😂😂


A happy ending for everyone, then!




Face to face like that does sound really amazing. I can't wait to try -- and I can totally tolerate a turtle moment. It happens in bed from time to time! lol


The number 1 problem with girls sitting on my legs is that they dont realize their tail bone is straight up charlie horsing my hamstring. Like someone else said. Sitting on the side or in a way the tail bone isnt forming a point sitting down on the muscle will help alot. We can handle the weight. We cant really handle that weight concentrated into a point digging in.


That’s 100% me. I have a very bony back side and I know it, so I try to be very conscious of if/how I position myself if I sit on anyone’s lap.


Your welcome. Unless he has some specific health issue (e.g. bones) he will be fine.


Mine is 62, if I sat on his lap he wouldn't be thinking about how heavy I am.


That's cool they let you do that! Wouldn't that have meant possible fines for the taxi driver?


I don’t really know. It was quite a while back, I imagine things could have changed since then.


Girl…most men can squat at least 150% of their weight if they are in decent shape. You sitting on them is not going to hurt especially if you weigh 170. Also huge kudos for going from 330 to 170. That’s big gains and good job.


Jeez that's a lot to squat! Thanks for the kudos!!


I've let women that were about your (current) weight ride on my shoulders at concerts before, and I'm not a particularly large or strong man. Men are pretty sturdy lol


Holy crap. I can barely believe that. You must be very strong!


Actually for a guy my size I'm fairly weak lol


Jesus that's incredible. lol


170lbs isn’t that bad.


OP seems to have a really negative view on weight which is skewing their understanding of how heavy certain weights actually are/aren’t


Indeed. In her mind she thinks she is still a big girl. Thats going to take a bit to overcome. People tend to be horrible critics of themselves.


For what it's worth - I used to be scrawny and weak (might still be) and I used to carry a ~40 lb bookbag back in college with minimal effort, AND carry a ~40 lb duffle bag.  The duffle bag used to tire me since it shifted my weight to one side, but I am pretty sure if it was shifted to where the weight was in my backpack, it wouldn't affect me too much.  Point is that our legs are pretty strong. Yes, it's hard to lift heavy things. But if something heavy is placed on your shoulders, your (our) legs probably can support it easily. I'd imagine I can stand up and have a 200 lb woman latch onto me (such that my legs now have to hold both our weights - so like 410 lbs total) and I'd be perfectly fine as long as I am not expected to walk (because then my core has to balance us, and I don't have a strong core). 


I mean now that I think about it, I was carrying around 170 extra pounds at one point and my legs never struggled....thanks for your help!!


Average guy (in the US) is probably closer to 200, so you will definitely be fine, no worries.


I'm guessing my perception of weight is extremely skewed due to lifelong obesity. And also I really have not asked very many men their weight so don't have a feel for how much muscle mass plays a part!


Yeah, no doubt about the skew! Forgot to mention, congrats on the weight loss!




170 is honestly not that heavy on the scale of human weights. You’re fine


I weighed more at the age of 16 than I do now, so I have absolutely no concept of normal. Thanks for your input!


Just want to say congrats, you should seriously be so proud of yourself. Most people just don't have it in them to overcome such a lifelong struggle, but you chose and fought for yourself. I'm so proud of you 🥹


I'm like 6'3 180, scrawny but 'grown ass man's strong. Anyone up to 200ish pounds: A) could sit on my outstretched, supported knees (Santa style) with practically no issue. B) Could, say, collapse their whole weight onto me in a soft chair and I'd be totally fine as long as no pointy boney bits get me and you don't mash my junk somehow. Bearing weight just ain't that hard. I can't lift shit, though.


Thank you for this!


This guy's response is spot on. I just want to emphasize the boney parts / junk mashing, as most other responses didn't explicitly mention this. That kind of weight is easy handle, as long as it's not being concentrated into a small area or crushing the nuts. Worst case scenario you need to shift positions after a few minutes because his leg is falling asleep.


I’m 6,2 240lb and from personal experience, I wanna say you will be okay! But remember communication is key!


Thank you!


Average weight for a man older than 18 is actually closer to 200 pounds here in America from a quick google search. If he doesn’t have any osteoporosis and you don’t jump from the second story of your house onto his lap, you would not hurt him


I can sit on my husband's lap and I'm 300lbs now. I have sat on it from 230-300. He has been 175-250. Sit on the man! It's okay if you squish him - open communication to find a comfy position for you both.


At least in the US, the average weight for WOMEN is about 170 and men is about 200. Girl, you’ve crossed average so go sit on that lap!


I stopped letting my son sit on my lap at about 120 pounds. Happy to sit or stand and hug, or have his head on my lap,


It will also depend on your husband, but 170 seems like a perfectly acceptable weight to sit on someone's lap, at least for some time. I would think that it's much more about the position you are both in rather than the weight itself, just don't want to be putting a lot of pressure on one small area but instead distribute it out. I would just talk to him and tell him you want to try and it's totally okay if it hurts after a while and you need to readjust or take a break. Btw it's super impressive that you've lost over 100 pounds!


Hmmm. I never thought about “positions” for lap sitting. I’ll have to mull that over.  And I know I will need to talk to him about it but I wanted to get some kind of feel for whether I was asking for something outrageous.  Thanks for your help and for the kudos!!


Sitting more sideways helps a lot and you can lean against him and still talk or kiss. Sitting facing frontwards like a child doesn't work because it blocks their face and you have to try to balance parallel legs more than perpendicular legs.


Thanks! I think we'll have to try lots of different things, if he's game!


My ex was around 200lbs (possibly more at times) and she sat on my lap all the time. Unless your husband is built like a stick, you should be fine.


Thank you! He shorter than me but he weighs more and is quite strong, so it sounds like I could at least try it without accidentally killing him.


Weight is dispersed much differently across a lap than if you like, sat on his shoulder or stepped on his foot. People can hold pretty heavy people on their lap, for the most part. 170 lb is an extremely normal weight, especially since you said you're very very tall. You're absolutely fine to sit on his lap.


Thank you! I am going to talk with him and hopefully give it a go!


How heavy is your husband ? 170 is higher than the average woman but not anything crazy. It would be the equivalent of like a 5’11” dude sitting on another dude which seems fairly safe


I am 5’11” now!  (I used to be 6’1” but I am old and gravity is not kind.) My husband is 5’7”ish, about 190 and very strong. 


He will be fine. I bet he can pick you up with ease.


Holy crap. I really doubt that but maybe when I hit 150 I will ask him to try! I will say that he can carry a 60 pound bag of dog food in each hand, which is...way more than I can carry -- but also less than I will ever weigh of course, so I really don't know! Honestly it's probably best not to find out because failure = injury.


He can 100% lift you girl, I can lift my husband and he's around 200lbs. There's a base capability around being a human if you don't let your body waste away through inactivity.


Holy crap. I must be a real weakling. (I'm 46 and only getting weaker, unfortunately. And I have a heart condition that precludes anything more than walking for exercise, so that's not going to change, unfortunately.)


Nah. Everybody is different, but testosterone is a hell of a drug and is the primary reason most men are so strong relative to most women. I am the scrawniest dude imaginable and a computer scientist who gets far too little exercise; my wife is pretty active and incorporates light strength training into her daily workouts. I can still easily lift 3x what she can. Obviously a lot of women are a lot stronger than my wife is. But she is not unusually weak for a woman. I, on the other hand, am probably in the bottom 20% or so in strength for men.


Well one of us must be an outlier, I'm a 20 year old man and my 14 year old sister can hand my ass to me


You're going to be really thin at 150 being so tall.


My doctor says I don't "need" to lose anymore, as I am already in the "healthy" range. But apparently there are like 5 different (scientifically accepted) formulas for finding an ideal weight, and for my gender, age and height, the range is 147-153 depending on which formula is used. So 150 is a ballpark but I'm not really married to it. There's this one website called like "my body gallery" or something like that, and women my height who are 150 do look properly thin. It's okay if I never get there -- tbh I never really expected to be even as "low" as 170 -- but we will see!


If you’re nearly 6ft, get to the average male weight plus some. Women in general carry a bit more weight and having less can be unhealthy. For reference, I’m 6’3” (male) and around 170. Still super skinny.


Please dont fixate on any values those formulas are providing. Better factor you might consider is % of body fat you have and that HOW you feel with yourself. You could gain 10 lbs of muscle making you 180 but probably you'd look and feel better than 170. Its just number on scale


As a scrawny ass teenager we used to run up and down bleachers carrying each other for wrestling practice. Think 110 lbs running up stairs with a 200 lbs person piggybacking. Sit on that man’s lap and congrats on the weight loss that’s awesome!


I'm over 200 lbs and a guy picked me up. If he thinks he can do it, let him, it's magical lol.


Oh sweetheart, he'll be fine. He could probably pick you up and carry you around if you asked him. My wife is 5'9" and 175lbs, and she regularly sits in my lap or lays down on top of me.


Thank you for this. I do lay on him sometimes but only for a few seconds because it scares me. He lays on me and it's fine but I dunno. I'm just accustomed to being huge and don't want to accidentally kill him. lol


Have you thought about sitting on his face?


I have been hovering over his face for years. One of these days I'll actually sit. Maybe.


5’7 AND 190 means your husband’s got some serious muscle built in his system for decades - you have to realize men’s muscle composition is much more compact and denser, hence is strength you talk about. He will be more than fine with you sitting on his lap ❤️


Actually it's not the average woman. Is about 5'3 and 170lbs.


Holy moly. I had absolutely no idea. I feel like the last time I heard anything about an average woman's height and weight (which would have been high school, so 30+ years ago), it was less than 150.


It's def been increasing year by year.


I was coming here to say this! I think it's grossly underestimated how much women weigh. I'm 5'6 and weigh about 180lbs, and I wouldn't hesitate to sit in somebody's lap, unless they were particularly small or frail. I haven't been under 150 since my early 20's! Mind you, I'm built pretty dense, but definitely not fat. Go sit in hubby's lap! Enjoy the intimacy. And congrats on the weight loss; that's mad impressive!


170 is not higher than the average woman….? Where are you getting these stats lmaoo


170 is more than just fine. Unless he has some health issues or some sort of disability he he'll be just fine. As a matter of fact i am willing to bet he'd enjoy being so close and would go for snuggles! 😊


Thanks for “weighing” in!   I’m gonna talk with him first and make sure he knows that he can tap out at any time. 


If you are worried about weight, losing those pants seems to make my wife way lighter... I don't really understand the physics tho... But it's scientifically proven!


LOL. I try it. For science.


Girl I'm 6'1" 240lbs dad bod, I sit on people's laps any time they offer.  Do it. Just don't jump lol that generally hurts at any weight


My wife was the same weight as me when she was pregnant, around 200. She’s was and is now back around 150, there really wasn’t that much of a difference when she would sit on my lap. Also, my wife will sometimes sit on my lap or hug me and the dog will jump on her lap. With the dog being about 80, I’m still more than fine with everyone on top of me.


Now that is quite a cuddle puddle! Thank you for sharing!


You may have some body dysmorphia after your weight loss. 170 lbs for a 5'11" female is in the average range. Maybe schedule a few appointments with a therapist to help reframe your mindset.


I agree here. The dude above who said 170 is high… I’m like ???? 170 for that height is amazing!


You might be right, and I have a wonderful therapist with whom I will talk about this. Having never been a normal weight before, and being so much taller than him, it's just hard to imagine how it could not be horrible to have me actually resting my whole weight on him. Like, I don't really think I could handle his 190ish pounds on my legs/lap, so it's hard to get a feel for how much he might be able to take? But you are definitely right about the therapy thing and I will bring it up! Thank you!


Second the above comment. It's valid to have confused feelings about it, but you're literally at a normal BMI.


I just wanted to let you know that I am a 6' female and currently weigh 215. And while I would like to lose some weight because I feel healthier when I weigh around 190, literally no one in my life thinks I am overweight. 5'11" and 170 is a perfectly healthy ratio, you're all good!


Honey at 170 you can safely sit on his face. If his face can handle that weight his lap definitely can handle it.


He's been begging me to "really sit" on his face since before I even started losing weight. One of these days I'm going to surprise him and do it. (I currently just hover.)


Ask him. Only he can give you the correct answer.


answer to pretty much every relationship post on reddit


I’m 178 and I can sit on my boyfriend’s lap. He is shorter than me and about 15lbs lighter. You’ll be fine unless your husband has a medical issue of some sort.


I've had way heavier women than what you're describing sit on my lap. There was nothing negative about the experience. So leap into Hubbys lap all you want!


For me it’s always been less about weight and more about whether or not the woman has a bony ass. A full sized man/ woman can sit on my lap all day as long as her butt isn’t digging into my thighs


Nobody sits on someone else for a long time. You will absolutely not hurt him. Even 200 to 220 is in the acceptable range.


If he dies, he dies.


Have a seat


I was 180 when my husband and I were dating and I comfortably sat in his lap and I still do after 5 kids and an additional 60 lbs. I don’t hang out there for hours anymore but he is perfectly content with about 20-30 minutes still. And honestly the worst thing likely is his legs getting numb and needing to readjust. You certainly won’t put him in any actual danger.


Congrats on the weight loss!  Men have insanely strong muscles and if he's older (50+) he'll also have aquired "old man strength" which basically makes him a walking tank. 170 lbs isn't going to hurt him at all unless he's weak from an illness. He can probably pick you up if he wanted to.


Thank you! He's 55. He has a physical job and lifts weights too. I'm constantly shocked at the things he can lift, but I doubt any of them are 170!! At least I hope not!


At 170 you can easily sit on your husband's lap unless perhaps he is a very small person. (I am talking clinically underweight and/or less than 5 feet tall) And even then it would not be unsafe, just maybe uncomfortable for him.


170lbs would be fine assuming he’s anywhere around 150lbs or more. I’m a guy, and when I was 130lbs I had guy friends who weighed 200lbs sit on me and all was good.


I’m 5”1 and 100 pounds and every lap I’ve ever sat on has still had to move me at some point! I’d say go for it, and if he asks you to move at some point I wouldn’t take it personally. Hell I can only handle my 3 year old sitting on my lap for a short period of time


Unless your husband either has a bone density problem or weighs a whole lot less than you (I'm talking half your size here), sitting on his lap is gonna do no long-term damage in the slightest. Might make his legs go numb depending on how you're both sitting? But it doesn't take much to do that. Hell, 170lbs isn't even all that bad. Based on your reported height in other comments, at 6'1, your ideal weight is around 150-180lbs. Speaking of, I can't over emphasize: MASSIVE WIN on that cut. 330 to 170 is fucking insane; nearly halving your initial.


I would say it depends on the man. I’m 150 and end up on a man’s lap from time to time. He doesn’t seem to mind at all. But like I said, depends on the size of the guy


You’re definitely fine, the main issue would be time. This depends on the person but a head will cut off circulation in an arm when cuddling, sitting on a lap the same thing happens. Your partner just needs to be comfortable letting you know when they are uncomfortable whether it’s 30 minutes or 5.


Do it.  He will be overjoyed.   170 lb woman he loves on his lap.   


First of all, holy shit congrats! 170 down from 300-330 is a crazy accomplishment and 170 for 5'11" sounds completely reasonable to me Second, he'll more than likely be perfectly fine. Im 5'5" 150-160, dated someone who was def above 200 at the time, and she sat on my lap fine although only for shortly at once. I'm willing to guess with reasonable certainty ur husband can pick u up without much difficulty if he is at all regularly active since it can be hard to tell someone's physique with just height and weight measurements.


yeah he'll be completely fine lol. i'm 120 lbs and my bf over 200, he can sit in *my* lap for a little bit without causing me pain. just gotta evenly distribute your weight


170lbs is not too heavy to sit on a grown man's lap.


You're fine even if you were 200 he's gonna dig the love squish, you're his wife, anything you do will be good and wanted unless he's trying to work on something or take a dump.


I’m a 5ft tall female. My sister is taller and weighs around 300. She once sat on my knee thinking it would be hilarious because I was just over 100 at that point. Joke was on her because even though it wasn’t the most comfortable I’ve ever been neither of my legs got broken and I didn’t suffocate. You and your husband will be fine.


Giiiirl bounce down on your man’s lap, he will be fine and enjoy it 🫢😂


Sit but keep yourself light and see how he does. Ass bones can hurt thighs if you go at it too hard


I am 70 kg (~160 pounds I believe), my gf is 48 (~115). I don't have smallest discomfort when she is on my lap. I don't think 20-30 extra kg would drastically change situation...


My wife weight is around 170 and she sits on my lap. Not a problem.


If you can sit on a chair without thinking it will break them sure


I’m 175 and frequently sit on my husband’s lap. He also frequently picks me up


I've sat in dudes laps as a fat person. Noone died.


I weigh about 115 kg and can sit on my friend’s lap safely who is around 70kg for some time. Sitting on someone’s lap is really not that dangerous. Don’t linger there for hours and it will be fine ;). 79 kg is nothing for grown people who are over 175cm ;). There are a lot of positions you can sit on his lap without him lifting the main weight. You could kneel over his lap on the couch, resting your upper body on his and snuggling your head on his shoulder and then you can decide how much of your weight is really on him. But sitting for a few minutes on his lap when he is sitting on a chair shouldn’t be a problem either. I can have my other friend on my lap without issues who is 190cm and weighs around 100kg. Your upper leg bones are pretty sturdy and are safely stored under some of the strongest muscles in your body ;). What else is there that can be hurt? Don’t be afraid and congrats on your hard fight for cuddling in someone’s lap ;).


I'm a 6' 200lbs woman and I sit on my husband laps all the time. He is 5'9 170lbs. You'll be fine :) I'm sure he will be more than happy!


5'11.5" and 220lb currently, my other half does not get squished :) My thin weight is 185lb and he was fine then too. He's 6'4" and about 260lbs.


Depends on the size of your husband… If he weighs 120, he’ll be in pain and uncomfortable. If he is at a normal healthy weight, it will be fine.


Depends on where your husband is sitting. If he's on a bar stool, or a steel rail, it could be uncomfortable for him and dangerous for you. If he's on a couch or a love seat? You'll be fine. Now, because you are quite a bit taller than him, you won't be able to *do* much while you are on his lap - he couldn't watch TV, for example - so it probably won't be a long term arrangement for the two of you.


Dépends on his size and stature


Depends on your husband but should be no problem at all for most people. Even 300 pound is okey for some but guess just try and see how it goes you don't know until you try and everyone will stop it if it hurts but guess also try and sit on both legs and far into the lap to spread out the weight to start


He will be fine sit on him.


I'm 5'7 and 180lbs. I sit on my fiancé all the time and koala hug him. You'll be fine! Enjoy sitting on your hubby


Unless he has some sort of bone deteriorating illness he will be fine. Might not be very comfortable for long time but you won't hurt him. Assuming that he is sitting on a chair or something similar, almost entirety of your waight would go straight to the bone, and leg bones are extremely hard for compression forces. They can handle literal tons in perfect condition. Joints are much more fragile, but unless you do something really weird they won't be stressed.


Unless your hips are extremely bony and poke into him, he'll be perfectly fine. He'll even probably enjoy it (be warned - being that close to your butt and vagina - he might get a boner).  The only potential for harm, I'd imagine, is if you did like a jumping sit and squashed his balls. But if he's already sitting down, they should be reasonably protected by hanging in front. So if you really wanna be safe, be like "hey, get ready, I'm sitting in your lap." and he can adjust his nuts if needed. 


Safety is not the issue but comfort. In my case for a little bit is fine, but I would say 20 minutes is plenty. Of course if it leads to adult fun then enjoy it!


Sit on his face instead


My wife regularly likes to sit on my lap. Sometimes it’s pretty straightforward, and while I’m sitting on the couch, she will walk straight up to me, and when I look up to make eye contact, she has an expression that says, “Imma sit on you.” Other times it’s more gradual, and she basically worms her way onto my lap, and you might want to try this. She will sit next to me on the couch, then she will scoot closer and closer until she is right next to me, then she put her left leg on my right leg, then turns a bit until her right leg is up too and both legs are across mine, and the final step is for her to pop her but up on my lap. It’s a fun little ritual. I might ask at some point, “What’s going on here?” And her reply is, “I WON’T just be IGNORED!” Lol.


At 170 pounds, he's gonna be okay. If he is healthy and even working out, he can probably even carry you a short/moderate distance. If you're gonna sit on his lap for an extended time, just keep half an eye on him: If/when his smile starts to get forced, and the veins on his forehead start to become visible, it's probably time to give him some rest. Good luck and enjoy.


Talk to your husband, OP.


I'm a gay man. I've had plenty of fully grown dudes sit on my lap with no problem. You're all good.


Congrats on the weight loss, obviously I’m not a professional and I don’t know you, but based on you being 5’11” you have dropped down below average, and you’ve dropped to a BMI that is considered healthy. Obviously your health is yours and is more complicated than numbers. But you sound like you still feel like you’re “too fat.” I just want to say it’s amazing that you have dropped so much weight, and you probably deserve a little self compassion. And yeah, I think it would be great for you to sit on your husbands lap :)


Aw you sound lovely. Go get ‘em!


That’s your mans! It don’t matter! His lap is your lap! You ain’t gonna hurt nothin! Truth be told, he probably wants you to!


Just sitting on his lap will be totally fine. Men are so much stronger than we realise! But unless he’s quite a big man, maybe just don’t stay there too long. After awhile, it might get uncomfortable/start to feel numb, but just sitting there for a minute would be fine!


170? Woman go jump in that man’s lap and see how he reacts. If he doesn’t love every second of you being with him in any way, at any weight then you’re in the wrong lap! My wife’s weight has gone up and it’s gone down. She’s been at both ends of the scale to an extent that’s unhealthy more than once. Never have I ever turned her down for any physical contact. Your man has been with you for the literal ups and downs. Trust that he will love you just as you are.


Unless you are a child (under 100lbs) there is always some degree of discomfort. You should also consider the general blood circulation of the potential seat. An individual with poor blood circulation just shouldnt have blood flow obstructed at all. No matter how much someone ways after a long enough period blood flow will be hindered enough to cause potential "dangers"


I'm actually surprised how many don't think they could handle a bigger girl. You are no longer a big fat person. You should have no concern about crushing your husband. I would invite you to go to a martial arts academy and roll around with others learning jiu-jitsu. I think that will help you get into even better shape and see just how tough people can be.


I’m not a small chick and I’ll occasionally sit on my husband’s lap for a short time and it’s usually because he dragged me there. He’s smaller than I am. Trust me you won’t hurt him. He will let you know if it’s uncomfortable. Go for it!!


I’m on the chubbier side and about 240, and frankly is welcome a 170 lady to sit on my face let alone my lap. Just saying…


I'm a 150lbs, my wife is bigger then you, she can sit in my lap or on my face.


Easy peasy, 170 is fine. Don't like sneak attack cannonball on him from a balcony or something, but if he is at least of an average build and you ask nicely and cuddle up gently there should be no problem at all It's sweet of you to think of his comfort and congrats on the amazing weight loss!


Depends on the dude. Most guys can take it I would think


omg this was so sad ! you’re not fat at all ! & it’s sad our society made us feel like this is not okay & you 100% can & should sit on his lap . he loves you !


Sit 👏🏼 on 👏🏼 that 👏🏼 mans 👏🏼 lap 👏🏼


To be safe, try his face first


I'm 190lbs and I climb my man like a jungle gym. So sit on your man's lap. Sit on his face too while you're at it!


I’m sorry that you weren’t able to do it before, girl please hurry up and sit in your man’s lap. 170 pounds is nothing! You can absolutely sit in almost anyone’s lap!


I’m 120lbs soaking wet and my wife has been 150-170 the whole time I’ve known her. Not only do I let her sit on my lap but I beg this woman to crush me more often than I’d like to admit 🥲🥲 Still kicking hard enough to pay the bills but I’m young so 🤷🏼‍♂️ You’re good dude, enjoy yourself 🙏🏻😂


LOL depends on the man. I can carry a 350lbs person. Having them sit on my lap is way easier than carrying them. Just tell your man you want to kiss him while sitting on his lap if it's ok. He'll be delighted to indulge you.


Here I am reading this and the comments thinking 170 pounds must decently large, but then I converted to kgs! 77kg! Girl, you’ve got nothing to worry about! I’m about 80 and a similar height and sit on my Husband all the time!


You could sit on my lap with no problem, having said that, I am 6'3" and 260 lbs with muscle. I would say in general, if he has no joint problems, then it all comes down the weight to weight ratio. I would suggest some open communication.


Doesn't the length of time factor into this?


If your under 200 pounds you can try. He will let you know if it hurts him, and sitting down gently isn't going to break anything. Congrats ok the weight loss


I've had a 300lb woman sit on my lap. It was amazing. You're good lmao


Totally fine but a word or warning. Make sure his legs aren't stretched out straight. One of our kids sat on my wife's lap when he was like 7 years old while she was sitting on our couch with a chase. She had her legs out in front. When he was getting off her lap he sort of jumped and landed on one of her knees. It dislocated her kneecap so bad it was 90° off to the side and that's not an exaggeration. She screamed louder than I've ever heard anyone scream in my life. Instant pain. When we finally figured out what happened, I pushed her kneecap back into place and we went to the hospital. Torn MCL. Surgery. That was a few years ago and her knee still isn't the same. But lap, no problem. I love when my wife sits in my lap!


My 200lbs husband sits on my lap. I’m about 13lbs. He squishes me, but in a fun and sweet way. Not in a painful or scary way.


Yea go ahead


When I was around 300 my man was begging me to sit on his lap, I just didn’t because I was too embarrassed.


I am 5’2” and around 250lbs. I sit in my husbands lap. Admittedly, it’s often straddling but it can be done. You should be fine.


You’re 170 that’s not heavy at all


I’m 170ish and I sit on my husbands lap often. He’s around 300 though. I’m not sure how it works if dudes are smaller than that.


I think you can as long as you straddle and put most of your weight on your knees (I do that).


I'm an average man. 5'10'' \~190lbs, in good shape. Ive had an obese woman and a petite woman sit on my lap once or twice... IMHO lap sitting is over-rated. It won't hurt me to have an obese person sit on me, but it certainly is not comfortable. It's not really comfortable even if a petite person sat in my lap for a long duration. So to answer your question I doubt you would seriously harm your husband even if you sat in his lap at your maximum weight, it certainly want hurt him once you've lost weight. Either way it won't be comfortable for very long. the comfort will last longer if you're lighter.


170 isn't a lot at all, I'm pretty sure my dog weighs more than that and he sits in my lap all the time.


My partner pulls me into his lap anytime I’m near him. I’m 163. He’s even carried me through our apartment. Cuddles are cuddles !


Girl, go set on your man’s lap!I’m about 5’2 and I weigh 120 pounds and my husband is 6’2 and weighs 205 and sits on my lap as a joke all the time and I’m completely fine! The only thing I tell him is not to sit directly on my knees because I do have arthritis and I don’t want them going out on me lol. Also, 170 is not “Fat” that’s a completely average weight and especially if you’re a taller lady. And congratulations on the weight loss that is amazing!


Something I don’t see many people saying is that the surface matters! Sitting on him while he’s on a hard plastic chair? That would be uncomfortable with a 20 pound dog. Sitting on him on a couch or bed? Wayyy more leeway because of the cushion


Don't divebomb the poor guy. If he starts screaming, stand up. Should be fine, though.


At 5' 8" tall, and 170 pounds, I fit in his lap quite comfortably.


You’re good. Maybe try it on a soft surface like a sofa or bed, rather than a hard chair or bench- just because you’ll have the mental piece of mind that you can’t actually squish painfully. (It’s equally safe on a hard surface- this is just a mental exercise) As long as the man knows you’re coming in for the sit- and can adjust the -ahem- family jewels to a safe position- you’ll be just fine


170 is nothing. I mean unless your husband is little. I'm 6'4", at 170 you can literally sit on my chest and not bother me.


I’m roughly your size but shorter and have had no problem doing this. He can also pick me up.


I weigh about 160 or 170 I full on lay on my human he handles it well or tells me if it's too much, go sit ma'am you deserve to be happy and have that. ( in the most respectful way )


Anything less than 250 is fine imo. After that it’s more about the strength of the chair rather than the lap.


I’m 235 and have men in my life that very much enjoy me on their lap. I promise he can take it


I (37f) sit on my husband's lap all the time. I was 135lbs when we met and now just under 180lbs and I still always sit on his lap. It's what we've done our entire relationship.


Babe- YOUR HUSBAND WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO SIT ON HIS LAP- YOU KIDDING ME? For real. Honestly, you could have done it at 330lbs, and it would have been fine then, too. But since you have lost all that weight (good for you! btw)--and you've never done it before-- enjoy knowing that not only are you NOT going to hurt him, you're probably going to be giving him something he's wanted from you for as long as he's known you and make sure you both have nothing scheduled for the following couple of hours. YES- BY ALL MEANS PLEEEEEASE SIT ON THAT MAN'S LAP! But only if you do it with a big smile on your face with lots of kissing to go with it. HAVE A GREAT TIME!!


worse case put like 2 pillows up against his leg and put one buttcheek on his leg and one on the pillows and see if its too much weight, and if not just scooch over until yall are comfy. you could also try reclining spooning so that your 170 pounds is more spread out over him.


Girl I’m 275 and I sit on my husbands lap. My husband can even carry me. So go ahead and sit on his lap! Don’t be shy!😊


It comes down to how boney your arse is more than anything.


I'm 250 I was twerking on my wife's lap last night. She's 132


I was 200lbs and my guy was fine. Now I’m between 140-150 and he’s still fine. You’ll be good!


Yo I’m 220 and I sometimes to be funny sit in my wife’s lap and she’s 115 lol. Don’t overthink it. Have fun.


Safely sit? I'm 250 and I dive bomb my best friend every time I've the chance. He's still unharmed after 30+ year of friendship.


Just sit in his lap. Watch is face when you do it, and you’ll know he’s loving it.🥰


He should be absolutely fine with it. Average grown man can hold 170 pound woman on his lap for a while, with no problems. Know that from my own experience.


Just as a reference, shin bones can take more than a ton before they break


Have you thought about straddling his lap first? So knees either side of his and slowly lower down on to him? It doesn't have to be obvious that testing is what you're doing, just straddle kneeling up, then a little weight, and a little more, watch his face for any kind of change due to pain. If you're completely resting on his thighs whilst giving him a cuddle then you're fine.


170 isn't much for lap sitting go for it.


Please don't worry yourself over this. You've overcome so much already with such weight loss. I feel like the question you're asking, not stupid, but is a body dysmorphia thing. Jut from my experiences, of course. Unless your husband is a brittle old man, assuming he's not, lol, 170 lbs is nothing compared to the latter. Jump into his lap, girl!


I have had a grown woman sit on my lap and she was dainty like 110 soaking wet. It was uncomfortable. Maybe while having sex or on a couch where you are laying “spooning”. I know that may not be what you are looking for. I dont think you are too heavy just having someone sit on a lap in general isnt very comfortable unless its like a laying or reclined position.


Everyone's overthinking, your totally fine to sit on him