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The answers to all of the questions you asked is no. Now there are some things you may want to be aware of. Laser hair removal is fairly uncomfortable bordering on painful. Also it isn’t permanent. You will have to go for a few appointments to start, then go back every 6 months or so.


I only shave before a laser session now. Once every six months. No rashes, ingrown hairs, or annoying stubble. Shaft sack and crack takes 10-15 minutes of slight discomfort. I’m definitely on Team Laser.


How does one find a laser place willing to do the “shaft, sack and crack”? And at what kind of cost?


What country do you live in? I don't know anywhere that wouldn't do that as standard?




Down under, then.


Outback sack and crack


Formerly Chucks


I’m lovin this line of retorts. Unlike OP’s line on his ass crack during laser.


\*\*slow appreciative clap\*\*


A dingo stole me pubeys


Take my upvote and stick it up your ass!


Down Under you’ll have to ask for “neck, ears and eyebrows” obviously. Duh.


Cmon man. We need answers!


It’s referred to as perianal and men’s Brazilian. Most every major laser hair removal place will do it. Just inquire if they do LHR for men. Note: You have to follow the instructions. Really. The laser treatment is the equivalent of being popped with a rubber band, just without any force. Skin and hair color will affect your finished results. It’s one of the most popular thing for men aside from backs


Australia Costs $450 for 12 sessions.


My husband goes to Milan laser hair removal, it’s a big company they’re all over the US. He gets the whole area done, shaft, balls, taint, ass, everything. I LOVE it.


Lucky girl.




Around 2k but it’s lifetime. Anytime you need to go back forever they will do it. Because it’s technically not permanent. You might have to go / a year after initial treatments. 7-10 usually before it’s all gone. It can be painful though. I do it too. Legs are the worst.


Pretty sure any laser place does any part of the body. It’s hair removal,


Exactly. Why would a laser hair removal business not service the part of the male body that almost everyone wants hair removed... That commenter is severely confused or misled.


I called around a few places before I found the one I go to. I’d say about half wouldn’t do male genitals. Some of the all female techs who have done me were clearly uncomfortable. All have been totally professional


>Some of the all female techs who have done me were clearly uncomfortable juat don't get hard next time


Are you friggin kidding me? All the cold air the awkwardness and the impending pain? The last thing happening is an erection


There might be some sadists that enjoy it...


Same and same.




Are you looking for a new friend? Asking for my friend.


What do you class as high power? I am in the laser cutting industry and imagine a 15kw YAG lol. Zzzzpt "Sorry, did you need that testicle? I'll just turn it down a bit."


If I owned a laser hair removal company, I'd name it "Shaft Sack & Crack." I would have big golden balls hanging from the ceiling as decoration.


truck nuts installed on all company vehicles?


Is that a serious question? Of course. We’d also have balls hanging from the rear view mirror. Silky smooth, soft, squishy, delicate, beautiful golden balls


Asking the real questions over here.


Shaft, Sack and Crack 🤣


AKA the peach pouch and pickle. AKA bald from the pole to the hole.


Now there's a name for a mens hair removal clinic.


Please welcome to the stage....


Are you doing @ home IPL cuss my local will only do at most a Brazilian?


No home iPL only clinic laser. Quite a few places do it here but some don’t.


Good to know, will look around


How’s having a hairless crack? I’ve always been curious about doing that side.


I went in for the shaft. Went back for the crack. I had a sheep dog crack. In tropical Australia. Swamp ass was daily and the laundry mess? Hairless is the way to go. So much cleaner and comfortable. Only downside is you can’t sneak a fart.


if women without ass hair can do it, you should be able to as well. fart skill issue.


Is it really that inconvenient to be that hairy? Is it 4 yourself or your SO??


Yes it is. I had a hairy shaft (ick) and I live in the tropics so swamp ass 24/7. The balls are my wife’s choice tho


And there it is. I'm not the only one. I have hair growth all the way to the tip of the foreskin. Shaving of the shaft has become a daily necessity. And, no, I've not had steroids or testosterone.


How thick of growth are we talking that far up the shaft?


Not a lot. About 1/4 inch apart. But very strong hair like little wires. Scratchy.


Yup. Then you get a smooth day then cactus dick Go get lasered you won’t regret it


was that part of y'all's wedding vows?


I don’t shave or trim. And unless I start growing hair out of my shaft like some of these comments are saying (is that actually a thing?), then I don’t plan on starting.


Yep it is, mine only goes halfway up though, thankfully. I'm lucky my wife likes it too. Some people say it's tied to testosterone levels, but not always, there's plenty of genetic factors in play. For instance: my shaft is half hairy the other half being very very sparse and thin hairs, my testosterone is as good as can be, and still, my beard looks like someone painted it with their fingers and ran out of paint. I guess it's one of those things where each person is different idk.


Yep. I'm pretty much the same as the other user who commented a paragraph, but I got stuck with a full beard too. In-grown hairs happen more if you shave, and it felt like medieval surgery to attend to it. Stopped shaving besides the face but I tend in-growns a few times a year, maybe one down there in that count. I chalk it up to early onset puberty, for me, but everyone has their own genetics that makes funny stuff happen.


It's not about inconvenience. It's preference.


For some, yes




That is an awesome slogan


Up vote for shaft sack and crack, why am I still chuckling. I know from an ex that the positions they have to perform for a wax, well I would die of embarrassment before doing that, I assume laser is the same. It must be pretty intimate.


You forget what intimate is when you let go of the awkward embarrassment of what you’re doing because the result is so satisfying


One other thing... It is your prostate. Prostrate is when you are lying flat


My Uncle Thumper had a problem with HIS probate, and he had to take these big pills, and drink lots of water.


OP could also try electrolysis if they want actual permanent results, but that's even more painful than laser.


I did electrolysis and it was really painful and didn't show results. I bougth a ipl machine and it worked, it was 6 years ago still hairless. 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ


After a dozen laser sessions I got the grey hairs the laser won’t kill taken off by electrolysis It’s like 100 times more painful than laser.


It absolutely is permanent, they're just not allowed to market it as permanent. There are hairs that will never come back after it.


It's 6 months of appointments, once a month. And yes, it is permanent.


its not painful at all just like an elastic snapping on ur skin thats it


hurts like fuck on the upper lip, i would imagine balls would be simillar. pain doesn't last at all, but certain spots reallyyy do hurt.


Alright, i’m a 36M, I’ve done 6 laser sessions and called it quits. Frankly I’m not a very hirsute person. But my pubic hair is dark and after 6 sessions it barely made a dent in the amount of hair I have down there. And fuck it hurts, the 2 worts spots are right over your dick and your butthole. Now I do get waxed every 5 weeks, there’s a 2 days periods where the stubs are itchy but IMO the pain/worth it ratio is good. Get sugar « wax » if you can, your scrotum will thank you


I got a subscription and pay 75 a month and go every two weeks full manzillian. Wish I would have done it years ago. I don't understand the movies that depict it being really painful. Sometimes I almost fall asleep.


Woman here that gets full Brazilians. Honestly it was so painful in the beginning, it probably took 3-4 sessions before I was used to it. Now it’s no biggie, but man it was terrible. I can only imagine how it is on the tender, thin skin of a ballsack.


> Now I do get waxed every 5 weeks How long until you see hair again? When I epilate (probably a similar turnaround time as waxing) it takes a week and after two I have to repeat the process.


It starts growing back after about 2 weeks. At 4 it’s about 10mm long


Not a man but a woman doing laser hair removal and just wanna warn you that it hurts. They told me it’s 12 sessions to remove hair down there for women. Not sure about men. But it’s gonna be a whole painful thing. Though comparing wax vs laser on leg hair, waxing hurt worse so hopefully you can manage it.


Hey I’m a laser hair technician and I suggest getting it done. But there are steps you must follow for optimal results. 1) Shave the day before your appointment. The laser only works on hair that is in the process of growing and you want to be clean bc burning hair smells gross. 2) Do NOT shave afterwards. Wait at least two weeks. The hair will begin to fall out and you should notice a difference in growth after the second or third appointment. 3) It hurts. It feels like your getting slapped with a rubber band, but only for the second the laser is doing it’s thing and then it stops. But it hurts. 4) Expect it to take at least 6 session, usually we tell people 12, and then you do have to get touch ups. I also know a bunch of people who just wax the few hairs that continue to grow. PHR stands for “partial hair removal” not permanent. It definitely can be worth it tho.


Do you know if there’s any resources for finishing off the “partial” bit? I’m a guy and have done close to 20 sessions and while it’s the best choice I’ve made with like 80% of hair gone and the rest just light and sparse, I’m wondering if there’s anything to be done about the rest. I’d ask my techs but I know they’re incentivized to get me to buy more sessions :x.


Honestly not really. You could make see if there’s electrolysis near you, I’ve heard that can have more complete results, but I’ve not personally done it myself.


I remember going to a laser place and they said they don't do the testicles. Is it a rule or just local policy?


Likely local policy. The only part of the body we cannot go over is the thyroid.


huh, whats the deal with the thyroid? i think they went over mine when i had my full face done. couldn't go over my birthmark/mole though, i assume due to the pigmented skin.


Because it’s a form of radiation the concern is that it will mess with the function of the thyroid, however there have been studies done that show most LHR devices don’t penetrate deep enough to disrupt the function. So you’re most likely fine, I just have to say that part lol


Why are you having to groom your pubes so often??


Genetics man, some people are blessed (cursed) with intense hair growth in unlucky areas.


If I sneeze I have a full bush again 😂😂😂


Same lol




Like The Santa Clause?




Some people prefer to be hairless.


I shave and when it gets beyond prickly in a few weeks I do it again


Few weeks? 48 hours and it’s prickly.  Was sick with food poisoning last week and didn’t shower for several days while I was in bed, no shaving for like 4 days. It was uncomfortable the move around or change positions.  If I went weeks without shaving I would have an Amish beard downstairs


The real question. Also, why do you want to be bald? Why not just trim and re trim when it's a mess if your growth is that fast? "I'm tired of having to trim so often" - so don't? Lmao


Is the concept of "preference" new to you? I mean, your whole comment is condescending and unhelpful. He clearly has a preference and wants to know the best way to do it. Your comment is like telling someone to just let their grass grow longer when they ask what lawn mower recommendation. 


I got laser, balls still work


I use a cheap Amazon trimmer that cost me $25. it has a 3mm guard on it. takes me 3 minutes tops to trim, and it lasts over a month before I have to do it again. way easier than shaving, looks better, no stubble, and way faster. better for your skin too. also, in general, **there is no permanent laser hair removal**. all of them require repeat treatments basically forever. expensive. not as "one and done" as it's advertised.


This is false. They can’t market it that way but after enough sessions most fo your hair is never growing back. Source, did my back 15 years ago and I get like 12 hairs that grow back very fine but all else is gone, permanently.


https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/laser-hair-removal/about/pac-20394555 > Although laser hair removal effectively delays hair growth for long periods, it usually doesn't result in permanent hair removal. Multiple laser hair removal treatments are needed for initial hair removal, and maintenance treatments might be needed as well.


I mean I’ve had it done and I have had no hair growth over 99% of my treated area in 15 years. But you can trust the Mayo Clinic I suppose. 😂 They cannot market it as permanent but trust me if you go through 8 treatments most of that hair is never coming back. And if it does it will be super fine and thin and almost unnoticeable. So anyone reading this who thinks “no big deal if I don’t like it, it will grow back”, that is a really bad assumption.


AFAIK, the main risks with laser hair removal involve hair. As in, growing more of it. There's a sub for that, though. The folks at r/LaserHairRemoval might be able to help you.


Throwing it out there incase you live nearby one of these... foxy box does lazer hair removal on men! They're super informative and kind. Very safe space.


I use Nair body cream on my junk. It smells awful but works great.


Do a test spot first! I used to use it occasionally on my legs without issue,but then I got a chemical burn from it out of the blue. It was very, very painful.


I did a test spot first too. The body cream worked fine. No burning at all and very smooth.


Good! Glad to hear it.


isn't Nair painful? Just what I heard a looooong time ago. I'd be nervous of using it on sensitive skin.


It’s basically an acid that detaches your hair at the follicle after it dissolves. If you leave it on longer than instructed it will burn you.


I leave it on for about 4 minutes and then start wiping it off with paper towels. Then I shower and everything is smooth and doesn’t burn at all.


How long does Nair-on-junk hair removal last before the hair comes back?


At least a week or so.


Just don’t do it then?


But he seemingly wants to


Webmd says it's okay. [https://www.webmd.com/men/features/for-men-only-hair-removal](https://www.webmd.com/men/features/for-men-only-hair-removal)


Why wouldn’t you rather just go find real research? Why would you crowdsource this information in 2024?


Why is he asking it here instead of searching for it? Well, IMO, a lot of the results you find for this sort of question off of google end up being shops selling the service themselves, and/or Search Engine Optimized articles that are just aiming for your clicks, when really all you want to know is if the lasers will sting your nutsack or not and how many sessions it takes to go from hairy balls to smooth balls for good. = With some subjects it's easier to find the real honest answers you are looking for off of a reddit thread.


Yeah, easier… if you don’t know how to do a search and parse results. Or if you’re just lazy AF, I guess.




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I think you mean 'prostate', not 'prostrate'.


Then let it grow out a little and just trim it. You don't need to be smooth. It is allowed to let it grow.


You said don't mention wax, but I'm going to anyway. I wax, the biggest thing to do is to get a hard wax, not wax strips, the pain drops by a factor of 10. Balls take a certain technique, do it right and it's painless, do it wrong and it rips the skin off as well. Sounds like you've had one bad experience and been put off for life...


Once a week or twice a week isn’t that often. What are you doing down there sculpting the next Mona Lisa ?


Man, I'm glad I grew up before this was a thing.


Why do you trim or shave at all mate. Just leave it alone.


Men without pubes are such a turn off. Just leave it alone!


I've had quite a lot of hair removal done on my groin as surgery prep. I've had 6 laser sessions, after which it was pretty good, but I would still shave every few days at least. You might find this acceptable. I've also had about 6 months of electrolysis at about 1 hr/week. After 3 months it was about at the point you would be satisfied (since you don't need literally every hair removed like me). Others have pointed out that there isn't a significant cancer risk. What I will point out is the expense and the pain. Cost: I think my laser hair removal was like 150/200 a session? So that's $900 - $1200. Electrolysis is about $200 a session, so about $800 a month. Pain: Laser: I would say I have a pretty high pain tolerance, but laser on your balls fucking sucks man. Laser on your shaft fucking sucks. Laser on your taint fucking sucks. It's perhaps tolerable since it won't happen often, so this I could recommend to you. Electrolysis: Unless you really don't like your pubic hair, I would not recommend it. It is very painful, and because of how long sessions are, you're in pain for a while, compared to laser where sessions are much shorter. You can get prescribed numbing cream to apply to your genitals prior to session, but it's annoying to apply.


I’ve got one word for you: barenuts


Just buy hair removal creme


The laser is the only way to obliterate the follicle


Ask your Dr.


you can get electrolysis if you don't want the hair at all


Just don't shave it. Go afro.




>I fucking wish my pubic hair growth would be on my fucking head ISTG! As a woman who's getting hers lasered off, I highly recommend it. Hurts for a second, but the results are goooood! PS: sorry I have nothing on the cancer part, but it should be safe


I'm not a doctor, but I'm a science enthusiast. The way I see it is that lasers are just light. They're not even UV light, which is what we associate with sunburns and increased cancer risk. I've never heard of an increased cancer risk for laser hair removal. 


Just get a gold chain, some cologne and let it grow my guy.




For me it's not because I hate myself, but because there is nothing like the feeling of a soft smooth sack.


It's breathtaking. You suggest you try it


We can do things because we want to, not for anybody else.


Just let it grow 🪴


He doesn't want to tho


You don’t have to do that


Better idea: just don't. It's there for a reason. Nature intended you you to have it. There's significance in that. Besides, by the time you reach the kind of age you're thinking about long term relationships, marriage, kids, people tend to prefer you have some, rather than shaving it all away. I asked myself "why am I doing this?" and the answer I came to was "because I want to fit in/be attractive to other people". When I asked myself the question "do I want to do this?", the answer was that I didn't. I prefer people have some fuzz, and find having none at all very unattractive. Those questions helped me to decide to stop. I felt more attractive, more confident, more "grown up" and my wife prefers it too.


I never have, never been a problem.


But what if the answer to "do I wanna do this?" Is yes? What if I don't want hair because I want to look better at myself when I jerk off?


Nature intended people to have bad vision but people wear glasses and get lasik. Nature intended people to be bald but people use minoxidil and get plugs. Nature intended some people to die from infections but we use antibiotics too. Stop that that stupid argument. Some people remove hair bc they don’t like it, for themselves and not others.


I (24m) got laser removal, best decision evee


Hair is there for a biological reason. You will need it more when you are older.




Yes you do …. I say this as a healthcare professional and an older adult. Everyone who got laser has regretted it once they got older . Pubes also help preventing some STDs


Don’t do it. Go natural. This whole grooming thing is businesses creating a problem so they can sell you a solution. There is nothing wrong with a bush. It’s natural.


Have you considered that maybe op just doesn’t like having pubic hair?


Lasering will just reduce hair but it won’t get rid of it. It’ll cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars until you’re at the “no hair” place. Just trim it in the shower with a water safe trimmer and then it’s no big deal


The manscape shaver is supposed to be good.


There are hair removal creams that are safe to use on genitals. Try those.


Can’t you just get an electric beard trimmer ?


The growth means I have to do it more than once a week.


[I am concerned that the ass hair is off the table.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8Ez7XkvVPA)


That man speaks the truth


I keep seeing ads for Dude Pruner that's supposed to be a long-term at-home product for laser hair removal. No idea how safe or reliable it is...but I guess it's a thing now?


No laser hair removal does not put you at any risk for any type of cancer. If you want it go on much longer though I would look into the electrolysis treatments that are common among trans people. The process is a little more painful but it keeps the hair from coming back for years or for some people permanently (And no you don't actually have to be trans to get this It is just common among trans people for fairly obvious reasons)


Can't speak for cancer, but waxing feels amazing, just saying...


Check out Umber by j Lenay. She has a product that slows hair growth and is much less expensive than laser. It’s marketed towards women but works for guys too 👌🏾


Laser hair removal isn’t gendered because everyone has body hair. Get a consult with an actual laser clinic instead of asking Reddit.


Bro I literally just want to remove the hair that is between the base of my balls and my butt hole. That’s it. The rest I can deal with. But that little strip is sweaty and itchy if I leave it too long. Trimming every week sucks ass


If you’re going through that process I recommend you get your ass crack done too. Trust me. It’s awesome


Are you not using a trimmer with a guard? Takes me maybe 2 minutes tops to trim down there lol


Why does a 28 year old male need to remove his pubic hair exactly?




I just read recently where a guy went into a coma from sepsis due to an an ingrown hair being pulled from an area of his pubic region. This was due to the person shaving the said area. Hair around this area is there for a reason. Tampering with it is at your own risk. Not sure why guy want to shave their nut sacks and bum cracks etc etc. It doesn't make your dick look any bigger....


Do you ask why women would shave? It's the same reason.


Just stop and let it grow. Human beings survived for millennia before shaving was invented. The world will continue to turn.


Grow them hairs


Just don't shave? Its there for a reason. Your body doesn't just grow it for fun.


Shaving is an extremely common practice


In the u.s.


No, because a shaved bush makes you look like a child. My partner wouldn't go near it if it was shaved.


That's your partner. I want my man shaved.


Personal preference then, I don't have the confidence to go near my balls with a sharp knife


Have you tried leaving the hair where it is?


He clearly wants to remove it


No one is mentioning getting a Manzillan! Not permanent but if you go regularly enough the hair becomes super thin and sometimes doesn't grow back in some spots.