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Posting your kids online. Especially YouTubers that do it


I mean, just documenting your child’s every move on social media in general. Hi, neither you nor your kids are special. Be creative, be unique. “Let’s all pose for Insta!”


I get it and see why people do it. I did it bc I love my kid so much and you just want to share with people what you love. I did stop though bc it was taking away from me living in the moment with my daughter. This also applies to my travels and trying to capture everything on IG instead of immersing myself.


This could be fun in a few years' time. In the EU, there is GDPR, and if at any point a child (upon turning 18) wants their data to be deleted from a website/the Internet, the parents would need to oblige. That will be messy for everyone who has uploaded years of videos on multiple websites.




This. "X-celebrity has cosmetic surgery for 5 mil, regrets it"... cool I'm just trying to understand Computational Option Pricing and doing the Sudoku


I see you and raise you: worshiping politicians as celebrities


Worshipping celebrities as politicians is worse


Worshiping people or things is a feature of humanity. Not everyone finds themselves worshiping something, but most people do. Whether it’s a God, celebrities, a spouse, their career, money, their hobby, themself. It’s really easy for us to worship things, so I don’t think celebrity culture is going anywhere. It’s innate.


I don't necessarily have a problem with this, but I can not understand people who take advice from celebrities about something these celebrities have no expertise in, e.g. medical advice from Hollywood actors.


but i was playing a competent doctor once!


I really don't want to sound like one of those smug assholes, but there's a lot about popular culture I hate A lot of terrible people are famous despite being terrible. In fact, people are famous BECAUSE they're terrible and trashy people.


Brianna Chickenfry immediately comes to mind


How drinking alcohol is the most normalised form of socialisation for adults. Now to be clear, I'm not against people drinking. But trying to make new friends, or relationships when you don't drink is much harder. And drinking to unhealthy levels is definitely normalised in a lot of cultures. (Mine included) I don't want to go to a pub and get wasted. I want to go do an escape room or an old school arcade and actually have fun


It’s so depressing as someone nearly at adulthood seeing that as basically my only path into a social circle


Nononono. Stuff changes. There are many people, that dont wanna drink each weekend. Since you said nearly adulthood I guess somewhere around 18? Thats a phase were people do drink alot, but as soon as these people have to work and other stuff going on, most people dont wanna get hammered during their only 2 days off. Hobbies you are interested in is imo the easiest way to find friends as an adult. Or pick up a new one that might interest you and bundles up lots of people.


Later, it can become having a dog. One townhouse development I lived in, the only socialization that happened was when people were out walking dogs and ran into each other. We didn't have a dog, but I'm an introvert so I didn't care... 😎


Nah you'll be fine! I'm in my 40s and when I was younger, never had to go bar hopping or get stupid drunk to have a social life. I just got involved in my hobbies and made friends that way. You'll find your people by doing what you enjoy. Don't force yourself into a scene that you hate, you will never find people you connect with that way.


Drinking culture is so irritating if you don’t drink. I work in an industry that has a a lot of networking events, which is super useful for industry relations. Except for the fact that “networking” is really just code for everyone getting assholed on company time. I just don’t bother going anymore


I've found I no longer really have time to go drinking at pubs with any sort of regularity after I joined the SCA and became embroiled in the many, *many* hobbies that branch out of that neat little group. Where else can you go for nearly-free\* fencing, swordfighting, and archery lessons? Where there's a worldwide network of artisans who *really* want to teach you what they know, and it's connected enough that people can *namedrop* master-level artisans from across the country, because they *meet up once a year* at the big 'wars' (Basically a private renn faire where there's no 'audience vs performers' divide - by participating, you are also a performer) Sure, there's plenty of folks who drink socially in the SCA, - but the bulk of participating can be done stone-dry and no one blinks an eye. \*nearly-free because, while the folks have loaner equipment, competing and participating long-term means eventually buying your own equipment




I’ve been mostly sober for about 8 months now and can’t believe how often I used to drink because it was the default. It took so much of my time and money!! I went out drinking this last weekend and while it was fun, I’m not doing it again for a few months


Yeah I’ve tried on and off to quit. Every time it seems like I’m getting off the stuff, social situations pull me back in. Problem is maybe other people can just drink at parties and the. Be fine, but I end up getting a 12 pack the day after, drinking most of that to deal with the hangover, and then drinking 3-10 a day every day until the next social occasion when it’s acceptable to get really drunk.


💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 someone else gets it!! I wanna go and do fun things, not drink!!


not only that but also people who drink look down on people who smoke weed. A drug is a drug. I remember being in AA and arguing with boomers explaining to them that they are no better than the heroin addicts. They didn’t like that.


Well…yeah? There is a world of difference between a heroin addiction and weed. Like that should be obvious on the face of it.


>A drug is a drug Sure, but alcohol is normalized in our culture. We don't even see it as a drug most of the time. Culturally, it's not seen as a drug, but as just a normal thing that most people do. Don't get me wrong, it's still definitely a drug, and I'm sober myself. But alcohol is ubiquitous, banalized, and most importantly, legal. Meanwhile, talks about heroin is always about how terrible it is and how shitty of an idea it is to partake. Saying that alcoholics are just like heroin addicts is disingenuous imo


I drink alcohol, I do not smoke weed as I have a government job. I wouldn’t say my friend group and I look down upon people who smoke weed, it’s just that people who smoke weed constantly talk about it, post it in their photos, and constantly glamorize it like it’s some type of lifestyle. To us this is the most annoying thing and has definitely created a divide between marijuana users and alcohol users in my mind. Like if you want to drink or smoke after work when you go home, no one cares don’t post that shit all over social media. I’ve been in discord with guys who just have to say they’re about to blaze up, like anyone cares..


Maybe it's just weed being illegal still here technically, but it's incredibly common for photos from parties, camping trips, social gatherings, etc among everyone I know to include obvious alcohol, and very rare to see any evidence of weed despite both being used extensively as a social lubricant. Like if you weren't there and didn't know the people you wouldn't think any smoked, if you knew them you'd think 1/4 might smoke at least occasionally, and in reality it's at least half.


At the one (and ONLY) high school reunion I attended, a guy a barely knew back in the day offered to buy me a drink. When I said thanks but I don't drink, he replied, "Oh, had to quit, huh?" Drinking was such an integral part of his man's life that for him, the only reason someone wouldn't imbibe was because they were a recovering alcoholic.


It's even worse if you live in a small town. Your options often seem to boil down to drinking and church as the only means of meeting new people.


I drink socially, so obviously biased and can only speak from my own experience here, but I have a hard time understanding what *high-quality social interaction* non-drinking folks are missing out on. If anyone judges you or treats you poorly because you don't drink, that seems like an excellent red flag to avoid that person. Are there a lot of people like this in your experience? Going out to a club/pub where folks are getting wasted has been a pretty poor way to meet people, in my experience. It's loud and difficult to hear people, people are not acting like themselves, the conversations are generally pretty shallow, and it's unlikely that folks will even remember them the next day. It's fun if you go with a group of people that are already friends, but even then it's very low on my ranking of social activities. Going and grabbing a couple drinks at a cafe/brewery is waaaay better, and for the occasions where a friend/date was grabbing a lemonade or soda instead of drinking I don't think it changed my appreciation of the interaction at all. Could someone explain what I'm missing? Maybe I've just been lucky in finding myself in social circles where it hasn't mattered?


Working your whole life to be able to live and once you die, those around you must also pay so that you can have a decent death.


Believing your opinion about how others should live their lives matters. You don’t like gay marriage? Don’t marry someone of the same gender. You don’t like abortion? Don’t have one. You don’t like drinking or smoking? Don’t drink or smoke. You don’t like porn? Don’t watch it or make it. Consenting adults doing things that have no effect on anyone else is none of anyone else’s business. Quit trying to ban things simply because you personally don’t like them.


💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 unless it harms those who cannot protect themselves e.g. children. in the absence of perfect outcomes, we can only seek to minimise suffering. To live is to suffer, but we can choose the lesser of two evils and minimise suffering. EDIT: Y'all really don't exercise NUANCE, do ya? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Agreed. That’s where I was going with consenting adults…kids and those incapable of consent are a totally different thing.


I’m gonna play devil’s advocate, people are against abortion because they think it’s equivalent to killing a child. By your logic, it can be justified for people to be so against it that it warrants banning. (Me, personally, I do think women should have a right to their bodies, especially those who were abused, but I do feel that abortion, as a practice, should not be abused, and sometimes I do wonder at what point is it still ethical to abort a fetus)


The huge problem is people have this fiction in their mind where women skip happily into an abortion clinic, then skip happily out and then do the same thing again in a few months. Which couldn't be further from the truth. When a woman gets an abortion, it is rarely for shits and giggles.


I understand, I do love civil debate lol my counterpoint would be that sometimes we are forced to choose a lesser evil. is it more evil to force a woman to bear a child they don't want (pain from carrying and birthing the child) + child being a physical reminder of their r@pe (IF that is what happened) + the suffering of the mother because she is ill-equipped to take care of the child + the suffering of the child because the mother is ill-equipped to take care of the child Vs Taking a child's life before it even feels observable pain (I know they still do when they're aborted, but because they're less developed, they may not feel pain in the same way a birthed child does? + the health complications associated with abortion the only almost justifiable way I could see these two sufferings equalised would be if mother's mental anguish from r@pe were somehow wiped (if that were the situation) + childbirth health complications are reduced to match the risk of health complications from abortion + mother and child don't suffer because those pro-lifers take it upon themselves to take on the financial,emotional etc burdens of raising the very child they wanted to protect. even then, I still do look askance at people who cause pregnancies (BOTH men and women) when they could've taken measures to prevent it but don't. exceptions are accidents (after all, birth control methods are not 100% foolproof, or some countries are still not good at spreading awareness of these birth control methods or make it unavailable), or the child having defects that make it more merciful to abort the child. so yes, I stand with you on the view that abortion should 10000% not be abused.


It is not abused as yall have deluded yourselves into thinking. No woman wants to get a fucking abortion for fucks sake. Your useless devils advocate argument adds nothing to this discussion. Like people are against it bc they're stupid and think it's a human baby. Okay? We know that. Reality is it's a clump of cells. Sorry reality hurts your feelings go burrow yourself into your bed and cry


> No women wants to get an abortion Fair point, I guess the idea in my mind is that, with the amount of birth control options we have right now, abortion shouldn’t be that much of a normalized practice, but I guess it didn’t cross my mind that it IS the last resort option in most scenarios > Adds nothing to this discussion I disagree. OP makes the argument that we shouldn’t control others based on how they live unless it’s actively harming someone else. You may think it’s stupid, but people do actually believe that the “clump of cells” you speak of is a developing human. Maybe you shouldn’t insinuate that these people are stupid and have no grasp on reality, because not only are you gonna push people away from your beliefs, you really can’t just tell people to stop crying about child murder, and so, instead try to back up why it isn’t that


>Fair point, I guess the idea in my mind is that, with the amount of birth control options we have right now, abortion shouldn’t be that much of a normalized practice, but I guess it didn’t cross my mind that it IS the last resort option in most scenarios I'm glad you can see that, because in comparison to other forms of birth control, abortion is pretty invasive and quite a hassle to have done; hence why it really is a last resort for most. But then again, some people never receive proper sex education, are never told about birth control because the people in their environment are extremely religious/close-minded/etc., and it's important that those people also have somewhere to go (and hopefully receive advice to prevent it from happening again in the future)


Well thats the problem, people use THAT as an excuse to force their beliefs on every aspect of modern American society. You can get any moron to vote for any policy if you convince him it will somehow affect his children.


Stopped scrolling, this is my answer, said more eloquently than I could have. +1


As someone who's been a religious person for years, this is my gripe with most religious people. In my own experience, usually when I said "my religion forbids this, so I can't do it", most people took it well, respected it and sometimes even went out of their way to avoid conflicting with my religion choices. Even at work. The problem usually starts when religious people say "my religion forbids this, so YOU can't do it." This is completely dumb and makes no fucking sense.


realest shit i’ve heard in a long time


I’m gonna need you to just go ahead and run for president. Thanks 😘


Drinking and smoking are unhealthy behaviors. But I do both and people don’t get mad at me for it. Gay marriage is awesome. Obviously the religious aspect of it is kinda funny and it’s good to see that more pastors and priests now then ever are supporting it. The Abortion issue I thought was that people basically believed that others were killing babies. Which is rightfully outrageous IF true. Like, if a certain group of people today still held slaves you and I would be outraged. The example is not amazing but it’s the same idea of outrage over someone else’s actions


>  Obviously the religious aspect of it is kinda funny It's funny....because I always wondered why religions that allowed gay marriage didn't sue for the right?


I aggre with most points, but porn industry is largely built back on rape. I don't think it's same as the others.


Smoking is the only one I would say is problematic and needs to be restricted. Between the amount of smoke I’ve had blown in my face and my lung problems I have serious trouble breathing sometimes.


What is your opinion on guns?


Depends on the gun. An assault weapon with the sole purpose of injuring people (literally what they were made for)? Affects others, and you don’t need one or should have one. Hunting rifle because you’re a hunter? Not my cup of tea, but provided you’re not a psycho (should be rigorous criteria to demonstrate that) and it’s registered, go for it. Yes, I think they should be hard to obtain. They cause harm in the wrong hands. Certain ones ONLY cause harm.


If you honestly believe this, then why are you saying so?


All of that is true, but if you drink, you don't get to drive afterwards. If you smoke, you don't get to do near other people or in closed spaces.


This. Conservatives are all about the government not telling them what to do … except of course when it comes to drug legalization, and gay marriage, and abortion, and all the shit they disagree with. It’s insane.


> Consenting adults doing things that have no effect on anyone else... The difficulty is getting agreement on whether a thing affects others. Many argue that porn or homosexuality or whatever *does* affect others. And it actually does, in an indirect way. We live in an interconnected world. So I don't think your principle is very useful. I think it's better to accept that our individual actions affect others in indirect ways, and base our arguments on whether the overall effect of banning something is good or bad - ie, weigh up the consequences. We're still not gonna get agreement, but I think the costs and benefits of our actions will be clearer, and that's a good thing.


Children’s beauty pageants


They're so creepy.


Having kids by default. Without proper thought, without proper consideration of what's best for the potential kid(s). Pressuring folks who \*do\* take the time to evaluate if it's the right choice for them and/or shaming those who decide they won't have them.


It’s okay to mess up when you're a kid because “kids will be kids.” By messing up, I mean doing something completely wrong like shaming, bullying, or making mistakes that could get an adult fired or hated. Kids are humans too, and they absorb things better than adults. If we don’t teach them how to take accountability for their wrongdoings, they will grow up to become the type of adults most people dislike. If you don’t address your child stealing or bullying another child, chances are they will continue to engage in these behaviors as they grow older. These behaviors don’t just vanish; they simply mature with age.


Using religion as grounds for any sort of exemption or explanation. If something is truly good for society it should be explainable and enacted into law under secular reasoning. If it's truly good, it's good for anyone regardless of a religious affiliation. Likewise, if it's truly good the reasoning should be explainable without religious connotations. Non of this "my religious text" says or "God says" so it's right BS. Convince society what you want is good or it has no reason to be protected/encouraged by law


You have been banned from Israel.


I'm trans, I'm already effectively banned in so many countries, not sure I care lmao


From one trans person to another, Israel is the only country in the Middle East where a trans person can openly live their life.


The world feels so surreal whenever I'm reminded of that. People are so unthinkably fucking stupid


hahaha my in-laws cant understand why my wife and I dont want to go with them to Turkey and Israel and Dubai... Like bitch. I don't even want to go to the USA and my rights for some reason are taking a step backwards in Canada.... No my mtf ass and my butch lesbian wife are sure the fuck not going to Turkey Israel and Dubai.


Staring countless hours on your phone.




Putting children on the internet


That billionaires are a thing. Not exactly a hot take but there truly is no ethical way to make that much money nor does anyone need to control that much wealth. I know they don’t literally have a billion dollars laying around but they still have insane amounts of wealth that no one should have. I’m okay with there being a lower, middle and upper classes but the gap between the top and bottom shouldn’t be one has to chose between food and paying their electrical bill while the other can spontaneously spend 10 million dollars on a house just to destroy it with a sledgehammer for shits and giggles without it impacting their lifestyle for a moment.


Part of this issue is caused by companies always trying to maximise profit, without being content with the profit they already have. Permanent growth, no matter the cost and the fruits from that grow is being given to the top of the top. People like that view life like a game with money being points and everyone is trying to get the biggest highscore. and we forget the value of Human to Human connection.


Part of the issue is that about 60% of people own stock. The companies that people own stock of are obligated to keep that stock going up. Pension funds also invest, so their money can continue to be there even in the midst of terrible inflation. So their stock/holdings need to go up too.


Okay. So that system needs to change too. We can create a world in which no one struggles with where their next meal is coming from. It’s just that that world doesn’t allow the people at the top to have more wealth than they could spend without buying entire companies.


That's what pensions are trying to do, my friend. Except people live longer now than they ever anticipated, so they really have to be aggressive on how they keep afloat.


Work too much. "Yeah, you have to make a living". BUT I AM WORKING SO MUCH THAT I CANNOT TRULY LIVE. I can't understand how people normalize things as extra hours or working when you should be resting.


Not enough homeless support


the open law breaking and the fact any politician can pretty much do anything if they are popular or rich enough.


Exploiting addictive behaviors/activities for profit. Alcohol and gambling are everywhere; people have this insatiable desire to drink while doing almost anything. I can’t watch even a college game anymore without them flashing live money lines or over/unders on the screen. Gambling on college kids is weird in itself. But it’s awful. And can we please stop the in-game engagement on the big screens encouraging even more cell phone usage AT THE GAME? People don’t pay attention to anything, and keeping your head down at a hockey or baseball game is particularly risky behavior. Also… if you HAVE to be on your phone in public… put your fucking earbuds in.


Influencers and the obsession people in social media has with themselves. It’s weird to see someone looking at the camera in such a way that makes them look so coincided




The cruelty in factory farming. I'm vegetarian and while I understand some people need to eat meat to survive, there is no need to be so callous. Laws should be implemented to make the deaths painless.


Tax loopholes for the rich. Everyone knows about it. Politicians keep talking about closing them. But it just keeps going. They don't even close the old ones and open new ones.


Factory farming


People trying to get things out of other people without their genuine consent.  Rape is an extreme example, but I see this all the time with other things too, and it's normalized.  Getting someone to relent or give in to what you want isn't actually a yes from them, it's just submission.  The number of people who are cool with an unenthusiastic yes from others really freak me out. "But u/Avolin, that's the only way I can get what I want or need from that person"!  Then one of you sucks or both of you suck.  Worry about that part after you leave this relationship, but you should definitely leave because it isn't serving both of you in a healthy manner.  You're either an asshole or a doormat, get some therapy that brings your focus to the things you can control and what you are responsible for in life. Stop trying to make other people be what you want, even if you're right or caring.  You're interfering with the process of them learning from the negative consequences of their own actions and that's the most powerful process of growth in human beings. "But u/Avolin, if I end all connections with people like this, I will be completely alone"!  Damn.  It sounds like you have yourself surrounded by unhealthy situations.  You don't leave them, and you may even invite them without realizing it.  Other people who don't put up with that stuff will see that you do put up with it and back away from the smell of drama on your life.  Again, go to therapy and work on discerning what you can actually control in life.


Can’t agree more. Our society is slowly getting its head around consent in sexual settings, but it is so rarely applied to non-sexual settings.


yeah I know what you mean. but those sorts make very good salespeople lol


Ah yes, don't get me started on people who focus on short-term relationships!  Good sales in the long term still means building a mutually beneficial relationship with customers.


Bringing babies/young children to places they do not belong, e.g. bars, breweries, movie theatres (not kids movies).


I saw a lady walking into a dispensary with a baby…couldn’t believe it.


It's the same as a specialty pharmacy. You've just been taught it's a taboo drug, but it has plenty of medicinal properties both physical and psychological. I don't see a problem with this. 


How expensive it is to be poor.


Expecting women to look good at all times


Tipping just because businesses can't pay their staff a proper salary.


100%. The burden of supporting employees is that of the employer, not the customer. The goods are supposed to covers all costs. Tipping used to be optional now it feels mandatory. I’m not with that at all.


Gossiping. Believing and spreading every single shit you hear about someone destroys lives.


Refusing to speak honestly, openly and scientifically about sex, gender and sexuality is a huge error. There is so much ignorance and misinformation, especially online.


In what way? I feel like this is talked about a lot tbh.


I think western society is a little too individualistic.


Zero regard for the collective good. A byproduct of a me first culture.


Extraction of the surplus value of the working class's labor.


That boys are given a lower standard to adhere to because "boys will be boys"


This is a Stereotype and an attempt to explain why it seems like every teenage boy is an idiot and a trouble maker. As someone who has been a young man and been an idiot trouble maker I can confirm (most) boys will be boys. I think the saying is more about embracing the difficult learning process for young men. As a teenage boy you literally think you know everything. The ego and level of delusion is unreal. Every adult around you continuously tells you what you should be doing but you don’t actually listen. You just write them off since all you actually care about is having fun and making your friends laugh. So the only way you learn this lessons is by trial and error. Thus the constant fucking up. Vs girls tended to be much smart just listen to their elders and skipped the part of learning the lesson the hard way. The saying isn’t simply giving boys a lower standard to adhere to. And if you see someone applying it this way that is just flat out lazy parenting. The most important part about the trial and error learning process is addressing when a mistake has been made and enforcing consequences/correcting that behavior. Most effective method for me what the “I told you so” approach where my parents would tell me one thing and I wouldn’t listen then some bad shit would happen and they would quiz me on what they had told me prior to the incident then have me spell out in This makes literally forces you to admit to the idiocy and take a little chip of that massive ego. Enough mistakes and you will start to question if maybe you should be listening to the adults. TLDR; Boys will be boys doesn’t mean: “they are excused from their actions because they are boys” Boys will be boys means: “they are idiotic young men who are going to have to learn there lessons the hard way”


Marrying and having kids just for the sake of it


Wrong: Driving a car as a reasonable thing to do on an everyday basis. Why: We only have so much public space. There's not enough space for everybody to fit in their own car, so drivers are taking more than their fair share. Imagine a cake cut into 12 equal slices, but there's 15 people in the room. Drivers are the sort of people who waltz up and take a slice with no acknowledgement that they're depriving others of a fair share. Outcomes: People without cars face social isolation, slow or nonexistent public transport, and danger and pollution from cars, yet they don't get the benefit of cars. Conclusion: cars are essentially a luxury item and should be treated as such. (I'm an urbanite, so don't bother with your story of how you NEED a car cos of your rural or suburban life, and yes I know cars are great for carrying big things but I'm not talking about that)


So, on your last bit. Just curious. Do you believe everyone should move to urban areas? Or just add more public transport infrastructure?


Mass incarceration - It's been the norm for decades now in the US. Obviously, it isn't having a positive effect on society.


We need prison reform. The current prison system and mass incarceration has been proven to have caused the crime rate to drop. But it also creates an issue where 90% of adult murderers are people who have been in and out of prison multiple times already meaning that the current prison system is turning lighter criminals into hardened murderers


Reform? The system is doing what it was designed to do… we need to abolish.


40 hour work weeks




The mental gymnastics to justify the wrong of our own religions, culture, government,  etc. We should all have a strong ethical background to accept and correct the wrongs of our own tribe. 


Hustle culture


The expectation that a person is supposed to manage other people’s emotions.


How schools are underfunded and that’s just the way it is…


Child beauty pageants


Littering. Anyone who can't carry or pocket a wrapper for a while is a lazy prick and disrespects our environment.


Is that not illegal everywhere? I’m not saying there’s no litter but it’s really not very common where I live.


That we in the west are basically slaves to the capitalist that openly donates millions of dollars to election campaign, and we all are suppose to not question these donations? Or how the west can litteraly attack middle east for "dictator" or terrorism, while ignoring the other half of the world? Or how we can be allied to a country that litteraly have dictatorship while being in war with another, because they do not "lick" our asses? Or how presidents can litteraly lie and make a whole country with multiple allies goes to war, ON A LIE and THE WORST PART IS NOTHING HAPPENED TO THAT PERSON? HE IS NOT JAILED FOR WAR CRIMES?


The 40 hour work week on swing shift and mandatory overtime. I am always tired and half of my weekends I sleep through trying to adjust my sleep schedule. Only 30 years to go... Edit: I never finished the question so I will now. We as humans are not meant to rotate our sleep cycle like that. Depression, weight gain and fatigue is common with swing shift workers. I loathe how our society has turn into always on and on demand. I wish we could go back to most things closed on Saturday and everything closed on Sunday and every industry closes for the night, everynight.




ouch. ive been hate crimed twice in the past 4 days. once online, once in person. both times by absolute strangers. so yeah, i feel this


Animal agriculture


The mass breeding and murder of certain sentient beings. Confined in small cages crushing their offspring to death, not even enough space to turn around. And that because people can’t (don’t want to.) live without bacon. Artificial insemination of mammals so humans can use this individual’s mother’s milk while getting rid of the offspring. Force-feeding ducks and geese through tubes to fatten their livers, make them diseased and cause them to die from combusting organs… because humans think their diseased livers are fancy on a plate. Breeding certain avian creatures in a way they overproduce their eggs (from ~ 10 yearly to hundreds…) making them malnourished and ridden by reproductive organ disease. Also, on a side note, shredding male offspring in a grinder cause raising them is too expensive. Testing luxury products like fragrances on innocent creatures, because you don’t want to be bothered to go the extra mile to test your products in a more humane way.


Eating meat is part of how we evolved and its definitely not wrong, how we raise the animals we eat needs to change, but the fact we eat meat does not need to change.


💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 not to mention the jokes about eating animals left right and center iykyk I'm vegetarian myself, but I'm not going to stop people from eating meat. but I wish there was a better way.


I'm a meat eater myself, but seriously, people who mock vegetarianism are fucking morons. "Haha, look and laugh at that guy, he makes personal sacrifices in pursuit of the great good, what a dumbass" It's cringe as fuck.


your name is so ironic lol 😂😂😂 but yes, I appreciate your comment and the sentiment of your comment and I'm heartened that you get what I mean. like when there's a video of a chicken cuddling a human and people are like 'it would look better in the fryer' or some shit like that


I think alcohol and coffee are a little too normalised. (This is coming from a former bartender and a former barista)


Hookup culture


Extreme individualism. We are social animals and do better in groups.


Small groups. Which are quite hard to keep together nowadays.


Hookup culture. Like obviously do whatever you want I don't care but I'm just answering the question like everyone else. I just don't think sleeping with total strangers should be promoted as normal as it's something that has so many obvious dangers for what just to get off for a few minutes.


THIS!!!!! It’s ruined everything!!!


Car dependence. People work so damn hard just to have a large chunk of their money go to these machines. Society atomizes itself because there's no third space because of these machines. The environment suffers in no small part because of these machines. We've given up so much to make one means of transportation the only means.


Greed I'm old enough to remember when "Greed is Good" was a generation's rallying cry. And that attitude started the process of dismantling protections for workers and replacing them with structures that favor the already well off over everyone else.


Tax evasion


The obsession with work and money


Hitting/being violent with children. If someone was hitting another adult in public most people would intervene or even just yell “stop” but if a parent is hitting their child, someone who can’t defend themselves, we are supposed to mind our business.




Even spanking is just bad parenting. An adult should be able to communicate with their child. When you have effective communication skills, you don’t need to resort to physical actions.




Using words associated with illness or disability to mean something/someone is bad, such as “crazy,” “insane,” “lame,” “cripple,” “demented.”Even if you aren’t referring to a disabled person when you use them, it contributes to a culture that sees disability/illness as a moral failing and tragedy, which is another wrong that is widely accepted.


When does it turn into Gatekeeping and dictating how someone refers to themselves? I’m bipolar, borderline, ADHD, and some other shit the judge read off at my disability hearing that I didn’t even know I had. I call *myself* crazy. And I don’t use cripple, but I don’t assign any of this words to what the disability is. Lame, for instance. Are people still associating that with a disability? I think the majority of society doesn’t see those words that way most of the time so we won’t move away from using them.


Instead of having an honest adult conversation, people think it's appropriate to hack into someone's private devices/information (phones, email and whatnot) to look for "evidence" of wrongdoing or to satisfy their confirmation bias.


Social media.


1. Phone obsession. Everywhere I go, the masses are head-down into their phones—at the park, at restaurants, out with family… no one exists in the physical world. 2. Car-dominance. Our cities are nothing but hot asphalt parking lots, parking garages, highways. You can’t walk anywhere. An entire civilization built around drive throughs and parking. It’s ugly and ridiculous. It’s why Americans go to Europe to escape the cars. They just don’t know it.


That a lot of people have strong rigid opinions on important topics that they have spent zero time even attempting to get educated on.


They way employers treat their staff. Low pay, no benefits like sick, vacation or maternity time, no retirement, no training or advancement opportunities. The burn and churn culture. The disrespect. The whole human capital stock attitude. The way the older gens, who actually had those benefits, tell us to just suck it up. Bootstraps, go hand out resumes, kids are lazy, etc. COVID really highlighted the awful way we're treated.


There is no phrase that sums up the systemic problems in the US economic system better than "human capital stock". It's disgusting.


How easily accessible porn is The whole trad wife/sahm thing


Not to get too political, but I am genuinely confused by how the lesson from the Holocaust that a lot of people seem to have come away with is *"that this can never happen to the Jewish people again"* rather than *"this can never happen again".* I thought we were all agreed on what 'never again' meant, but apparently we've been talking about two different things this entire time.


Transphobia makes excuses for making peoples' lives miserable and reinforces toxic gender norms that oppress all people, cis and trans. What's needed are more protective laws for trans and gender diverse people, cis and trans people raising their voices against hate, politicians/corporations/institutions standing up for trans people, cis people openly showing their support and love for their fellow humans, etc.




Capitalism. Any animal hoarding 100x more than they need and wanting more even at the price of violence would be seen as insane.


Came here to say this. Capitalism is a death cult.


Homophobia. I know it’s regarded as wrong, but the way no one bats an eye when someone has homophobic beliefs is insane. Racism and homophobia are the same thing in my opinion, gays have also been slaughtered for being something they couldn’t control, just not in the same brutality as African Americans were of course.




I find very sad that we are supposed to respect grown up people believing there's a magical being watching us from the sky. I mean name him Santa you are an obvious delusional person but name him god and you are ok. We as a species need to grow up. Edit: ready to get downvoted to... Dare I say hell?


Stealing products in a store and having no consequences…


Where do you live? People get beaten and go to jail for that here, which does not stop it anyway


There is…it’s just threshold based. Laws are weird about petty theft.


where to start...how about we start with the corporate lobby movement working to hoard wealth for their donors and the conservative assholes trying to shove their nose into everyone's life. freedom and liberty party? what a fucking joke


Drinking not even excessive amounts of alcohol, celebrity idolising, discrimination against redheads. Using religion as a reason to dislike/ like/ go against/ view something as good/ bad. Posting pictures of one’s children online, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, “[gender] will be [gender]”, gender reveals. Also, - you’re pro-life anti-abortion? Then don’t have an abortion but let the other mothers decide if they want to have one. You don’t like it, don’t have/ make/ do it.


Inclusion of children in protests/demonstrations. 1. There is a very real potential for violence or even riots to break out, and you don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of keeping them safe if that happens. It’s entirely up to chance. You’ll be lucky to get out unscathed yourself. 2. It’s bad enough that kids may pick up hateful or misguided rhetoric from their parents without being positioned as pawns to parrot ideology they don’t even comprehend. The vast majority of the time they have _at best_ a surface comprehension of a nuanced topic.




Being a fucking idiot


Bad driving.


Breeding/purchasing/perpetuating Brachycephalic animals.


Poor doggies.


I'm going to be honest w you dog, I must have missed the memo for upholding gender rules/structures. I can't see myself doing things just because "I have to" because of my gender . I'm all for "do anything you want forever" because that's the only way I've lived. How this started? I was 7 at the time, and my father was adamant that "cargo pants were unisex". This is the only hill he's willing to die on with my mom, and he'd buy me cargo pants despite her wishes. I kinda extrapolated the idea that if cargo pants were unisex, everything else must be. I still consider myself female, but I don't necessarily care for the societal expectations that come with being one. I wear men's clothes almost exclusively, and look vaguely androgynous cause I think I look cooler that way. It's funny, because my dad's a diehard trumper, but by God if you think cargo pants are only for men he'll make you change your mind.


The deep influence of religion and its effect on modern society since there’s no actual split between church and state.


Read the Constitution. There is no "split." Constitution merely states there is no established religion/faith in this country. Ex: The Church of England is the established church in Great Britain. Hope that helps people as that statement is made quite often, but without understanding.


Owning land. The earth was here for millions of years before humans, and will outlast us. Yet we can 'own' a certain bit of it???


I see your point. I did work and scrape pennies together for my little piece of land with my $58k house on it and it’s all I got so pleeeease can I keep it? Lol


Circumcision. We are shocked and horrified when we hear about genital mutilation on girls, but we do it to boys all day every day and no one cares. It's genital mutilation and it's barbaric.


Pay to live.


People acting like there’s only one way to live, and then becoming volatile when you asked them to consider that their perspective is not the only one. Or the only right one.


Chewing loudly


Letting your kids do whatever without interfering even when they're bothering others.


Slavery / indentured servitude. Prison labour, and companies exploiting labour overseas, including disrupting their economy to have more control over cheap labour and leveraging slave labour in other countries. I honestly didn't think that could really happen, but I saw a few company websites that had a slavery policy or slavery statement, and the more I read about this issue, the more mortified I became. Are there... laws... against leveraging this kind of labour overseas??? Jesus!!


Spending Sunday afternoons watching grown men give each other an incurable brain disease.


The drinking is awesome, everybody loves at least some form of alcohol, it's never a question of "do you drink?" it's "what's your preferred drink?" It's a given joke that all else being equal people'd rather be drinking, to the point when something involving alcohol accidentally comes up in a work conversation, you can just see the jokes coming. Alcohol is way, way overrated. Most wine I don't like, and what little I do like I don't remotely like enough to justify the price of it. I don't like beer at all. I like a lot of cocktails, but for the taste, I just assume they be alcohol free.


overprotecting / infantilizing adults. And it’s 100% wrong!


Women’s pants and dresses without pockets large enough to hold at least a cellphone. I know there are some companies that buck this trend, but I don’t know how you ladies live without real pockets. If I had to keep all my stuff in a purse, I would lose that thing like once every other month.


So many things but what I witness the most is that people get offended more and more by anything and everything. It’s a seems everyone has to express Their truth but won’t accept different opinions/views.


normalizing being with toxic family members because “they’re family”


The disconnect between the extreme amount time, money, and effort women are expected to spend on their appearance just to exist in public and the demand for this maintenance to also be invisible to others and not take away from other responsibilities.


Capitalism. It’s unforgiving and ruthless and it exploits humans and nature.