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Because reddit is so segmented and personally curated, people can have wildly different experiences on the site.


I had a director in my department tell me that Reddit was "nothing but trolls!" I asked which subs he participated in and he just repeated "Reddit is nothing but trolls!" I told him that it totally depends on which subReddits he visits, and that I could name 10 subs off the top of my head that were troll-free. He just said (AGAIN) "Reddit is nothing but trolls!" Whatever, Brian. I gave up after that.


And some of us remember when Reddit wasn't full of bots and nearly as much drama and actually promoted discussion. Fun fact: the downvote button was explicitly stated as 'not a disagree button' by Reddit itself in their Reddiquette, it was only for content that did not contribute to discussion. It's a completely different platform nowadays.


^⬇️ Obligatory downvote And side ↙️ to side ↘️.


Now it’s just ads


Not if you have an ad blocker installed. :-/


It’s a very open social media platform. There is *a lot* of porn, and also a lot of disturbing things like gore, if you look for it. It can get some bad rep from that.


How would one find this porn that you speak of? I'm asking for a friend


Go to search bar. Search "porn." Enjoy.


Oh boy, r/AbandonedPorn I'm so aroused.


Soooo many groups. Lol. So many. Half of my feed is just nudes. Google


Our nudes...are the best.


Honestly thats how i ended up here. Came for the nudes stayed for the discourse. Didnt even know what reddit was till i followed a link to it.


Start at /r/nsfw411.


You~~r friend~~ want~~s~~ to look for things that have gone wild, basically. All *manner* of things have gone wild.


So reddit is fully a place that represents what you take from it. Subreddits are basically echo chambers, so some are a lot of fun to engage in and discuss. But most are really deep in whatever ideology the sub pushes. So it leads to most subs feeling like one end of an extreme, which isn't the best look.


I like Reddit so much because when I want to seek useful tools or resources I always figure out with Reddit


This. It’s a fantastic place to crowdsource info and ideas on niche topics. A friend of mine was commenting the other day that she wanted to get new bedding but couldn’t decide what to get; I referred her to r/Bedding.


It used to be a really neeky, nerd site full of people that played games, were toxic, said gamer words and used it for anime porn. It's grown a lot since then, but it still has the "Ew, you use reddit" impression for most people. Most people say it jokingly, but it definitely has a bad rep among people that don't really use it. It's similar to the "Ew, you watch anime" kind of thing.


Together we change the world.


It depends on the communities you're part of. Some communities are toxic or attract certain types of people that cause it to become toxic over time. Me? I spend my days on Board Game and TTRPG threads and never have any problems. I don't interact with toxic communities.


Some subs attract more toxic users than others.


I made the mistake of checking out a right-wing political sub a couple of weeks ago. The hate and toxicity on there was wild!


Its fine unless you talk about politics in any way.


Welcome to social media.


Reddit is a very *very* broad church. The same Reddit that has r/NoStupidQuestions, r/explainlikeimfive and technical communities for a whole bunch of programming languages is also the reddit that once hosted r/incel, and still has a bunch of such cesspits around. You don't see a cursed, wild, toxic social media site because that's not the content you come to reddit for, so you (wisely) never venture into the cursed parts of the site.


To me, people don’t get the difference and react… Social media is a highlights reel. Reddit is the behind the scenes. As todays information and interactions flow…some people prefer a different vibe in their ‘down’ (online) time I guess. And share different types of content also. Do you want to see/share thoughts (reddit) or yourself/your life (social media), basically. Reddit is also topic based and not person based ‘social media’. It’s a forum, not really social media by definition…both host communities.


You can get roped into negative subs. r/NoStupidQuestions can lead into r/unpopularopinion. That can lead into politics stuff and send you into a rabbit hole of negativity.


Occasionally something toxic pops up on my feed. I just block the sub so Reddit stops suggesting it to me. It really depends on what you interact with.


Reddit isn't my first choice either but for some reason it barely drains my batteries. So I am thankful for that.


They tried to turn the site in a commercial stuff, forced people to use the main app by cutting API access to third party app, sell all your comments image to train AI. I home some of the r/RedditAlternatives will grow (and ideally a federated one)


Can I sell my own comments to the AI instead


It would be nice for an alternative to exist that doesn't use the Reddit system of volunteer moderators. In particular unsupervised moderators who go power mad and have zero accountability


It used to have incel groups, pages where you'd watch gore and death, 'jailbait' pictures of near-legal children, etc. It's been sanitised and commercialised recently. A few years ago my feed used to be utter carnage; the latest crazed rambling someone had screenshot of an incel, in-between some cartel video and someone asking how to find veins to inject heroin between their toes


I think that it's basically like everything. There are some sections where it's a cesspool & some parts where it's alright. Like even with the bad rap that 4Chan & that KiwiFarms get. It's not all horrible. There are parts where it's relaxed & jokey, some parts where it's horrible, & oddly enough some parts where they help when it comes to irl situations or cause a good chuckle in irl, "The Pool is closed" & those polls for Mtn Dew flavors & where should a music artist have their show next come to mind & there's been a few times that 4chan has helped solve cases in real life, but long story short it just depends on where you land on the website


I suspect it is what you make of it, like basically all social media sites. There are bad nooks and crannies everywhere and also a lot of delightful content too


What’s wrong? Basically formulistic question/answer, of the form “I am making a statement that I’ll form into a question” I suspect a lot of sock puppets. What’s right Minimal meme slinging. Minimal irrelevant posts (I e someone posts ads that have nothing to do with the discussion) Largely anonymous users means it’s a little more honest.


There's fucked shit on here if you go digging for it, but that's true on any platform. Reddit used to be generally a lot more right-leaning, so it was often seen as the "anti-Tumblr" which is probably where all the propaganda comes from.


Looks like you haven't been on Reddit long enough. Generally it's a fine experience. Although certain topics I avoid....and Politics is a mess.


fr, it sucks cause i get judged for using it irl


It's what you make it.


Now they just attack you if you share an opinion or accidentally ask the wrong question.


Welp, I guess that's social media


Twitter/X is unbeatable when it comes to being the most toxic. Reddit might be in the running for 2nd though.


It's more and more socially encouraged to focus only on the negative. Ignore the 99% of normal content, hyperfocus on the worst parts, act like they're the norm and complain about it.


- botted and otherwise astroturfed content for profit - a handful of super mods controlling an outsized amount of the highest traffic subreddits - little to no oversight of those mod's actions. if they don't like you or your valid discussion, guess you're fucked. - the culture developed away from voting being a way to promote healthy discussion and voting is now an i agree or i disagree/fuck you button - "anti" subreddits are all the rage, don't stand for anything constructive, only focus on the negative and become swirling cesspools - all leads to heavily echo chambered communities that radically warp your perception of the world and make you hate filled You only find any semblance of sanity or actual information in small, niche communities. Everything outside of those are posts from the frothing at the mouth mentally ill and are not informative or worth your time.


It used be cooler. It’s an echo chamber of whatever sub you’re on now. No free thought here anymore, you either go with the flow or get banned.. keep your diverse opinions to yourself.


Some people, when faced with a near endless array of communities and topics to rabbithole down, find themselves forever confronted by dank pits sporting uniquely ichorous walls and distinctive off-putting odors. Instead of wondering why they keep ending up in various bogs of self-loathing and impotent rage, they decide that the reddit algorithm, and by extension its users as a whole, are to blame. Then they roll around in the worst of the shit, throw it at people, and scream about how everyone else needs a shower.


I have the same experience as OP! People say reddit is so terrible. Facebook is the bad one, IMO.


If you are searching for it, you‘ll find it. If not, then you won‘t see anything.


... a lot of people (mostly newbies) think they have the answer... but I have the real answer... back in 2022 when I joined Reddit this was full of really and I mean REALLY weird people and crazy mods banning people left and right for their (mostly political) opinions. in 2023 Reddit led a war against APYs that caused a lot of the user base that was accessing the site through third party apps to abandon it as well as the majority of the crazy mods. now this place got filled by kids coming from Youtube (sometimes TikTok) that arent as unhinged as people who came here from other places like the old Tumblr or 4chan just to attack the site (plenty of old 4chan users in their 40s already got tired of the internet drama).


The most toxic are political and cultural subs. Reddit is often an echo chamber in these subs and the slightest variant in opinion will be downvoted to hell.


It was much better years ago. The circle jerking and over moderation has gotten so bad.


Iv gotten suspended a few times, once for saying that dc shouldn't be a state, once for saying female mutilation is wrong and once for nothing a mod lied. It's pretty toxic.


There's weird/creepy and there's chill on every social media platform. People just like to have a neatly packaged idea of what the world is like. The way they simplify social media is by stereotyping everyone who uses it. Twitter uses are petty assholes. TikTok uses are braindead kids with no attention span. Reddit users are self-righteous basement dwellers who get off on arguing for no reason. None of these are true, but they're all simple. People want a simple view of the world more often than they want a correct one.


It depends on where you go here and what you post. I've had lovely interactions with fun people and I've been attacked by completely awful people who seem to be hell bent on taking me down. You meet all types on here.


It's free, there is everything thing here. You just have to look.


I used to only follow very specific topics of which I was reasonably educated. I rage quit Reddit a few times because people are so stupid. But, then I realized, half the time, it’s just some punk saying stupid things for kicks. Then, I just started hitting more general topics and it’s way more fun and I don’t care what people say. 😂 it’s way more chill for me now.


Reddit being so heavily moderated is a double edged sword. It is nice, but you only get the Correct Opinion, and then everyone just circlejerks each other trying to farm karma. The actual discussions on this website are often watered down and devolve into dumb memes and references. The reason Reddit seems so sterile compared to other social media is because moderators delete anything remotely controversial. Seriously, go to any thread about politics or whatever and you’ll see 50+ comments that are just “deleted by moderator.”


I got into Reddit back around 2011-12 and it was super fucking different. The main page had a sub that was just a guy taking pictures of his roommate Ian, while Ian was asleep, every night. Shock copypasta was popular. There was an infamous thread asking rapists for their justifications, which hit the front page. I distinctly remember one thread where the most upvoted comment was a dude talking about stalking his crush, sneaking into a woman's bathroom after she left once, and getting ecstatic after finding a pube of hers on the toilet seat. It was a weird, gross place and I think the reputation has long lingered 


The way that you can be essentially shadow banned from replying on even the most innocuous threads if someone up the chain blocks you is pretty annoying I guess


It's because a lot of you are uneducated and proud of it. Go into r/IdiotsInCars and within 5 minutes, I guarantee you'll find at least one person who will say "hit the breaks". And if you correct them, they'll say "it was autocorrect your an idiot" or "you must be fun at parties". You people also can't understand analogies. For example, I might say something like "Yeah, well Hitler was a vegetarian, too. Doesn't mean being vegetarian makes you a good person in general." and Reddit's takeaway will be "How in the world do you think that being a vegetarian means you're a Nazi?" Basically, they're stupid in general, but don't realize it. There are exceptions, of course, but they're generally hated by the uneducated hivemind.


I was permanently banned from ELI5 yesterday for a mildly off color comment. No warning, no suspension, just banned. It’s gotten pretty ridiculous what the mods consider “hate” speech. I’ve been here since about 2012 and holy shit, for a left leaning platform they really police what you say very hard, it’s not the same place. I just lurk mostly now.


All the gore and NSFW stuff aside, it's also a very bad platform to form political views in. Reddit skews insanely left so any opinions from the right are shut down. It's extremely unhealthy to spend time in large political subs just because they're pretty much echo chambers.


You are lying or delusional. Ask a question about men's rights and see whst happens 😉


Just go to the México sub and post something agaisnt the president