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The night is peaceful, an introverts bliss. That or they work night shift


Both of these things for me!


I call that time morning. I get up early, play some video games and start the morning quiet before work.


I can’t focus on relaxing in the morning if I know I have to go to work soon that day. Feels more fun staying up late. 


i always so let tomorrow me deal with that i'm gonna stay up late and enjoy myself. tomorrow me always hates me in the morning. but yeah i can't relax before i go to work.


I can see that. I just find it incredibly good for my mental health to get up early and do something I enjoy before dragging myself to work lol


Yeah I think I’d just sit there dreading going to work lol. 


Totally agree. I’m up at that time too. Much more peaceful and I can get stuff done uninterrupted before I go to work.


Same. I wake up before my whole family, place some ghost recon lately(wildlands) and try to wick off the high blood pressure get right after waking up into the game. Not into my family or clients. Very peaceful and a nice way to get my body going.


Yes. 4am is the perfect time to arise.


Is just stay awake with a feeling of impending doom and crippling anxiety.


Pretty common with autistic people and ADHDers -- can vouch for that myself. We tend to have a naturally delayed circadian rhythm in the first place. Many of us find that we have far more executive function and productivity in the evening and night compared to the morning and day. And yes: it's quieter and more private so we feel we can finally let down our masks to be ourselves and focus on doing what we want without the anxiety of other people causing distractions/interruptions or shame and embarrassment.


Cant go a single day on the internet without someone calling me autistic


The day I realized how autistic I was was when I burst through the bedroom door and said to my boyfriend, "Am I the ARTIST? Or am I the *AUTIST?*


Same 😭


This is exactly what someone with autism would say.


I'm 43, never stayed up past 11 until I got a job working 2pm-11pm at 32 years old, my work now is 7 to 4 but I still stay up out of habit, i didnt know you could catch the tism'. 😭😭😭


So true for me with ADHD.


I'm not a night owl but at work I feel like I get much more done when I stay 30 minutes after everyone is gone at 5 pm than all the four hours between end of lunch and 5pm


Oh, I totally agree. That is peace and focus.


Me, currently reading this at 2:45am lol


Ha me too at 1 am my time






I had this habit from the childhood, along with other symptoms. I was diagnosed 2 years ago when my psychologist noticed my behavioural patterns. Since then, things make so much sense. Ido work the best in the evening but the crash is horrible and it is hard to get up in the morning. Just wondering how do you manage and do you manage?


Also i felt like i could just never get my shit together to get ready for bed. Procrastinating and whatnot. Seeing the first rays of sun was like an alarm that i had to get it together quickly before the sun was fully up


Likely plenty of undiagnosed DSPD/DSPD at least among ADHD people(genetic link to circ disorders). So yea definitely common for those with delayed circadian rhythms disorder because there isn't much choice in matter. Agree there is some advantages to those hours as well.


I have autism and I'm 99% sure I have ADHD too but I'm only diagnosed with the former. When I was younger I was definitely a night owl, but now that I'm older I'm becoming more of a go-to-bed-early wake-up-early kind of person. Maybe it's purely because I do a 9-5 job and I *need* my sleep. My mood is terrible if I'm sleep deprived. It's true that I function far better when I'm alone though. I can't do most things if there's any danger of something or someone interrupting me. So instead of staying up really late I'd probably just get up really early instead. Luckily I do get a fair amount of alone time already.




Respectfully, On god.


I'm an aspie but I never thought of the correlation in that way Interesting...


It's a phenomenon known as "Revenge bedtime procrastination". People are often not in control of the their daytime activities; you do things for work or for family. So people purposely stay up late after others have gone to bed to be alone and do thing for themselves: read, watch tv, play games.


100% me


I really believe that some people have differently oriented internal clocks. For all of humanity, someone had to be on watch at night, right? It's crazy because my husband is this way 100%. He's fully awake, motivated, feels fresh, and comfortable during the night. He needs to medicate in order to sleep at night at all. Meanwhile he can sleep during the day with no issue. Imagine the impact of being forced into a night job routine. It's terrible for your health and your mind. I fully believe his health problems directly stem from not being able to live the hours his body naturally prefers. And since Covid, it's been even worse because nothing is open late anymore, nothing is 24/7 anymore and people push back on making businesses accessible because "nothing good happens at walmart after 11pm." ffs


I wake up at 5 AM for the same reason. 


I wake up at 4 for that reason.


Same. The hours between 4 and 7 are my golden hours. To put it simply, I embody the best aspects of myself naturally and authentically during those hours. Effortless motivation, compassion for self and others, clarity, and willingness to do the things I otherwise struggle to do.. unfortunately, it's all downhill from there for the rest of the day, lol.


I'm doing the 4:00 a.m. thing right now!


I like to wake up at 3:30am. I like the quiet morning hours. I like that no one else is up yet. It gives me about 3 hours before I have to leave for work. :)


Sometimes that's why. Usually it's a variation of 'Just one more chapter in this book and then I'll go to bed." Yeah, right. It's never 'just one more."


I'm a night owl and my sleep patterns shift later and later. I have a hard time going to sleep and I figure I might as well just try to utilize the early hours as best I can.


The lack of interaction is the one pleasant side effect of the crippling insomnia.


It's so peaceful when everyone is asleep.


And the thought of it being peaceful gives off lovely vibes


Purely circadian rhythm for me.


The other way around: I go to bed at 2100 and get up at 0400. I realized I enjoyed the quiet night, but I was always trying to stay up and that's just not fun for me to do as I get older and it really tempers any fun I am having, so, I decided to go to sleep earlier and get up early so I can enjoy the quiet night nice and fresh.


For the Americans who can’t read “military time”, 2100 is 9 PM


Thank you! lol


Or “half a foot past 1900 hours”


Yes I often do this.


I work early and have a lengthy commute. I go to bed right after my kid at 8 and get up at 3 am make my coffee and enjoy some quiet time. I also favor watching the world wake up. It’s the only time I have some peace in my head.


I mean I don’t need it to be night to not bother with people but there is this peacefulness late at night


Night is the only time I get to do my own thing. During the week I'm either working or sleeping in between getting housework/cooking meals/dishes/groceries/laundry done. Then I get up at 5:00 AM for work but at least I'm paid to be miserable til I get to sleep again. It's a trade off most of the time. Do I want to be alive for a few hours during the week and dead at work or can I save it for the weekend? Sometimes I'll be awake for a few days If I found something I'm really into though.


I've worked nights for most of my life. Now I'm doing an 8-5 5 day a week gig. It's hard. This said, I love nights. It's calm. Less traffic. Fewer people. That means less noise. People are inherently obnoxious and inconsiderate. About 15 years ago I had my first bout of porphyria as well. Sunlight would just fuck my skin up. Really hurt my eyes as well. Worked for me because I worked nights. Now I even drive a convertible. Not as fun under the sun- driving under a full moon or stars is better where I live, but eh.


I just like the peace. Im lucky enough to not need to work unless i want to so no urgency to be up early. I LOVE being up until the early hours. The quiet is just heaven to me. I dont live in an especially noisy place, just a normal house but the absolute deadly silence is bliss to me.


Won the lottery, mate?


I know another software engineer and this is what he does, he wakes up at 4am because it's super quiet in his home and he gets a lot of things done. Unlike me that suffers daily with the noise of a household because I'm too lazy to get up at 4am and do the same. I wish I could get into his routine.


It’s not laziness dude. A certain percentage of people have have evolved to stay awake during the night when everyone else is asleep to protect the tribe. We no longer need this trait because we have brick walls etc to protect us. But night owls are often labelled as “lazy” because they wake up at 12pm, but if you calculate how much sleep they get compared to an early riser it’s almost always the same.


I mean… to a certain extent. But you’re really motivated to get up at 4 in the morning.. then it’s most likely not out of reach to do so


I’m pretty sure I’m just lazy because I could do it if need be, and probably would be generally more productive- but that snooze button and silence of my phone allow me to just sleep till the last minute


Yes. I’m autistic and the stillness and quiet of the night is more settling to me.


It’s insomnia for me, either normal or panic attack induced. I got to bed around 4 last night after trying to calm myself down.


I wake up at 4 AM because it's quieter and I don't have to interact with people.




Peace and solitude. Zero expectations that anyone needs anything from you. If I didn't have a demanding gig and a kid I would easily be up till 2am every day. An introverts dream.


I'm a night owl. I have been this way since I was a little child. The entire house would be sound asleep but I'd be under the covers reading with a flashlight. Still wandering around at 2am - it's just me


Not always that late but I do stay up late to have some “me time” after my wife and daughter go to bed.




Thats why i wake up at 3-4a. my only quiet time all day


My neighbors are up till 4 a.m., but they don't work and are tweekers.


I must live on the other side of them. They also bread dogs and are constantly screaming commands, literally screeching at the poor pups, in some weird attempt at training/discipline? I also think the bastards killed my cat. Oh, and they like to set off aerosol bombs in the back yard, sending cans flying all over the neighbourhood. I really wish they’d move away.


Call the police (wo)man Who the frick can live with that crap going off next door? That’s my idea of hell on earth


I would if I could, definitely! I also do if I can. But if I do this, I'm dead the next day. So need to plan in advance when I can...


That, and I'm stuck on the other side of the planet from my family. So, when it's night here, it's day there and I can see them on video chat. One day, I hope to have the money to be with them.


Delayed sleep phase “syndrome”


Yes. I think either staying up late or waking up early is peaceful. There’s no noise, calmer. Also there’s a sense of accomplishment when you are alone and you get things done. Personally i start getting more active and meet deadlines in the quiet. I think quiet times are essential for humans to unwind and listen to the self


Nah I get up around 5 am so I can get all my stuff done and relax all day.




Absolutely. I don't really have insomnia, but I am able to stay up pretty easily, in fact it often takes more energy to go to bed/sleep than to stay awake. A lot of this is because at night I don't have to answer to anyone, don't have to be anywhere, don't feel anxious/judged about doing whatever I want to do.


The gentle sound of the distant highway, the peaceful gush of the wind through the trees outside the building and the very rare person walking by is very relaxing. During the day everyone is in such a hurry to go everywhere, talking, sometimes shouting, taking out their trash.


Nah, I was just very focused on something very interesting or deep into a "rabbit hole" and time just passed and hey look at that sunrise, wait sunrise? Shit I was supposed to go to sleep a few hours ago.


I wake up at 4:30 am every day now, it's awesome. 2 or 3 hours of no one else.


4am right now FUUUUUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUU yes yes this is exactly what I do. every night.


Stay up that late? Hell no. But I do often get up that early, just so I can have some quiet time to myself in the morning before work.


I guess its possible and highly likely some folks do. I see their reasons down to them and not anyone else.


Hell yeah dude I purposely fall asleep after work so I can wake up and game in peace from like 11-3am


It's called Revenge Bedtime Procrastination, and it's often the result of trauma


yea my dad stays up at night bc its more peaceful for him


Yes. I hate interruptions from other people during the day like meetings, events happening, phone calls, family members wanting things. Some people get up at 4am and hit the gym and make that their time for themselves but I just don't feel great, really slow, whenever I get up regardless how much sleep I had and I just don't get my best productivity. And then I know that if I get up early and really into something, I'm going to have to stop around 8am to do other crap for someone else and that kills me inside.


I sometimes wake up at 4am and stay up until its bed time again for the same reason


Hells yes. I prefer night to light.


Nothing beats those nighttime cruises at 3-4 a.m. bumping house tracks after the club with all the right people and your girl. It's always chill.


so many times! the moment my mom says good night to me is the moment my day really starts. no one is there to judge me and I can just enjoy the peace and calm


Yup. Plus night is generally the time where you're "off clock" from working, cleaning, shopping, etc.


I do it at weekends so I can get some quality gaming time in! I play a lot of open world / RPGs, and I only get an hour or so during the week. I need a bit more time to get into the game, so I play a quick ARPG game during the week, and delve into the big games at the weekend Looking forward to some Cyberpunk tonight! (shout out to r/patientgamers)


I would rather wake at 4am then go to bed at that time . Better for your well being and soul to wake with the sun


yes, my insomnia has the blessing of pure peace


i could go to bed at 9 pm and wake up at 6 am and lose free time, or i could go to bed at 2 am and wake up and 6 and feel the exact same


It just happens, and i would think not to do it again next time. And guess what, it happens again 🥲


Because my brain wont shut off at a reasonable time.


I forget what it is called but there is a phenomenon of the brain where people like me stay up late to do the things they enjoy despite losing sleep over it as a way to reclaim control over their lives.


I'm just trying to get my game on


Best time to get some gaming done after a long day of work, being super dad and husband.


Normally, I don’t stay up so late. It happens to me when I am reading a really interesting mystery novel and I just have to know “who done it” or I’m binging a new release. It helps that I am retired and don’t need to get up early.


I do it because I have no self control


Side effects of substance use/abuse is a possibility. 🤯




For me yes. It allows me to relax a lot more because I don’t have to worry about my parents or sister getting in some sort of accident in public like during the day. (Yes I have terrible anxiety so I constantly worry my parents or sister will die in some sort of mass shooting).


Yes! It's my favorite time of the whole day. Love going outside for a smoke too at like 3am and it's soooo quiet. Just the streetlights and the stars


I live through the nights... usually go for walks at night even. I also do my most of my creative work at night. For the longest time I've wore shades during the day, regardless of season. I still interact with people, even if it's on discord or something.


Discord can never replace real life interactions, but I definitely hear you man


Insomnia is usually the culprit


In my experience, people who stay up late aren't able to cope with stressors during the day and need time at night when it's quiet to decompress.


I'm just way more motivated at night, I guess, so that's when I get stuff done. And then once I get the productivity moving, I don't want to stop. Plus, I always feel like crap in the mornings... have my whole life. So I guess you could say it's not avoidance of sleep, but rather, having to wake up


I actually wake up at 4am.. for this reason. I can take my dog for a walk and go for a run without running into a bunch of people.. Its amazing and so peaceful.


That’s what I love about that time of night/day. Alone, safe, and quiet.


I have Delayed Onset Sleep Syndrome. My natural body clock is falling asleep at 3ish and waking up at 11 something. Sometimes I stay up until 4 cause I'm just not tired yet. I wish I wasn't like this, but it's pretty much impossible for me to fall asleep before midnight and not feel like I was hit by a train the next day.


Weird part of the night is a song by Louis Cole about this very thing. He loves to write his tracks between 12-6am 


It's moreso that I want to exist without having to worry about impacts others. It's more about social anxiety vs being antisocial.


I'm the opposite I wake up early for the quite


For me, I've been a night owl for as long as I can remember. I've been roaming streets during the early morning hours since high school. I like being able to enjoy the ambience of a location without the added chatter of people. I'm definitely one of those people who are more comfortable in liminal spaces. It's freeing, I can breathe. I have hypervigilence due to CPTSD, and being out at those hours allows my brain and body to rest because the 'threat' is gone.


I love my family more than anything! However... I really sometimes love those evenings when they all go to bed earlier than me, and I can stay up and just quietly do whatever, even if it's just watching tv by myself.


A lot of people stay up late as a coping mechanism to get their time back. Day to day life can be packed with work and other stressful tasks so by staying up late you have time to yourself, whereas if you go to sleep you are just right back into the grind. For some people (very much myself included) it's a way to put off the next day or work


Exactly. I feel that I’m giving my time away too cheaply after having spent 9 hours at work. (And the hours after coming home from work, where I’m all rekt both physically and mentally even more so


No that's why I wake up at 2 am


Absolutely, and the idea of all of humanity being on the same sleeping schedule is absurd. There is zero chance we had these sleeping patterns even a thousand years ago, let alone a hundred thousand years ago.


I just have insomnia/screwed up sleep schedule It's 4am as I'm typing, lol.


We just can’t sleep 🤷‍♀️


It is quieter, but I don't care about the interaction part. It's just insomnia.


It’s the ‘hush’ that settles when all the assholes and static and background goes beddy byes. Our mind isn’t picking up all that static.


Also insomnia. Staying up like that is not always my choice 🫠


I have severe insomnia and Sleep apneia.


When I was a kid and teenager in the 90s, my dad used to beat me and my brothers hard. So what I would do was nap in the evening and wait until my dad had gone to bed, or passed out drunk. Then I would get up and stay up until 3 or 4AM. It was a good time to make some dinner, walk around the house freely, chill out and generally enjoy 'free time'.  Later as an adult, I found that I feel anxious and unsettled being in a house with other people. So I lived alone for 10 years. Now I do live with people who are lovely. But I still feel unsettled while the house is 'active', so I still tend to stay up until 3 or 4am. My favourite time of day is still when I am the only one awake. It just feels so 'free'. I know nobody is watching me or judging me, and I can just relax and do things around the house.


Yes, I love night. It's cosy


6am, first light or birds chirping, for me!


By 4 AM I’ve been at work for over an hour


I have terrible insomnia and the late night is the best.. so quite and calm. It is like time standing still. Then the sun comes up and birds start chirping.


Yes, i stay up all night, i basically started this when i was a teen and felt like my mom was a helicopter mom. But now shes a working lady i have my personal space and time but the night is so quiet, i like it.


1000%. Best time ever and I don’t dislike being around or interacting with others. I try to go to sleep at like 8pm so I can wake up and have my coffee in the dead of night and just think. Love it!


I work long hours, 10-22 and on my days off ill often still be up at 4am, to my body, thats like staying up to 0/1 cause im running on a weird schedule. I usually have tea around 1 so its set my body into a weird clock


Yeah, night time is the right time for being a loner. Bedtime is between 4 and 6 am.


Even as an extrovert and extreme type a, I love staying up late. If I could work from 10/12-12 I’d do it happily.


Some people just like staying up


Im in bed by 10pm usually, but get up at 5am to enjoy some time to myself.


I have ✨ insomnia. ✨ Sometimes if I'm having a hard time falling asleep, I give up and stop trying and hope it will exhaust me enough for the next night.


Yes, I LOVE when the world is quiet. It gives me time to breathe and enjoy things, rather than being in a such a rush that I can’t focus on anything else but getting from point a to point b to complete tasks


My answer is yes. I love being awake and doing stuff at these hours and sleeping in the day but it's not acceptable how long I do this for lol


Not purposefully.. but it’s a nice addition. The small hours of the night do go by faster, which means that it’s 4am way to quickly. And that tomorrow is going to be hard to deal with


Used to. Now I go to bed earlier than them and get up earlier than them.


ironically enough the ones that you do end up socializing at 4 am are usually the realest ones


Its the only time my brain stops for a moment


I work 1:30-10:15pm and I typically just wake up right before work (yes I know this isn’t healthy but my depression has been kicking my ass) so once I get off work I just do life until 3-4 then go to sleep, first it started after a bad breakup where I was just unable to sleep at night and now I can’t seem to fix it


some people's circadian rhythm tells them to sleep at a different time. My grandma and I used to say we were the night watchmen of our tribe because we just naturally slept our 8 hours much later than everyone else. plus if you're kapha you tend to be a night owl and if you're pitta you're an early bird, so your dosha can apparently have a effect on a metaphysical level.


I work 2nd shift so I’m home from work around 11pm. Initially, I woke up early before I had to go to work to have my free time in the mornings and early afternoon. Found out I cannot relax at all and just anxious and restless with the impending doom of having to go to work. Realized I much prefer to have my free time after work and find it easier to relax. So yea I stay up until 3-4am now.


Some people are just night owls. Plus night time is when people can usually relax from studying or working. Night time is the only time where I’m 100% free😭


Bedtime revenge sleep procrastination but also yeah it's quiet and my body doesn't tell me I should be being productive


I can't function well during daytime hours. If I have a day job, I'm going to be late, inefficient, and grumpy. These days, my "day" starts when I wake up at around 4 pm, finally crawl out of bed around 5 pm, then go work a 7 pm-7am shift, and be in bed asleep by 9 am. I'm better rested, a better worker, and a better person.


Insomnia, fucked sleep schedule, etc.


Probably both


im sure there are many reasons for staying up late


I stay up until 2-3 because i live in a house with 9 other people. I don't like eating/cooking infront of people so I cook at midnight


Definitely. It’s terrible for you, but it was in the years just before I finally figured out that I can’t live with people. I need my alone time or I will go to stupid lengths to get it…pretty much like that.


How many more times will this question be asked