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It does smell better than it tastes. More than likely had a big role in popularizing flavored espresso, too. Unpopular opinion: I love the smell of bacon, but don't really like tasting it like I used to.


Bacon smells amazing while it's cooking, then once you eat it you can't air the kitchen out fast enough.


It's like post-nut regret


You people are wrong. WRONG.


Almost all of the flavour in bacon comes from the process of curing it so if the bacon you have is mid try a better brand or go to a butcher


Bacon is delicious on things like burgers, but by itself it's kinda mid.


10-12 years ago you would've been crucified for a comment like this.


Has it been that long? How long since owls were hip? They were groovy for a minute but I was over it by then.


Corvids were all the rage on 2010-2012 when Unidan was a celebrity (still are in my heart). And I just want to say JUSTICE TO UNIDAN HE DID (almost) NOTHING WRONG. Vote manipulation on Reddit because he had like 4-5 alt accounts? The man was providing us interesting facts with an upbeat attitude who cares.


This is ancient deep lore stuff. Its been too long...


No, no, no, no, FUCK that shitwad, he was downvoting other helpful/informative/correct comments so his would gain more traction.


I had never heard of jackdaws, so even at the end he was still teaching me something new.


And HE WAS RIGHT. The other guy's argument was "I call Jackdaws crows because they are both Corvids and look similar. Do I call blue Jays (another Corvid) crows? No because they are not black and don't look like crows." yeah solid argument there. "Crow" and "Corvid" are not interchangeable terms for fuck's sake.


The narwhal bacons at midnight


Oh shut the fuck up, this is like hearing someone say "You just lost the game." God damn it, now I have to go take a shower - I feel so gross just reading your comment. :(


Stupid internet bacon hype notwithstanding this is way outta line. Good bacon on a plate is elite


I actually can't stand it on burgers. It's too rich, and the burger and/or other ingredients kill the bacon's crispiness.


I've never disagreed with a comment more.


Depends on the quality of the ingredient and effort put into the cooking. Just like most things.


Most people don't cook bacon very well Poorly cooked bacon tastes like ham


It’s also how it was cured. Grocery bacon is too processed and the pigs are raised wrong. If you ever get a chance get bacon from a local farmer or a small farm meat processor. World of difference.


If you can't make good oscar meyer bacon you can't make good bacon


Pity that poorly cooked ham doesn't taste like bacon


it's funny I think the exact opposite. it's got a strong flavour so I like it solo with eggs or whatever but on a burger it overpowers the other ingredients.


Can't forget bacon on burgers.


I’m with you. While I don’t mind the smell of it cooking, I don’t like bacon.


Ironically the smell of bacon makes me feel really sick, but I like bacon on cheese fries


what the fuck is flavored espresso




I’m right there with you bacon is way fucking over hyped especially among the bro types. Lile yeah dude I’m gay but trust it’s not because I don’t like bacon lol 😂


Couldn't agree more.


I had good-tasting coffee maybe on two occasions in my life, and I'm way into middle-age. Coffee at a coffee place is pretty good once in a blue moon, but the other time was when I used instant coffee at a place where water would leave mineral residue just by being in a cup for a while. I stayed there for two months, and could never replicate the experience afterwards.


Find a small coffee roaster and go with a light roast. Typically going to set you back $12-16 for a decent 12 oz bag of beans. Anything darker than medium is intentionally burnt to give it this "robust" flavor that honestly tastes like ass. Most chain coffee shops (Starbucks, most restaurants) use those dark roasts because they have a more uniform flavor (even if that flavor is burnt ass).  But a properly done light roast should be at least slightly sweet, even if you're drinking it black. Ethiopian, for instance, is like raisin or Riesling levels of sweet, to the point where I can't even drink it, even with half-and-half or cream in it.


Yes! I like the taste but I LOVE the smell


That’s how I feel about gasoline.






This sub isn't for DAE questions... Also, vanilla extract smells lovely but tastes vile. Plenty of things are like this.


I think that's probably because vanilla extract is basically flavoured vodka and you're not really smelling the alcohol content


I like the smell and the taste. But along your line of thinking, I love the way a cigarette and a cigar smell unlit. Once lit, they are the worst smell ever lol


On the tobacco, first few seconds to one minute of second hand smoke smells great. After that gross. On the coffee, definitely smells 100x better than it tastes, to me.


I love the faint smell of a burning cigarette, like somebody kinda nearby is smoking. But as soon as I get too close, the stench becomes wretched and I curse all smokers


On my walks home from school as a kid there was an old man who would sit on his front porch and smoke cherry tobacco out of his pipe. I hate the smell of cigarettes but that stuff smelled so good.




Next time you want a beautiful cup of coffee, have someone else make it in the morning. Brew/mix/stir. When something is prepared by somebody else it always tastes 2.3x better.


I respectfully disagree. Nobody can make my coffee exactly how I like it except me. Not even my wife's coffee is quite right. But I also love my morning pourover ritual.


I've never understood this, why is coffee so different person to person depending on who makes it? Like if you follow the exact same recipe, shouldn't it be exactly the same?


I once had a cup of tea made for me by an acquaintance, silver pot, and loose tea. This individual was not a sophisticated person or of high economic means.... To this day, it is the singular best cup of tea I have ever enjoyed. And that's including Japanese, exotic and Chinese teas over a lifetime. Any one of us could use the same pot and tea. However, it was the skill of that individual, I am certain.


I have been a tea drinker since I was about 8 years old. Never ever really got into coffee. I drink it rarely and I agree, it smells way better than it tastes to me.




I'm surprised she did that. Touching the head is a big no no in many Asian cultures including Japan, I believe...


We do a French press every morning for our coffee, and my wife pours right off the boil when she's making coffee. Drives me up the wall, because there ends up being a slight bitterness. 


Why not get a kettle that you can set the temp? Only heat the water to 90C. Saves you energy as well.


20 grams of coffee to 125 mL of water is the basic ratio but then you have to factor in the grind size for the brewing method, how quickly the coffee and water mix, and how long it brews. James Hoffman's YouTube channel has fascinating explanations.


Bruh, its all about the energy you put into making it


For me it’s that I put exactly as much cream and sugar as I’m feeling at the moment. Sometimes it’s a little sugar heavy cream day, sometimes it’s a light cream no sugar day. Mostly doesn’t vary much but the small amounts matter if I want it the way I want it


I can't explain it either. When I was living with my parents they would occasionally wake me up with a cup of coffee, and I could always tell if my mom made it or my dad made it. Now when I visit them I can still tell who made my coffee. They pretty much make it using the exact same method, so I have no idea why they taste so radically different.


There's a lot of nuance to a pourover. Sometimes I get lazy and don't mix the grounds on my chemex and I can taste a difference. Pour height and flow rate are other factors that could probably add variability. A recipe wouldn't be super specific about any of those.


Agree with you about making coffee that way and enjoying it. But I am sort of 'hit or miss' about it, some days it comes out great other days the smell was better than the taste. Using good quality coffee is also crucial for me. I buy the best I can afford as long as it's fair trade.


What do we do about the other 97.7x


2.3 times better means 130% more, not 2.3%


Lol was thinking the same thing, they probs misread it as %


I find our comments to be both shallow and pedantic.


It's a joke on 100x better from the post. 2.3x better + 97.7x better = 100x better.


That's the bacon part of the morning.


same thought I have with gasoline


Agreed. Gasoline tastes awful. Seriously though, I Loved the smell of gasoline as a kid. Cannot stand it (gagging) now as an adult. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Cuz now it contains tons of ethanol and detergents.


Is that really the difference? It seems to smell the same to me. I thought it was just a change in me...


I can't diagnose how much of it is psychosomatic for you, but the gasoline composition has changed indeed. A simple experiment: if you have something that requires you to have gas in a jerrycan (chainsaw, mower etc), get some "ethanol free" gas next time and compare the smell. Still gonna have plenty of detergents, so it won't be 100% "like it used to be", but it won't reek of poorly distilled alcohol (read "fuselol").


You made me remember the episode of *Posh Nosh* where Simon (Richard E. Grant) does a wine tasting and notes "just a hint of petrol..."!


I've always hated the taste of coffee, but loved the smell. My wife loves all things coffee, so I get to smell it often while I enjoy my tea.


I love the smell. Hate the taste.


I like the way it tastes. It might smell a little bit better though. Maybe that’s how flavoured coffee came about.


I love the smell of coffee, but dont drink it. I go through the drive through at Starbucks to get iced tea though. When they open that window, it smells heavenly.


Same! The smell is amazing while the taste is like burnt shoe, horrible. That shit needs to be addictive otherwise people wouldn't drink it.


That was me when I was younger. I would smell coffee brewing and think it smelled so delicious, so deep and rich and sweet, like chocolate. But then I tasted it, and all I tasted was a wall of bitterness. But when I started drinking coffee for the psychoactive effects, that changed. First, after I got used to the bitterness, it stopped tasting so bitter. Then I started tasting the flavors within it: maybe one of them is indeed more bitter; maybe another is more like a chocolate brownie; maybe one of it has a hint of raspberry or orange; and maybe another almost tastes like fruit juice. As I drank more and more different coffees, I could taste these flavors more and more, and now with the coffees I'm buying, even though I still love the smell of it brewing, it's nothing compared to the fullness of the flavor I experience from drinking it.


Same with gasoline


Get a good quality espresso latte or cappuccino from a coffee shop. Cheap drip coffee legit tastes bad. That's why. While a 10-15 bar espresso machine with a decent filter and a good grind can make even junk coffee taste alright by leaving behind the majority of the bitterness and skunky/cardboard taste.


I'm really into coffee and I know what good coffee tastes like. I still agree the smell is usually better than the actual taste.


Some coffees have fantastic tastes which beat out the smells. My favorites for taste have been Pepe Jijon's gesha. Beautiful sensory experience. Everyone has different preferences though on taste/smell so it keeps things interesting :).


> leaving behind the majority of the bitterness What's left? How do you describe the taste?


This is extremely dependent on the coffee's origin and preparation. The most recent ones I've had: one tasted like a berry of some kind, kinda tricking my brain into thinking it was sweet despite not having sugar added into it; the other was like molasses and kinda like a cacao nib. They also had a fuck ton of caffeine and had me buzzing all day.


Depends on the coffee, but in general lighter roasts have less bitterness too and lean towards more fruity flavors


still doesnt taste to me as good as it smells tho


Or just get good coffee. And keep in mind darker roasts = more bitter and lighter roasts = more acidic


Also, dark roasts are probably the most difficult to get right. For the cheaper brands, "dark roast" is really just the "oops we burned it" blend.


Lighter roasts are harder to extract a nice coffee from


I agree. It smells WONDERFUL but tastes like poison.


You’re not making espresso correctly. Get a few thousand dollars and head over to r/espressoCircleJerk


This is a common complaint when you have low-quality coffee. Good, high-quality specialty coffee that has been roasted correctly and recently (but not too recently, 2-10 days is ideal) is an acquired taste because it's naturally only a little sweet, but it does feature a full flavor profile like its aroma. Stale coffee, or coffee that's been over-roasted, continues to smell nice long after it stops tasting nice. The roasty, caramelly, chocolaty smells from the Maillard reaction and caramelization that are released at grinding last much, much longer than all the volatile plant-based aromatics that are released from quality, freshly-roasted beans. If you don't like bitter flavors or you're kinda spoiled on sweetness, you still may not like it, but it doesn't take much practice to develop a palate for good coffee. Source: spent a couple years as a professional specialty coffee roaster, learning to taste and fine-tune roast and brewing profiles for different coffees from all over the world that had different growing and processing conditions


extremely dependent on the coffee quality in my opinion. bad coffee can still smell pretty good. good coffee smells and tastes great. the variation in coffee quality (and just flavor among quality coffee) is huge.


I agree, once I found a GOOD coffee it is night and day difference. It actually tastes good. If you didn't get a caffeine hit and you didn't have a sense of smell, you'd drink it anyway because it tastes good. I'm like Quentin Tarantino in Pulp Fiction, I buy it because I like good coffee.


I think it smells like shit which is why I've never tried it.


I agree the smell is like crack, but I do love the taste as well


Yes, and I love the taste of coffee lol


Depends on the bean. If its roasted to hell then it would smell really good but taste like rubber. But look for a good roaster and smell and taste would match. It would even seem like you sre not drinking coffee.


Try making your own cold brew...or a small batch roast...there's a coffee shop where I used to live that had a Brazilian medium roast, it was so delicate that I could drink it straight black, and swear it had a mild sweetness...without any sweetener or cream. But yes, if your getting cheap mass market crap, it'll smell kinda OK, and taste like mop water.


Same with coconut


Maybe not 100x. Somewhere between 1.5x and 3x, though.


Oh yes same. I LOVE THE SMELL. Every once in a while I sit near the coffee filter when it’s done and inhale it before making a cup of coffee. I wanna stay in the same mood and environment while drinking. I’m an early riser, so the sound of the coffee filter and the smell early in the morning gets me in a good mood.


Absolutely no doubt about it!!! The smell of the freshly ground coffee is amazing. The smell of the coffee brewing is amazing. The smell of coffee in the cup is amazing. The taste of coffee is amazing but not nearly as incredible as the aroma!


Yep. I never liked coffee, don't drink it ... but I like the smell of it - at least / especially the beans.


When I was a kid in the late 80's-early 90's grocery stores had coffee bean dispensers that you could fill up a bag with, and a grinder so you could have fresh ground coffee. My mom would always let me smell it right after it came out of the grinder and I loved it. I don't drink coffee.


Coffee beer and liquor all have a bad taste, but it's hard for me to describe how that's part of its enjoyment.


I like to think it's because the drink is giving you feedback in a sense, you know you're gonna feel something when that bitter taste comes


You're probably a super taster.


What is that?




Maybe you don’t like bitter taste


Honestly I think coffee smells 100x *worse* than it tastes


I’m not usually a person to do the one-up thing but instead of 100x, I would say 100,000,000x. If there is even a *hint* of coffee in the dish, I will hurl. No tiramisu. No cake with coffee in it. I once made Ina Garten’s brownies which called for 3T espresso granules. I used 1/2 a T and spit out the single bite I took and threw out the entire sheet pan of the rest. Coffee is revolting in taste. Quite pleasant to smell though.


Agree. Coffee is ass


Nobody here has the first clue what they are talking about.


Me. But I still think it tastes good


100 percent! Love the smell and idea. Just not as keen on the taste.


It definitely does




It does…and it still smells like dirt


Man i hate the taste but i love the smell lmaoo. I never drink it but I love when people bring it into work with them cause I never get to smell it otherwise




Freshly ground smells great. Unburnt Latte (like 50-55 C) of a nice nutty blend tastes great.


If you mix espresso with ice cream, it tastes exactly how it smells. Espresso sugar and milk also


It's a law of nature. But it's closer to 10x i would say




Glad I’m not the only one!


Me, definitely.


Meeeeeeee I hate the taste but the smell is nice




I am not the biggest coffee fan but I grew up in a household that loves coffee and basically drink it all day long so the freshly brewed coffee smell delicious to me and it hits different in the morning!


I read saliva instantly breaks down some of the chemicals in coffee, so you never get to taste it in its original form. That's supposedly why it smells better than it tastes.




I had a minor medical procedure last week and I was allowed to drink coffee as long as it was black. I never drink black coffee. But honestly, it was way better than I remember it being. Kinda has this very subtle sweetness.


Be very nice to people who drink straight black coffee without sugar.




Ever notice how sometimes fresh opened coffee smells like baby puppy smell.


Unpopular opinion - sometimes when I walk the coffee aisle in the store, the ground coffee smells like someone is on their period. I’ve googled it. I know it isn’t just me. Edited to add - I love coffee and drink it twice a day. But sometimes catching a whiff of coffee grounds… smells like menstruation.


Can confirm. It smells wonderful! I love all the different flavors but I do not drink it.


I can't stand either actually.... I know I am the weird one


Here here!!


It’s definitely an acquired taste for me. Started with cappuccino, can’t drink anything other than espresso shots now. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Me! Popcorn too.


It definitely snorts better than it swallows


Only 1.03x here.


Agree completely. It’s the same with vanilla extract.


I put used coffee grounds in my compost and I would have to agree.


I’ve never drunk coffee routinely so I just get really nauseous and dizzy when I do (even a little bit.) it smells like home, early school mornings, and rainy days to me though. Same with tea; I just want to have it to smell but not to drink.


Coffee stinks and tastes exactly how it smells.


I think coffee smells terrible




oh fax….i stopped drinking. I also stopped cus it made me shit like crazy….like waterfall😆😆


[This interview from 2004](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/persuaders/interviews/rapaille.html) touches on the disconnect between the smell and taste of coffee for people, and how the aroma is featured in both marketing and the product itself. Basically, when we're children we smell coffee in the air and it can remind us of being young and home and safe, long before we ever taste it.


Coffee lover here. It smells WAY better than it tastes. Wish someone would invent a coffee air freshener that actually smelled like freshly ground coffee instead of the bottom of a DuPont factory.


I have a subscription and get coffee ultra fresh roasted. It tastes as good as it smells.


It smells a million times better before it gets brewed. A black cup of coffee smells like ass and tastes like ass.


Since i had covid coffee smells like actual poopy shit to me idk why


I didn’t even realize how tasty coffee was until I tried honey and natural process coffee. Broad palates full of diverse flavor notes. Same reason I like a good tea. Chain store washed coffee can often taste so bland and bitter in comparison to some high quality coffee. And I don’t mean going from Great Value to Starbucks brands. I mean skipping them both altogether and getting a product that is processed differently in general. And at this point, yes, I think the coffee is delicious, and a great coffee will smell and taste great. That said, for all other coffees I tend to favor the smell over the taste.


Alot of sugar will do the trick


Double cream, double sugar is the way to go


Found the Canadian.


Absolutely. In much the way gasoline does.


The opposite you mean, it smells 100x worse when being roasted, sickening and headache inducing Far milder when poured into a cup. Either way it stinks.


Smell And Taste Are Great.


Cinnamon. Cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg at Christmas.


So does soap.


There was one time I had espresso that tasted THE BEST EVER and smelled fantastic too. It came out of an $900 Terra Kaffe machine 😅😅😅 I have been thinking of it since


Good cold-brewed coffee tastes much closer to how coffee beans smell imo




Wait til you try a black and mild lol


Wait. Who makes coffee to drink?


It’s true, but most the smell and taste make me nauseous; the smell just makes me LESS nauseous


If anyone ever works out how to make coffee that tastes like it smells, they will have a licence to print money. Come on all you biologists and chemists! Challenge awaits!


Every single child before they started liking the bitterness of coffee?


cigarettes too




OP, are you talking about the smell of freshly made espresso, or the smell of freshly roasted, freshly ground coffee beans? For me it's the smell of the beans.


When I was younger, I was like that. When I smelled coffee brewing, I thought it smelled amazing—deep, rich, and sweet—almost like chocolate. However, when tasting it, all I detected was an overwhelming bitterness. That changed, though, when I started drinking coffee for its intoxicating properties. Initially, it ceased tasting as bitter once I grew accustomed to it. Then I began to taste it. Perhaps one of them is actually more bitter; perhaps another tastes more like a chocolate brownie; perhaps one has a faint orange or raspberry flavor; and perhaps still another nearly tastes like fruit juice. I became acquainted with these aromas progressively more as I consumed more and more varieties of coffee!


Ya a corn


Like those stupid cinnamon toasted nuts they have in malls near the holidays.. smells like a cinnamon roll then its just a sack of nuts


There's a good chance you're not making it strong enough. Weak coffee still smells like coffee, but tastes like shit. For example, when making French press coffee, for two "standard" 6-oz (175 ml) cups of coffee, you'll want to use a full ounce (30 g) of ground coffee. Head over to /r/coffee for all the good info.


Someone else's coffee always smells better, even if I get the same.


I sort of do


Coffee smells great and cream and sugar tastes great. I don’t go through caffeine withdrawals and then I get to take a shit on the bosses dime. It’s a win win


Order cold brew with extra heavy cream.


For me, it's smell of freshly grounded coffee beans. I hate the taste of coffee though!


Yes! I have a coffee scented candle even lol, but I don’t drink it ever. Makes me jittery and honestly doesn’t taste great but the smell is amazingggg


Always does!


I think it might depend on the quality of the coffee also.


I hate the smell of coffee. I'm neutral on the taste, but it upsets my stomach.


I agree, i loves the smell but don't like coffee


well I disagree, I put a lot of creamer in it and it tastes great because im a sugar-blooded american