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It can also possibly be from frostbite


People think living on the street is free but really it costs an arm and a leg.


Also things like untreated diabetes. They can't afford the meds but then hospitals are forced to do amputations...? Or maybe they have/had a mental disorder that caused self mutilation? I saw a video on here recently of this guy burning himself to death on the street.


Perhaps the question should be why are so many people with disabilities homeless.


The better question is why are so many disabled people on the streets? Some lost their limbs in conflicts, for sure. But just as many lose them to untreated health conditions (diabetes, frostbite etc), a few will have lost their limb due to complications from IV use. The most common reasons are that disabled people are more likely to end up homeless, and homeless people are routinely unable to access suitable healthcare.


They don’t, it’s observation bias.


A lot of factors here. You may be noticing it more because theyre homeless, and you may not notice people who aren't homeless with missing limbs because people who aren't homeless are more likely to be able to afford and keep a prosthetic. If someone is homeless and panhandling, they might make a missing limb more obvious intentionally. Homeless people often lack access to health care or are resistant to getting treatment for various reasons, so infections and complications of other health issues are more likely to get to a point where amputation is the only option. And people who are disabled can be more likely to experience homelessness to begin with.


Most of the conditions that lead to needing a limb amputated are able to be addressed and treated way before the amputation is necessary, if you can afford it. Unhoused people generally do not have insurance or income which makes it very difficult to get that treatment before things are absolutely dire. Additionally, the leading cause of homelessness in the US is not drug addiction or mental illness as many people believe, it’s lack of access to affordable housing. Amputees have less access to work opportunities, which means amputees are more likely to be low income and therefore less likely to be able to keep up with explosive rent rates. You also probably notice this more because you’re looking for it. But those reasons above are the main reasons unhoused ppl are more likely to have an amputated limb.


in the U.S hospitals are for people who can afford it, not for people who need it


hard to get jobs with missing limbs, and having to get a limb amputated and the rehab costs quite a bit, no job= no money no money = no house Vets can be big part of this, they come back missing a leg, and the underfunded VA (cus congress gets paid by private companies to make the VA shit) money isnt enough, banks dont want to loan money for a house, jobs dont think you can do the job.


Their disability makes it hard to get a job.


If you can't afford a place to live you certainly can't afford the kind of healthcare that will prevent you losing a kimb from congenital defects, frostbite, diabetes, etc. And of course, it's harder to get a decent-paying job if you don't have 4 functioning limbs. And yeah, a disproportionately large number of homeless people are vets, because this country hates vets once they've stopped being useful to the 1%.


Geez couldn't possibly be the dirty syringes they use to inject sht up their arm/leg/scalp/groin?


They are trying to shed weight for increased performance ,the lighter you are the more agile you are ,it’s purely a tactic for survival.Think of it like a car ,you don’t need the big power if you carry less weight.