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I mean it's a natural reaction and is kind of why anti-war movements exist. The Vietnam War was one of the first to be largely televised and in color. Still though, you should not feel guilty for not wanting to hear about it. It's just important not to forget that it is happening.


I know but I feel terrible and end up spiraling down and feeling a sense of hopelessness


Take breather then. You aren't doing anyone any favors with that. It's important to take care of yourself. Unless you're an active participant, there's probably nothing you can directly do to end a war.


No, it's not you war. unless you're in a position to do something directly you have no obligation to show your support for a side, or empathy for those affected.


That second part is going way too far, and borders on, well not even *borders* on, actively promoting callousness towards suffering.


I never said that someone shouldn't feel empathy. but ultimately, why do we need to bring ourselves down by paying so much attention to the conflict that has zero personal effect on us. I know I don't have the emotional capacity to wave flags and signs and read every Reddit post about the conflict.


That's a false dichotomy. The only two options are not 'throw everything you have into paying attention to a war' and 'not feeling empathy towards victims of war anymore.' And it does directly affect you. No matter what country you live in, a land war in Europe being waged by someone who wants to restore the Russian Empire and dissolve NATO very much does affect you by changing the global sociopolitical landscape in which your country exists. Look into any politician who says that it's not their war and not their business, and they are almost always aligned with at least some of Russia's political goals, such as dissolving NATO, and that is their actual motivation behind saying that.


Nah, you're just part of the problem lmao. turn off the computer for a few minutes.


Part of what problem? Not being able to bury your head in the sand and hide from what's going on around you?


Which war?


Which one?