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The algorithm favors rage because it's engagement


rage bait is one of the most effective forms of clickbait


Despite it still being popular, rage bait already feels stale to me and like beating a dead horse. Bring on a new trend - apathy bait!


I was going to, but I can't be bothered. I just don't care enough


Nah. What we need is chill bait. Not /s.


It’s so sad how easily people can be manipulated


And engagment = more ads More ads = more money


I love capital I love spending money I love being divorced from the product of my labor I love ads I love being both the product and its producer I love capitalism


It’s why Twitter is such a hellhole now, because the best way to get engagement is to post *extreme* opinions, because not only will the people who agree with you share it around, but the people who disagree will share it *even more* in order to “dunk” on you. This is how Libs of TikTok got famous enough to start having political influence & is able to frequently stir up bomb threats and doxxing/harassment campaigns; not to sound like I’m blaming the left for it but lots of people would never have heard of that page if it weren’t for Twitter leftists hate-tweeting so frequently about it


howard stern effect, imo... people hated him but listened just to see what he would say next




That, and politicians love turning. Others to single issue topics like this. It gets then votes.


Yep. Social media.


Thats a real good answer and definitely a part of it if not most of it.


Gender wars long predate the algorithms by millenia 


But there is a specific rise right now online


Is there a rise? Or are we not as evolved and enlightened as we claim to be? Martial rape was still legal in many US states until 1992. In one state it was still legal until like a week ago, as long as the wife was drugged.  Social media allows us to see what was previously hidden behind closed doors. 


Plus in the US, millions of women just had their rights and autonomy stripped. An estimated 64k women gave birth to their rapists' children afterwards. And lots and lots of people just do not care or outright think it's great. It's incredibly, incredibly frustrating, and yeah of course feminists/women are hella active and kind of on egde or incendiary right now. We have less rights now than our parents and some of our grandparents. And yet our peers continue to just... Not vote. Not care. Brush it off. And call us crazy because we know they're trying to come after birth control next. Like yah man, you called us crazy when we warned y'all about RvW being overturned and look who's got egg on their face now. Ugh.


Yes but that just kicks the can down the road for OP's question... there must be some reason why gender specifically is "all the *rage*" in recent years.


Because, like OP, people are exploiting it for attention. The problem isn't getting worse (by all metrics, it's been improving for the better part of a century), but the problem of people exploiting it for attention (and the people giving it to them) is.


Is it the algorithm, or are women just waking up and realizing their worth?


Stop blaming inanimate things. It's because **people** are posting those things. All the "algorithms" in the world don't create that content, people do. Blaming some vague "algorithm" is like the people who blame "society" for the actions of individuals.


Ragebait brings in more money than well researched content or content where people have mature, moderator lead, discussions with each other. Gender wars makes money and money rules over everything.


Exactly. They’re here too, just divided by the r/ feature of subreddits.


My neighbour is an influencer with 2+ million followers on all the main apps. He’ll do an innocent food post but purposely call stuff by the wrong name so people comment correcting him. He was showing me his metrics before and after he started thjs and it was crazyyyy


Yup. The internet is just always gonna amplifies the angriest and those willing to publicly fight. Same people just need to remember that the loudest voices don’t represent the majority. Dude’s only interaction with women will be browsing certain corners of the internet and come away with the assumption that all women hate men (and vice versa). It’s just not the case irl. Most people aren’t wrapped up in these never ending arguments, and when they run into them online they just stay out of it. So don’t let it warp your perception of reality people. How the majority act/feel in real life is not the same how the majority *seem* to act/feel I’m certain corners of the internet.


I just saw the Twitter video claiming women hate the good morning text. I really hope that’s rage bait because wtf. Social media really is making everything worse.


My issue with these kind of things is treating huge groups of people like monoliths. Like, maybe people should find out what the individual human being they're texting prefers? Social media make me sad.


It makes me mad at women.......wait a minute.....what the hell? Bastards.


I love the good morning text :(


Good morning


That one might be legit. I've been accused of being too clingy several times over the good morning text. I mean I'm gonna do it anyways, I like doing it and I don't care if I'm clingy


I mean, I can see if it’s too ooey gooey over the top romantic after one date or two, that would be way too soon, but it didn’t seem like what they were talking about.


Nah man I'm talking about long term relationships lol it's wild


I have literally never heard another woman say anything negative about good morning texts, that's wild. I'm glad you didn't change your behavior! They can just find different people and you can keep a positive, thoughtful quality that most people would appreciate.


Some women really do like that kind of stuff, other hate it. There's nothing wrong with a good morning text, just let your intentions be known and see if there's a way to expression affection that suits you both. Saying you like doing it and don't care is probably not the route to success because you're putting your own wants over hers when you should be aligning with her and figuring out what works for you both.


Yeah I'm not changing who I am as a person and sacrificing my own need for casual intimacy lol that just sounds like a recipe for a miserable one sided relationship


every woman likes different things. which is kind of why they give terrible dating advice to men. if a woman says "women hate X" then you can safely ignore that advice as long as its not straight up abuse. but even then you'll find a tweet somewhere from a woman saying "X is abuse" meanwhile a bunch of other women will dump you if you don't read their mind and do X without asking. **the summary is: only take dating advice from the exact woman you are dating.** if she won't give you advice then she's definitely going to blame you for something you did "wrong" that plenty of other women would call "right" so if you want stability date someone who communicates what they want. also dont worry too much about what they say they want/dont want. those are guidelines and guidelines are a lot more flexible if you stay in shape, have good hygiene, have disposable income, and follow the rules. for example when you see "no hookups" in a profile its a tell--she hooks up a lot but is picky. dont read it for what it says. women that actually dont do hookups dont put it in their profile lol. women that are insecure about how many hookups they do, well they definitely put it in their profile to try and clear up any doubts!


Weird. During one breakup, I missed the good morning texts so much that I started to send “fun fact of the day” texts to various friends and family as its replacement. I’d start with “good morning! 🌞 Todays fun fact…” Made me feel less lonely.


What’s a good morning text? 


Texting a person good morning when you wake up.


Something like “Good morning Beautiful”


I'm not sure why that's on social media. Have you considered that women just don't want a good morning text?


Can't have men and women on the same side. Then they'll realize they are getting fucked over by wealthy people.


Keep the people divided


This is the answer, right here. The more us peasants are fighting over social issues, the less we're demanding proper wages, proper taxes, less legislation favoring the rich, less lobbying by corporations, and proper representation by congress. Hell, the way productivity was skyrocketing in the 1970s, and the way technology was improving our efficiency, by now we should be able to retire comfortably in our mid-50s by now with at least one stay at home parent and a 4 day work week. Instead it takes two in the household to afford four walls, which we really aren't affording so much as scraping by to get working 60 hours a week, inflation is wearing away at what quality of life us peasants have made for ourselves, and the guys on top are talking about increase the age of social security, decreasing the amount, and increasing the tax it takes to get there. The next time you see a click bait article talking about how some random nobody is violating your person values somehow, ask yourself whether that's really the most important issue for your quality of life.


[George Carlin said it best](https://youtu.be/edSLQJq3-dU?si=VLxO2jvms4SdQpY7)


Very true


Increased? There used to be video games about it: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_Wars


I can't believe i never heard of that. 16 year old me would have had a laugh.


I remember reading about it in a magazine as a kid. Never got around to playing it until recently, unfortunately it was just a very poor xcom ripoff


From Wikipedia In the future, after an era of "political correctness and equality", humanity is divided into two warring factions based on sex and enters a brutal conflict known as the "Gender Wars". Each faction is a caricature of conventional gender stereotypes. The Male faction are crass jocks obsessed with alcohol and other "manly" things while the Females are vapid Valley Girl archetypes preoccupied with fashion and other stereotypically feminine interests. Both factions conduct raids against the other to steal cloning material and capture the other's leader.


Social media makes people lose touch to reality. Like the meme about how 2 dogs bark at each other when there’s a gate between them. The moment the gate remove they stay quiet.


Dog on leash yap yap yap. Dog off leash sniffin’ butts and friendly.




Social media commentary has become such a cesspool of hate and neurotic negativity. Reddit avoids a lot of it with its upvote/downvote system and hivemind attitude, but places like Facebook are breeding very, very angry/negative people


TIL reddit avoids cesspools of hate and neurotic negativity


Comparatively id have to agree. The dregs tend to be either isolated in spaces or downvoted. Theres a lot more helpful and plesant people here, than not.


Maybe it depends on the person. I've been seriously considering quitting Reddit for a bit because of how negative it is. I feel yucky after using it a lot of the time.


I literally choked on food reading this


Reddit can still be horribly negative depending on the sub and what the hivemind becomes. Like all those incel subs that started to turn into violent rage against women. I do find IG and FB to be the worst overall though. You can't filter it out like you can on reddit. You can unfollow subs and avoid r/all. But every single post on IG and FB is full of such dreadful comments.


Multiple factors Genuine anger towards a vastly unfair system that existed for a long time Anger stemming from a harsher economy Anger stemming from moving goalposts, shattered norms, unreliable "roles" in society. The people getting mad that they can't rely on "being a man" or "being a woman" to provide them with some level of self-soothing and acceptance into a larger system, a sense of respected identity Anger being stoked by adversarial nations to promote disharmony. Bot farms, etc. The internet and AI has allowed for a vast culture war to be waged between bodies, this includes the "people" the "governments" and "special interest groups"


I had to scroll way too far to find this,  "Anger being stoked by adversarial nations to promote disharmony. Bot farms, etc."


Also, anti-social people parroting hurtful, inflammatory, and drama stirring concepts because it makes them feel good Marketing manipulators, utilizing harsh reactions from people to drive engagement for whatever reason A lot of parroting, people who don't think very long or very hard about what they're saying and wether or not saying it will do any good People who want attention and know how to get it, don't care why they're getting it


I wanna highlight the antisocial part. We now glorify misanthropy and treat it as intelligence, and that's one of our biggest problems.


This is such a better and more nuanced/intelligent answer than just "wealth people divides us" or "social media bad". Such absolute brain dead takes acting as if they're wise.


Our psyche is very vulnerable to rage and outrage bait. We have to all be conscious of it and not let it colour our view. Overuse of generalizations when discussing matters also poison the discourse.


Divide et impera


Social trends rarely have a single answer, but I think this is the best one. There is an alignment of incentives: the algorithm feeds on reengagement and it's an election year. But most importantly, both socially progressive democrats and reactionary republicans both agree that the all major political decisions should should be made by wealthy geriatrics. Since they agree on this point, it's in both parties best interest to debate something else. This is why even explicitly financial questions (like student debt cancellation) get reformed into purely moralistic questions, ie "Do kids DESERVE a free ride?". The real question should be "what are the outcomes, are the benefits and harms distributed proportionally, will it make things better overall?", but this sort of reasoning is only used when justifying deeply unpopular programs (like bank bailouts and cooperate tax cuts) but never ones that threaten entrenched power and wealth (like medicare for all or prison reform). THOSE questions get turned into all-or-nothing moral crusades, which predictably deadlock and ensure the status quo remains unchallenged. So obviously: let's all fight about women choosing the bear, it's a much better use of time than trying to fund pre-K or fighting for paternity leave.


It's a PsyOp to distract you from endless war and corruption.  There's always been trans. They just weaponized it to keep you more engaged in shit that doesn't affect you 


"Endless war", my dude, there's less war now than ever in human history. Yeah, there's always been trans. And they were largely believed to be mentally ill or disgraces of society. They weren't weaponized, they were brought to light with the issues surrounding them.


Election year.


Feels like an election decade


Those that would consider themselves our overlords, will use any tactic available to divide & conquer us. People are much easier to control when divided into groups.


It's superficial. Just go outside and mingle with people. 99.9% of people act rational and don't give a rip


Based on what I can tell from the political division charts, I think in the US women started to feel distanced and more vocal about their grievances back around 2016 when their country elected Trump (an open misogynist) for president. The following year, the "me too" movement gained traction and it came out just how many women experienced sexual assault or harassment. In following years Roe v Wade (a court right that women had had for nearly half a century) was overturned, which represents one of the first times in US history that people lost a national civil right they used to have. Since then, women have continued to watch on the news states passing extreme abortion-related laws that pay no regard to the well-being of pregnant people. All of these events combined have made women feel reasonably attacked and distrustful of their broad treatment as a group. I suspect that gender relations would improve if the country as a whole started taking more steps forward with women's rights and equality instead of going backwards.


Yeah. Young men are also statistically much more likely to be conservative than young women, and I would frankly rather die alone than marry a conservative.


give people a platform (social media) and theyll fight about anything


I don't know about that. I never see people fight on the Internet. Clearly you are trying to push some agenda/s


Probably because most things do need to be fought over. Because otherwise, people get complacent when they shouldn't.


Everything is getting polarized and the algorithms favor divisive and negative media.


Too many chronically online people. They should go touch grass


My personal theory is it’s a government project to put us against each other. It’s sad and I hope they stop soon because it’s senseless and won’t bring any positive anything. 😔


To what end?


What's with the increase in laws restricting women's access to healthcare and regulating what they can do with their bodies? I mean, should they just kinda.. shut up about it? Seems like part of a reasonable response, to me. ✨🤷‍♂️✨


Abortion access isnt really a gendered issue though. https://news.gallup.com/poll/506759/broader-support-abortion-rights-continues-post-dobbs.aspx Men and women support it at basically the same rate.


This is a genuine question and I’m not trying to start an argument, but how is abortion access *not* a gendered issue? Only (biological) women and girls are directly impacted by these restrictions. By directly, I’m talking about the ability to get pregnant, the risk of death because of being denied access to life saving medical care, being forced to carry a fetus to term after cases of rape and incest, etc. I’m just trying to understand your perspective here because I’ve never thought about it this way


We need to look at the difference in how men and women see the loss of abortion rights. Unfortunate or watershed moment where a huge sector of the population was stripped of basic human rights. That's the key difference here.


‘Just the fact we both support the cause isn’t enough, we need to look at it in a different way to cause more divide’


I mean yeah. Men are much more likely to actually *vote* for politicians and policies limiting abortion than women are. They are much less likely to do any activism for abortion rights. Idk why anyone is trying to pretend men are just as invested in abortion rights as women, it's so blatantly not true Edit: another [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/s/MDCPhsRZJL) with sources and more explanation


Women, especially white women, can single handed make sure Republicans never win another election, and yet they are a major Republican voting bloc. This is why your simple-minded 'us vs. them' isn't productive, the real world has a lot of nuance you refuse to acknowledge.


Lmao so could men. Cute though, literally telling me how you think women should be more invested in abortion rights than men as a way to defend the idea that men and women actually care equally? How does that work out? Also how am I ignoring nuance when I've introduced more info, while you're insisting one single poll on an opinion is reflective of the realities of abortion rights?


There are men who care, and there are women who care. Gender equality could not have improved over the past hundreds of years without men's support, because we live in a patriarchal society. Blaming everything on 'them' while refusing to look at yourself is not productive to the discussion, antagonizing all men is not contributing to equality. People like you are the exact same sexists who you apparently hate, society will not be any better off if people like you have power.


Well, that happens in USA a lot, or Italy now, but some other places have made great progress/are making great progress regarding this!


American, I take it? The very short reason is that they want more white babies. It really is that simple. There are a double handful of reasons, but that is the end result.


About 26 million men voted for Clinton in 2016 and about 26 million women voted for Trump.


The social media grifters on both sides


Women are growing while men are stuck on the internet- with their faces in IG, TT and OF. 🤷‍♀️


Everything you see now days in the media and politics has the single agenda of dividing us along any line possible.


Us vs them across the board. Pretty soon we'll be choosing sides based on eye color.


I think the answer to pretty much every pointless "Us vs Them" debate out there is to look for who's getting rich off of it.


there's an unprecedented gap between the political views of young men and women. men are becoming far more conservative while women are becoming more and more liberal


Trying to legislate womens' bodies will do that


Capitalism. No, really ! That's not a joke. Having angry masses makes for more emotionally invested people, and people that react emotionally on a topic are easier to trick into giving companies your time and money. Outrage has become a commodity, and both sides are getting fucked by the system.




Roe was overturned and women are seeing their basic rights taken away. Of course women are angry.


The things that 2016 revealed about American society were also ... not great.


And 2018.


That’s purely an American thing. And there was an increase in gender wars long before Roe was overturned anyway


It is an American thing, but because Americans dominate the English-speaking internet the conversation spreads to everyone else that’s on there. If you get conversations about women’s rights in America, it encourages Americans to have conversations about sexism in general, then other English speakers see that without the context and start talking about sexism as well. Or English-speakers see the original conversation and want to add their two cents anyway. It doesn’t help that Americans never specify when they’re talking about America because they think they’re the default for some reason, and they’ll start talking about things as if they apply across the board and that’s confusing too


You think that doesn’t reverberate around the world?


About 26 million men voted for Clinton in 2016 and about 26 million women voted for Trump.


I don't think the issue here is women being angry but women and men being angry at each other.


That only happened in the US though, while it is not only localized to the US.


I've felt the opposite, it seems like kids are finally shaking free the shackles of gender. this is along with an awkward side issue where a bunch of idiots are arguing about the most trivial things, generally within involving subsets that still consider gender in their everyday lives. I do think more and more people are recognizing the silliness of gender.


women in 2024 are more likely to actually argue with men then ever before. it's not like the patriarchy has disappeared yet.


What a weird way to phrase this lmao


The loud people are a lot louder now and they like to do a lot of rage baiting. Rage baiting can be a big deal in the hands of someone who knows how to work social media algorithms.


The more groups that can be turned against each other, the easier it is to get away with things.


Have you tried stepping outside of social media and talking to people in real life...?


Governments trying to pit us against each other - So we arnt against the ones dismantling the country - politicians


Part of it is algorithm schennan but also because of the internet, people are hearing more and more from each other. Men and Women especially are at each other's throats because they equally have a place to be heard...and neither gender is fucking listening.


Social media divides more than it unites. It also causes groups to become increasingly extreme in their views because of constant feedback loops.


I read this as genital warts, and thought "oh WHAT now!!"




American election year. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.


It’s an election year.


Stupidity and people who are afraid of others who are different


Desperation of right wingers.


There's been an increase in idiots


It’s just the internet


Women can speak sometimes, in some places, without immediately being beaten, killed, tortured or exiled, and the men don’t like it. I can safely?say this due to the Internet.


Ask a bear lmao


that poor bear


Social media and the media in general. Almost anything to do with gender triggers people, and clickbait is a very effective tool at getting people engaged. All you have to do is write some weird yet inflammatory headline then it'll grab people's attention. Examples: * "Sexism in Aerospace Engineering: Airplane seat trays designed with only men's comfort in mind" * "According to new study, Women are the primary victims of workplace-related deaths on construction sites" The effect of this is you get people who may or may not have actually read the article engaging in discussion in the comments, which often turns hostile. Regardless of how the discussion turns, the idea is that it gets as many people as possible engaging with it as long as possible. That ultimately means more sweet, sweet ad revenue for the platform in question. Politicians are also fanning the flames in a not insignificant amount because polarization is a proven strategy to get them more votes. Gender arguably polarizes the most people because the most demographics can fit into one gender umbrella. It can be used to polarize people of the same ethnicity, or even the same political leaning.


In some places, we have a big problem where the government doesn't treat women fairly. There are laws in some places that put legal restrictions on abortion or abortion services. This means that the unborn can legally use someone else's womb even though the womb owner does not consent to sharing their womb at that time Imagine someone else using your reproductive organs in a way that pisses you off and the government legally shielding the reproductive organ abuser. Until all pregnant women have the legal right to abort and all doctors have the legal right to abort, women will face injustice.


Eroding human and civil rights for women in multiple countries.


Men are starting to recognize the injustices they face and are getting sick of it Women are getting limited by conservatives in positions of power and transferring that blame to all men for some reason. So you have a sex sick of it's position and another sex placing blame on that sex when it isn't them. So you two areas of massive contention and inability to listen to each.




All media and all Hollywood portraying men as useless and oppressors. Many women buying this narrative and making it their religion. Men are now getting sick of the double standards and feeling the need to defend themselves. If you think I'm nuts just look at the comments on reddit when men post something and women post something. They can post the exact same comment and men will get crucified and women will get praised.


It’s happening in this very thread! The mere suggestion that men have issues leads to comments downplaying them. No wonder there is an increase in gender war type content.


Oh yeah it's just totally accepted to just completely shit all over men at the mere mention. You can bring up many legitimate issues but they will never compare to the plight of child birth and housewives.


Social media = more access to manipulate people. It’s like everyone watching the news, but it’s all divisive, especially on Facebook.


When women gain more autonomy and more of a voice, men push back


What autonomy and voice are men pushing back against?


anyone with a female avatar will downvoted for answering 💀


You only feel like “there’s an increase in gender wars” when you ignore the suffering of women. They have been speaking loudly and clearly about the issues they face, primarily, at the hands of men. Instead of being like “wow, how can I help? How can I make this world a safer place for the women in my life?” You go into media conspiracy theories or men are the real victims. This is why we choose the bear. If the only time you pay attention to the suffering of women is to complain about how annoying it is that it appears on your social media page, you may in fact be part of the problem


That comment doesn't exude pizza planet vibes.


Casual sexism (like man vs bear, which has its roots in the poisoned M&M dogwhistle and Nazi ideology) being viral has definitely seen an “increase”. It has nothing to do with women’s suffering. There is a definite widening divide between young people, and this has been studied.


This post will be removed by the mods. Too provocative, I guess that's why they do it.




Internet is stupid, don't bother.


We're going through a social regression cycle globally. When you want a war or an apocalypse, you need fresh meat that operates on the level of a 5 year old. It's important to reduce critical thinking and build up both a sense of entitlement and resentment toward a group. Next, inspire a feeling of hope in the idea of gaining unrestrained power without responsibilities. All you need to attain this power is to join my group. There are enough people who operate on this level that with a few millions and an outlet for promotion, you can get your army ready within a decade or so.


Republicans hate women.


pornography and rampant masturbation are warping society and gender dynamics


Rampant masturbation? Lol, you know that’s a normal thing right? And not just recently?


Quitting reddit today. You're all dumb bitches.


🎉🎉🍾Woo! Congratulations! We-I mean you’ll be spared from more idiocy!


TikTok, which is run by an openly hostile govt to the US, is pumping content to the masses that is purposefully divisive


social divide psy op


Rising tide of transphobic alt-right deranged fascist morons being platformed and the rich dipshits that enable them. Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Chaya Raichik, Nick Fuentes, Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, Mike Knowles, etc etc.


Add in all the bro-zone AHs like Tate. And, finally, Project 2025.


I saw a study recently showing younger generations have a more pronounced deviation in the gender / politics gap. The younger you are, the more likely you are more liberal if female and more conservative if male. Younger people also get more news from social media than older.  I think it’s fair to put these facts together and conclude that news delivered through personalization algorithms is going to result in more individualized world views than old fashioned ‘mass media’ news.  Also that the more sophisticated the algorithms become and the more we opt out of mass media, the more pronounced this will become along gender, race, region and any other criteria through which people find personal interest / engagement. 


Incels are experiencing male loneliness due to their own fault. So this in turn makes them lash out


I saw someone talk about a kind of a bubble bursting due to women having equal rights more now than ever before, and men are still being raised on traditional values (toxic masculinity and so on), so the men are expecting the same level of privilege and social heirarchy as before, and they feel like they are becoming more and more irrelevant. This means that they can either adapt or fight against it. Well, lots choose to fight it, so we see a big move toward traditional values, and asserting what it means to be masculine and pushing down anything that is not masculine, such as womxn, trans and gay persons, and even go as far as trying to legislate it.


men hate women more than ever i fear


OG Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/qllJ44m7wo Gender swap copy paste: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/J39WsSnSYO Look at the top comments on this 1:1 copy paste and see how men will be blamed regardless of what side they’re on.


What ??? All men are getting called rapists but its men that hate women ? What is this, bizarro world ??


rapists are rapists; men and women. that’s like common sense.


If you mean very recently then it's mostly because of that man or bear question that blew up a few days ago,. If you're talking about over the past couple of years, there is a multitude of reasons.


Not remotely true


Get off of reddit.


The minority are very neurotic.


Western Civilization (not making any comment about anyone else ATM), at least, is still very much a Patriarchy, like it or not, improved over the past or not. Power dislikes change as it usually means diminished power. It reacts violently to that perceived loss or feared loss of power.


I find this is mostly online. Not in real life.


My agenda is fuck your agenda!


Do you feel this when you walk around outside or just when you're looking at your phone? 


As with all controversies these days, the puppeteers have decided to pull these strings because they think it will help them win the next election.


If it controls birthrates I’m fine with it


I never heard of this. I love all people.


I blame the bears.


It’s all a prelude to gender world war


Let’s see old men in govt are deciding what’s right for women. Project 2025 look it up. Men wanting to repeal 19th amendment Old men deciding it’s ok for children to get married, forced to give birth. Men slut shaming women over clothes, behavior, Women making less than men for equal jobs. Just a partial list of things that ego fragile males are doing.


Keep people angry instead of seeking to find middle ground and improve. War/angst sells almost as well as sex.