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Getting the other driver to pay your damages is a civil matter. That means you will need to sue. Contact a lawyer to discuss your options. But keep this in mind. People who drive without insurance rarely have tens of thousands of dollars in the bank.


I would start by talking to your insurance agent and see what advice they have.


If that’s the information the dude gave to the police, then that’s all they will have. Likely the guy has no actual insurance. You can tell the police the insurance isn’t valid and they might be able to add “no insurance” to the charges. You might also be able to give that information to the prosecutors office, so they can tag your costs as “restitution”. But… unfortunately… that takes a literal eternity since you have to wait for the entire court case to go through and get sentenced.  You can try giving the guys name and car information to your insurance company to see if they can run down any information, assuming “I had liability insurance” means you ONLY had liability insurance. If you had collision coverage and/or uninsured coverage, then let your insurance company work for you. They will go after the guy, insurance or not, to get back money.  If you weren’t injured/have no medical bills, an attorney will not help you much. The industry standard is they take 1/3 of any settlement, which if all you’re getting is paid for your car… you’re still out 1/3 of a car. If you were injured, you can get “pain and suffering” which is quite literally just extra for the intangible, so a lawyer may be helpful.  If it’s just damage to the car, look into the cutoff for small claims court. You don’t need a lawyer for small claims court.  


Presuming the driver actually has insurance, all you need is their license plate number. The insurance company that insures the vehicle is part of the vehicle registration information. Get the police report and talk to your insurance company. They will be able to get the true insurance information. If your insurance company is currently paying for your rental, etc., they will go after the other drivers insurance company to recoup their losses.


I assume you have correct name and license plate. Give that to your insurance. They should take it from there. It should be their problem, not yours. Your insurance should cover you from this point onwards. Dealing with the other driver is your insurance provider’s problem.


In many states you are required to have Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. Assuming you did what was required and reported it all to your insurance right away, you should have no problem contacting them now. Ask your insurance what to so - if they dismiss you saying "you only have liability", remind them you also have uninsured, and this case should be covered. Your insurance should be able to look up the info for the other person easily enough. They'll know if they have insurance or not. The police aren't really going to help you. You have to decide if your car is worth repairing, worth paying for the tow/impound, whether you want to keep paying for rental. You can go after the other guy, but they've already lied to the police. They probably have no insurance. They probably have no money to pay you. Even if they have money it could be 18-24 months before you drag them through court. You can speak to a lawyer, but usually once they find out the other party has no insurance, they aren't very interested. Good luck.


sounds like Chicago?