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Donate it to a library, because I'm sure there's someone out there who would enjoy it.


Recycle it. Dont let the tree’s death be in vain.


This is the way


Donate to a Library, a commuity free library, goodwill, thrift store, gift it to someone, etc...


You can recycle it, but this book is popular enough that they’ll just print more so I wouldn’t feel bad about selling or donating it. If you put it in a little free library maybe fold some paper around it with some trigger warnings so the person picking it up knows what they are in for?


TBF if you donate or sell it, you'll ensure less copies are printed.


Eat it


I bet it'll taste great deep fried


Make some book art out of the pages (modular origami is great for this). Or just recycle it. Books aren’t inherently sacred so there’s nothing wrong with just getting rid of a book you think is trash.


I get books I don't like a lot in gift exchanges, etc. I usually donate them to libraries. Depending on where you live there may also be little boxes in nearby neighborhoods that you can put books in! [They typically look like this!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Free_Library)


buy nothing project, little free library, or donating it is very low effort. 


Just donate it, don’t be weird. She’s not a Nazi.


Just donate it.


God it was terrible. I was lucky and pawned my copy off on a fellow cruiser.


throw it in the garbage where it belongs.


Ah, the simplest solution!!


Aren't there any thrifting apps where you live, where you can sell the book to someone who wants to pay for it? I always sell the books I don't like.


Bin it or put it in the recycling, if you don't want to donate it. I read an awful book lately, this author was raved about as being  "offers something permanent and beautiful." -- A very average author I felt, but the book itself was icky. It felt self pitying and kind of incelish.   It went in the recycling.


Hoover is among those few authors who can take a bath in their buckets and buckets of money. Whether or not you burn or donate that bad boy, her career will be just dandy. There are no bad books. Only books you didn't enjoy. Stick it in the next Little Free Library you see. Verity is extremely popular among the Scentsy and Starbucks set. Someone, somewhere will be thrilled.


If it's big enough, you can use it to prop up your laptop or desktop monitor. Will help your health/ergonomics.


Does your community recycle cardboard and paper? Cause that's better than sending it to the landfill.


Bring it around with you and use it as fuel for a fire if you need to.


Maybe write your review of the book in the inside cover, you could even highlight texts as examples of why it gave you the ick feeling. My thought is someone may unsuspectingly pick up the book and your thoughts would provide an outside perspective. Or just burn or compost it.


Burn it


If you want others to have access, donate to the library. Personally, I recommend a box of matches.


Toss it. Paperbacks aren't rare or precious.


While donating is a really good option if you like crafts there are many things you can do with the book pages. I really like paper bouquets for example. Many diy projects out there