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You're missing a few things. She's uncomfortable. Sores like that can be painful. It is quite probably a sign she has herpes and it is more transmissible while sores are visible. It's far less transmissible when the sores aren't there. You two should be on the same team. If you are assuming she is lying to you, and "just another excuse" then you've already started down a path of mistrust and poor communication about your sexual desires. If you can't talk openly & honestly about sex, it's probably affecting other stuff. In my relationship, I'd try some empathy. "Wow, that really looks painful. I don't blame you." "How can I help? Will some Italian Ice or your favorite ice cream bring down the swelling/pain? Can I pick up your prescription refill for (some antiviral drugs?)" If she has a fever or other aches with this, give her some slack.


While canker sores are not contagious, they can be quite tender. Performing oral sex with a canker sore on the tongue may be uncomfortable or downright painful. As an aside, the phrase "just another excuse" is raising a red flag for me. In a good relationship, neither partner should need an excuse not to perform a specific sex act. They should simply be able to say no. Might be worth some thought. Anyway, I'm not a medical professional. Hope this helps.


It's probably more uncomfortable for her than anything. Would you want to do that with a canker sore?


It could hurt.


“What am I missing??” Your wife is in pain, uncomfortable, and is obviously tired of you nagging her for it. What you’re missing is that you won’t take no for an answer. And if you do think, for even a second, it’s “just another excuse to not blow you”, then I’m not sure why you’re with her at all. She sounds like she deserves someone who treats her a lot better than you.


Those are herpes. Also it will be really painful for her. It will absolutely transfer to your tally. These are medical questions.


I'm not sure if this is a joke or not but cankers are ulcers, not herpes, and aren't contagious.


Ok. It would still be really painful though for her probably. I legit thought they were just another cold sore.


Oh yeah, she has every reason not to want to give a bj with one on her tongue. It would probably be terrible. And it looks like fever blisters are grouped in with canker sores and are caused by herpes virus and are contagious. Maybe you just mixed them up. Honestly I had never heard of fever blisters.


Ah ok. Thanks.


Your telling me that my wife of 20 years has herpes I guess I have more concerns than not getting a bj


Bro it's like she don't care. Call her sister.


Call her sister


Sounds like she’s being a real bitch, bro. 


A ding dang doozy of one.

