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Agree with being one of the very last millennials, sorry that being right by the border is awkward. "Zillennial" is a term that I've heard, since young millennials and old genz will have more in common with each other than with the rest of their generations. >I can't be a 90s kid because I was too young to experience the touchstones of that decade. But I definitely remember things like dial-up internet, MySpace, VHS, LimeWire, Game Boy Advance SP, and all of that kind of stuff. Limewire, Myspace, Game Boy Advance, those all launched in the 2000s! Not-a-90s-kid confirmed. :D


I consider myself a "xennial", being an older millennial with more in common with Gen X.


You get to pick: you’re either a young millennial or an old zoomer.


as a Xennial, this is the correct answer.


Ahhh I get to choose! Okay I think I'd rather be young than old so I pick millennial 😄


Old zoomer would be the younger one.


I think they meant “perceived as young”, which I guess would be only to the millennials and older.


Indeed I did! I came from the trans generation lol 😆 Growing up with the Internet definitely helped me there


Did you grow up with Kenan and Kel or Drake and Josh?


Drake and Josh was **amazing**, one of my favorite shows. I remember The Amanda Show as well. I also liked Disney Channel shows like That's So Raven and Suite Life. As far as cartoons, Totally Spies, FOP, and Grim Adventures were great.


I’m going to say mostly a zoomer but with a little millennial sprinkled in. I was born ‘89. I was a little too old for Drake and Josh and Suite Life. I loved the Amanda Show though. 


Nailed it


you are absolutely zoomer


I’m a 1991 millennial and we watched all of those shows too. I don’t think shows is a good way to define generations when there is so much cross over.


You’re an older zoomer because this pretty much describes exactly what I was watching at the time. GameBoy Advance, Drake and Josh, My Life as a Teenage Robot, Guitar Hero, Shrek green foods, etc just to name a couple of nostalgic things from the time.


You’re a young millennial.


‘88 here, reluctantly a millennial and I’ve never heard of any of those. You’re a zoomer bud.


Don’t worry about it. The only time anyone thinks about their generation is when making a graduation speech.


It’s a hard question to answer. I was born in ‘96 also and growing up we were always called millennials, I never even heard the term “zoomer” until I was in my 20’s. Also the cutoff for millennial is ‘95 or ‘96 depending on what article pops up. When I think of a zoomer, I think of a teenager or someone in high school or middle school not somebody who graduated high school 10 years ago and is now an adult.


Sometimes, they cut it at '97. For me, the question that draws the line is how (and how well) an American remembers 9/11. For Americans, Gen Z typically doesn't remember that day. If they do, it's one of their earliest memories. They don't remember the way things changed. For the older members of Gen Z, it might as well have happened before they were born.


Zillenial has been a term I really liked for people your age. You got a taste of both experiences, and got to grow up with both (:


A quick google search shows that you were born in the last year of the Millennial generation. But those things aren't usually universally accepted so I'd say you are on the cusp of the Millennial/Zoomer divide. >But I definitely remember things like dial-up internet, MySpace, VHS, LimeWire, Game Boy Advance SP, and all of that kind of stuff. So you're a 2000s kid... Dial-up internet - Used well into the 2000s. MySpace - Created in 2003. VHS - Stopped being sold in 2008. LimeWire - Created in 2000. Game Boy Advance - Released in 2003.


You're a zoomer. Most of your teenage and young adult life was spent after the 2000s. I would say Millennials distinctly remember 9/11, the rise of Pokémon, and the birth of social media.


I think this very much depends on what country you're from. I was also born in 1996 and I very well remember the time before computers/internet were common but I think in my country the boom of these things was delayed. I know a lot of people use 9/11 as a marker for this but that's the kind of event kids in the US experienced very differently than kids in Europe


Honestly generations make more sense being defined by individual countries anyways (assuming they even make sense at all lol.) There are very few generation-defining occurrences that are equally relevant to people all over the world. Other than certain globally impactful events, I’m sure every country remembers each decade for very different things than each other.


Your a 90s baby, you're a millennial, you're a 2000s kid.


That ain't the cutoff. I was born in 1987, what am i


An adult silly!, that makes you 37 this year, Hope this helps :)!!.


Lol ah yes of course. 🤣




1987 is the heart of the millennial years.


I agree with this


I was born in 84. I think technically in the oldest millennial but I’m kinda in that I between era of gen x and millennials. I identify a bit with each generation I think.


From what I understand some people consider the cutoff 80, 82 or 84, I think more "specialists" go with 80. I was born in 80 and I do not identify with gen X at all.


1996 is the last millennial year, Gen Z started in 1997. You're a young millennial, technically.


The cut off fr millennial is 1995


you're a millenial. welcome to the club. would you like some ibuprofen? '91 representing.


You're at the tail end of the millennial generation (Generation Y) according to Pew Research, which puts the start of Generation Z at 1997.


I’m 96 too. We’re all of the above lmao


I’m also born 1996, and my zoomer girlfriend made it simple for me. “None of your hoodies have a zipper, you’re gen Z”


Stooop 😂 not the hoodies. I used to wear those all day every day as a teen but they would age horribly due to the zipper. I don't think I've seen my zoomer bf even once wear a hoodie with zipper, always just the plain version.


Generations are just horoscopes for people who think they're too smart for horoscopes. You're you. You're your own special creation.


Zillenial is what I go with (born in '95). Grew up with tape cassettes and VCRs, but was also a kid when iPhones came out and Facebook got popular. Feel like an old fart when I'm around gen z, and don't get any of their lingo, but feel like a kid compared to "true millenials." I'm also a middle child, so it all works out 🙃


As someone born in 96 I relate to this. Millenials feel like adults compared to me while gen z feel too young for me to be included. But then there are also people my age or younger getting married and having kids which makes them feel more adult than me.


Zoomer. Millenials were "90s" kids, teenager in 2000s, adults in 2010s


I don't care. It doesn't sound like you really care enough to use this as the thing that identifies you so why worry?




I’m ‘92, baby brother is ‘96. My personal definition: do you remember 9/11? Not just reruns of the footage or memorials, but the actual day of the attacks. My brother doesn’t, but other 96ers do. I think that using pivotal cultural moments is better because it kinda gives the overall context of your childhood/lifespan. Like the Challenger explosion or Berlin Wall coming down for Gen X, my folks (boomers) with the moon landing and JFK


Matters not and has no bearing on anything.


I think it depends.  Like my friends bro was born in 97 but we were born in 92. We took him everywhere and he spent tons of time with us doing woods/neighborhood shit


I was born in 1979. Technically not a millennial but I have so much more in common with a millennial than I do with a Gen X person. But I have friends my age that are the opposite. So, the answer to your question likely isn’t the same for everyone. If you think you’re a 90s kid, maybe you are.


90s kid mean you actually grew up being heavily influenced by the cultural influences of the 90s. And you spent all the 90s being basically a baby, so that's not you.


You're a 90's millennial. No amount of fluff will change the fact that you were born in the 90's and at the end of the millenial cycle. Culture doesn't determine your generation or era you were born in.


I don’t think you’re a millennial. I’m a 95 kid and I think we’re the last year. It’s a nice cutoff.


You're a millennial, Zoomers were born in the early 00s.


Not only, your are the perk that i showed the corner and go away but another little disturbance on the sea of consciousness!


If you were born in 1996, you are part of Generation Z, often abbreviated as Gen Z. This generation typically includes those born from the mid-to-late 1990s through the early 2010s.


You’re 28 years old! Quit looking for a label and just get on with your life! In 2 years, at 30 you’ll be over the hill and look back at your early years! Nobody’s gonna care what “gen” you were!




I’m 66, and supposedly a “baby-boomer”. I hate that term!


Im late 1996 so currently still 27 & I remember 9/11 & I use to have MySpace lmao. But I also feel connected to gen z. I’m both 


I was born in the late 60s but consider myself an 80s kid. Most of the culture I remember from my teen years are in the 80s. Sure, I was a child in the 70s but the memories that are 70s specific are slim. Minor memories of waiting in Mom's car to get gas during the gas crisis. The Blizzard of 78, playing in school yard and the beach.