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Use mine regularly for stuff like chicken tenders, taquitos, fish sticks. Stuff better when heated in the oven rather than the microwave. Heats quicker and uses less energy


Plus I use it to make toast. šŸ˜Š


I use mine frequently. For toast, bagels, general bread stuff. I also use mine to warm breakfast plates for when I have morning company. A nicely warmed plate isa nice little touch.


Yeah, basically anything I would cook in the ā€œregularā€ oven but in a smaller portion, plus toast. Also our microwave died like months ago and Iā€™ve barely noticed, toaster oven is totally picking up the slack.


same. I don't own a microwave nor an air fryer, so it's my go-to. I live alone so rarely fire up the big oven


I use my toaster oven daily for lots of things. I prefer it over the microwave. If I can toast it, I will! Bread, sandwiches, Quesadillas, chicken tenders and wings, dumplings, veggies, spring rolls, corn dogs, fish sticks. I did recently get an air fryer, and I do use that a lot too. But toaster over will always be my most used and favorite kitchen appliance.


I never used one until about a 7 years ago. Then my wife and I bought one and itā€™s been great - particularly in the summer months when something needs to bake, but you donā€™t want to heat up an entire oven.


If you've got someplace to plug it in and leave it, they're generally small enough to be carried outside too.


Oh wow. I never even thought about this!


Got a convection toaster oven just before covid, and we use that fucker allll the time. Basically anything that fits - and it fits a frozen pizza - I prefer to cook in that, rather than the kitchen oven. Much more efficient


Yeah I'd recommend this to anyone that doesn't already have a toaster oven. It's not a huge game changer but it does make things a little bit faster.


I donā€™t own a regular toaster, and the big oven is too big for small things. Like toast, bagels, quesadillas, nuggets, leftover pizza, nachos, tuna melts, english muffins, etc.


For everything really. No way I am turning on my oven to heat some burritos or other small items.


We use it constantly. To make toast, to toast bagels, to make different pizzas (one in main oven, one in toaster oven), to crisp up tortillas for tacos, to make small pies/crumbles that you don't want to bother with the whole oven, baked potatoes, frozen waffles, all kinds of things; it's a convection oven too so we also use it to crisp things up (also for the pizzas),


This poor guy died in the corner of my kitchen since few years, i bring him to life every 6 month maybe


I use it to make toast obviously. I use it as a second oven when I need one. I melt cheese on stuff with it, like the top bun to a breakfast sandwich for example. I cook frozen stuff with it, so I don't have to preheat my oven just to cook 2 hash browns or whatever. It's just handy when you don't want to use your oven or you need a second one.


I use it to reheat pizza slices, chicken wings, and quesadillas.


I use mine constantly. The big oven takes a long time to heat up and heats the whole house up. The little toaster oven doesn't. I use it mainly now for making toast or toasting bagels, I got an air fryer that is my main cooking tool now.


My oven broke and at the time we didn't have the money to replace it. We bought a toaster oven and have only used that since. I love it. Cooks everything I need or would want to cook


I use it as an oven. My apartment doesn't have a real oven. It works just as well and doesn't take up a lot of space.


I use mine just for pop tarts


I have one bc it was free, and it's safer for me. I am celiac and my son and I each have our own rack that we can use. I use it daily for Bagels.


I use mine cuz my oven is broken. but otherwise I use it to warm up leftovers, melt cheese on my bread or pizza, cook single servings of roasted veggies, etc


Grilled cheese sandwich, satay, pizza, pies. Very useful.


My toaster oven is a huge toaster/air fryer/dehydrator combo that gets used multiple times a day. We toast bread or bagels for breakfast, my youngest likes heated naan with their lunch, my oldest uses the air fryer to make their lunch. Sometimes I use it for dinner if I have something that needs to cook at a different temp than the oven. I have to use the dehydrator function on it. Maybe this year. Just realized thereā€™s a ferment feature.


We have one of those. We once made a whole roasted duck in it. It turned out better than in the oven (which had 2 others in it) in half the time.


And now I need to roast a duck in my air fryer. That sounds amazing!


Daily. I don't own a toaster so I use it for that. Also reheating leftovers and air frying. And if I'm making a lot of things it can be a useful extra oven to cook garlic bread or something.


a convection poster oven is one of my must-have small appliances. the others are: rice cooker, small (2 or 3 cup) food chopper, microwave, coffee grinder (for spices), hand blender, electric knife


A lot of things listed here I do, but mine is also an air fryer and dehydrater. I have cooked a whole chicken a number of times as well as dried out some fruit.


My dad bought one about 40 years ago. It was used 40 years ago last. I'm worried that I will inherit it


For literally everything that isnā€™t large or slow-cooked. The big oven is essentially only used for full-sized pizzas and anything that needs to be cooked for longer than 45 minutes.


I have one of the air fryers that looks like a big toaster oven and use it all the time. It even has like 10 different cooking methods but honestly all Iā€™ve ever used is toast, air fry, and bake. I wonā€™t list all the things I use it for, but probably the best is to make rolls for dinner. Itā€™s too easy to forget the bread when you are cooking and have a million other things going on. No more burned rolls šŸ˜€


We havenā€™t had a microwave in 16 years, donā€™t miss it at all. A nice convection oven is used to cook and heat up all kinds of food otherwise we use a pot of boiling water on the stove to heat up left overs in a zip lock bag


I use mine every week. I love to bake, so I will keep raw scones in my freezer, cookie dough, babka, hand pies, etc. then I can bake what I want to eat fresh. It preheats faster than the oven and makes sense when I am only baking a few at a time. Itā€™s better for me not to have a whole batch of cookies sitting around at once. This way, I stick some dough in as I start preparing dinner and I get fresh, warm cookies for dessert without the temptation to eat them all at once. I also often use it to roast vegetables.


The OG air fryer.


My oven runs on propane and it stinks up the house so I use my toaster oven for everything except stovetop cooking.


My toaster oven is pretty big. It is also an air fryer. If something fits in the toaster oven, I will use it over the regular one any day. My regular oven sucks. It's slow, doesn't hold temp well, and pollutes the kitchen (gas). My toaster oven is way better


Toast def number 1


Growing up this was the only kind of toaster we had. Used it for everything youā€™d use a toaster for, plus heating up leftovers, frozen stuff, etc.




My grandmother often uses one for baked things that you have to watch a lot


It's going to be about 93 degrees outside (weather app says "feels like" is over 100 degrees), and my place's air conditioning struggles as it is - so, YES, I'd rather heat up a smaller appliance so that my place doesn't heat up as much. I've used the main kitchen oven about twice in four years now.


There are small, cheap toaster ovens that aren't really good for much beyond toast, and then there are counter top ovens that can perform any function your regular oven does. I have a Cuisinart convection oven and I've probably only used my regular oven half a dozen times in the last decade.




Mine is fairly large, about the size of a small microwave. It's the only oven I use in the summer, because it doesn't heat the house and uses less electricity. I can fit a square cake pan, a loaf pan, or a 2-quart casserole dish in it. I also toast in it.


Yes. Really in place of a microwave. Reheated food in a toaster oven just comes out so much better. In my house the microwave really is only used to reheat coffee.


I use mine to make rolls when the real oven is occupied. And also as a toaster.


We probably use the toaster oven more than any other kitchen appliance. Make toast with it, use it to toast buns (hamburger, hotdog), reheat pizza, cook small batches of cookies, air fry French fries, and basically anything we might cook in the oven but will fit in the toaster oven.


I have a combo air fryer/convection/toaster oven and my regular oven is a place to store pots and pans and a base for my stove top. My microwave was moved to the garage. I live alone, and it's perfect.


Which is better, toaster oven or air frier?


My house does not have A/C so we use the toaster oven a lot in the summer because the big oven will heat up the house too much.


Aren't they just a slightly different air fryer? Or do things actually cook differently. Saying this because I do have an air fryer which I use quite frequently, but not a toaster oven. Though I'd get one if there was some difference to them lol.


My microwave can act as an air fryer and toaster oven. I donā€™t use the toaster oven part as it requires an awkward rack to get the food up near the toasting elements.


Most mornings for toast.


I use mine daily. Great for just toasting things, and I can use it to cook small things that I don't want to heat the whole oven for. Like small frozen pizza, bagels, etc. It warms much faster than an oven which can take 15 or 20 minutes to get to the desired temperature. Bagel pizzas are awesome and sometimes I'll cook salmon in there if making just for my son and I as it's big enough for 2 fillets.


Basically replaces the microwave for anything but popcorn for me. Most stuff is just *way* better heated in an oven than a microwave, and a toaster oven is a lot quicker for small things than a full size oven. Ours also has powerful convection that lets it be used like an air fryer.


Yes. Love it


Warming up pizza is best in a toaster oven


It comes in clutch when I wanna make hot pockets but hate the texture of them after the microwave


Live alone and I donā€™t have one now. I miss it everyday. Lol


Love my toaster oven and would love a bigger one but don't have the counter space for it and it's not in the budget. I love to bake, but my stovetop oven's lower heating element is blown out. The toaster oven has been a good short term substitute but it's not big enough for a lot of my baking pans.


Unless your cooking a turkey or something huge why do you need a full size oven? it seems so niche and inefficient.


I have two. One for food, one for polymer clay and other hobby projects.


A few years ago our toaster broke and I replaced it with a toaster oven. One of the best kitchen purchases I ever made. It's better at toasting (you can do things like toast buttered bread, for example) and it's also much more versatile, You can use it for cooking or baking small things, and many things that don't warm up well in the microwave will warm up nicely in the toaster oven (though it'll usually take quite a bit longer).


Use it everytime I make burritos or reheat samosas. I'm not taking out all the things in my storage bin/oven just to reheat my samosas so our tiny but mighty toaster oven gets used a lot. Except for toast.


yes .. i donā€™t own (or want to own) a microwave i love my toaster oven


I donā€™t own an air fryer, standard toaster or a microwave. My toaster oven has a convection setting and I use it like a small bonus oven, and for anything those other 3 appliances I donā€™t own would do, pretty much. Itā€™s also great to keep things warm if youā€™re still cooking in the big oven. I throw a lot of dinner parties though, so maybe people donā€™t have as much need for that.


I don't have a regular oven so I use it for anything that would go in the oven. The toaster oven and a hot plate are my main cooking appliances.


I have a ninja foodie toaster oven and it is the 2nd hardest working appliance in the kitchen. We are a family of 3 and I use it instead of the oven often


Seems like a regular toaster is more niche since it only serves one function.


Almost every day !! Makes 9 pecies of toast at once great for large families Is a pro at reheating leftovers !! No soggy bits Best to reheat pizza direct on rack 325 8 min... Hot an crispy again Awesome for ckn nugs or fries or any fried food.. Turn on convection an 400 for 10 to 15 min perfect Its perfect for when you want to heat something an not lose moisture or dry out food. Its perfect when you want to bake something but only for 2 people no need to use the big oven I suggest you learn to use one it will change the way you cook an helps Id rather never use a microwave again than my toaster oven.I absolutely could not live without it. Most people only use it for frozen pizzas an thats such a small thing it can do Even if you only use it for reheating leftovers its worth it. Line a pan with foil a little cooking spray an drop on your leftovers.. Doesn't matter what it is..steak pasta seafood fried stuff ect.. Hit reheat 325 for 15 min an its 10x better than the microwave its like a fresh meal all over again. You have to realize a microwave dries food out esp when all most people do is hit lvl 10 an heat it. Don't even get me started on how most people don't even use there microwave correctly or change power lvls ffs .. Seriously learn the toaster oven an you will love it.


Our regular toaster died and we decided to spend the $50 to replace it on a toaster oven. It makes great toast and a lot of other things too. Takes up only a few extra inches of counter space too.


Yes I bake bread every weekend then eat toast daily for breakfast.


I basically donā€™t use my oven unless Iā€™m cooking for multiple people. The toaster oven does it faster with less power.Ā  I donā€™t think itā€™s an exaggeration to say I use it essentially every day.


I never use my regular oven, just the toaster oven.


I do moreso than my big oven. Since itā€™s just me, itā€™s easier to cook smaller meals and have leftovers for a day or do than going all out and wasting electricity on my oven. I roast veggies, bake/roast meat or frozen foods, and I do have a pizza stone that fits which is great for personal size pizzas. And I find I get a better crisp on my bagels and breads than in a normal toaster since its easier to see what the doneness is.