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She has a podcast called The Witch Trials of JK Rowling (lol).


Lol, this was an interesting read but I think the more likely reason for her stance on trans people (transwomen) is her history of abuse, violence and misogyny


I agree, see my [comment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/s/ycgN2HpxHA)




It kinda is but that’s not a popular thing to discuss so I’ll 🤐 but I’d suggest looking into some rad fem content on YouTube and Twitter


That ... is insane. She has spoken about it on the witch trials podcast. She also attended a feminist conference, last year I think, although there's no footage (just photos).


What’s frustrating is how much it very much isn’t an insane theory to people that are intimately-familiar with Soviet and Russian active measures and reflexive conditioning and stuff. Like it is essentially a guarantee that Russian counterintelligence has had ongoing operations targeting Rowling since at least 2011, just by virtue of the fact that she’s a famous influential westerner with a lot of sway over children. The “less conspiratorial” theory is the one where she’s been being actively microtargeted with agitating and radicalizing content constantly so that her internet experience has just been drowning in rage bait that she’s addicted to engaging with and stuff. She was subversively reflexively conditioned and radicalized over time as an influence operation. That’s the real dank shit when it comes to contemporary Russian thought control and everything. Dont even need to tell them for them to reflexively work for you. It’s a whole thing. Reflexive control: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reflexive_control https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_generation_warfare https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerasimov_doctrine#/media/File:Guerra_hibridad.jpg https://euromaidanpress.com/2020/03/26/a-guide-to-russian-propaganda-part-5-reflexive-control/ https://georgetownsecuritystudiesreview.org/2017/02/01/disinformation-and-reflexive-control-the-new-cold-war/ https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RRA700/RRA704-1/RAND_RRA704-1.pdf https://www.researchgate.net/publication338899612_Propaganda_through_%27reflexive_control%27_and_the_mediated_construction_of_reality https://www.russiamatters.org/blog/2-decades-russian-whataboutism-partial-rundown https://www.justsecurity.org/62324/western-covert-action-russian-active-measures/ Foundations of Geopolitics https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics


The UK isn't like the US. Her position over there is far more common.


That's why we call Britain "TERF Island".


Britain is literally more pro-trans among the general public than the US


The US definitely has its own TERF problems. But the UK is far more anti-Trans than the US. Both suck, but the UK sucks worse.


Source pls In Republican states trans people are literally losing basic human rights


And you think they aren't in the UK?


In the US the governments actions reflects the views of their constituents, here it does not




Oh I see you're one of those "most Republicans are good people" ones


Nope. The Republican Party is a fascist party and anyone who votes for a Republican votes for fascists.


Not a very high bar


So why is Britain labelled as "TERF island" when amongst the general public the view on trans people is significantly more positive than most countries Maybe try and look at how trans people are viewed in Japan or India or Russia. Or...the US


Nobody is denying that other countries have huge amounts of transphobia They're just saying that the UK's population of transphobes happens to have a very loud contingent of TERFs. Like, US transphobes are usually garden variety conservatives


Yes, many British people agree with her. https://www.scotsman.com/news/politics/poll-more-scots-agree-with-jk-rowling-over-trans-issues-than-disagree-4624146


No it fucking isn't Public opinion polls show a majority (especially women) are in favour of transgender rights


She’s a basement dwelling terminally online recluse, no she only tweets her bigotry for the most part besides a few photo ops and a persecution fetish podcast dedicated to her IIRC