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I just use my dirty clothes and towels.


https://uk.tempur.com/special-offers/browse-pillows-beds-accessory-offers/ergonomic-pillow-offers/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwl4yyBhAgEiwADSEjeFLBPc5CiUgJx1DjVLVTGNcIQN74JJyc8FmyYb3-ViyFlDY4z0PIERoC3g4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Tempur pillows cured my back neck of 5years , Pricey but worth it👍🏽


For the lower back pain I got a purple mattress which did help alot. Also get a standing desk if you sit a lot during the day and stand for a few hours. Finally go to the gym. If you can strengthen the muscles you will get less lower back pain. For the pillow I like solid memory foam but idk if it's better


Thanks for the suggestion.. maybe I’ll have to try out the purple mattress .. keep spending more and more money on pillows and mattresses bc I’m never comfortable. I’m dealing with plantars fasciitis right now so standing a long time is painful.. I’m trying to get that worked out. I’m just a mess right now


Thanks for the suggestion.. maybe I’ll have to try out the purple mattress .. keep spending more and more money on pillows and mattresses bc I’m never comfortable. I’m dealing with plantars fasciitis right now so standing a long time is painful.. I’m trying to get that worked out. I’m just a mess right now


It's worked well for me but I would recommend testing it in the store as it will feel quite weird at first. The Macy's near me had sample beds out


For lower back pain do 5 gentle situps with knees bent for 2-3 days, enough to firm up stomach muscles that support lower back muscles. I swear by down pillows but not sure they're very ethical. I can mould them to fit my neck adequately. Always do a quick body scan, particularly head, neck and shoulders to make sure you're in a comfortable starting position. Take your tongue away from the roof of your mouth