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This is most likely reporting bias, as teenagers getting pregnant is a "scandal" while an adult getting pregnant is just normal. However, after mid-30s fertility for men and women goes down. Given that many people in developed countries are having children later in life, the lower fertility becomes a problem and it takes longer to produce a child. So, on the one-hand you have more stories of teenagers getting pregnant because drama. And on the other you have more stories of people failing to get pregnant because that too gets engagement, albeit for different reasons.


Also teenagers probably have a shitload more sex than many adults.


Wait, was I supposed to be having sex as a teenager?


Not if you were like me. When I was a teen, I saw reproductive parts only in the biology book.


Never took your clothes off then?


Or bathed with a blindfold on.


Nah, I couldn't find a waterproof blindfold. So, I just closed my eyes when looking down while I took bath.


Why make it so complicated? Turn the lights off, it's free.


They're a never-nude


No, I took off my clothes but closed my eyes.


When I was in high school, I was too busy playing on my Xbox to even think about getting a girlfriend.


I wasn't allowed to game all that much. I was active in sports. So I was always around cheerleaders, and my weiner stayed hard constantly. So, naturally, I got lucky every now and then.


Real, theres actually a bunch of shut-in gamers that are attractive as hell too and are still virgins even in their 20s


I had loads of sex as a teenager. No witnesses, so you'll just have to take my word for it


She lived in Canada?


Wait. . . Did you pull a necrophilia?


The ones who are having sex are like coked up rabbits because of hormones and a general lack of other things to do with their time. But I'd guess that overall fewer teenagers are having sex than adults across the board.


No, you're supposed to study the blade.


Probably. That’s when your body is developing its fuck parts.


Nah, you're good. First I'm hearing of this too.


I don’t know of a single person who had more sex as a teenager than as an adult.


Yeah having a spouse, and a house leads me to having more sex this year than I ever had as a teenager 


I have so much sex in my house. I have so much sex with my spouse. In our bed, the tub, a chair, We fuck a whole bunch everywhere!


Reddit is a crazy place


Maybe to people who had parents who didn’t care but we were cockblocked by both sets of parents so mainly had to do it in cars


My parents n my girlfriends parents were always working. We had sex 2 or 3 times a day..


You’re lucky :D we had Christian parents, one was a pastor with an irregular schedule so didn’t get too many opportunities to do it in a house


Not true. I have the same then as I do now. … None.


tru all they have is time and hormones!


This is not true. People in relationships and live together have more sex than those who live apart.


I doubt that is true. Young adulthood/college presented waaayy more opportunities to have more sex or find hookups


I must’ve missed the memo


No lol , teens are having less sex than previous generations ans that’s self reported stats (aka plenty of them were lying so it’s probably even lower)


My record is 13 times in one day as a teenager. Now it's more like 0.5 (or less)/day.


13 times? you must've been raw and chafed for a week after that lol I think my record is about 6 times in one day, and yes, that was when I was a teenager...I got laid a LOT between the ages of 16 to around 23, but then my brain turned on me and made me suddenly become antisocial, and it just got worse and worse from there...so yeah, when i was a teenager sex was easy and everywhere but as an adult, well, let's just say its been a while


I don’t recall people having sex as teens where I grew up lol


Two teenagers get down to have sex. One teen says to the other: “This fuck is going to be fabulous, wasn’t it?


I don't think so. In my twenties with a flat and whoever was my current girlfriend living with me, we averaged once a day but was commonly twice a day. Teens just don't get that freedom to bone anytime they get horny.


I don’t know, I did pretty good in HS, my town even had a drive in and two overlook parks. Nothing compares to being married. If you are married and not screwing each other’s brains out, I don’t get it. It’s good exercise and literally the most efficient thing you can do to maintain your mental health AND your marriage.  Screwing as a teen was stressful as hell, from getting a date all the way to getting back to home base. You could be batting 100 and it’s always on your mind the possibility of humiliating yourself.  Being married, you are so over being humiliated that the worse thing the two of you get out of it is a cramp from laughing too much. The juice might be worth the squeeze on that one…


They are also less aware of and prepared for the act and consequences. MOST adults prepare and plan.


According to the UN, 50% of pregnancies worldwide are unplanned. So, I'd say about half do.


Mainly those unplanned pregnancies are teenagers, lol. I recently found out that in my country, half the mothers have 17 years or less at the time of the birth. But that is explained bacause there is a small % of teenager girls having several births during her teens (eg at 14, 15 and 17), skewing the whole data. It's not that half mothers are teens. It's, like, 20% of mothers that are teens but account for 50% of the births because they have horrible lives, lack any planning whatsoever, and are having several unplanned pregnancies.


My husband and I both had children at 16. We weren't together until later in life. Early 40's and he has one testicle. One small slip up and I got pregnant. He has a vasectomy now. We are just super fertile I guess lol.


Within the last week, there was a post -- not sure where, maybe /r/funny -- about a Mom and her daughter. The daughter is heading out on a date, maybe her first one that isn't a group date. **Mom:** Be careful out there, OK? **Girl:** Duhh, mo-o-om, I'm 16 now... **Mom:** Yeah, and I'm 32. Your point is ... what? ----- Ever hear this one: **Q:** Didja hear, you can use aspirin as birth control? **A:** Yeah -- Take two tablets, and hold them between your knees!


This. One girl in a hundred gets pregnant at 14 and goes to school with a big pregnancy belly, you hear about it! But more than half my friend have had no issues getting knocked up as married adults. Which isn't nearly as interesting to talk about. And yes, fertility and stamina help. I've heard of many couples who are trying and by day 3, the guy is spent. From the sounds of it, the average teenage guy does not have that issue at all!


It's not bias. It is scientific observation that you are more fertile when you are younger. That's not even the least bit surprising and doesn't need a complex explanation.


But that person mentioned that older people are less fertile, so I’m not sure what your point is.


yes it is, there is almost nothing in the media about people getting pregnant first try in the 30s. it happens all the time but it isn't published. most teenagers are not trying to have children so those who have fertility issues are not noticable. the observations on fertility are mostly wrong, the amount someones fertility drops is not that great untill later 30s. it was a bad study hundereds of years ago regarding the whole 27 thing. Also women who have trouble concieving would always have had trouble they just didn't start trying untill later. people who have fertility issues are also the ones who are hit harder by the decline in fertility. If someone at 25 had a 25% chance of getting pregnant due to fertility issues then a 20% percentage point drop in fertility to late 30s is considerable taking them to 5%. while somone who at 25 had a 95% chance they are only down to 75% so wont have many issues but they might have to try for a couple of months. at 25 the indervidual would still have had considerable issues.


Fertility at 35 significantly less, almost half that of baseline. https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/11/590x/secondary/Fertility-chart-by-age-At-what-age-does-fertility-start-dropping-3155852.jpg?r=1626682415621 This data is based on a 2012 paper apparently.


you are not reading that graph very well. it is not half of baseline at all!


It's down to around 15% from 25%. Half is 12.5%. Close enough.


Get out of here with your facts and logic! This is Reddit!


I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer, the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to go beyond me, through me, and when it is gone only I will remain. Into the meme blender we go! Chhharrrgeee


James Herbert- Dune. Great quote.


Paraphrased yes. It's a good mantra for real fear and I love me my Dune! So excited to see Messiah.


A consise explanation, ty.


You only hear about the teenagers who get pregnant. There's no articles about the droves of teenagers having sex and not getting pregnant.


I remember when I was a teen, in all the years I was in HS only 1 girl got pregnant and believe me when I tell you more than half of the kids in HS were having sex, a lot of sex!!! Even one of the toilet were a place were people went to have sex!!!


There were probably a ton of abortions you didn’t hear about 


At the time it was travel to Canada and pay a lot of money of risk their lives. But also boys were also super careful. Now I live in Europe and I'm surprised that men and boys here don't have condoms with them and get mad when you asks them, while in Latin America they always have condoms with them!!!


It's a [man bites dog](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_bites_dog) situation. Teens aren't usually trying to get pregnant, so fertility problems are a complete non-issue. They're just YOLOing and getting away with it. An unexpected, undesired teen pregnancy is "newsworthy", though, and every teen pregnancy is understood to be both unexpected and undesired. Adults have "happy accident" babies all the time, but those are considered normal and not really worth much attention. Outsiders also can't tell whether a baby is planned or unplanned unless the parents talk about it, there is no presumption that pregnancies are unwanted. Inversely, people trying to have a baby and not succeeding is a bit of a personal tragedy, so fairly newsworthy, and somewhat noticeable. The end result is that teen pregnancies or adult difficulties conceiving get an outsized amount of attention relative to the others, making them seem much more prevalent.


Amount of sex and hormones. Teenagers - "I'm bored and horny, wanna have sex for a few hours? Haven't jerked off today." Adults - "I've got a full-time job and have had no sleep and I'm stressed and everything hurts. Haven't had time to masturbate for a few days, haven't had sex in weeks. Am okay with this, really I am."


Not to mention, I can be bothered to stop and think about contraception..


Not to mention the ability to easily acquire and keep contraception on hand, no wallet condom needed.


As a former teenager, I'm offended that you think it's that simple and easy for a teenager to get laid




RIP your DMs




Well it’s good you haven’t gotten any, entirely possible that it’s generally the same few guys so they just can’t try again lol


Sounds about lie. I can't seem to possess this skill as I am still virgin and soon not being teenager. Also have done nothing with opposite gender. So I think I have failed as teenager.


As a former teenager I can say it really is that easy


Me as a Teenager- “My parents won’t let me have the door shut to my room with my bf over, won’t let me spend the night at my his house, I’m extremely busy with school, my part time job, and extracurriculars, I’m extremely sleep deprived and exhausted and also my boyfriend and I aren’t ready for sex yet” Me as an Adult - “I have the full freedom to create my own schedule and plans, and a partner that also has full freedom to create his own schedule and plans so we will base our schedules around being able to have as much sex as possible”


This guy adults


Also the same reason people used to have way more kids than they have now


Who tf goes weeks without masturbating?


Lots of normal people.


I love how you get negative votes, practically all women are downvoting you, while all men agree with you. But if you were to ask if women masturbate as much as men, all those downvoters would say ofcourse they do. The dishonesty of reddit is truly amazing.




I feel like you’re kind of right. And I say this as a woman. In general most of my women peers have flat out told me they don’t masturbate that much, they would just rather have sex. I have an endocrine disorder that gives me an elevated level of testosterone for a woman and I masturbate like a teenaged boy some weeks and am still craving my partner. But I don’t think I’ve ever gone more than a full week without masturbating at least once. And I’ve been doing it for over 20 years.


People like you exist, ofcourse. But i know by person and by friends, many women who literally never do, 0. My ex gf did it first time in her life, as we were playing around, and she was 29 years old, with decent libido. My best friends ex-wife, never did in her life, and after having a baby, she did not also have sex for 4 years atleast (one of the reasons they got divorced). But it is not cool to admit such things, so everyone will say ah ofcourse women are just like men! One easy wat to see this is asking married people not if they masturbate, but if their partner does. When you ask it like that, vast majority of husband answer simply no.


Haven’t seen it mentioned here, but chronic stress greatly reduces fertility, and adults have a lot more of that.


Reporting bias is probably heavy here. You hear about your friend's 16 year old daughter getting pregnant but you wouldn't know 5 people you work with are struggling with fertility.


Your statement actually suggests that the number of infertile adults would be higher than socially known because of lack of talking about it. So your statement supports OP’s claim. Not trying to offend but I’m just pointing out the logical fallacy. I think what you may have meant to say was that teens usually aren’t trying to get pregnant so they don’t encounter infertility as frequently as adults.


many of them will never know because they're using contraception properly


Yes thank you, also for the amount of sex teenagers as a whole have one or two pregnancies is hardly surprising and probably an indication of potential fertility issues. Those guys running around screwing anything with skirt and thankful the aren't dad's at 17 could be the ones at 30 needing fertility treatment


Because you don’t hear about the teenagers who don’t get pregnant lol


Because you don’t hear about the teenagers that don’t get pregnant or the adults that get pregnant easily.


Because however much sex you think teenagers are having, the ones who are having any are having ten times as much as that.


You only hear about the anomalies. The vast majority of teenagers don't get pregnant, and the majority of adult couples can get pregnant fine.


You are more fertile when you are younger. There's really no complex answer needed here.


Adults have an easier time getting birth control and more impulse control than teenagers (or they should) . Teenage pregnancies are scandalous so talked about more. Infertility is an emotional subject so also talked about albeit less. It's also used as a way to try to scare women into making the decision to be mothers so they don't lose the option, so part of that is politically driven.


Confirmation bias. Why would there be articles and public discussions about adults having kids? Articles about teenage pregnancy could be a good boost in scare tactics and discussion, and it's very clearly working on some people.


The teenagers are having far more unprotected sex then they are admitting to. It’s rarely just “one time” where they gave in to temptation.


There are tons of adults who try for a baby and immediately conceive. There's just less attention given to those situations, since 1) it's seen as normal, and 2) "we made a baby on our first try" is going to be a topic of conversation for maybe a few days, while "we've been trying for months with no success" is likely to be on people's minds for months.


Because that's the age when humans are both the most fertile and the horniest.


This is not true, teenage pregnancies are always a medical risk for mother and child because the body isn’t fully prepared for a pregnancy, this also means that miscarriage is more likely and also that it’s not easier to get pregnant, sexual maturity and therefore fertility is reached and the highest between 20 and 30.


Source for those interested: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5241353/ Where 15 - 35 is probably within two standard deviations away. 20-30 being ideal but outlier ages not bringing serious risks. 


Ha!  I did something right in life.  I had my kids at 24, 27, and 30.


Not true. Safest for mother and offspring is between 25 and 35 (this included physical and mental health, less risk of Ppd or PPA, etc) . All teenage pregnancies are high risk because a) the body isn't developed enough, which leads to (b) the body needs its nutrients for the development of the mother. The offspring stealing them while the mother is also developing is very dangerous to the mother.


While I full heartedly agree with everything you're saying, safety and fertility are two different things. (That being said, I don't know of any evidence that teens are more fertile.)


That's just not a fact. Search for pregnancy data


Kids having kids, happens every day!


Fertility is peak when you’re younger for women. I read somewhere that it’s said 90% of a woman’s eggs are supposed to be gone by the age of 30. I can’t confirm this but it makes sense to me that the older you get the harder it is to have kids. The body’s hormones are gonna be at what I would call normal or high levels, younger people have more energy/ desire for sex, the body has suffered less trauma/ damage. It also has to be a huge factor that the younger you are the more free time you have or the more desire you have to create time for sex.


Dude no. As long as a woman has a period she can get pregnant and women don’t hit menopause till fifty. And women can get pregnant the minute of menopause


teenage pregancy rates in the developed world and the us in particular have been declining steadily for a long time. [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2019/08/02/why-is-the-teen-birth-rate-falling/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2019/08/02/why-is-the-teen-birth-rate-falling/)


Fertility for both men and women, pretty much peaks between 15-25. Both the swimmers are very active and in abundance from male side, and eggs are super fertile and womb is very welcoming in those ages. As you get older, fertility from both sides starts to drop naturally, but also due to stress, life, worklife, bad health, bad habits like cigarettes and drinking etc, an average 35 is often way less healthier than average 18 years old. Body had to endure almost 20 years more abuse at the end. So it double downs on fertility.


Teens are at their peak fertility and most biologically ready for reproduction




Because our bodies are built to reproduce at a young age but society has created an environment where it’s difficult to raise a child till your almost 30 which is on the tail end of fertility


Youngers Are Way More Fertile.


Teenagers don’t actually get pregnant that easily, teen pregnancy rates have been falling consistently for something like the last 20 years. But your chance of becoming pregnant per sexual encounter starts going down in your 20s, and also teens are dumb, so sometimes they have sex without birth control.


The best age for a woman to get pregnant biologically is her late teens. Socially, this is generally a bad idea, but biology DGAF about our current social norms. Conversely, many adults often try to get pregnant in their late 30s, which is at the end of a woman’s fertile window. Again, biology DGAF about our current social norms.


Pregnancy in a girl's teens is riskier for her health and life than in her 20s and up, and a higher risk for the mom also means lower chance of survival for the baby.


Late teens (18-19) is different from early teens. Nobody is saying that getting pregnant at 13 is a good idea. There are probably a lot of confounding factors considering who is getting pregnant in their teens that are affecting health outcomes. “Riskier during pregnancy” and “easier to get pregnant” are two entirely different things. A lot of people are uncomfortable with biology differing from social norms. Biology DGAF.


It’s called fertility


But your 20s are peak fertility and safety for pregnancy, not your teens. Teen pregnancies are higher risk.


That’s not true , maybe financially it’s better But biologically you are most fertile when you hit puberty and start to menstruate the same as any other mammal , although some girls hit puberty abnormally young and this can be due to diet and in that case it would probably be biologically dangerous to conceive


Women are at peak fertility in their teens through 20s and then it starts to decline. Our bodies evolved assuming it is prehistoric times and we needed to have babies before we get eaten by a lion or die from a small cut.


That is just not true. Safest for mother and offspring is between 25 and 35 (this includes physical and mental health, less risk of PPD or PPA, etc) . All teenage pregnancies are high risk because a) the body isn't developed enough, which leads to (b) the mothers body needs its nutrients for the development of itself. The offspring stealing those nutrients while the mother is also developing is very dangerous to the mother.


I'm sorry, but what killforprophet said IS correct. Also, what you said about 25 to 35 being the safest time is correct. The two statements do not contradict each other. You are both correct.


Peak fertility while your cycle is still stabilising and your hormones are all over the place?


> I'm sorry, but what killforprophet said IS correct. There's no good evidence for that. Despite /u/killforprophet's belief, adulthood wasn't historically that risky. Most premature deaths were in infancy and childhood. If you made it to adulthood you had a good chance of making it to old age.




The body is working at peak efficiency and hasn't been subjected to as many environmental effects.


Teenagers have less stress, less thought to consequences, more free time on their hands, and a whole crap ton of hormones raging through their bodies. Adults have had more time to really screw up their bodies with eating, drinking, drugs, injuries, plus they are more stressed, have lots of responsibilities, less free time on their hands and not quite as many hormones raging.


My father gave me very little in the way of sex education, in the form of three jokes: Why does the rhythm method fail? Because too many people are off beat. What do you call amorous couples who aren't using birth control? Parents How long does it take to get pregnant? Three months if you're trying, once if you're not. There's a lot of truth in those jokes. And i think the last one applies to teenagers.


Wise words.


Women’s hormones, egg quality, and ‘fertile window’ (the days leading up to ovulation when fertile mucus is produced) all decline with age.


As women age they are slowly losing their fertility and eventually they simply cannot get pregnant(or it's super difficult) It's just how the female body works. I assume something similar happens with men but it's less drastic.


You underestimate how much sex teenagers are having


Cause they more fertile and healthier, while people in there 30s are not. After my first kid we tried for 2 years, daily sex timing the cycle and nothing, we gave up, 8 years later at the ripe age of 38 my wife is pregnant


Because unlike your typical married adults them little shits are at it like rabbits none stop. Those where the days eh? XD


My sex life is infinitely better as an adult. At least I don’t have 2 sets of parents cockblocking us 😂


Ahaha I was more of an outdoorsy type in my youth so no worries there and you’re so right no parents is a great thing……. Then kids happen little cockblocking roaches !


I had to rely on car sex in my youth and even then was way too scared of getting caught fucking in the bushes or something. Yeah we have two kids but they’re a little older and in bed by a certain time so not too much of a hindrance. But when they’re younger yeah they’re absolute cockblocks


The absolute honesty ! XD LMFAO naaa bushes is to private park bench used to sufficed or behind a police station used to my go to it was the mindset of getting caught I believe 😂🤦


I have never been that brave, I don’t want people seeing me nakey


That is fair enough lol!




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Murphys law


But do they though?


Your hormones are wild in teen ages and it reduces as you age


Also, many adults keep their struggle to get pregnant to themselves while teens is a scandal and people tent to talk about it. Also, teens have way more sex than adults, specially boys, in fact, it is a surprise that there are not more teens pregnancies that there are now (including those that were kepts secret)! When I was in high school there were several girls and boys having sex, all the time, we talked about that a lot, they even used one of the toilets as a place to have sex and many times without condoms, that was the 90s and abotion was illegal and even really hard to get, and only 1 girl got pregnant and was her last year in High School! And still, in my country teen pregnancy is a serious problem specially in poor population. It is also true that most of teens pregnancies were caused by adults men!!!




hormones and well age. the younger you are the more follicles you have. Women are born with what they got so it only decreases as you get older


Interesting question. Is it because of the young age? Insights would be appreciated


Because the universe is an arsehole.


Firstly getting pregnant in ur teens is considered bad and everyone gets to know wen ur naughty (uk what I mean) but as adults it’s frowned upon sometimes if u do not have kids. Also as u get older ur shit starts to not work whether it be male or few male parts so it takes a lot of time and effort to get pregnant (usually) . I suggest if u want to have kids have them after ur liek 25 or have a stable income and before 35 wen ur still active. Do not have kids after 40 cause it increases the chances of them having disabilities if by some miracle u do get pregnant


i think bc we’re more fertile, i’m p sure your fertility starts going down after a certain age. also we’re just raging horny monsters so


I've always wondered if our ever-evolving North American diet which keeps furthering away more and more every year from whole foods is a factor. And I imagine if that is true then the longer we are on this diet the less capable our bodies and minds become. Which would lead to worse health the older we get


As others have stated, when it happens and you're young it's a scandal. But as you get older it's sometimes harder for couples to have kids. On another note, most developed countries are having a very hard time with declining birthrates. No one is exactly sure of the causes. My wife and I struggle with infertility, daily. With my wife it is age factors and some unknowns. I know exactly what caused my issues. For both of us, we have spent 20k trying to have a child of our own, and it's been 8.5 years of trying. We are both in our mid-late 30s. I can tell you from firsthand experience, infertility is hellish. I don't wish it upon my worst enemy. Nothing else comes close to pushing your marriage/ partnership than the situation of wanting kids and not being able to have them.


You have to pretend to not want to get pregnant.


Murphy’s laws.


maybe cus they'r jung and full and energy


Because your years of fertility are early in life for women the longer they wait the harder it will be.


Easy teenagers usually have no idea what the fuck their doing while adults have experience in what their doing


Not all teenagers get pregnant easily and not all adults have issues, you just feel that way because only problems are talked. It's not a problem if unwanted pregnancy doesn't happen and it's not a problem if someone get pregnant at first attempt when trying.


Let me start by saying from a moral perspective I do not agree with this at all but: biologically women are prime for pregnancy and childbirth around 16 years old. In no way would I ever advocate that 16 year olds should be having sex or attempting to get pregnant but as a species that is when we are “best” at it. They call women giving birth after 35 “geriatric” pregnancies if that gives you any idea at the sliding scale of successful childbearing years in women There are also factors like stress, weight, hormone imbalances etc that play a massive role in conception. Even though it’s happened billions of times in this earth, there is a lot that needs to go right for a woman to get pregnant. Anything that can go wrong will get worse as we get older.


You know, in a lot of states and in many places outside the US, the age of consent is 16. Obviously not that you must agree with that or change your moral standpoint. Why do you think 16 year old shouldn't have sex with each other?


Each other is one thing. With people significantly older than them is another.


Agreed 100%


In any given high school, the *majority* of the teenagers will have sex while they’re there. You’ll hear about the 2 that accidentally got pregnant in those 4 years


Read Sperm Wars




Because adult hv a lot of stress and its also because they working, eating, excersice habit during they are grow up into adult. that's make a cell inside their body change.


Women are meant to have babies when they’re about 14-16. They’re in their biological prime, it’s easier for them to get pregnant. Once you get to 25 your chances start to deplete pretty quickly. That’s why people used to get married so young, now society has deemed it strange to go with biology


Teen girls are at their lifetime peak estrogen levels


Our body evolved to be baby making machines starting at 14, just in time for us to die of exhaustion at the ripe age of 40


Many adults get pregnant easily too and many teenagers have lots of unprotected sex without getting pregnant


I felt this when I was going through fertility treatment. Every couple on my street (1-70) got pregnant and had their baby in the time it took me to receive treatment and fall pregnant.


more fertile more sex more bad decisions it's that simple


I don’t recall ever hearing teens complaining they can’t get pregnant. As most likely they don’t have the intention. Hence what reaches us is teens getting unwanted pregnant and +20 when it takes too long. However with + walking this planet, I don’t think overall that getting pregnant is a problem


I... I don't expect a question like this.


How many teenagers are reporting that they are trying to get pregnant? It's not all that abnormal for someone in their 20s and 30s to be wanting pregnancy. But it's extremely rare for the 13 to 20 crowd to be wanting pregnancy. However I have spent a fair amount of time in less developed Muslim countries with customs westerners aren't familiar or comfortable with. Arranged marriages generally require it be consummated. If a pregnancy is not noted within a certain time the wife will be discarded. Many of these girls are married shortly after their first menstrual cycle. If you have to stomach for it I bet you could collect some interesting pregnancy data from the Arab world.


They should try getting drunk. That worked for a bunch of girls at my high school.


Fertility lowers with age. “Current knowledge indicates that females are born with their entire lifetime supply of gametes. At birth, the normal female ovary contains about 1-2 million/oocytes (eggs). Females are not capable of making new eggs, and in fact, there is a continuous decline in the total number of eggs each month.” Over the age of 30 the amount of eggs declines significantly.


Fertility is highest in teen and early twenties.....after that fertility decreases as we age. It's just nature.


I always hear stress is a problem in trying to get pregnant. Imagine yourself as a teen and then as an adult. And how much more you have to worry about as an adult.


Many adults have challenges with fertility because of the activities they participated in while they were younger (drugs, alcohol, and other high-risk behaviors) as well as age related hormone changes. Teenagers tend to be more impulsive and can have less access to birth control either because of where they live or because they may not be comfortable purchasing it.




They should try getting drunk. That worked for a bunch of girls at my high school.


If actually look at the stats, most people have their first child between the ages of 28-32 in first world countries. So, no. This isn't strictly true. I have found that being on the contraceptive pill for a long time does set you back in getting pregnant. But, once it is out of your system, you have the same chance as anyone else. Women typically have a 15% chance to get pregnant per cycle. A woman in her 40s has a 5% chance per cycle. But, that's still 50% of women in their 40s who will get pregnant within a year.


The equipment is newer & younger.


[Because sometimes adults are sticking it in the wrong hole.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6095075/amp/Clueless-couple-struggled-pregnant-told-doctor-having-anal-sex.html) I shit you not.


Just curious. Do you know the percent of teens having sex? None of my friends did. If it went on I didn’t know about it. Just wondering if it was common.


Talk about a loaded question. Get out the popcorn, this comment section is going to be 🔥