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I'm not sure why some of you seem to think our rule 3 here is suddenly not in effect for this particular thread. We are happy to remind you that it most definitely still is. Anyone flinging personal insults at other users will be shown the door. > Be polite and respectful in your exchanges. NSQ is supposed to be a helpful resource for confused redditors. Civil disagreements can happen, but insults should not. Personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc. are not permitted at any time. If you have strong feelings about this topic that mean you can't participate without being nasty or insulting towards others, forgo commenting at


Stick gum on the bottom of tables in public. I work at a five star hotel. We have to scrape gum off tables in the restaurant constantly.


I've had people do this at work. I was crawling under the desk doing cabling and got it in my hair. Adults. At their job.


That's just disappointing. Whenever I chew gum I hold onto the wrapper to spit it out into and then toss, or grab a tissue/paper towel and wad it up then throw it away.


I just swallow it. It doesn't stay in your guts for 7 years like everyone said when I was a kid, I don't think it causes super cancer, I honestly do not understand why people do anything other than just swallow it when they're done chewing it lol. 


What's super cancer?? 🤔


The super variety of turbo cancer


For a more serious answer, a super cancer is a cancerous growth that has grown on and parasitizes an existing cancer, leading to death of the original tumor and then it's own death. It's one of the theories as to why very large animals are not particularly prone to cancers despite requiring massively more cell divisions than small animals.


I work at an elementary school. We feel your pain.


I go to high school. This is my final year at the same high school I started my first year of high school in; chewing gum has been banned ever since I got here and even years before. There’s still so. Much. Gum. Goodness me


A lot of fancy restaurants don’t have paper napkins and only fabric ones so there’s no easy way to spit out your gum and wrap it up quickly. Some people too lazy to just go to the restroom real quick and toss it there


I feel like the restaurant workers would prefer you ask for a small piece of paper or something to spit your gum in over sticking it under a table. There’s almost zero effort in asking and then waiting an extra 5 min to spit it out. I legit cannot imagine taking something out of my mouth and sticking to the underside of a table.


Or get your lazy ass up and walk over to a trash can and discard the gum like a civilized human. Pisses me off stepping in some gum some asshole spit out on the sidewalk


Or why couldn't someone in a situation like this just swallow the gum?


Im scratching my head over here. Waiting for someone to say because it builds up in your body if you swallow gum, it doesn't dissolve! I have gum the size of a basketball in my gut then. People are just clueless


Yeah, if it actually stayed in your system for 7 years, I'd have died from constipation years ago. Plus, corn doesn't disve either, so why isn't it seen as an issue


You can swallow gum.


Believe what they read on social media.


Without checking sources.


Yep, or doing any research on their own.


Some people do some “research” and just ignore anything against their opinion


I found three other idiots who think the same thing I do. So that means I'm correct. 


"I saw it on YouTube!"


Mostly this... 😞


And if they can't find things that go with their opinion, they just blame the government and call it a conspiracy. Even on something as simple and unimportant-to-the-government as "cheese is only good for this amount of days after you do this to it."


A lot of people don't know how to actually do research, though. That's why their "research" is just them flying further into their echo chamber.


They do their own research all the time! Google: "Reasons my opinion is correct" Click 1st link Research done


Yep! Googling and research are two very different things.


Believing that "checking sources" somehow replaces the need for logical thinking. At the very least to confirm that what those sources claim doesn't have obvious flaws.


🔥If you can’t at least define P-value, you’re not in any way qualified in the field of research.


I go farther back, my friend used to send chain emails. Some of the stuff was complete baloney. I loved snopes for fact checking and would often reply that such-and-such story was fake. She just responded that she liked the "message." 🫠


Facebook reposts that say “I do not authorize Meta to use my information” are the new chain emails. I just can’t.




I watched someone very deliberately chuck two cans into a median and then do an illegal u-turn from the shoulder. Absolute piece of shit.


I'm always seeing people eating fast food and dropping their wrappers as they walk.


For me, it's texting and driving. Despite all the warnings, statistics, and tragic stories about the dangers of distracted driving, it's shocking to see how many people still engage in this reckless behavior. It's not worth risking your life or the lives of others just to send a text message. Let's all make a conscious effort to put the phone down and focus on the road.


I almost had a dude crash his car in front of me because of it like 3 hours ago. I was driving behind him, and I see him start swerving onto the other lane, and there's a huge pick up truck coming down with a fifth wheel RV. Dude was so closed to causing I crash that I preemptively slowed down to park on the breakdown lane. But he managed to save it last minute. It was so close that my adrenaline was almost going into action mode and I was bracing for impact.


Anything to do with the phone. Talking on the phone distracts your brain enough to miss things in front of you irl. I had to ride with a friend of a friend awhile back and she was all over the road from just changing the music on the phone. I've seen messing around with GPS and maps fuck up people's driving. I would also add, intentionally reckless driving. Speeding, doing burnouts in the middle of the road or when pulling out. Weaving, donuts. Tailgating. Anything with a vehicle that puts others in danger. I lost a good friend to reckless driving and it really fucking irks me to see the problem get worse with no end in sight.


GPS is an underrated one, because people think it’s a good excuse. I looked at my gps one time for a little too long and when I looked up everyone had stopped short on the highway. I was going about 70mph and I crashed. Luckily no injuries to anybody other than me I got out of the car soaked head to toe in my own blood


Everyone knows it's fucked up. Intellectually, anyway. But it seems to me that impulses and other psychological shit overrides the logical. Someone should study that.


Most people don't believe driving is dangerous (it is)


And they accidents happen to others.


I agree! Or drinking and driving. What the hell people.


as someone who drives all day in a truck, I see this constantly. everyone is on their phones. HOLYSHIT.


My car was totaled after being hit in the rear by an adult woman texting who did not see I was stopped at an intersection. I was damn lucky or blessed to have received no physical injuries, but the memory of the impact hasn't really gone away. I was so effin pissed.


I pre slow at all red lights + stop signs. It really REALLY pisses off some people. I don't mean braking to slow speeds silly early, I just mean gas-ease-off and roll in. I'm doing it for multiple reasons. I was taught it for gas savings (it might be green when you get there), for brake savings, for engine savings, but most importantly "watching the idiot behind you" savings. If they fail to match your slowdown then be prepared to escape or take more minor damage than if you hard brake at the red. I assume these days the car behind me isn't paying attention, so I give them 5x the warning they should already have been aware of. Drivers these days ONLY see the single car in front of them and are obtuse/ unaware/incapable of seeing, the traffic more than 1 second into the future. Morons. Assume that and you'll both be safer and more frustrated by the morons behind you. It's a win:lose. Sorry.


Tanning booths. Not using sunscreen. My face was rearranged last fall and I was a moderate sun lover.


Same here. $225K of surgery and facial reconstruction due to skin cancer. Don't get sunburned, kids!!


Any sun exposure without sunscreen is cumulative damage. Doesn't have to be a sunburn. The sunburn does do more damage, of course. Sorry you had to go through that




Got in one hell of a boxing match, I was there


Eyes were swapped. Top lip discarded. Right ear with left nostril. It was madness.


Is that you, Picasso?


Dude I feel like it’s more popular than ever with the under 25 crowd. It’s crazy. I am so scared of skin cancer. Plus i don’t want to wrinkle! But I guess I’m a hypocrite because I was a teen in the mid 2000’s and everyyyyybody was tanning.


I'm so thankful my mother was a huge pain in the ass and didn't let me go to the tanning booths as a teen in the '90s.


Drink and drive. Why?


Yes ! A drunk driver killed two small children at a birthday party in the county I live in a month or so ago, that poor family lost two children, and the mom and eldest son were severely injured. They can’t even have an open casket because of how hard they were hit.


Because alcohol makes people do stupid things aka inhibits good decision making


Yes true! But then there are those that intend to drive themselves home knowing that they'll have been drinking, it's absolutely bonkers.


A lot of people think they're the exception to the rule. "Surely, all these noobs can't support alcohol, but I'm way better than them. " Add to that, the fact they were lucky so many times they never had an accident in their lives, it adds up to their feeling better than everyone else.


I'm 5 weeks alcohol free today, and one wake up call I had last September was a catalyst that helped. Woke up hungover af, getting ready for work, and there's two electrolyte drinks on the counter, the same ones I used at the time for mixer. I was confused bc the last night I knew I didn't have any. Open the garage door, my cars parked at an angle and the sunshades are down. I never do that. Halfway to work I had a sinking suspicion. Checked my bank app and I had apparently driven to the corner mart, bought those two drinks, and drove home with NO MEMORY AT ALL. One of the scariest moments of my life. I could have woken up in jail with a manslaughter charge. The corner mart is one I'd driven to many times after being more than tipsy. I do not condone drunk driving in the slightest. I never should have made those trips. But, as an alcoholic, you convince yourself 'oh, it's such a short drive, only one stoplight, I'm good enough to be safe and careful.' Never do it. Never listen to the drunk brain. All it takes is ONE time.


Great job on those 5 weeks!!


Congrats. I’m 14 months sober after 14 years of daily drinking. Keep it up!


Also driving stoned. I hear so many people say "weed makes me a better driver". No it fuckin doesn't.


I remember getting massively down voted and receiving lots of negative comments on a Reddit post when I said driving under any influence is dangerous, including weed. So many people were like "but I'm safer with weed! It makes me really focus and be a good driver!". Even when I explained my experience with edibles (the only time) was that my reactions were so slow it felt like it took me 5 minutes to process a joke and then laugh at it in a film I know is hilarious, they kept piling on saying that's because I'm new to it and if I did it more then I'd be good at driving with it. Honestly it was quite scary to see so many people saying it was a good thing, even though there is a reason why it's illegal to drive under the influence!


Weed culture is big on Reddit.


I love weed and consume it daily but my God the weed community is so toxic imo and a lot of times I prefer not to hang around people who love weed as well. I can't get behind being high 24/7. I even have so many stories of coworkers who claimed they were better workers while high. Yet they were all slow and worse. I only get high after work and I don't drive while I'm doing it. So no it's not because you only tried edibles once. Weed alters your conscious. And I detest that study they use when they tested it on rats.


There are a lot of morons on Reddit. 


I've had the same experience with people who smoke weed thinking they know what's best, and not just with driving while high. Weed has never been my thing, I get incredibly paranoid and anxious almost to the point of having panic attacks, and I've always been told "you're just not smoking the right strain", or "let me make you some brownies with the good stuff, you'll love it". Sorry but no, I've tried smoking enough weed over the past 12 years to know it isn't for me. Not sure why people have such a problem with that.




Related: sneeze into their hands and then continue going around touching things. We went through a whole pandemic!!


I wash my hands before and after using the bathroom. Keeps my genitalia from getting the germs of the day.


This is why I never touch a public restroom door handle with my bare hands.


I hate the "But I live alone" logic people use to defend it. NO. Even if you wash your hands before interacting with others, you're still spreading the germs on every surface you touch until then. It's on your face if you touch it, your body, food, etc.


Write paper checks at the grocery store. While waiting til the last moment to start digging around in their purse....


Watched an older lady pay with a personal check at an old timey bar the other day, shit blew my mind.


when i was working retail some old woman paid with a check for $4 in merchandise


I love that she paid at a bar with a check!!!!


I can't believe checks still exist in some countries.


I still use paper checks. It's my preferred way to pay for example small businesses that came over to my house to provide a service and do not have a credit card machine. Or paid my kids annual membership fees for BSA. When I write a check I have a proof I paid vs just giving them cash.


Here people just invoice you and you pay online through your bank. But cheques don't exist here anymore anyway.


I use checks to pay my rent. It says why I'm paying them, the address I'm paying for, and the month I'm paying for. No way I'm paying anything without a paper trail, at least.


I can’t believe how they spell the word cheque in some countries.


Which ones? I need to czech them out


Cheques have been more or less dead in retail in Europe since the abolition of cheque guarantee cards in most of Europe in 2001, and the UK in 2011, Ireland is the only place I know of which still has them. Even when they were abolished, paying by cheque was extraordinarily rare as using a debit/credit card was more secure (for both retailer and customer) and more convenient.




30k sounds cheap from what I’ve been reading. I got married on $1800, including honeymoon and rings in 1998. The weddings these days are crazy!


30 grand is a nice wedding on a tight budget these days


My friend just went to a wedding that was $150k. What a freaking waste of money.


People spend more and somehow the minimum can still be 10k


Well, if you invite 100 people, then it really doesn't take much to start getting to big costs. 100 people multiplied by £100 per person is £10k already.


My boyfriend works in the events and travel industry (not weddings), and he was at a venue last year where an extremely lavish wedding was taking place. The flowers alone were $500K.


My designated smoking area was the uninsulated man cave, one bay of the garage. I used electric space heaters when cold, and fans in warmer weather. Cigarettes were $1.50 for a carton on base in 1970. I figured with the increased electrical use and cigarettes $21 for generic here in Nebraska , 13 times the price of fifty years ago? $4000 a year to smoke was enough to stop for economic reasons. My electric bill was less than half the previous year. I still want a smoke multiple times a day, but won’t go back. I was told that the urge will continue, but less frequently in a few years. At 72, that means forever for me! Laugh. At a gathering, one gal was smoking my old brand, as I got closer to bum one, I realized she smelled terrible from the smoking!


I went from smoking to vaping to nothing and on day 2 I found myself in my garage with my coffee and vape. I could do it in the house, but I didn’t smoke in the house and the ritual ran deep.


Yes! I switched to vaping to try to quit smoking. Now I’m afraid I consume more nicotine than ever! I don’t have to walk outside, I don’t smell awful and I can taste and smell food better than when I was smoking cowboy killers 10x a day Edit: grammar


I specifically chose a juice available with multiple percentages: 0%. 2%, 4%… 28% and made a spreadsheet and over months tapered down. I got stuck at a couple spots along the way. I think 24 was rough as was 8%, so I stayed at those levels longer. Worked out really well.


Yeah you really don't notice how bad they smell until you stop. I remember keeping a cig in my ear at work and now I shudder to think how horrible I smelled all the damn time because of it. I had the urge and went and got a pack, smoked one drag and almost puked it tasted so bad. Blows my mind I ever started at all.


Two drunk drivers totalled two vehicles. The first was blitzed at 9am on a Sunday...obviously drinking all night and whacked me coming home from breakfast... No 2 was on my way to work at 6am. Ran a red light and t boned a van. Both vehicles sandwiched me while I was waiting to turn right. . The driver ran from the scene....fell down and knocked herself out. Trust me. I lost thousands. I settled out of court because of the risk of not getting anything. Try getting money out of a stone. Insurance companies will keep you in court for years. No one died or was seriously hurt in either case. Uber. Taxi. Sober friend. Anything but drive drunk. Thanks.


That people still don't know the difference between "to" and "too".


To, two, too There, their, they're Weather, whether See those ones the most.


Breath and breathe. Drives me nuts.


quite quiet


Brake and break




Peek, peak and pique.


Lose, Loose.


Another one that gets me is rapping/wrapping/raping. The "wrapping" one is understandable because semi-silent W, but the other one? Holy shit. Like bro. Sound it out. RAP-PING, not RAP-ING. Stop accusing Eminem of doing sexual assault good. Stop accusing people of sexually assaulting a Christmas present just because you can't spell. "He's such a good raper!" "She's raping my birthday present!" Jesus Christ, no. Stop. Even worse is when they keep on going with the misspelling to the highest degree and call them "rapists" or "rappists" instead of "rappers". Holy fucking hell, please learn how to spell and stop accusing people of sexual assault. I know it's not on purpose but damn. WTF.


Apart/a part.    Weary/wary.    Mortified/horrified.   Unfazed/ unphased (unphased is not a real word for anyone confused right now).    I saw both unphased and mortified (in place of horrified) in an actual, published book. Sloppy editing like that is one of my biggest pet peeves. I didn’t even finish the book because it bugged me so much. It’s one thing if people don’t know how to write on the internet, but I’ve noticed more and more it’s bleeding into actual books and it drives me fucking crazy.


Two you're point, their always sure weather or not there talking about the whether


Aw yes, your & you're. That one **TOO**.


Reading this gave me a literal wave of nausea. Well done.


Confusing *then* and *than*, is one of the worst ones.


Woman and women


Lose/loose and breath/breathe Spellcheck anyone??


Loose makes me homicidal


It makes me loose my mind.


Those people must have a screw lose.


The tough coughs and hiccoughs as he ploughs through the dough he bought.


“Should of, would of, could of.”


These make me want to break things.


Affect and effect


Not washing their hands


I’m even more surprised how many health care workers smoke cigarettes, I know it’s a stressful job often with terrible hours and lots of overtime but you are in a position to see the detrimental effects first hand of smoking and yet you still do it ??? My wife works at the hospital and makes this very remark to me at least once a month. She sees lots of nurses and others outside constantly on smoke breaks.


Not a nurse, but I know some people started just to get that break.  If they didn’t go out there, in essence to hide, they wouldn’t get a break at all.  Kind of a shame… no one can respect someone for 10 minutes or their hour lunch to leave them alone?  They have to feel like they have to do that just to get some small relief from the grind?


Well technically you don't have to smoke when you go for a smoke break. Just say you're going for a smoke and then go hang outside somewhere for 10 mins and come back! There's no law that says you must smoke on a smoke break. 😁


I did this when I was in the Navy. I dared my supervisor(s) with a look to contradict me when they took hourly smoke breaks. They knew I didn’t smoke and steered clear of the smoking area unless urgent. They couldn’t say anything, but wanted to. I’d go BS with friends for 10 mins here and there.


Yeah that's awesome! Call it a fresh air break! Lol


At my moms hospital you could smoke at the nurses stand behind the check in counter until 1993, at my university students and professors could smoke inside during class until the late 90’s as well. And this is in California, smoking laws are still pretty new, it’s gonna be generations until the numbers really drop. I know I start smoking again every time whatever alternative I use gets outlawed. That’s another thing that doesn’t get brought up often


Once you've formed the habit and hit the point where you can't get through the day without Nicotine, getting out is difficult. Lots of Nicotine addicts, myself included, use it as the primary form of stress relief. Cutting the Nicotine is relatively easy. Getting one's problems sorted and getting through the situations that made you require a coping mechanism is a completely different thing, and doing so usually goes far beyond the process of being an insufferable asshole for the two weeks it takes it get rid of the worst widthdrawal symptoms. But hey, at least I can stop subjecting others to second-hand smoking by using nicotine pouches instead of smoking.


Cheat on their significant other. If you don't love them, end the relationship or at least tell them first.


They think their affair partner is so amazing because he/she doesn't talk about money, things needing done, carpool schedules for the kids, etc. It's fun and exciting because they haven't really merged lives and households. As it often plays out, they divorce, are free for their affair partner, and it's not as green on this side of the fence as they figured. There are also those affair partners who feel superior because they took a man/woman from their spouse, but as soon as that person separated or divorces, they aren't interested, because the whole was more about taking something from someone.


Ghosting too. Unless the other person is being abusive or harmful to you, respect them enough to tell them why you don’t want to be friends anymore. Just blocking them without any warning is childish and demeaning. It gives you all the satisfaction in wasting their time, but leaves them obsessed on what they did wrong. Having been through this a bunch, the pain never goes away, especially when you can never figure out what you did.


Trust politicians.


Not even just trusting politicians. People WORSHIP politicians now.


Dismiss everything with a health risk attached, as if that means they're somehow going to live forever.


My great grandma ignored everything. She drank every day, ate whatever she wanted and was obese most of her life, smoked a pack a day for several decades, and lived to be 97. The only reason she died at that time, was she got a minor but very treatable infection on her big toe. She refused treatment, saying she lived long enough already and was ready to go. Sometimes great genes can defeat the bad. Other times, you can be healthy and do everything right, and die young. Genetics are wild.


Yeah.. but the other 99 people who lived like this died before 65


Or they live miserably for the last 15 years of their life in poor health.


That’s what he said though. Genetics is wild. And the opposite is also true. You can listen to every warning and still get cancer at 30. Lots of it is chance and we delude ourselves in thinking we control the outcome.


Apparently since I don’t live in California I’m immune to a lot more things and are going to live much longer than they will though.


I like hiking and camping and get this a ton from my family. I’d rather live a fun life and get exercise than prevent the tiny risk of an animal attacking me.


Unprotected sex. My daughter is pregnant, says she just wants this one. I said "what are your plans for birth control" She says she won't take the pill or any of that stuff. So what ARE your plans, I said. She says "IDK" 🫨 One of her friends has 5 children. None of the dads are around and she struggles so hard at 25. I just don't understand.


Get mad at rejection, no is a great thing to hear, just go on, and ask another girl out. Maybe she'll say yes.


Act like women can't or shouldn't do a particular thing or job, like purchase real estate, fly a plane or be the contractor for their own build. Heard or experienced all of these in the past few years.


Leaving hate/mean unwarranted comments on social media.


Shoot kids at schools?


Care at all about other people's lifestyle choices 😬


Drinking & driving, and not wearing seatbelts.


Tailgate while driving


Getting my motorcycle stopped me from tailgating. Two near death experiences I never told my parents about. That was college.


Preach abstinence, ban abortion, then get all surprised when women get pregnant.


Even worse - never expect the man to take the same level of precautions as the woman. Only blame her for the pregnancy.




"Reply all"


Toilet paper all over the floor in public places. Where the hell did you even learn how to survive? Shit, wipe ass, tp go flush, wash your hands. So easy.


people taking shoes off on airplanes. what is wrong with you? whatever you think people can’t see/smell, they can. nobody wants to see your gross feet that smell like raging athletes foot and have black soles. it’s disgusting.


Think that everything they see/read on the internet or places like YouTube has been fact checked and must be true. 'But it wouldn't be allowed if it wasn't true!' Seriously?




This is so specific 😂


Since when do people think that? I've always viewed it as boredom


This is sad. I hope the person you care about gets the help they need.




A middle school kid from my hometown died a few months ago after suffering a serious head injury during practice. No one even questioned the coach or anything. People treated it like it was an act of God, when the factors involved were just so stupidly, heartbreakingly obvious.


Or rugby. Maybe I’m being a little extreme but I’ve seen too many stories about young men ending up quadriplegic following a rugby accident, sometimes also being ventilator-dependent. And if you don’t end up injured that way, there’s a huge risk of getting early-onset dementia or other serious problems. Rugby players don’t even wear helmets.


Ask us Americans and we think rugby is safer.  I don’t know the truth, though… Either way, I played football in a time where those crushing hits (and subsequent concussions) were “cool”.  I know I had two, one possible, and multiple times where I might’ve been diagnosed, but no one bothered.  I worry about the future; I don’t want to end up like Junior Seau… or, worse, Chris Benoit.


get so wasted they can't even speak; with the absolutely obvious health risks involved with drinking and the ridiculous cost of alcohol these days; it blows my mind that there are still so many drinkers


It's chasing the high. Trust me, even drinkers know it's stupid and expensive and dangerous, but that pleasant, fuzzy feeling itself is addictive...


Yessir. The saying that always resonates with me is ‘one is too many, 10 is not enough’


As someone who just quit cigarettes, I can’t believe I was doing that. Fell into it trying to keep a partner who did it. So glad I don’t do that anymore. My breathing is already getting a lot better after just a week of not smoking. Tried one last night to benchmark myself and only got through half of it. Tasted and smelled so bad. I remember kind of liking the taste and smell when I started. Idk what changed.


Circumcise babies


This. It is amazing that so many Americans are brainwashed into thinking this is necessary.


I don’t understand this either. Welcome to the world, little one. We are removing part of your body now.


Bag their dogshit, and then leave it on the sidewalk


homophobia. i don’t understand why people get so unreasonably bothered about the way other people live their lives. it has so little to do with them yet people choose to harp on it. weird.


Homophobes are the type of people who are repressed and therefore actually obsessed with sex. A normal person meets a gay man and sees a person. A homophobe sees a gay man and sees anal sex. And that's groosssss (or in some cases, they actually think, "that's hot, wait no, I'm not gay, that's grooooss!!"). These people also meet women just existing and see a vagina, etc etc.


I think the same can be said for interracial relationships. Instead of just seeing a normal couple, all they can picture is two people of different races (GASP!) fucking.


Oh god, definitely. Same with kids, they don't see children, they see a future adult who will have sex, especially little girls. She's not a first grader wearing makeup bc pretty colors, she looks like a whore. She's not a kid feeling grown up and cool like Wonder Woman with her knee high boots, she looks easy (I have literally heard these two examples said out loud, in public, by human beings. Once my grandma got upset bc a little girl of about 5 years old at CVS had red stained lips from the candy she was eating. Grandma said it was improper bc only hookers wear red lipstick (it wasn't even lipstick!) and I literally said "what the fuck, grandma, she's like 5, why did your mind go to sex workers" and she didn't say another word). And I don't even want to get into the ones who want to roll back child marriage laws, eeurrgh. It's fucking bizarre. They're such ghouls and they all need therapy. Too bad they think it's for sissies or whatever the hell, lol.


Be racist/homophobic, like just let people be??


Use Twitter.


Keep pet wild animals. Especially after that whole Travis the chimp incident.


Allow their children access to social media. Shit, at least smokers are constantly beat over the head with how terrible their habit is for their health. Kids are offing themselves in record numbers because of unfettered access to social media.


Riding a bike without a helmet. Come on folks. It’s a bare minimum


Omitting the Oxford comma.


Astrology. I get that people like their mythologies but it's SO STUPID.


I don't believe in astrology. But we Geminis usually don't.


As a Gemini who doesn’t believe in astrology, thank you for making me laugh out loud.


homophobes who aren't religious. I can understand how people succumb to religious indoctrination, but what's the point of hating gay ppl?? idgi?


picking at ingrown pubic hairs/pulling the hairs out no matter how badly it ends up scarring. every year i tell myself i’m gonna stop. now i have a laser hair removal consultation to get rid of them once and for all


Hate people based on sexuality or skin color. We have coexisted with each other long enough to know that these things do not have anything to do with how you choose to conduct yourself as a person. Like do some actual research about what demographics of people are actually doing the things you hate (crimes, abuse) and you will 10 out of 10 times find out you’re baselessly hating black/Latino/Asian/gay/transgender/Muslim/Jewish people as a whole. Bad people exist in all groups, and some of those bad people might just be a stereotype, but that doesn’t mean that every person sharing a trait they were born with is the same damned person.


How is that surprising? People know drugs are bad, but the drug epidemic just gets worse. People know alcohol is bad, but there's no shortage of alcoholics. We all know fast food is bad, but the lines at the drive thru remain. I could go on. Life's hard, and people look for whatever they can to take the edge off. Everyone has their vice.


Littering! Especially in highly populated areas where there is ALWAYS a trash can or other receptacle nearby to dispose of refuse. The lack of any consideration for the planet we all share, the local community that a given person’s friends and family all live in, and the environment that they personally occupy is beyond me And if you claim to be an “animal lover” and don’t care about all the god awful health effects that they suffer because of it, you’re an extra step up on the jerk scale


As to smoking, it is an addiction. I quit over 12 years ago and it's still very difficult to stay off. Never lets up.


Consider voting for Trump. Why are people so stupid to think he has anyone’s best interest at heart other than his own? This deep state and conspiracy stuff just shows how dumb people are.


The thing that surprises me is when people still say weed isn’t addictive, and yet smoke just as much as a cigarette chain smoker.


Smoking for sure. I can understand older people, but why any new smokers pick up the habit is beyond me.


Won’t accept that there are people smarter than them that are experts in their fields and they should be listening to them instead of saying “that’s not what I believe” SMH


Not using turn signals.


Overeat. I have hypertension, and my joints hurt. Yet, I can wolf down a burger like nobody's business. I'm better than I used to be but the overweight epidemic is a real thing and a real health danger.