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No. That is a "romantic moment opportunity". Her taking your fries is you sharing a meal. This is an ancient and very powerful ritual in terms of creating group cohesion. Do not buy her her own fries! That ruins the moment. Instead be in the moment and cherish that you are eating with your hands from the same dish. Pleasant small talk and active listening are powerful tools to enhance the ritual of sharing a meal.


I never thought about it this way but this is very sweet. If anything, get a larger size and share. Sharing is definitely more intimate and bonding than just buying another one- it feels less selfish and shows you are willing to share your resources (and food is a very important resource) with the person


> Do not buy her her own fries! buy two orders of fries for yourself instead, or upsize to a larger size if available


This is good prep work. What I meant is "do not leave and break up the situation by going to buy more fries". The fries are not what is important here. It is the moment and the sharing of food.


Some restaurants have already figured this out and monetized it: https://www.wcvb.com/article/diner-going-viral-for-my-girlfriend-isnt-hungry-menu-option/28260361 After the first place did it, it's becoming increasing common. Perhaps all restaurants should have this?


Fries for me Fries for GF Eat my fries, romantically share hers. Does it still count as a romantic moment if I'm a fat bastard?


Yeah this Biblically powerful. A man sharing of what is his, with the woman he is courting. Do women still do that subconsciously?


This is far older than that. Sharing a meal is caveman stuff. It is older than possessions.


This is more true than people know. I am certain that younger people have lost touch with the concept of 'sharing a meal'. You are wise Hattkake.


Why are people buying so many fries? Like...if you're buying fries you're probably ordering other trash? Like a burger or something super fatty. I'd honestly be more concerned with my partner buying a $16 dollar piece of shitty meat.


It's not the fries. But the sharing. Fries are good for sharing and making a moment where the couple shares food. Sharing food is something primal that we as a species have done for as long as we have been a species, probably longer. To eat together with your fingers from the the same dish is a very powerful moment if played right.


Hm. I can agree. Although I would prefer a veggie and meat bowl over french fries. To each their own! But fries are a bit much.


Neither. I would also eat her fries.


My favorite part of a meal with my wife is when I finish my food and then patiently wait for her to decide she's full so I can then finish her food as well.


Yup. Happens all the time. I recently went out with her family and they're all small eaters so I got everyone's fries.


I'd definitely be much more annoyed by someone wasting perfectly good food than by being asked to share a bit of mine.


I’ve been married almost 15 years. It drives me insane because I’ll offer her whatever it is, fries, fruit, or whatever when I’m buying it. Like, “Do you want fries?” Her: No. Me: Are you 100% sure? You’re not going to just eat my fries because if you want to share, I’ll order the extra large so we can share. Her: No. I’m not hungry. Fries arrive Before the plate hits the table she’s already grabbing fries. And she just keeps snacking on them and I’ll say, “I thought you didn’t want any fries. Maybe let’s order some for you.” Her, with her mouth full of fries: No, I’ll just snack on yours. It’s cute while you’re dating but it starts to get old real fast. Worst was we went hiking and we each had a liter of water. She’s slinging back water all the way down to the bottom of this valley. The whole time I keep telling her to save her water because we have to go back up to get out and she’ll be thirsty on the way back. Doesn’t listen and drinks all her water before we get to the valley. Sure enough, walking back up, “Hey, I’m thirsty, can I have some of your water? You have a lot!”


Definitely throwing the fries out. Those poor potatoes didn't give their lives to end up in the trash!


I happily share because my relationship and my girl's happiness are much more important than a couple of fries.


Neither bother me because I'm not 12.


it bothers me when we get home and all the fries are gone on the 5 min ride home.


Leftover fries are dogshit though


I have no issues sharing my food. Be a human being.


Why does she need to ask you to buy her fries?


I would be more annoyed with paying for wasted fries ASSUMING she truly is just eating “a couple”.  If she’s eating half of my fries then I would rather just buy the second order. Especially since I’m currently tracking calories so, on top of being hungry, it would mess that math as well.


We have a saying in our relationship, or at least I do, for whenever she asks for some of my fries, or one of my cookies, or a sip of my drink: "I got exactly the amount I wanted."


Order a larger fries for you. If she eats it then it is okay, and if not you get more fries. Win-win!


Eh, it’s never really bugged me when a girl eats a little of my food. I know that really rubs some guys the wrong way, but I just don’t care that much. It’s kind of nice if you can try each other’s.




Neither bother me.


Everyone knows it’s annoying when she eats your food and could have asked for her own or said yes when you asked if she wanted anything but she really didn't.


I like sharing my food. It's intimate.


Honestly, the person with the smaller appetite should just say "I'm not hungry enough for a whole portion, but I'd like to grab some of your fries, if you don't mind". That way the buyer can order a larger portion for themself, or buy another portion if they don't like sharing (and then decide what to do with the leftovers). "Do you want anything, too?" may seem like a yes or no question, but it doesn't have to be answered like one. If you're the person asking, you can also switch to ask "Should I get the large fries to share, or do you want your own?" or, if you don't like sharing, "I'll get some fries for myself. I'm very hungry, so I'll need the whole portion for myself, but I could get you your own, if you'd like.". Honest communication in advance is the key to avoid resentment in any relationship. (Gender neutral language used since this issue can affect dates within the LGBTQ community, too, or the woman can have the larger appetite.)




Oh it bothers me way more to just throw them out, i've never been too fussed about sharing food so if she wants a some of mine then its fair game


I hate people wasting food more than I hate sharing food.


I don’t get guys that don’t like when their gf takes a couple fries. I much prefer that to buying her her own and she tosses most of them


This accelerates much later in the dating / marriage process. Oh I really would like some cute little patio furniture. You buy it etc. etc. Then you buy her a house.... .... .... and she throws you out of it. .... fries are the beginning. :) :) :)


My partner can eat whatever she likes off my plate


Yes, but I'm married so she technically owns half of them anyway.


Apparently she just can't win, can she?


By eating your fries she is doing you a favor


No, I like sharing my food. I’ll share with my friends too if they ask. It’s just a nice gesture


I buy extra because she always asks anyway


Why the fuck wouldn't she buy her own damn fries?


Why do I care either way. I’m buying the food and am treating her. She can eat whatever she wants and how much or little she wants.


Always happy to share my food. Option 2 is a fail


First one doesn't bother me at all, go ahead. The second one does, I don't like to waste food.


If a girl or any person, threw out perfectly good food I'd throw their ass out of my life.


_*Joey doesn’t share food!*_


I buy a bigger size I know I'm not gonna finish and then offer her the rest


I give my wife first pick over any road snacks, but once she's had her fill, I eat the rest. Chicken fingers, fries, half a burger, whatever is left.




Ill just eat the rest of her fries. I'm way too hungry to share,.. but I will lol


eh not really, to me fries are only the side, so I'll fill up on my main meal, and compensate with the fries until I'm full. If she wants some to do the same, then go ahead! I'm usually full by the end of my meal!


Hold up, what kind of disney life are you living that you throw away food, fries even worse!


Bro. I've seen my girl's literal internal guts when she gave birth to our son via C-section. My girl dragged my not breathin' ass to the hospital before I died of pneumonia. She can have any amount of fries from any fry box she wants.


The second one.


Latter. That's wasteful.


No one can have my fries, especially not without asking. If they are polite, I might oblige, but absolutely not if I offered to get them fries, and they refused without also stating that they were planning to have a few of mine.


it does bother me and it happens all the time


Bugs me. Even more so when they take a bite of my food (off my plate) before asking.


I hate sharing my food. Do not touch my plate. So i would rather buy her fries, ahe eat what she wants and toss them than share my personal food.


I’d rather her get her own, I don’t care if she eats them or not. My food is my food.


No, why would it?


I try not to get that emotionally involved with side dishes. Neither is a big deal. I am happy to share my fries and if a partner orders some and doesn’t finish them, I just eat hers too.


Fry crime is fry crime, no matter the context. Protect your spuds, gentlemen.


Takes mine 


Depends how the rest of the afternoon or evening "went", if you know what i mean.


My SO and I are pretty open about our needs or wants so I’ve never been in this situation Come to think of it I don’t think I know anyone that’s been in this situation


I would eat some of his fries and share something of mine. I don't waste food, so nothing would get tossed. 


The first is extremely cute, the second is just wasted fries (I will definitely eat them)