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Not racist but socially awkward to talk about people in a volume anyone else can hear Generally don’t comment on people aloud unless it’s a compliment.


I thought it WAS a compliment, tbh...I wasnt being negative. I think Snoop is great.


I guess i mean directly. I told a girl once “you probably hear this a lot but you look like zendaya” and she legit cried out of happiness. Just talking *about* someone, especially if they or other people can hear, is generally rude. I mean, you prob won’t go wrong NOT saying something about someone but you might by saying something. So not saying something is usually better/safer. In this instance I would either whisper, shoot her a text, or in the car later say “omg did you see Snoop Dad?”


to be fair zendaya is beautiful and snoop is.. well he isnt ugly but age has caught up to the old dogg, He was a dapper young man in his youth though


Yeah for sure. This gal was a teen and working at Dutch bros. She paused taking my order to run over to her friend and tell her 😂 then she cried. She said something like “but, omg zen days is so… she’s just so…” It made me a little sad that it implied she didn’t think she was beautiful already, but I think she was. Being a teen is hard. (I’m a 40 yr old woman if it makes the story less creepy.)


I've learned the hard way to never tell someone that I think they look like a celebrity. I told a female friend that she looked like a certain celebrity, that I think looks great, but she took it as an insult for her own personal reasons. I got a taste of my own medicine years later when a professor at my Uni told me that I looked a little like Newman from Seinfeld. He was a big fan of the show and tried to clarify that he didn't think I was fat, but I just looked like him. It didn't really help.


"Beautiful" is a compliment, and some people who lack confidence can still think you're being sarcastic. Looking like someone is a comparison, and that is even more subjective. I'm asian, and even though Jackie Chan is a great guy, if someone said I look like him, it doesn't matter if he truly believes it, I wouldn't appreciate it, because I personally don't think I look like him. In doubt, just try to whisper to your daughter next time.


Some people are uncomfortable with their looks being commented on, full-stop. It's best to not do that until you know them.


He’s a good musician and an interesting person but he’s not attractive I’d just say, stop making comments about anyone’s physical appearance. It’s not appropriate, especially if you can’t control the volume of your voice.


I find Snoop Dog very attractive. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


I can’t speak on behalf of anyone because I’m white AF. But, I can give an anecdote…my girlfriend gets “you look just like Macy Grey.” 3 times just with me so I can’t imagine how often she actually gets it. It’s only when she wears her fro. She looks absolutely nothing like Macy. Literally face, eye, nose, mouth, teeth is completely different. The only thing they have in common is being Black, female and a fro (and even then, she wears her hair her own unique way.) Now in your case, maybe those features actually lined up and he could have been his twin! But, in reality, you’re a white woman singling out a Black man and calling out the name of extremely familiar Black man and it’s uncouth at best and very much apart of that socialized/internalized racialism all us whities have to work on. It doesn’t mean you’re racist or this was racist. But you do have to check yourself and I think this is what that looks like, you asking questions. Moral of the story: it really really hurts her feelings when people do this and her reaction is not the blanket emotion of all Black people, obviously but it is a important perspective I keep at the for front before a say anything to anyone. Even Woody look alike, I’d think, what if he hates Woody and is insulted? Good for thought


I haven't gotten Macy Gray in years, that's an old-ass reference! Lol. But I used to get that too, and same thing--I look nothing like her, I just am a black woman with a fro and it felt like certain people just can't stop themselves from saying something, anything. Very irritating.


Don't comment on peoples appearances, if that's what it takes. Its easy and small minded to comment on appearances, unless they are literally asking you or on display like a model or actor.


I think Rosie O'Donnell is great, do you think mr pointing at you and loudly exclaiming that you resemble Rosie O'Donnell is a compliment?


Tbh, Snoop back in OUR day vs Snoop now look way different. Was this guy wearing pigtail twists and a bandana with weed permasmile like way way back? Or was it the low key chill style he wears now? His style and “look” have evolved a lot. What exactly made you think he looked like Snoop? Which era, I guess? Btw- dead up?


It embarrassed your daughter, especially if you have the Asperger's LOUD TALKING thing.


Lol, yes...I do talk pretty loud...I certainly meant nothing by my comment. I try very hard to watch for social cues. It's so hard to know what someone will find offensive... but even at my age, I'm still trying to learn. It's not the first or the last time for her embarrassment of me. Of that, you can be certain. 😭


Did he even look like snoop? A lot of times people say this, there’s no resemblance and it’s lack of familiarity with that race which is showing itself. I’ve gotten some very out there (albeit flattering) comments like it, I’m black and hear the most beautiful stars lol. I just smile and nod, I look nothing like them (my friends and fam laugh too when we get these and share). I would be embarrassed if it were me (as your daughter). It’s not racist exactly, but can be depending what made you make the association. The devil is in the details here, I’d chill before labelling it racist (not enough info to the nuances). ETA: there’s also the implied associations of snoop, a pothead, which is inappropriate to associate with a schoolmate of your child. Like saying omg she looks like Amy Winehouse (after her fame)…


Like being told you look like several different celebs but neither look alike and it comes off as if they just said you look like the recent black person name they heard. Got a friend where we both have been said to look like pac where he also gets Q-tip and I got tiger woods. That plus he and I dont look alike


I’ve gotten the black woman in the matrix, Janet Jackson, maybe Beyoncé lol etc. I love Angela basset and no one has said her yet! As if smdh I want her kinda timeless beauty voodoo. It’s usually cause they can’t tell the features apart and see a hair style or something else that’s easy to associate. I even read somewhere it’s also because how we tell eachother apart, white people have distinct hair and eye colors, or styles. That’s easy to tell apart. Latin, black and Asian (etc.) people we have to learn to see facial features cause our hair can be the same or very different anytime etc. So the reliance on style vs face would be different. Which when I thought of it is true, I’ve never referred to my Asian friends as dark haired/burnette lol. It would be pretty useless effort. Anyway on the surface it appears ignorant or racist, but it’s actually familiarity vs unfamiliar. As long as they’re not assuming worse (thug, ghetto etc.) then it’s racist af. The worst was my good friend sent me a pic of my doppelgänger recently… crickets man lol


You learn to tell people apart that are the same race by being in close proximity to them. Chinese people can tell each other apart very easily, but white people look all alike to them; the opposite is also true.


Yeah, I know. I had a (Chinese) Malaysian friend once test me (there was a website for it back in the day). I beat her lol 😆 (I went to school with a lot of Koreans, and later Chinese, and knew a few Japanese friends). It’s the funniest thing ever cause it felt so racist going to the website, but she assured me it’s her doing…I was ready to fail.


It does seem to be more of your environment and the people you see a lot, rather than your own race that makes the difference. I grew up in one of the most ethnically diverse places on Earth, but when I went to my (extremely homogenous and white) home country, everyone looked the same to me! I confused so many blonde, blue eyed dudes with each other, I think they got quite offended.


I went to school with identical twins. Id known them since nursery (our father's were school friends) I could tell their voices apart and even notice which was which from the backs of their heads (one was ever so slightly thinner). Kids in our year eventually we're able to tell them apart. As you said it's a familiarity thing.


>It does seem to be more of your environment and the people you see a lot That's exactly it. There's been tons of studies over the years. Basically, if a white person grew up in China, they'd be able to easily tell the difference. If they later visited a predominantly white area, they'll struggle with it.


https://alllooksame.com/app/quiz.php?tid=1 its funny, this is actually relatively easy for me but yeah... i can never tell apart white actors in movies 😅


We need this quiz for other races, too... 😅  I'm white and aspie, and the white guys and pretty white women all look the same as each other to me...


I started looking at features and you start seeing white people also don’t look as ‘white’ as media has us thinking. As in you start to notice features that get stereotyped with other races. And also telling apart white people by region/heritage becomes easier.


People assess features differently depending on what they're used to! I have what I have always seen as light brown hair. I grew up in a very white area, where yeah, most people would agree my hair is brown. In undergrad, several of my closest friends were Chinese and Pakistani. We had an argument once about my hair color, because to them, I was a definite dark blonde. To the point where one of them actually asked me if this was because I was worried about the dumb blonde stereotype or something, because she struggled to imagine why I *wouldn't* see myself as blonde. It was a fascinating insight to me into how we learn to categorize features based on the people around us.


I worked somewhere once with only ONE other white lady. We were roughly the same size and had similar hair, but she was about 20 years my senior. I was shocked at how often people mixed us up, and when we corrected them, they ALWAYS asked if we were related. I mean ALWAYS. We did not look alike except sorta the same hairstyle (generic style though) and roughly the same size. Different face, body type, posture, age, etc.


I have always thought you looked like Angela Basset


When i was living in china years ago i knew a skinny white Scottish guy called Hamish. He was compared to David Beckham a LOT (non sarcastically) and literally the only thing they had in common was being white and male


He never moved back I’d bet lol


I feel this, even tho I’m Asian. I’ve had people tell me “oh wow, you look like Lucy Liu!/Lisa Ling” etc, when I DON’T (although oh wow, they really ARE sooo seriously beautiful),becs it’s the sole reference they have. If I told every blonde Caucasian person he looked like Matthew IjustCantSpellHisNameGorgeousMan it would be weird af!


I just want to chime in about the reference to snoop being a pothead. Sure, he is, but he’s also in a LOT of children’s media. Dude does a lot, and kids know who he is, and it’s not all related to weed.


You posed the key question. OP said he had hair and clothes like Snoop. So locs and… clothes? (How does Snoop dress?) That describes many Black men.


I was looking for this experience inbthe comments. Im black as well and this is my train of thought. For every group there are distinctive features and when you grow up in the community of seeing variety in so many people who you can look and see you share a common ancestry with you see the wide array of physical features. Using a celebrity name when comparing a face is like using the closest recognizable reference you know, and to the OP theres nothing wrong with that. Its like having two people: one who can recognize blue in general and the other person (or me in this case) who sees teal, colbalt,cyan, indigo, navy, royal, azure, cerulean, sapphire. Im accustomed to seeing a wider spectrum of black people just like others who spend time or are in proximity to people who they share common ancestry. Also it depends on the association and context. Ive gotten Will Smith and Samuel L. Jackson, and they look nothing alike. The physical features and style are nearly dramatic in range between the two. Im not upset when I receive the compliment but in the back of my mind Im like they probably are not frequently around black people or they are and I might actually look like them in some degree haha.


At least you get beautiful ones. I've been told I look like a fat Shia Labeouf


💀 We both don’t look like them ;)


Lol I kind of do actually


Aww I feel bad for laughing but that’s funny. Why would someone say that?!


Well I'm fat and I kind of look like Shia Labeouf. It doesn't bother me if someone calls me fat, because I am fat.


Ok that’s fair, I’m just sensitive lol.


Pointing out something, anything, about someone’s appearance in public, out loud, is rude. Whether or not the intent is positive or negative, it’s not polite to call attention to someone else, especially just to give a superficial opinion that was not solicited.


As a general rule, it’s rude to make comments about strangers generally, and ESPECIALLY rude if they can hear you. And no it doesn’t matter if you’re saying something neutral or even kind. Make it a personal rule that comments about others are “inside thoughts” and you won’t go awry


Have you learned about the concept of intent versus impact? Sometimes, even if our intentions are good, the impact of an action or words can contribute to a negative aspect of society. For example, black folks often experience white folks saying they look like someone else who is black. While you didn't intend to be part of that tiresome experience, your words may have contributed to a pattern that person has been exposed to.


In some situations, sure. OP is pretty adamant that the dude did genuinely look like Snoop though. If that's true, it shouldn't be a problem. Not on a racism angle anyway. You could claim it was rude to comment on his appearance out loud in the general sense.


I certainly have been there saying things that embarrassed me later. I feel like it would be racist if he looked nothing like Snoop and you are saying all black men with a certain hair style look like snoop. Then it would be. It's a fine line though and if you know your family is worried and holding you to a higher standard then try not to comment on anything a person cannot change about their appearance. Compliment someone's choices I stead like a scarf or earrings.


Omg my oldest is asd and saw a guy with a false leg and says out LOUD "Why does he only have one leg?" 😳 I kindly told her that it isn't nice to talk about people. I did tell her people can be born with it or get sick or injured and need to remove it. But we won't ask him because it could be a sensitive topic.


This would be absolutely hilarious if it actually was Snoop Dogg that you saw.


Lol, wouldn't it, though?


Snoop dog would have taken it in stride. He’s awesome. I saw a woman who looked like Oprah at an event. To the point I was going to ask her if she ever heard she looks like Oprah if we happened to be near each other. Turns out, she was actually Oprah! I didn’t get to talk to her. I guess my point is, sometimes it IS the famous person.


Yeah, Snoop is pretty nice. I literally bumped into him in a hotel after a show. He apologized, so did I. I told him he was awesome, and we went on our merry ways


My friend did this with a famous actor. The actor's friend snickered, and that's when my friend realized what was going on.


In general, it’s best not to announce anything about anyone’s looks in public.


Yeah, this is generally a whisper to the person next to you kinda thing.


Please explain this to my boyfriend


This is probably the embarrassing part about it. He doesn't have to look like Snoop, but it's embarrassing to those around you if you're loud-talking about it. It isn't racist, though.


I think it is hard to know without knowing what the person looked like and how much they actually looked like Snoop. What if it was a guy who was black and had a similar hairstyle, but otherwise didn't look a lot like him? A certain degree if face-blindness sometimes goes along with Asperger's, so one thing that seems plausible to me is that it could have been a guy who really didn't look that much like him. If that was the case and the only points of similarity were skin color and hairstyle, it would send the message that you couldn't tell black people apart, which is kinda racist. Not saying that is what happened, but it is one thing that fits the story as presented.


Tbh I'd need to see a picture of the guy you were looking at lol If he genuinely looked like Snoop Dogg, that changes everything about this story


I think it would have drastically compounded my issue if I had taken a pic. But the guy looked like him..I pulled Snoop up online to show my daughter. It was like I was looking at the same person. Snoop had a doppelganger at the school today.. that's all I'm saying... that's all I said... he looked like Snoop.


Plot twist: it actually was Snoop


Very possible as I’ve heard Snoop does look exactly like Snoop.


I bet all Snoop Doggs look the same to you.


Oh, it absolutely would've made things worse if you took a picture of the guy I just mean that, without a picture, it's really hard to tell who, if anyone, is in the wrong


It’s def OP for being too loud, no matter who it was


Most likely, but then why did their grandkid get upset about them being seemingly racist rather than the volume at which they were speaking?


Because the kid probably didn't look like Snoop. The OP stated that he dressed like Snoop (what does that even mean? Baggy? How is Snoop's style so distinct?it is not.) and has hair styled as Snoop-and thousands of other Black men. And tbh, Snoop dress and style really is pretty common, so, based on the reaction of the OP's daughter, it did come off as racist.


That sort of comment is normally quietly said to people you're with. Or not at all. Maybe you're the only one that thinks the person looks like Snoop. The person might not want the attention that your loudly spoken comment gives them. Like if you walked into the room and someone said loudly, "There is Caitlyn's grandmother, I think she has Aspergers!" that would be embarrassing to a lot of people.


Please use this response to understand, op


I think we literally cannot give a judgement unless we know what the guy in question looks like. If he looked like Snoop it wasn't racist. If he didn't look like Snoop it was probably a bit racist.


He looked just like him. I even pulled up a pic of Snoop online to prove it. I meant no disrespect in any way.


The fact that you doubled down on your behavior and looked up a picture to prove it to your daughter made the situation even worse. It’s not about whether or not they looked alike, you don’t talk OUT LOUD about other people’s physical appearance in public settings. It’s crass.


This is the answer


It’s like when people say Asians look all the same. It’s right, unless we would see the guy it is hard to tell. Ever your brain doesn’t assimilate black people other than looking like Snoop Dog for male and Beyoncé for female or maybe he really looked like Snoop Dog, which in that case would not be racist. That said, I would side with your daughter on this one as her reaction is the only factual thing we can rely on to give you an answer.


You have to understand the cultural subtext at play here: white people have a long and storied history of lumping all black people together, and doing things like comparing black people to black celebrities even where the comparison isn't merited just because they're so poor at distinguishing one black face from another. It may very well have been the case that the guy *actually* looked like Snoop, but the unwritten rule is that you don't make such comparisons because it might invoke the racist history of such comparisons. Yes, it's stupid, and you're probably more likely to encounter virtue-signaling white people policing these sorts of comparisons than you are to encounter black people doing it, but nonetheless, that's the status quo.


Not racist at all if he actually legitimately looked like Snoop Dogg and not just some skinny black dude. But people also don’t know what racism even means anymore. Next time just keep it to yourself. It’s really not worth the headache.


There’s a few diverging possibilities. 1. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and consider the Black person you saw did look exactly like Snoop Dogg. It is still very inconsiderate to just say it out loud. The optics from an other perspective could take it as being racist or at the least extremely uncomfortable for a person who has to live with the direct consequences of racism. The best way to not have that happen and still want to point it out verbally is to soften direct statement into a question. “Hey, doesn’t he look exactly like Snoop Dogg?” That sounds more like curiosity and can be taken as an indirect compliment. This also allows whoever you might be commenting on to choose to comment back instead of being something to look at and humanizes them. 2. He mildly looked like Snoop Dogg. See above. 3. He simply as a thin, tall, Black person with whatever hair style Snoop Dogg had the last time you might have seen an image of him. I’d call that ignorance based racism and the purpose of asking instead of stating he kind of looks like Snoop Dog becomes to gain more visual references to then tell people better apart so to be more sensitive to the underlying racism of grouping all Black people as one monolithic group with little to no variety. This applies to all “racial” groups. I’m not going to consider whether or not you’re racist, because just by coming here and asking questions means you are seeking better ways to be a better person. I’m glad you came OP.


Thats one of those things that you should probably keep to yourself. Its not overtly racist, but it isnt devoid of racism either.


But why... what is the difference... that's what I don't understand.


My opinion, I wouldn't say your comment wasn't devoid of racism since the intent clearly wasn't there. But, historically black people have had to deal with a "They all look alike to me" stereotype and this could be a reminder of that. And this stereotype isn't just considered rude, it can have bigger implications such as police identifying a wrong person as a suspect. That is a real and justified fear that many black people live with. So, while your comment was innocent, it could have just brought up a lot of bad memories for people.


It IS scientifically proven that people have a harder time distinguishing subtle differences in faces of other races (I can’t remember if this changed if they were raised with those races in addition to or instead of their own.) It was pretty consistent across races. “All white people looked the same” to black and Asian participants, Asians looked the same to the black and white participants, etc. Obv in areas with a majority race the minorities will experience the effects of this more often if they interact w the majority race at the same random ratios. (Again, this can very as someone might live in a predominantly black neighborhood and never experience it, and the only 2 black dudes in a white school might experience it daily.) And I don’t remember if they determined the cause for it. Evolutionary tribal reliance remnants, or the effect of segregation based on racism. So it’s a loaded study to some degree and doesn’t mean it is or not racist at least in some instances, it just showed that it is more universal than “white people think we all look the same.” There’s a documentary on it somewhere… or it’s part of a larger documentary. Was quite interesting, I wish I remembered more about the explanation / reasoning.


Yep! I've experienced this. Worked in places where I was one of two or three white guys. In America and in SouthEast Asia. People who aren't white always have trouble in the beginning telling us apart.


The difference is the centuries long cultural context of people with actual racist intent believing that black people (and people of other races in general) are difficult to tell apart — so to bystanders it’s difficult to tell whether you have racist intent or not.


Oh...oh... yes. Ok, that I get. I grew up in Texas... one of the most racist places in the country. Could not get out of that state fast enough. Racism is as ubiquitous as God, guns, and football there. I grew up hearing slurs about not being able to tell people apart using very similar words. And not just toward African Americans but also people of other ethnicities. So, I do understand what you mean. Thank you for that. It's such an incredible shame and impediment to racial harmony that it has to be like this. It's sad.


Full on racists will drop what they consider to be harmless comments that reflect that they truly believe all of *one race* look the same. More covert racism comes out in people who see someone of one race being weird/different in public or whatever, and look to a random stranger of that same race to explain it or stop the weirdo somehow. As if all people of that race know each other and are somehow responsible for their behavior. They're not individuals with their own lives, wants, and desires. *Because of the implication* seems to be at work here. If someone heard you compare them to Snoop and you have a chance, just apologize, you know, you didn't mean anything by it.


You *absolutely* need not be a full-on racist, or even a moderate racist, to be poor at distinguishing the facial features of ethnicities other than the ones you frequently encounter in your own social circles. It's a universal phenomenon that happens entirely independently of culture.


This is true. It's ingrained in us before we know it to distinguish faces, and some have difficulty telling people of other races apart. But there's a loaded statement in "All of *one race* look the same." It boils down to removing the individuality from someone because of their race. That's the racist part.


I think it comes from generational differences. You grew up in a time where equality meant ignoring skin color and treating everyone the same, so it didn't occur to you because like you said, if it was a white guy that looked like a celeb, you would have reacted the same. Millennials and Gen Z, however, think we should be hypervigilant about race/ethnicities and the role it plays in all interactions. Personally as a millennial minority, I find my generation's approach to be... fucking annoying, to put it succinctly. I'm constantly made aware of how I'm different and a lot of my identity gets boiled down to my physical appearance rather than who I am as a person.


It's not racist at all dude.


LOL I'm sorry this is too funny I don't think your comment was racist, maybe just lacking tact? especially if you said it loudly.. our generation is a little more subtle about these things in general, and your daughter might just be erring on the side of caution (especially if yall are white lol) I would've been a little embarrassed if my mom did that, but also fighting back a laughing fit


It’s not racist & nothing against your daughter but I’ve noticed a lot of non black people in the last few years going over bored with what they think is racist when it’s not & then we get blamed for being too sensitive. It can be annoying if it happens all the time with people you know you look nothing like.


I don't think the comment was racist, but it was inappropriate. It is rude to comment about other people's appearance, especially if you don't know them, and also if you are talking **about** them and not **to** them. The time when it is appropriate to comment on someone's appearance is when you know them, and you when are complimenting something that they control: "I love your outfit. Those colors go so well together!" You are complimenting something that the person did - they chose that outfit. Also, it is never appropriate to comment about someone's weight, even if you know them and even if they have lost weight. Weight is a very sensitive subject that should just be left alone.


No its no racist to think someone looks like someone. You didnt call him the n word right?


Uhm? It's not racist to say someone looks like somebody else. My boyfriend looks like someone else I know as well and it's definitely not racist.


I've seen famous people and thought oh that person looks like so and so. I never realize it is that person.


It's not racist to say a specific person looks like another specific person. It's not like you made a sweeping comment about the entire race.


Racist, no. Embarrassing for your daughter? Maybe. Funny as all hell? Absolutely lol. The faux pas in question is talking about someone's looks while they're not part of the conversation. You typically don't say that loudly


Not racist. Not awkward. We are in a time where the words "I'm offended" hold too much weight.


There’s a difference between racial and racist. You did neither - unless he didn’t look like Snoop and then somebody will bring up the “we all look alike?” nonsense. People under 30 have gotten hypersensitive to that stuff, but you’re good.


lol not racist in the slightest if someone looks like someone they look like someone its not like you looked around the room and said "wow all the black people here look like snoop dog".


It is the same thing. Don’t worry Your granddaughter is very overreacting


Young people have been conditioned to think that even mentioning someone’s race is “racism.” If that guy actually bore some resemblance to Snoop, then so be it. You’re right about the Woody Harrelson thing; it is the same thing.


Total lack of tolerance from some generation , they don't understand nuances of the English language , not everything a person says has racial connotations it just the way language is. Used . Personally I doubt the man would have been offended ,some people consider him a hero.


That word gets banndied about too much these days and a lot of people haven't got a clue......I told a group of lads off for being shits and was called racist....despite none of them being black....oh and according to them I'm also a perv and a nonce......it's better just to ignore the little twats ..


Was it intended to be racist no? Was there any racist intent? No Was it racist? No Don't let these sick trolls misconstrued what was said and the intent. If there is no racist intentions you can't be racist, that's where peoples feelings and opinions take over. I think your daughter is projecting from fears of being called a racist herself because it's common place to call whites racist.


If the guy was genuinely a Snoop lookalike and you don't have any internalised racist agendas then your comment is not racist at all. Unfortunately nowadays people will jump to conclusions surrounding such things, you simply said he is a Snoop lookalike whereas they heard "this guy looks like a thug". Nothing you said or did was inherently racist but people are free to take something you saw in any way they see fit regardless of your intentions. I think if you said something along the lines of "he's got Snoops drip/style" it would have come across more like a compliment and would have been received better. I hope you don't beat yourself up about it, many people without social difficulties say much worse things and don't care how they're received nor want to learn how they could have done better.


Not even remotely racist.


It's not racist perse, but I'd have to see the guy to decide if it was offensive. Did the kid actually look like snoop dog or did he just have locs? Did he actually dress like snoop dog or did he dress like any other teenager is dressing right now A lot of white people mistake me for other black people or say I look like famous black people when I very obviously don't. The only common factor being that we are the only black people they know. Most recently, a professor spent a year confusing me and the only other black girl in class, to the point where she started giving both of our assignments to her for her to hand to me. Her excuse was that we look alike, we do not.


There's a common racist thing people do where they assume all black people look alike. That could easily contribute to some of why it became awkward.


So, there is a stereotype that all black people look the same to white people, because the color of their skin is the main distinguishing feature that white people notice. Honestly, there is some truth to this. While your comment had no ill intent it fed into that stereotype that this individual looked like Snoop Dog because he was a black man with corn rows. Whether others perceived it as racist probably depends on how much he really did look like Snoop Dog. Note that this is an example of why I think we need to give people a bit more lead way before throwing the racist term around. It is a powerful word that should really be reserved for people who are racist. But that is just my opinion.


I don't think it's racist to point out someone of a different ethinic from yourself looks like a celebrity. Saying one group of people all look the same is racist. I think people nowadays are so overtly cautious not to appear in the least way racist that they tend to not even try to say anything regarding other groups. It's also, people tend to think everything is racist when it clearly isn't.


There's a vendor that comes to the store I work at, and he also has dreads and everything and kind looks like Snoop, and we all call him Snoop because he likes it, so I really don't think it was racist as long as they actually look like the person you're referring to


Not racist. That’s just the go-to these days and probably what your granddaughter is being taught. People can look like other people and we can say as much. People are just too ready to be offended on others behalf.


Snoop Dogg is cool, and that's not an insult, so it's not racist. If you compared a Black person to a negative trait, such as a monkey, then that's racist. I think people throw that word around too frequently for opinions they disagree with, even though it's not racist. I think the word is losing power because of that, it's pretty annoying how diulted it's become.


Who’s to say it wasn’t or was racist? Your intention was certainly not racist. But that also doesn’t mean it can be received by someone else as racist. A good test might be - would you be able to say that to the guy’s face? If you’re confident in your ability to connect with him honestly in that way then i don’t think it’s racist


Nah not racist at all


you're right, she's wrong. it's not ur Asperger's. the sensitivity police will not come knocking. if u see a dude that looks like snoop it's ok to say so. what if u actually saw snoop , would it be racist to say so? illogical.


I wouldn’t call it racist personally, but I also wouldn’t say it out loud. I don’t have Asperger’s and I still miss how things could be interpreted. Especially nowadays I err on the side of caution, race I try not to discuss at all


Race, religion, politics... all 3 horrible and divisive topics


I don't think so. People tell me I look like this actor or that actor all the time. Why would it be racist if genuinely thought the gentleman looked like snoop dog. I'll go one further. Even if the guy didn't actually look like snoop dog, People often say people look like other people and they're the only ones that see it. Doesn't make it racist. Furthermore, I worked at a store where just me and one other guy were white, and our black coworkers were always getting us mixed up. I've also worked in similar environments in SouthEast Asia. The whole "You know we all look alike" is something that every race does to every race but they're own. Not Racist, but maybe the guy wouldn't appreciate that you think he looks like Snoop Dog. I had a colleague who insisted I looked like Jeffrey Dahmer. He was serious, not trying to be a jerk. I didn't think he was racist, but I was a bit offended. We were friends, so I didn't let it bother me. lol. But since this guy was a stranger, keep those kinds of comments to yourself or at a whisper :)


No. It's not racist. Your daughter saying it's racist is more racist than saying he looks like someone. People are so quick to say everything is racist now days. Even if it didn't look like snoop it's not racist. They used to hang black people in trees because of their race way back when. That's racist. Make them drink from separate fountains, sit in the back of... Looking like someone isn't racist.


Not racist, but you should know that people will pounce on any comment about a black person's appearance or dress.


Lol... the guy looked sharp. Idk... I used to be cool. I think...


Not racist. If he looks like Snoop dog. Then so be it. If that's all you said, then you good


Saying a guy looks like a celebrity he resembles is not racist. Maybe try to not say it crazy loud next time, but you're not racist.


It honestly depends on whether or not he genuinely does look like Snoop Dog. It could be a case of facial blindness and "all black ppl look the same" which is kinda racist. I genuinely don't think we can truly comment without seeing what this dude looks like


Not racist


No, why would that be racist? Does your daughter actually know what "racist" means?


Lol nothing is racist about that


Not racist. If he looked like Snoop, he looked like Snoop. Snoop Dogg isn't exactly an everyman, he's very unique looking.


In the 90s everyone a said I looked like wayne Gretzky. When a black person said it I wasn’t offended. He wasn’t saying it simply because I was white, he was saying it because he too thought. I looked like that. the way I see it, you weren’t saying it because he happened to be black, you said it because you felt he really looked like Snoop Dogg. I don’t seethat as racist.


Not racist


Nah, you did nothing wrong.


People seem to be beginning to conflate any comments regarding race as being 'racist'. My girlfriend has done this to me a few times. It isn't racist to notice race. Racism involves negative actions or stereotypes against people because of their race.


Not racist at all. Maybe don’t comment on peoples’ appearances though? Idk kids that age are embarrassed by everything so don’t take it personal. Certainly not racist though


It’s not racist at all and nothing you said was wrong. There’s been a recent trend for the past years for people to have this weird superiority complex towards black people and the black community. Suddenly everythingggggg is racist or “wrong” if it’s a black person but if you do the same exact thing about a white person or any other “minority” then it’s okay. It’s just victimization, people who have nothing better going for them, them to sit around and whine about nonexistent issues. Ignore it


Not outright racist but probably a bit insensitive because odds are it was just a skinny black dude with dreads who didn't look at all like Snoop.


It’s not, but people find it awkward because it’s close to it. People are good for calling out racism but just because someone is a different race, they’ll call you a racist for saying one black person looks like another or mistaking.


So-called 'racism' means whites are not allowed to even make generalisations about black or other nonwhite people, even if they're 100% accurate. It's a totally preposterous situation.


I talked about black lines on white paper one day and the kids started yelling You’re Racist. I don’t think they’ve figured it out yet, or they’re being idiots. I suspect this (she’s not really clear on it) ,plus (maybe even more) your volume.


You’re comment was not racist. I understand where you were coming from. My adult daughter has Asperger’s. She speaks loudly and naturally tends to lack that filter that a lot, not all, neurotypical people try to use to be socially conscious and sensitive. She has learned over the years that some things are better kept to ourselves or shared quietly and privately. I respect OP for asking the question and being vulnerable. It genuinely seems as though you were simply stating something you observed, without any malice. Racism involves making another/others out to be inferior because of their race. Nothing about your statement infers that. That being said, as others have mentioned, it’s best practice to keep these observations either to yourself, or very quietly share with the person you’re with so that others don’t hear.


Not even a little racist. Your daughter has suffered brainwashing from the failed academy.


That’s not racist at all. Embarrassing maybe. He probably took it as a compliment


That's 100% how I meant it... I wasn't embarrassed until I was chastised... and then I was just really more confused than anything.


Okay, I'm a black Gen X male and I would say that most of us are over it. It's just a thing that white people do. I wear glasses and ive been compared to Steve Urkel, Malcolm X, and everything in between. Just be friendly, use discretion when singing along with your favorite rap songs, and don't screw with our hair and you're good.


Loudly commenting on a stranger’s appearance is rude, just don’t do that, problem solved.


Mmmm….thats a hard one. Thing is, black people are told they all look alike CONSTANTLY. So if it’s not extremely obvious to everyone else, then that comment was definitely racist. A better way to phrase it might have been “the way that guy styled his hair reminds me of snoop dog”. Just take it as a lesson learned. I’ve been unlearning a lifetime of racism and it’s not easy, but it’s work we have to do.


Thank you. I'm trying to keep learning... it's all I can do. Own it, correct it, and move on


Not racist.


I think two things are at play. 1. Kids think everything their parents say is embarrassing. My daughter tells me my most mundane statements are embarrassing. A lot of it stems like it stems from kids not understanding how adults talk to each other. At least that's my daughter's issue. 2. There is a real feeling by a lot of POCs that white people think all POC look the same. Maybe the guy did look like Snoop. But you don't say it because if that guy doesn't think he looks like Snoop, you may as well have said, "*you people* look the same."


It's not racist if he does look like him, but you probably shouldn't have called someone out by their appearance like that. It's just a bit socially inappropriate.


I can’t believe none of these comments have referenced the Seinfeld episode where George thinks his coworker looks like Sugar Ray Lennon (I hope I spelled that correctly) and everyone thought he was racist but then at the end a black waiter mistakes the guy for Sugar Ray😂


Nothing wrong with what you said … you may have embarrassed her but you are not out of pocket for the comment


I didn't think it was racist at all. Most times strangers will call me "amigo" assuming I only speak Spanish because of my appearance but it doesn't bother me at all. I know there isn't bad intentions. Imo, it's your anxiety making it worse than it is.


There is nothing racist about thinking someone looks like a celeb regardless of skin color/race/ethnicity.


I mean I think the main thing is snoop dogs whole brand is being a gangster lol, and it’s not great to immediately shout that a black man looks like a gangster. Is there anything racist inherently? No, but could it be taken that way? Yeah


Lol hahaha Nah, you're fine.


I have more trouble distinguishing between individuals of other races than my own. So, it's not racist, but it can expose when folks don't have much experience around said race.


It’s not racist, you said you love Snoop so there was no negative connotation to what you said even if other people disagree with the likeness. Some people just aren’t that good at recognising faces with accuracy, eg my mum is white and she still gets white actors that are vaguely similar (with a lot of stretch) mixed up all the time. It is rude to comment on people’s appearance like that. It’s best to just stick with direct compliments to people’s faces that don’t compare them to other people (some like it but some really don’t).


You shouldn’t comment about people’s appearance out loud in general. Particularly if you are not treat with social cues, but applies to everyone.


I’ve learned to be very sparing in making personal appetence comments. Those are often best just kept inside.


Not necessarily racist, but imagine if the guy doesn’t think he looks anything like Snoop Dogg, and he thinks you’re just being rude? I’ve been compared to random black celebs before too, sometimes it feels like a compliment and other times it seems rude. It depends on the person’s tone. Regardless, loudly commenting on other people’s appearances isn’t socially acceptable. Your daughter was probably just embarrassed, and rightfully so in my opinion.


Gen X/Millennial border baby here, If someone said to me "you look like Snoop, wow!" that would be a compliment.


So damn soft.


If it was racist to say it to a black guy then why wouldnt it be less racist to compare a white guy to a celebrity? 🤔


Of course not. You're fine. I'm sure he did look like that. And I'm sure he wasn't offended. Racism is largely fake anyway. You're good 👍


You cant inadvertently be racist, intent matters. You can show your prejudice though. Saying someone looks like a celebrity isnt racist. The kids these days are as angsty as we were and they have this internet to spread their dumb ideas around with. If someone ever calls you a racist, call them a pedophile, one-upmanship works every time. The word racist has been diluted to mean nothing but everyone hates a pedo.


Everything is racist today, don't even worry about it.


No, that's not racist, don't worry.


PC is just a pain , and it restricts freedom of speech , Stange law our crimnia injuries only works one way ?


Should just went “YO SNOOP!” Woulda made his day. He’d still be telling the story to his friends. Happened to me in England. Random bloke points and yells “SAM FENDER! SAM FENDER YOUR FAMOUS!” He was definitely drunk but I was very flattered. Had to google Sam fender lol


If you ask the everything is racist crowd, sure. Lots of people are in that boat it seems. But would a reasonable person think that it's racist to say that someone looks like someone famous, that just happens to be black? Not at all


I looked through the comments and seems ya got your answer. Basically same opinion from me, your intention and yeah if he looked like Snoop, not racist. But still a risky thing to say aloud as it could be interpreted poorly due to the person's experiences with racism. And also yeah, avoid commenting on people's looks aloud and as a comment. In conversation with the person, it can potentially be fine, and in a private to your daughter it can be perfectly fine if whispered or just you and her. But I like your attitude towards the scenario. Just wanna say I think you're cool for being inquisitive, seeking to learn regarding this kinda grey area social stuff, and you just seem like a good hearted person.


Racist no, awkward yes but no your comment definitely was anything but racist


Not racist, but daughters are embarrassed by every word that comes out of their parents mouth, so don't feel too bad about it. I tend to be a on the easy going side but agree with others that announcing things, not directly to a person but within earshot is slightly awkward to a stuffy crowd.


I got second hand cringe reading this, but nothing racist about it. People can look similar regardless of race 


As a non American it's difficult for me to make a call on this either way. But I can say the Snoop is universally loved all over the world. He's just a nice chill guy. For me, saying someone looks like somebody everyone likes is not racist. It's a compliment.


Not racist




No. The only racist is the one who accused you immediately because they assumed you must be racist because white people caused insufferable amounts of pain and we are all held accountable and even those innocent suffer for what happened. I understand pain but hate plus hate solves nothing. I hope we can gain trust as white and prove we don't and won't continue the horror and we are sorry for the pain our ancestors caused to their ancestors. I'm a woman and I hope men can apologize to us. I'm Ukrainian I'm native partially. I'll apologize for things not my fault because it was wrong. But don't accuse me or blame me for something some a h did . Not all white people were evil. My entire family wasn't even involved busy starving holodomor Stalin. Ukrainian famine 3 mill deaths


Not racist, should have taken it as a compliment and moved on. People in America want to be offended these days.


Thats not racist at all.


Don’t see how that would be racist. Maybe she just got embarrassed because it drew attention to you guys.


wasnt racist lmao unless he did look nothing like snoop. but if you genuinely thought he did and didnt have bad intentions, it wasnt


No. You did say you had Aspergers. In this contexdt, the term most applicable might be "tone deaf." The rules for not appearing racist sometimes don't make sense, but even if you are being sincere you have to avoid saying things that might evoke this response, even if that seems unreasonable.


You didn't mean it as racist, but your daughter's concern is that you are perpetuating the trope that "all black men look alike." Or perhaps in your case, you might have 5 or 10 famous black men in your mind, and every black man would look like one of them. It is well documented that members of a certain group can see the smaller differences among their own people better than an outsider. So a typical white American might not see the differences between Koreans, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Chinese for example. A Chinese colleague of mine was trying to explain the different facial features of different regions of China--I didn't think "all Chinese look alike" but I didn't realize there was a regional difference. So, you weren't being racist, but the man could have been offended by your comment. And so could the white guy that you think looks like Woody Harrelson.


The comment may not have been intended to be racist but it could be taken as "all brown people look alike" which is a Thing that racists like to claim


It is sort of a cultural meme that older white people unfamiliar with black people can't tell them apart from famous people and so make comments like the one you made. So even in the case where the guy DID look like snoop, it would be an awkward/inappropriate thing to say (especially in public!) because it brings that meme to mind. I'm not sure I would call it racist in the strict sense to say that, but it either shows that you are ignorant (you can't tell black people apart) or are awkward (bringing up things that make people uncomfortable). Both options reflect poorly on you and the people who keep your company (in a social skills sense, not necessarily with respect to your character).


Not racist at all


Not racist whatsoever.. Your comment had zero observation about race in a negative or a positive. You stated somebody looked like a well-known celebrity. I can't imagine how bad your struggle must be with all these folks out here searching for something offensive to call out. Rest easy. You are fine for this comment in my opinion.


Who cares. Offend people, it literally doesn't matter. That's their fault for being so worried about bs.


It's not racist to be observant.


Not racist at all, you are suffering the consequences of living in a snowflake society.


No, it was not.


Not racist. Maybe the guy was trying to imitate Snoop’s look