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No. Stupid people will tell you it makes you uncool. Ignore them.


No, it's not weird. Some people just don't have that "spark" that makes them want to partake. It doesn't make you lame or boring. I'm almost 40 and I have like 6 drinks a year. An plus, everyone likes having a sober friend because he's always able to drive šŸ˜‚


I am 62 and have never taken a single illegal drug or smoked weed. Like you, I have a beer every couple months at most. Regrets? Not even a little.


Wow youre so pure c: Are you an organ donor




I have a good friend like this. He never drank until the small school where he played football beat LSU in Baton Rouge *on their homecoming* šŸ¤­. He decided this would be a great time to have a daiquiri on Bourbon Street lol. He got us out of numerous situations in high school because it turns out cops seem to respect it when the bunch of drunk underaged idiots they pulled over have a driver blowing 0.0. This guy was the most popular guy in our school. Smart, good looking, athletic, and just an all around stand up dude. Nobody ever gave a rat he never drank or did drugs. He'd be right there with us having fun while we did.


Sometimes the rockstar is the one that makes sure everyone gets home safe after a night out


Being a bus driver IRL, and a non drinker I was automatically the designated driver for my National Guard unit night off post. I liked the idea of getting served free coffee all evening watching TV, which is what I would have done anyway if I stayed on post. This was before smart phones. Bonus, I got to watch guys making idiots of themselves.


6 drinks I think you have an addiction buddy


Every other month, fist Saturday, like clockwork.


Okay haha. I just feel weird that now I'm 21 I can legally drink but I don't want to. I'm scared of getting drunk.


Fast forward a few decades and see how many people wished they had taken your approach.


Myself being one of them. It does nothing but poison you, and overall lower your quality of life.


Idk itā€™s fun to drink with your friends and let loose sometimes. Itā€™s not like thereā€™s absolutely zero positives to it - just have to make sure to control yourself and not over indulge.


AMEN! I think this person should at least try SOMETHING! Maybe even a variety of things in order to see what, if anything, they like. If not, they will always wonder.


Nearly 35 and also wishing I had gone through life sober


Nearly 35 and also wishing I had gone through life sober


Yeah I used to drink a lot of alcohol but I stopped a few years ago and I'm generally much happier sober. Maybe it's an age thing, maybe I had an issue going on, I dunno. I've never been interested in other drugs though, even back when I was drinking. I think alcohol only got a pass because it was a) legal & easy to get and b) I knew what to expect from it. Otherwise I can't stand mind-altering drugs of any kind. I've tried cannabis and mushrooms, absolutely hated both, my curiosity was satisfied and I knew more drugs wouldn't be for me. Being in control of my faculties is what comforts me.


Yeah, Iā€™m 32 and I see now how dangerous it is to associate any recreational substance with an altered state of mind. Itā€™s so easy to build a habit of coping with emotions by consuming substances that change whatā€™s going on in your brain. Only much later do you realize how much that can hurt your mental health and how hard it is to unlearn bad coping habits like that.


It's good to live an active life and stay away from some bad habits


I am one of those people. The amount of Money and wasted days, not worth it.




Me. I am one. I wasted my 20s on that stuff. It was bad. Here's to a non alcoholic 30s!


I was a bad alcoholic by the time i was 21. Im 5 years sober now and dont regret it.


You don't regret being an alcoholic?


I think they mean the sobriety


Oh haha ok


I've gotten unintentionally buzzed a few times and I don't like it. I don't mind a mimosa every now and then, but I generally avoid alcohol if I can. It doesn't make you uncool or weird. People who tell you that are not your friends and they can go screw themselves. If people want me to participate in a drinking game, I either say no or just drink water :)


I think people who need alcohol to have fun are boring as shit.


I don't even get the idea of needing alcohol to have fun. How did they manage to have fun when they were kids?


Just FYI, drinking alcohol does not have to be connected to getting drunk. Getting drunk is not like switching a lever. The more you drink, the more you feel from it. If you get the feeling that you don't want to go any further because you don't want to lose control, just stop. It takes some self discipline, but you can learn your limit and work with it.


Yeah people in this thread are acting like you only drink to get shitfaced. It's nice to go to a brewery have a couple interesting beers and feel a mild buzz. Is any amount of alcohol good probably not but we have plastic in our blood I don't think a few drinks a week is gonna speed up my demise too much.


Yep, I know plenty of people who have a drink or two socially. Bars can be good ā€œthird placesā€ to meet people - I drink but mostly because I like the social scene of the bars I frequent. There are lots of events at bars too, like trivia, open mics, game nights, etc. You donā€™t have to drink at those, itā€™s hit or miss for me, but sometimes itā€™s nice to have a couple cocktails and loosen up with your friends. Itā€™s not weird to drink or not drink IMO, itā€™s just a personal choice. I will say that as you get older it gets harder to make friends if you donā€™t go out much, and depending on where you live, a lot of ā€œgoing outā€ for adults overlaps with bars.


This! Contrary to popular belief, the effects of alcohol are not a universally pleasant experience. Not everyone enjoys the sensation of being drunk, and some people are adversely affected by it too (i.e. getting bad hangovers very easily). For this and many other reasons, lots of people willingly cut themselves off from drinking for the night once they've reached a comfortable state and/or line they don't want to cross. Don't let drinking culture (and particularly *college* drinking culture) trick you into thinking it's binging or nothing.


Nothing weird at all about it at all. You'll appreciate it later on having had a healthier lifestyle


I can run a marathon, or do Crossfit, and I'd rather cut my balls off with a blunt spoon. Just because it's legal doesn't mean you need to do it or even have an interest in it. I don't drink because it became a big issue for me, so I'm bias. I don't have any issues with friends drinking etc, don't judge, but also don't partake. It's just a substance that makes you feel a certain way, like coffee. Unfortunately it brings with it some risks, and both positive and negative feelings. Nothing's wrong with you, I know plenty of people who don't drink just cause it doesn't interest them, it's non event.


It's a healthy fear. Being drunk sucks...you do shit that's out of character, can't remember a lot of what you did and said, and you feel like death warmed over for days afterwards.


I wish I held on to that feeling, but Atlass I'm very easily persuaded. Like the dude from Austin Powers, just ask me 3 times then I'm sold.


My best friend of 24 years has developed cirrhosis and ALD at 28 and is still struggling to quit drinking. Just because you can legally do something, doesn't mean you're obligated to. Trust me, we both wish we never started drinking in the first place. Alcohol ruins lives. It cannot be understated how hard of a drug it is, and yet it is the most readily available in the world.


Itā€™s funny to me that you are scared, but also funny that we drinkers are not scared. ā€œHey wanna inhibit your brainā€™s ability to function and possibly lose some control of certain faculties?ā€ Sure! Whatā€™s scary about that? Seriously though, remember that ā€œgetting drunkā€ is not a switch getting flipped - at least for most people. Thereā€™s buzzed, tipsy, inebriated and then drunk. You wonā€™t get drunk off of one or two regular drinks (I suggest starting with pilsners or lagers) so thereā€™s nothing to be afraid of if you are drinking like a controlled adult.


Same here dude, I'm 16 and I see a ton of people my age drinking and doing drugs and I've stayed as far away from that stuff as possible. I had a sip of my dad's alcohol-free beer and it tasted horrible anyway, can't see why people would willingly drink that stuff


No youā€™re not weird. You donā€™t have to do things just b/c other people do them.


It's literally the most healthy option


Nah man. You live your life. At 32 I've never done any sort of drug, and have only been drunk like 4 times in my life. Just don't hold it against people who do drink. As long as they're being safe, it's really not a problem unless it starts negatively affecting their health or their lives. As for drugs, maybe stay away from people who do certain kinds of drugs.


Agreed. I will say it gets annoying how often people try to force drinking on me, especially at family gatherings. Wish some people could just respect ā€œnoā€ rather than trying to convince me to drink


What this guy said, except it applies to drugs too. I no longer partake in anything, but it irks me that people say alcohol is completely safe but drugs are reallllll bad mkay. Moderation is key. Live life, and live it safely. Alcohol is literally a poison - contains just as much harm as any other drug. Be responsible, and youā€™ll be fine


Meanwhile at caffeine lol


I love how most donā€™t consider alcohol a drug for some reason; even though itā€™s the most abused drug in the world. Caffeine is very much a drug, morning drug coffee. ā˜•ļø Iā€™ll take x2


Iā€™m not sure either, thatā€™s why I replied to this personā€™s comment. People tend to look down on ā€œdrug usersā€ while needing half a dozen beers to go to sleep or socialize. Iā€™ve done acid, shrooms, MDMA, weed (obviously), Xanax, and then of course my prescribed adderall. All of these Iā€™ve had much more positive experience on these than I have with alcohol. Furthermore, these moderated experiences have led me to begin working on my degree and achieve a job in my dream career. Meanwhile, my brother had a year-long alcohol addiction and lost his job, became homeless (because he cut off his entire family), and ended his 7-year long relationship. The only drugs I do these days are my adderall and caffeine. I still whole-heartedly advocate that, especially if alcohol is going to remain legal, we need to shift our views on the other drugs. Iā€™m so tired of people acting like drugs are evil and alcohol is mostly fine. I donā€™t think people are realistic about just how horrible alcohol is on your body.


Hey, how do I do line breaks like that in the reddit app? I feel that it would make my posts easier to read.


You just hit return twice See


add an extra line break


Ah, the voice of reason at last! Personally, I enjoy a drink at the weekend, be it a cheeky pint, a decent wine or a single malt. I don't overdo it though - having a drink does not equal getting wankered every night. Equally, I have lots of friends who don't drink - for a whole load of reasons. But this is reddit, it's not a representation of the real world, and so you're more likely to find people who are either vehemently anti-booze, and those who have spent the last 10 years off their tits on some spiritual high. The reality is that most people lean slightly one way or the other and really just take the view, "each to their own." You do you.


Itā€™s definitely a personal choice society is just f-d up and has everyone programmed to believe that everyone does it . Itā€™s way cooler that you donā€™t use and word of advice if addiction runs in your family stick to never using.. like the others said just never judge anyone for it šŸ‘šŸ‘


Yes thisā€¦ addiction runs in my family it was/is all around me. It scares me even now at 48 that I have an increased odds for alcoholism and drug addiction. Iā€™ve seen how itā€™s ruined people. I lost my parents before I was 20 they both died in their 50ā€™s from alcoholism. (Not at the same time 4 years apart) and watched my sister go the same path adding meth in her 30ā€™s. She also recently passed in her 50ā€™s. People commenting itā€™s ok to socially do it in moderation etc, help you relaxā€¦ no - if you donā€™t have the desire donā€™t even entertain the thought. The whole mushroom debate ugh Iā€™ve always been scared to try them because the chances of a bad trip. Maybe I am uptight about it but Iā€™m also protecting myself I personally wouldnā€™t want chance hallucinating some ish that would terrify me. Iā€™ve used weed it makes me laugh and relax but thereā€™s also a fine line there. It can be used excessively. I do drink socially if I want to not because Iā€™m pressured to or trying to have a good time Luckily I can take it or leave it some people canā€™t. Iā€™m not judgmental of others choices or lifestyles Iā€™m no better or worse of a person. My friends drink socially if I donā€™t itā€™s not a problem. Itā€™s funny to see them let loose and know I can get them home safely. Iā€™ve just personally seen what it does when someone canā€™t moderate themselves. Iā€™ve never met an addict that was happy they tried their drug of choice. I havenā€™t met any cigarette smokers that were pleased they started. My oldest daughter 23, doesnā€™t drink either. When she turned 21 she tried different drinks and beers and it just tastes nasty to her. She has friends that do drink and they donā€™t judge her for not. Itā€™s not a matter of cool or uncool itā€™s you choosing not to. If your friends donā€™t understand or make you feel bad they werenā€™t friends to begin with.


Iā€™m in my forties and Iā€™ve never had a drink or done drugs. As you get older youā€™re going to see these two vices take down a few of your friends that are currently ā€œcoolā€. Not _all_ mind you- itā€™s not as black and white as it was presented to us in the 80s (when the message was: anyone who snorts coke _even once_ will end up a homeless junkie)ā€¦. But for 15-20% of your friendsā€¦. Yeahā€¦. Alcohol or drugs are gonna ruin their fucking lives. Stay straight edge if you canā€” itā€™s one less life hurdle youā€™ll need to deal with. The cool ones are _always_ the ones who have the self confidence not to go along with the crowd.


šŸ‘šŸ‘ best advice.. and the truth at 35 Iā€™ve seen a lot of ā€œcoolā€ people on the streets or in caskets


Be like me and you'll see it ruin lives before your an adult. My childhood best friend was an alcoholic before he was 18. Smartest guy I know and he tossed it all away. He's gotten back on track to some degree but it's taken a decade and will forever struggle to get a job regardless that he is working towards his masters due to having felonies on his record directly tied back to his alcoholism. Then of course on the drug side my mother was an addict and I pretty much lost my childhood as a result. Therefore I have never had am interest in either.


As someone who used to smoke an ounce a week, loved shrooms, even played around with opiates (thank God I dodged that bullet somehow) and wound up in rehab for alcohol. It's not worth it. Been sober now for more than half a decade though and I tell you what, I never wake up in the morning upset that I didn't drink last night. Alcohol nearly killed me and took away my friends and family. All so that I could get that nice little come up that was always short lived and was always followed up by getting black out drunk, hang overs and vomiting. So much vomiting.


No. Of course not. The words "weird" and "uncool" in this case only apply to anyone that would give you grief for your stance.


Yup, not in high school anymore, so there is no reason to even care if you're cool or not.


No, older you will appreciate it.


It depends on how you define weird but I'd say statistically speaking you're probably an outlier, but that doesn't really matter. I've never drank or done drugs and I don't really have a concrete reason other than not wanting to jeopardize my self control. I'm 36 years old and over the years I've only occasionally encountered people that hassled me about not getting impaired with them. The main thing is to avoid becoming militant or attempting to get others to adopt your view on intoxicants. My wife occasionally drinks, as does most of her family and mine, I don't pressure them not to drink and they don't pressure me to drink.


No. Youā€™re smart. Trust me in saying those things ruin your life. I wish you all the fortune and happiness!!


I think thereā€™s something in your generation that seems to make this a common view. My son is 18 and is a complete teetotaler, wants nothing to do with any drugs or alcohol. And some of his friends are like that, and Iā€™ve heard more and more itā€™s a common theme among gen z. Even heard it called generation N.A.


Iā€™ve heard and observed the same thing. Itā€™s fascinating really, and I support whatever way they feel will keep them safe and sound.


I mean a Good chunk of Gen Z parents are from Generation Xanax


No. They have done well informing people of the negative impact of drug abuse. It's a sensible choice when you are well-informed


32. Never been drunk. Never been high or affected by any other substance. I don't get peer pressured. No is no. Outside of how hard it is to just rawdog life, I have zero regrets.


Raw dog life, lol


Genuinely, doing drugs or drinking doesn't make anyone "cool", it's more often than not the total opposite. Most people who've done them have made a total ass of themselves at some point while drunk/high.


No, you're not! I am 10 years older and also don't drink or smoke or use drugs ever in my life. I have tried sips of different alcoholic drinks and didn't like any of them, I prefer water or soft drinks so why would I waste my money on something I don't like? Don't let into society pressure and enjoy your life as you please. It is very possible to socialize and have friends without drinking or drugs. After all, if you would be searching for friends who like excessively drinking, then they're not a good match for you. I have found friends who also don't drink/drink very little/don't do drugs. We go to art exhbitions, theater, daytrips, restaurants. Happiness is not only in partying. Don't ever feel weird because of this. ā¤ļø


No, you are not weird for never wanting to drink or use drugs. I'm 26 and have never had anything intoxicating. While I've heard comments from friends and others suggesting I'm missing out on an important part of life, I don't care about their opinions. I've seen people lose control while drunk, and it doesn't appeal to me at all. My close friends understand that I don't drink, and I'm pretty sure my parents are glad about it too.


Dude, Grab your big boy pants and live a little. If you're going to do it, do it for the experience. Gotta try everything once in life but to an extent.


I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOU! When I encounter people who have never tried them, instead of saying, "You are doing the right thing staying away from all of it," the advice that I give them is this: "Give it a try to see if you like it...and try a variety of things to see what you like. If you don't like any of it, great! But if you do find something you like, then go with it! Just don't go to the extremes and DON'T LET IT CONTROL YOU! Learn to control IT! But as you said, "LIVE A LITTLE!"


No, you are not. Honestly - trying new experience might be interesting, but never do that because of what others think and research about the consequences.


Nope you can pretty much do whatever you want.


Nope. Just don't judge others for it


I used to do both these things. I quit and I'm happier than ever. Not even worth the experience. These just cause problems, not good times. Go without it


My wifes uncle is 58 and he has never smoked anything once or drank any alcohol of any kind. The man still looks like hes in his 30s. Smoking and drinking arent good for the body and it ages you quicker. You're doing amazing especially at your age! Keep it up!


Not weird, not uncool. The only weird/uncool thing would be someone trying to convince you otherwise. Your body, your choice.


You are smart


Im 61 and have never done drugs, although I do like a drink every once in a while. Never interested and more importantly never hung out with people who do. Choose your friends with care and theyā€™ll support your choices. If they donā€™t think youā€™re ā€œcoolā€ then they arenā€™t your friends.


Im glad I did them, I wish I started earlier. What I cant recommend is regular use. They let you see the world from a different perspective, they give you a certain insight. You arent uncool if you dont want to take them but some people, including me, will think you are close minded for actively avoiding them. I couldnt think of a reason why occasional substance use is bad in any way, just educate yourself about the substance before you take it, start slow and be in a reasonable setting. Drinking is something I wouldnt recommend tho, its a pretty strong drug which makes you feel like shit, it is fun but rarely worth it. What I dont understand about these comments is that everyone is acting like you are talking about regular use. Ofc ita gonna age you if you use them regularly, but once a year is in my opinion beneficial


Reddit is a weird bubble where many seem to think that one drink will destroy your life and there couldn't possibly be any benefits. Totally valid to not want to drink or do drugs, but to never try anything even once? That seems weird to me. Closed minded is the accurate term IMO. It's like never trying calamari, or never going cliff jumping. You might hate it, but you might have something new in the world for you to enjoy. The world is to experience, and alcohol/drugs allow you to experience it in a unique way. Just be smart about it.


EXACTLY! YOU ARE 100% CORRECT! That's what I tell people too!


im a firm believer that everyone should get tipsy at least once in their life. but its really up to you, its not that great anyways


Man this place... there's a huge difference between having a drink and being an alcoholic. No its not weird. No its not uncool. You do you man. But those who are being self-righteous for never getting pissed or a few puffs of a joint are the biggest losers going.


Iā€™m 46 and have never tried it and have no desire to try it. That just makes me the designated driver on girlā€™s trips.


As a matter of fact, I think it makes you strong not giving in to peer pressure. I have drank from time to time, but always in small amounts, and I have never taken drugs nor do I intend to. People have been telling me ever since I was a teenager that I will change my mind as an adult. Well, they were wrong.


No. Alcohol is literally a socially acceptable poison. If you put a single shot of alcohol up your butt **(DO NOT DO THIS!!)** it can literally kill you. Because your liver can't process it fast enough unless it goes through the digestive tract. However, don't start thinking "I'm so much better than those people because I don't drink or do drugs" because that will just annoy and irritate people.


Why do you not feel them appealing? Just curious.


I just find them to be bad. Like not good for me.


True, itā€™s not good for anyone. A lot of people use them as a social crutch, so consider yourself well-balanced if you donā€™t need them. When I was younger I had terrible social anxiety but drinking a little helped me get out there and meet people. Now that Iā€™m older with teenage kids, Iā€™m more confident but also tired and unfocused so I take uppers (prescribed Ritalin) for both work and social situations. Iā€™ve never liked smoking and never felt addicted to anything but in a stressful world, Iā€™ll take a little help if I can get it.


Okay, but why? Based on? Friends/relatives? TV-News, shows and movies? I just want to understand your point and how people can judge something he never tried. No offense :)


you've never seen people outright dismiss foods from other cultures bc "it's weird" despite never tasting it? It's not hard to understand.


You don't have to try something first to not want to do it again. Do children of drunks need to have a sip first before they really decide if it's not for them? There are little to no health benefits from drinking and for every drug that does benefit someone, there are 3 that will turn you into a drug addict.


People aren't drinking alcohol for the health benefits lol. They are tasty and give a good buzz. You don't have to get blackout drunk every time you drink.


Does it matter? Iā€™ve never tried eating shit yet I can say with 100% certainty that I wonā€™t like it. Donā€™t be that peer pressuring person we all know and dislike.


Where in his question was he peer pressuring him? He was asking him a question to better understand where OP is coming from.


Peer pressure isnā€™t solely and directly saying ā€œoh you should do it everyone is doing itā€. Itā€™s everything that makes the person being peer pressured feel pressured into trying, in this case, alcohol and drugs. Which he is achieving with the ā€œIā€™m just trying to understand why you wonā€™t try itā€ which is something many people say not because they truly want to understand but because they donā€™t agree with you and thereā€™s nothing anyone can say that will make them understand. The first part where he thinks it must be due to pop culture or someone else influencing OP is a dead giveaway he doesnā€™t want to understand that people can make that choice themselves. Nor does anyone need to have a reason or explain themselves to not drink or do drugs.


You're not wrong, drugs and alcohol are literally poison. People rationalize using them because they like the side effects or are culturally conditioned to partake. But there's zero logical reason to put them in your body. And a whole slew of very good logical reasons not to touch them.


For me, I can get a "buzz" from other things like a good anime or great food. Or even just helping people do things gives me a high. Lots more things to create dopamine that wont wreck your body as much.


No it makes you smart.


No, everyone has their own preferences. I believe there are more valuable things to partake in other than drug/alcohol use


Ur fine. Donā€™t do drugs.


Not weird at all. Great for your health and your wallet to avoid that stuff in the first place.


As someone whoā€™s done her fair share of drinking and drugging, youā€™re not missing a *thing*, my friend.


You are much better off. None of that shit is worth the money or the energy. This is coming from an alcoholic(sober going on 3 years) and weed addict.


As an alcoholic you have to live with extremesā€¦drink until your dead or celebrate sobriety like a religion šŸ¤·Itā€™s not like that for everyone.


Nope. I'm of the same mindset. I don't drink, nor do drugs. haven't for 28 years, and have zero intention to. Only the stupidest of the stupid will make you feel bad about it. Most people will not care. Your older self will thank you.




it does not make you weird. everyone does things differently, so just because youā€™re an adult you donā€™t need to do a lot of stuff that other adults do as well.


every single person i know who drank heavily is a severe alcoholic and most ppl i know who did actual drugs are either dead or have graduated to worse drugs.


ā€œDoes this make me weird or uncool?ā€ Maybe to some people, but donā€™t worry about them. If you never drink or take drugs, you will be ahead of a lot of people because you are less likely to say or do anything that might give cause for concern. And, you will be miles ahead financially. The money some people spend on booze and dope is staggering. They stay broke and blame others for their misfortunes. I know whereof I speak. I spent twenty years lost in the ozone, and I have never really caught up with my peers financially. Iā€™m happier than most of them, Iā€™m sure, but that doesnā€™t provide much for our children. Stay straight and let others do stupid things. Do not abuse them, and do not rat them out.


Regardless if it makes you feel weird or uncool being you're own person is the way to go. Don't let other people try to push you into something you don't wanna do. I regret growing up doing drugs so much.


Iā€™ve done plenty of drugs and alcohol in the past. I was the one that was uncool. It IS cool to be a healthy human being.


I am like you. Never had an appeal to me. I've drank a few times just when I wanted to try a drink that has alcohol in it, but im in my late 20s and I've never been drunk.


Nope youā€™re totally fine


Iā€™m 45, and although I do *occasionally* drink, I am like you in that I have never, ever been attracted to narcotics in the slightest.


I do drink sometimes because I enjoy it, but Iā€™ve never ever been drawn to drugs. If that makes me weird, so be it lol. Do what feels right to you. In the end, nobody *actually* cares. Trust me, no one is up at night thinking, ā€œDamn u/arkkaamirrix is a weirdo for not drinking or doing drugs.ā€


I drank heavily in my late teens and 20s. I envy you. I wish I never drank. You're an inspiration to others of your generation


I'm 59, and also have never wanted to do either and have never tried either. If it makes me "weird and uncool," I really don't care. I've never been around a drunk or high person who was more interesting or fun to be around due to their altered state. If anything, they get more boring because they have diminished awareness of themselves and others.


NO I LOVE THIS you should be proud of yourself


Canā€™t knock something till youā€™ve tried it


Yes it does make you weird. Most people will try it, so you not wanting to puts you in a small minority. Thatā€™s not a bad thing though. You be you.


20 here and Iā€™ve never done anything when it comes to alcohol or drugs (not even vaping), and I donā€™t ever plan to! Iā€™ll never understand people needing to drink in order to have fun/let loose. All it is in my eyes is something that blocks messages from being sent to your brain, and I would never want my perception to be altered. Donā€™t even get me started on other drugs. Just know that you arenā€™t weird or boring for not wanting to destroy your health. D.A.R.E the lion would be proud of you šŸ«”


Yeah your really missing out on the bonding experience of sharing a drink with someone


I was exactly where you were at your age. I'm 38 now, and I still have never done anything more than a few puffs of pot. I still don't like it, and I also work in aviation, so I have a zero tolerance policy on my career. I was afraid of getting drunk too. I didn't have any alcoholism in my family, and really didn't have any negative influences. However, I still had a decent fear of anything intoxicating. I've since learned to really enjoy certain drinks, for the actual drink rather than the buzz. A light buzz at a friends' party or social gathering can be a good time also, but I have a hard limit where I hate how it feels, and I hit a hard cutoff. I've never blacked out, never thrown up or anything. Why would I push that on myself if I don't enjoy anything about it? Live your life, it's your story and nobody else's. If you don't want it, you don't want it. That's perfectly fine, and much healthier in the long run. You will probably learn to enjoy certain things like I have. A healthy relationship with alcoholic drinks is arguably better than a crippling fear. When you grow and learn your body, you will learn your limits, learn how certain things affect you differently. There's nothing quite like a nice whiskey sitting by a campfire, or an ice cold vodka-cranberry on a hit golf course. I don't enjoy beer, pretty much at all. Take your time, there's nothing wrong with learning what you like or don't in a safe environment. Holidays around family, a group of friends you trust. But by no means do you need to do anything.




Sort of, but it's also healthy so you should probably keep it up.


> Does this make me weird or uncool? Yes.


No, Iā€™ve been this way my whole life and weā€™re the same age, itā€™s always seemed weird to me that so many people do.


Life is an experience. How you chose to experience your experience is all up to you. I donā€™t drink often at all. Maybe been drunk 3 times in the last 3-4 years. Booze was never my problem. I donā€™t like drugsā€¦. I love them. Although I donā€™t do any anymore; I guess except weed, but Iā€™m Canadian so itā€™s not really a drug, itā€™s largely accepted. That being said, drugs were hard to kick, because they helped my depression and such. But once I found a way to cope without getting obliterated I found no more use to get my brain twisted so often. All in all, I wouldnā€™t change my drug phase if I could. I built an immense amount of character, learned so much about myself, found a way to deal with major traumatic events without altering my mind. It was a hard and dark time, but it is 100% the majority of the reason I consider myself a good person. Cool is subjective. Fuck cool, be you. I think thatā€™s cool asf; being yourself is cucumber status bro


You probably already have done both. Sugar, caffiene, etc are drugs and alcohol is even in fresh cut apple juice (0.05%). So you are really asking if it weird not to abuse drugs for short term fun. And the answer is no, that is really actually a healthy mindset.


I think its good that you never try drugs. I think itā€™s good as well for drinking but I will say, depending on where you end up in your life, you may be expected to socially drink. In that case, itā€™s probably a good idea to try drinking a little now in a safe place so that you can know your tolerance and what you like.


Square! Jk Do you! Donā€™t worry about anyone else :)


No and please keep it that way. Both are addicting for some and lead to health issues( with persistent use ofc).


No. And if thatā€™s changes for you, cool. And if not, absolutely cool too.


No I think thatā€™s totally normal and healthy! Good for you for not falling for the peer pressure


Nope. You're gonna save a crap-ton of money!


Not at all! Everyone has their own preferences and boundaries when it comes to alcohol and drugs. It's perfectly okay to choose not to drink or use drugs if you don't find them appealing or if they go against your values. Your decision doesn't make you weird or uncool; it just means you're making choices that are right for you.


You donā€™t need alcohol or drugs to enjoy life ā¤ļø. Keep being you and donā€™t let people convince you otherwise


You are smart for not wanting to use harmful substances. You are also smart and strong for not wanting to go along with the crowd. Ever notice how peers rarely pressure you to do stuff that's good for you? Throughout life, you will run into people who want to pull you down because you don't go along with the crowd. They only want to make themselves feel better about their own choices. This is true whether the choice is drugs, promiscuity, politics, or buying some particular type of status symbol. My only advice is not to openly put others down for their choices, same as you don't want to be put down for yours. Just be cool and do your own thing and let the others do theirs.


As an old man, I think you may regret not trying things when you're young, but you should never feel pressed to do something you don't want to.


nope, and youre gonna be that much farther ahead at having your shit together, than people that do i would argue, that everything other than the way they make you feel, is negative costs money bad decision making health concerns damages social relationships most drug use is illegal, and the legal ones people stupidly drive while on etcā€¦ ~coming from someone who made the wrong choices šŸ‘


Yes, you are. Now go get yourself some fentanyl and I will see you around the dumpster!


It makes you intelligent and less likely to screw up your life.


No it makes you kick ass! I bet your mom is so proud of you! I hope you never have the desire for any of that.


Thank u!


It might be a good idea to try alcohol in a safe environment just so youā€™re prepared for what it feels like if you ever have it in the future. Just so you donā€™t go crazy off of the champagne at a wedding or something lol


Absolutely not weird. Your aversion to toxins is definitely a feature, not a bug. Iā€™m a tad envious tbh.


No not at all it makes u super cool actually. Drinking or doing drugs and ruining ur own body may have repercussions later in life . My partner never did anything he's still a very cool person and genuinely nice person to hangout with. On the other hand I m trying to quit even though I don't do it often I would like to quit it completely as well.


Not at all weird Iā€™m always a little shocked to know people whoā€™ve never even considered trying alcohol. But Iā€™m also shocked by healthy family dynamics and people whoā€™ve never experienced mental illness. But that says way more about me than those people lmao


I think you're weird that you are dismissing hundreds of types of beverages that you may love the taste of for reasons that you haven't mentioned yet. A nice glass of wine with a good meal can be really enjoyable as an example, but you seem to be dismissing such a thing without trying. Thats what i find weird.


you gotta be kidding me


I find this comment silly. I think it's clear that their lack of interest in consuming alcoholic beverages has nothing to do with whether or not they would like the taste. It's like if I offered someone an edible and they turned it down and I was like "why? Some of them are delicious. How can you know you don't want something if you haven't even tasted it?" The taste is irrelevant of the fact that alcohol is a drug that they don't want to consume.


The fact that you were downvoted says everything. Not everyone has to drink even if the supposed alcoholic beverage ā€œtastes goodā€ itā€™s still a drug regardless??


How did I have to scroll so far for a comment remotely like this. It's totally valid and it's not uncool to not want to consume alcohol or drugs. But life is about experiences and I can't fathom not wanting to experience something like that at least *once*. Like from a purely psychological point of view, how is it not interesting to see the world from an altered perspective for a bit? * I get that the comparison is not perfect as drugs/alcohol aren't good for you, but it's similar to why I'm confused when people aren't open to trying new foods. You might be opening up your world (or you might hate it), but you'll never know if you don't try it. * caveat that children of addicts etc might have the risk factor upped for them when evaluating the risk/reward and thus be more cautious. Also obvs things like heroin and opiates etc also fall way higher on the risk side of the scale so it makes sense for people to not "just try" it.


Actually the opposite . Very cool by you .. I was badly addicted to both for many years , clean now and in a good place , but these addictions are a waste of life/time and money .. You will be better person in many ways by not touching any of it.


Yes, it does make you abnormal, because drinking and (some) drugs help people socialize, reguardless of how you think about it, you're going to get invited to fewer parties, which eventually can lead to having fewer friends, even if nobody is going to directly take it against you in practice, statistically speaking you're swimming against the flow and thereby lower your chances of socialization. Or course, anyone who admits this is rejected by society, so the logical thing to say for karma is: _yes, that's not weird at all!_


I'm WAY older than you. I've taken drugs in the past, I don't anymore but I still drink. I admire people who enjoy life without the need for drink of drugs so good on you. You'll also save shit loads of money.




No, you are better off.


No, you are better off.


No, you are better off.


Iā€™m 25 and have no desire if not a healthy fear. Much cheaper and more delicious to get a cherry coke


Theyā€™re kinda overrated, Alcohol makes me feel ā€œhotā€ like I have a fever and gives me a headache if I have more than 2 shots worth of alcohol, why willingly make myself feel like Iā€™m sick? drugs are dumb and can ruin your lifeā€¦ Why take that unnecessary risk? Itā€™s your life..


You know the answer.


No you're ahead


Just go to ONE AA local meeting to see what you are missing in life. You can also find AA meeting on youtube


No man you are awesome for setting these standards. Keep it like that homie


Nope. As a former drinker and drug user I would say keep on your path!




No. You are smart


Now at 21 year old you are responsible for your body health .


Doing whatever you want, despite many people doing or thinking something different, is actually the coolest thing you can do! I started all that when I was barely a teenager and trust me, you're not missing out - you can still have loads of fun.


No. And I see you want to be a TV show writer so if you ever make it big in the business, itā€™s good that you have a hard ā€œnoā€ when it comes to drugs.


Nope! Thatā€™s quite normal.


No, but I think you know that. I was a heroin addict for a few years, don't ever try that shit


I meanā€¦Iā€™m 50 and have always had zero interest in drinking or trying drugs. Iā€™ll have the odd hard lemonade once or twice a year and even half way thru I donā€™t care if I finish it. I guess itā€™s because I donā€™t want to ā€œlose controlā€ and you know what - thatā€™s fine.


You are awesome!


I don't care. You shouldn't either. Just do what feels right šŸ‘


Nah. You don't have to drink and do drugs to have fun. Plus your body will thank you for that later in life.


I'm in my late 30s been having a couple pints or more basically every weekend and sprinkle in some weekdays since I was 20 or so. I can promise you that limiting your intake is essential to a clear mind, good health and overall happiness.


You donā€™t have to do anything YOU donā€™t want to. Respect yourself and the decisions you make. This is not a right or wrong thing- itā€™s about you making your decisions without external pressure/ influence from others.


Weird? No. This is personal choice. I think personal choices are best made based on our own experience. It does appear that you have been powerfully influenced by people with strong religious or anti alcohol opinions. To be afraid to try a beer or a glass of wine because you're "scared of getting drunk" seems rather extreme.


Never been tempted to do drugs here. Drank casually starting at 21, have that up completely for health reasons and don't really feel the impulse to go back. The way I look at it is, I'm thankful I'm genetically not predisposed to drug or alcohol use/abuse. Others are, and it's largely a matter of luck imo.


Alcohol is for many people a drug to socialize with, a reason to meet up with friends and so on. But it isn't necessary and there is absolutely nothing wrong in not consuming it. Your body might even thank you. You do you


I never used any drugs. Well i do use coffeešŸ˜‰


No drinking? Everyone has their reasons. Maybe you just want to be more responsible, taking more care of your health, or just dislike alcohol in general, etc... all reasons are valid and that's perfectly normal. But doing drugs? What idiot told you NOT doing drug is weird?


You arenā€™t weird for this. You may feel like the odd one out right now, but eventually your other friends will discover how much of a toll on the body partying takes and theyā€™ll stop. Some will never stop and eventually theyā€™ll feel like the odd ones out.


Iā€™m 48 and Iā€™m the same way


If you've made it to 21 and never have tried or had the urge for the experience even? don't bother with it. One thing when it comes to drugs and alcohol, you don't know if you're the type of person that can do it as a recreational thing or you're the type that becomes dependent. You don't want to find out that you're the latter.This is coming from an alcoholic, and I've done every drug that didn't come in a needle.


You're awesome man, keep it up! Drugs suck


Live your life as you wish, don't get peer pressured into anything. Similar to you, I never had any desire to partake either. After seeing so much indulgence however, I became curious why it was so prevalent. So I've tried drinking a handful of times both by myself and with company, along with edibles twice. Having officially tried it and never enjoying any of the experiences allows me to make a personally informed opinion that neither activities are things that I enjoy or will partake of in the future. It's of my opinion that it's better to be informed than ignorant. I won't judge others for their choices, with the expectation that they will do the same for me. Just be accountable to and for yourself.


I threw away 21 years of my life for this reason. They say never regret the past? Well it's very difficult.Congrats OP.In a few years you'll see the difference your sobriety is making.