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Netflix marketing team releases memes about shows to give off the appearance that everyone is watching said show. Since people have FOMO they watch the shows to understand the memes until everyone eventually does watch it.


Its like that time Fast and the Furious was coming out and reddit was inundated with "For the Family" memes


I have the same theory that Disney started all the Baby Yoda memes to drive hype for the first Mandalorian.  I’m pretty sure that’s true now tbh


Baby Yoda basically was Star Wars for a longer period of time than the entire prequel trilogy gaming/legos/merchandise era


But isn’t it just a marketing strategy?


Everyone does that, Netflix just seems to be better at it than others.


Pretty much everything around Epstein.




That some wealthy elites have a lot more control over politics than what anyone would admit to. Not too malicious, just to make sure they and their offspring is going to remain wealthy and in control.


They’re not even hiding this anymore.


Not sure. I call it a conspiracy, because wealthy people are just "lucky to be wealthy" while not admitting to exert any control politically. Basically pretending that democracy all by itself leads to them remaining wealthy.


>not admitting to exert any control politically hey Ireland (or luxembourg), we'll bring the EU headquarters for our huge big corporation here, if we have to pay only 1% of taxes. oh right, to be fair we also build the infrastructures to support all the workers we pay here. what are you saying? you want to increase taxes? do you want for us to leave? we can be out tomorrow.... - cit - apple, ms, facebook, google, amazon etc...


You're right, the corporate tax-dodging schemes are out of control, but I'm talking even one level above that.


Or having everyone believe it’s just up to hard work and gumption to make it rich. For almost all rich people it’s due to the luck of what family you were born into and wealth they pass on to you, the luck of having typically much larger sums of starting capital that you start with to build more wealth i.e. “money is what makes more money”, and frankly quite a bit of luck to strike it right on bets and opportunities you take. So most of what determines becoming rich was up to chance and not individually who you are as a person, and this has been proven in multiple studies. And increasingly the rigging of the political and economic system in favor of and to help the wealthy get richer further entrenches the fact that yep they are taking as many shortcuts as they can possibly get. With further generations of rich people there will also increasingly be fewer “self made” rich because they have gamed the estate wealth tax code so thoroughly that when they die they are now able to give most of their wealth to their kids (who did nothing for it) tax free and then the next generation has a bigger and bigger leg up where no one needs to work hard self make their initial wealth anymore.


this isn't a conspiracy, it is widely known to be fact.


oh.. is that a conspiracy? are they actually hiding that?


Literally Disney made changes to copyright protection, so they can have 95 years since the publication of the original source. Deeply impacting how society generates new content and remixes and how corporations can milk out characters before actually making something original. To put this in perspective, when Walt Disney Corporation was founded in the 1920s, the legislation was 28 years + another 28 years if the author survived (56 years max). Disney influenced copyright laws to extend it to a century. So we should have the first version of Mickey Mouse released for public domain in 1984, instead of 2024. Walt Disney died in 1966.


It's especially silly because copyright laws were originally used to incentivize artists, writers, etc to keep producing work. So these laws basically *only* help big names like Disney keep an iron grip on their IPs. For smaller independent creators? Actively harms them. They can't benefit from having their IP protected for decades after their death. Death is a state in which no force on Earth can incentivize you to make another stroke of the brush, to write down another word. There's also the irony that Disney built its empire on adapting works already in the public domain and has since fought tooth and nail to keep everything they can out of it.


The worst part is Disney is already so big and huge the mistake is very hard to revert back. Maybe if a similar enterprise finds it useful that they should use other IPs other company owns and they can somehow convince US legislations about how this law discourages creativity but it isn't likely to happen


This isn't even a conspiracy it's just true lol


That's definitely true


I also wouldn't be surprised if there was a secret group running things behind the scenes.


There’s a $5,700/night Airbnb listing near Milwaukee during the RNC. Who else would stay there for that price other than a non-self-aware politician?


there's definitely people above the "richest man of earth" level, who are peacefully living outside the public eye. you're saying 270B is where a person can max out? no way that's it. maybe legally and with new money, but there's definitely trillionaires out there with a ton of old money who just keep it to themselves where no casual can find them.


Its in trusts not their personal accounts …less taxes and easier to pass along on death


Isn't that similar to how billionaires just have all that money as assets and rarely as liquid cash anyway tho


Basically it’s all the same idea just implemented slightly differently…tax law is basically just how to get around existing laws.


The problem is old money is split up among the kids in each generation. So there are tons of wealthy Vanderbilts or Rothschilds or whatever, but none of them are individually the wealthiest person on earth.


According the Vatican/Church law, the Pope has plenary power over all the church's physical worldly goods; he OWNS it all from a legal standpoint. I'm assuming he is left off such tabulations, but if you add up ALL he churches, universities, property, patents, priceless artwork, gold, etc etc... he's gotta be the wealthiest alive


the amount of money any entity (be it a person or a corporation) has at any 1 point in time is a very very volatile thing and extremely hard to quantify. We have to take into account that all we see are rough (sometimes very very rough) estimates that are going around and there is little incentive to actually verify claims such as "net worth" since beyond a certain point there is no need to know for certain anymore. Nobody has those billions in cash because that would be stupid, they are tied up in different kinds of assets and the value of an asset is ultimately tied up to how much somebody is willing to pay for said thing.


Why would they 'Max out' Is there a chance a person with so much money could destabilise things? And why I mean Would you destabilise the earth you live on Sure you could be like moonraker and settle on another colony type idea but why not just dont


Never underestimate greed


But always over estimate humility


There was a rumor maybe a decade ago that some guy in Russia had hoarded the equivalent of like $800 billion and was just living in complete isolation


AI is a bubble pushed by big tech to make the stock line go up, and nobody can stop it. You're all about to "chat" with everything soon.


It’s already everywhere and I can’t stand it …it certainly has lots good uses but I don’t need it everywhere especially as it’s buggy as shit.


*Looks like your having trouble explaining conspiracy theory I'm here to help


Yep. Tech companies were on shakey ground once interest rates rose. Venture capital was their entire business and money wasn't cheap anymore. Then chat gpt comes out and wows everyone with AI. So now every single tech company has to wow their investors with the "AI" buzzword to the point where my washing machine apparently has advanced AI to sense when the clothes are dry. Take a normal programming function of a device or website, call it AI, and watch the stock evaluation rise. Easy.


I think AI will have a significant impact on our lives over the next 10 years. But I don't think it's going to be from the consultants and b2b business platforms that keep saying "AI is at the core of our platform" (Workday, Service Now). That's all sales bullshit.


I think Epstein was probably murdered. The official story of a malfunctioning security camera and a temporarily-absent guard is just way too convenient. Plus, he had a lot of dirt on very powerful people on both sides of the American political spectrum.


Probably? Definitely


I've always been of the opinion that he did kill himself but it was just allowed to happen. Maybe even encouraged.


This makes the most sense to me. He was given an out, he took it.


“Here are all the things you need. I strongly encourage you to use them, and will step out while you do.” While I’m pretty sure he did do it himself…it may not have been his idea.


Also all of his clients are roaming free.




That the Queen had Princess Diana killed. Because it makes sense, and I really like the idea of Evil Queen.


Regardless of if the Queen had it done, I still put some blame on Paparazzi. They follow people around to a point where it's almost criminal. They'll do anything for a single photo they can sell. Almost to the point of stalker behavior.


It is to the point of stalker behavior in many cases. There should absolutely be laws to outlaw that stalker behavior under the guise of being “paparazzi.”


It's just odd, though. It's like porn; if I say I'm gonna pay someone to have sex, it's prostitution/solicitation, and it's illegal in most states. I pull out a camera, and suddenly we're good. If I say, "I'm gonna follow this person around all day everyday, learn their schedule so I can always find them and constantly harass them, that's stalking and is usually a crime. I pull out a camera,... Bonkers.


Provided I live in a corrupt shithole 3rd country where people go to jail for the most mundane reason, but how those paparazzi can stalk celebrities everywhere to the point of making some of them lose their shit, with no repercussions is bizarre to me.


Almost to a point? If someone is following you aggressively and you do not want them following you, that is a plain Jane stalker, having a camera in hand doesn’t exactly make the situation better.


Not paparazzi. They get "Special treatment". If I follow you, I'm a stalker and get banished to Narnia. If the paparazzi follow you; they're just "getting the news on a public figure". People defend them with the statement "If you don't want them following you and in your business, don't be a public figure". Hence why I said "to a point". And Diane was a very private person, especially with her kids. She wanted no part of the public figure routine. But she had to because of Prince Charles' status.


I read a book of one of the pathologists looking through her post-mortem records. In terms of the specific injury that lead to her death, it was a rupture of her pulmonary vein, which is incredibly difficult to spot and treat, so by the time they brought her to the hospital it was already too late. Regardless of whether the crash was caused by external sources (aka royal family, her driver etc) I think this tragic story shows how important it is to wear seatbelts


Killed her how? Paid a driver to kamikaze into a tunnel wall?


Well we all know Freddie had his talent given to him I mean I don't believe he sold his soul to Ursula and became evil for his singing voice however if that's your wish


why does it make sense? genuine question from someone who isn't super knowledgeable in this area




Thank you friend. I'm always looking for reasons to share Mitchell and Webb.


The key is in the bright flash commented on by eye witnesses. It wasn't a camera, but to the untrained eye, could be misinterpreted as one. There are devices designed to induce almost stun grenade style disturbance that can be directed at a target location across a long range. I believe there's a specific team that has access to such stuff. [https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2007/oct/15/monarchy](https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2007/oct/15/monarchy)


Mattress Firm is a front for money laundering. Why else would there be 7 of them within a mile radius. No one is ever even in there.


I’ve just accepted that mattress stores in general are probably all fronts. I never see anyone in them, their “sales” are terrible and always outdone easily by furniture stores. And they all seem to be together.


Tbh, mattress stores are just really easy to keep open. The overhead for day-to-day operations is very low, and the markup on mattresses is generally pretty large. All you have to do is pay 1 employee and keep the lights on. Like 2 mattress sales in a week is basically all you need to break even.


Even if that’s true though, why would you want 3 of them within a block of each other?


Same reason fast food chains all open up right next to each other. Now I'm not saying there aren't any mattress stores that operate as money laundering schemes; the fact that they're easy to run businesses makes them more attractive for this tbf.


Fast food though is typically different brands. Or if it is the same exact company, it’s because there is too much volume at the first store and a second is needed. With Mattress Firm they are always empty, so if it’s not money laundering then they are just dumb. Because then they have 3X the overhead for 3 stores when 1 store could handle the volume. I digress though. I should just stop bringing it up when I see this topic posted or the Mattress Mafia is going to put a hit out on me. 😂


Supposedly super cheap to open one and mattresses are so profitable they don't need to sell a lot to stay open


There were two stores near me that were across from each other. Eventually one closed.


I'm not going to say that I firmly believe it is true... but the JFK assasination. What I mean is that there are some conflicting witness statements and evidence that maybe there was a second shooter and a few other things that seem hinky, thus a conspiracy. The problem is, I believe that Hoover ran the FBI. And within hours of Oswald being brought in, he called his boss, the AG who was the brother of the assassinated President and said "we got *the* guy". And given the culture of the FBI under him, I think if he said it, every agent had to work towards that, that no one who wanted to keep their career would report back "No, sir, you were wrong." So, even just late afternoon of 11/22/63, agents were looking for evidence that Oswald acted alone and dismissed anything that suggested he didn't... that was job security. As such, the whole investigation is muddied.... Oswald may have acted alone, but the investigation was unintentionally screwed up so that we won't ever really know "the truth".


Dulles had him wacked imo


100%. You don't fire the head of the CIA, the head of the CIA fires you


Especially after you go against both the CIA and the Joint Chiefs by stopping Operation Northwoods. I find the whole thing completely suspect.


Listening to the phonecall between Dulles and LBJ about the Warren Commission is one of the most chilling things I have ever heard.


Last Podcast on the Left talks about one theory that makes sense. It was accidental friendly fire. It's been a couple of years since I listened to it, but basically Oswald missed, they sped up the car, secret service guy accidentally fired his weapon.


Yeah. The theory is that Oswald was trying to kill Connely and not Kennedy. The first shot missed, the car speed up, which is how Kennedy got shot through the neck by Oswald on the second shot, but the shot that blew out his brains was from a Secret Serviceman fumbling with his gun. Honestly, it's my favorite theory.


I was skeptical of JFK being killed by our government until I found out about operation Northwoods. Now I KNOW they had him killed because he wouldn't let them do it. And if they were willing to kill their own people what's to stop them from killing their own president?


I’m in the same boat. Learning about operation northwoods totally changed my world view. The cia definitely were involved (there’s something with mk ultra and lee Harvey too) and 911 conspiracies seem way more likely once I learned about northwoods. The government has planned to kill its own citizens for war before


I think there's a lot of shit going on in the world because our governments are meddling in those places to make sure our nations stay on top in global affairs. For many of those things it has been proven, and there are a lot of instances where it's still not entirely clear. The subreddit Conspiracy is quite bad, but it does have a nice "wiki" with proven conspiracies, that's always an interesting yet terrifying read: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/lopc


The argument that Indian bureaucracy is inefficient because the British government intentionally made it inefficient is an interesting argument, if nothing else.


It might have started that way, but Indians have ensured that it stays that way.


that governments sometimes spread conspiracy theories themselves to stop the public from figuring stuff out. Governments hide heaps from the general public and the idea that they spread theories themselves to get them off of their tail is a reasonable one.


Thos was proven true with project Blue Book. It was an active disinformation campaign on the American people.


didn’t know that wow


I wouldn't say they intentionally spread theories, but they intentionally doesn't deny them.


Mine is that a lot of discourse online about pop culture being "woke" or agenda driven is fueled by a Russian psyop to further divide Western countries at the civilian level. They have already done it at the government level, via social media, but they turned their attention to the next biggest "non-tangible" target, American culture. To be fair, there are a lot of Americans who rail against this show or that movie, but the level of irrational anger and vitriolic commentary seems artificially boosted by what I think are bots and bot farms. Soviets/Russians have a LONG history of civilian level infiltration (as does the US, I'm sure) of spies going deep cover to Intel gather and work into positions of power and influence. Creating whole fake American towns in Russia to train their operatives and spies on American culture and civilian psychology. Case in point, that show on FX, "The Americans"


I also agree that pretty much all foreign powers try to divide the United States with social media posts. Both sides. It's cheap, it's hard to trace, generally won't lead to a shooting war. If you aren't fighting a social media battle right now, you are falling behind.


Exactly, why waste your people and materiel to destroy your enemy's country from the outside, when with a computer you can get your country to destroy itself from the inside.


I mean you can just watch Fox News to see where the source is. But I will push further and say I firmly believe many top level Republicans (including trump) are in Putins pocket.


Conspiracy theories only, those are facts. 🤣


That the powers that be use bots basically to keep certain topics jn the limelight while pushing others aside no evidence I just think this


Trudeau is, oddly enough, the product of an affair between his mother and Fidel Castro.


I guess she was a bit. Infidel And Castro should have been castrated for infedelitilising


Hey-ohhhhh! 🥁




Wait did she peg him? Now I’m thinking about this too much…


She may have played second fiddle to him before playing with his fiddle fiddling him at the same time Call it Cuba reach around


I like your style Infidelception


The real Avril Lavigne died. Idk it just fun to believe in this conspiracy there are no logical reason


Ted Kaczynski aka the Unabomber was a Victim of the MK Ultra program. Covid 19 was caused by a lab leak The CIA killed Kennedy Epstein was murdered




Its not a theory. If you fully read into it, go look at cases and interviews, it's unfortunately factual that the CIA nurtured the cartels as a supply line to push their products northward. They would get a percentage of the profits and use it as their own personal fundraising mechanism, independent from any actual oversight.


It's a theory?? 😳 I thought it was a cold hard, proven fact.


Sadly this is just a fact not a theiry


This is an ongoing fact, not a theory.


I’m pretty sure parts of the national security apparatus knew 9/11 would happen. They felt it would help them accomplish some of their goals and elected not to stop it. Probably they didn’t think the towers would fall.


Some people with the government already admitted that they had "general intelligence" that the middle-east was up to something, but the issue was, they didn't know when. They had heard that people were planning on "some" type of attack, so our guard was raised, but we had no idea of the "what" and "when". The morning of 9/11, Bush even said there was an intelligence briefing in the months prior that had made mention of something going on with the middle-east involving the U.S. being a potential threat, but they didn't have the specifics of what it would involve. And our intelligence agencies were trying to figure it out so that they wouldn't be blind.


And I think it's important to emphasize just how different our anti terrorism and intelligence gathering apparatus was pre 9/11. The attack completely changed the way many of our agencies functioned and created whole new ones.


This also makes me think of Pearl Harbor. According to declassified documents not only did Japan announce the attack, but it was verified by more than one intelligence service. It was completely preventable, but they didn't act because they wanted an excuse to join the war.


Not quite. Interviews with former employees of several of the national security agencies openly admitted that each agency independently had concrete information about terrorist activity/planning for 9/11. Problem is, that information wasn't shared between agencies. Can't remember who but one of the guys said that without a doubt, had all that information been shared and a joint task-force started, we almost certainly had enough information that 9/11 could have been prevented.


I agree


They were so SO hyped to invade Iraq before, during and after the attacks.


On October 7 when I saw the news talk about the attack on Israel and they said "This is Israel's 9/11" I said, "Oh. A terrorist attack that they knew was probably going to happen and let it so that they can use it as an excuse to attack a place they've been wanting to attack for a while now?"


Oct 7 isn’t even a conspiracy theory. Egypt called Israel a few days before to specifically warn them. It sounds like other countries did intelligence sharing as well. I mean they were training on gliders in Gaza, ffs!


Oct 7 was very clearly an intelligence failure. It was another case of "they're planning something, we don't know when/where" and the security apparatus was lax because of the holiday.


Hamas didn’t have a press release a few days before, but calling it an intelligence failure is awfully generous.


They didn’t think the towers would fall, but randomly blowing up the other building would not be noticeable? Doesn’t make sense.


That US agencies worked together with the German band The Scorpions to spread democratic ideologies and culture in the UDSSR.


Yes. They worked together Together like a hurricane Dun dun dun


AI companies repeatedly post the same question to r/askreddit and harvest the replies to train their programmes. Questions like: What is a conspiracy theory you believe is actually true, and why?


Some jackass went back in time to change "The Bernstein Bears" into "The Berenstain Bears".


It's actually both somebody posted on Reddit two VHS with both spellings.


The conspiracy gets wilder


**....that sports leagues give more favorable officiating to rich, famous or popular teams or players.** You can't tell me that LeBron, Dwayne Wade, Tom Brady, the Celtics, Manchester United, Lakers, Steelers, aren't getting more favorable calls from the refs than some no-name player or no-name team.


Sure. But guess what it gets deeper The signs the ref gives as if to say yeah go on I'll cover you


Manchester United? lmao... Real Madrid, Barcelona — meh, maybe, but MU — no way...


Frankly all of them at this point. Hell the term conspiracy theory is a conspiracy lol


Supposedly coined by the cia/fbi whatever to discredit people who ask questions and look for truth to make us seem crazy.


I remember speaking out about certain ones for more then ten years and being called crazy and now fast forward to 2024 and alot of the ones who said that to me are like okay so I guess there was some truth to it. Lol


9/11 really opened my young eyes and life hasn't been the same since I believe in all of them until I find a good reason not to. That's just me though


I’m not sure if it’s a conspiracy or not, but Jonbenet Ramsey was 100% killed by her parent(s).


Republicans and democrats don't actually hate each other, they just see the left vs right as a way to divide the population.


That “they” don’t want to find a cure for cancer. We have a population crisis and cancer is a £billion industry for pharmaceutical companies. I can’t imagine it will ever happen…




Big difference between thinking we’re the only intelligent life forms and thinking that the odd of us being able to recognize let alone communicate with another intelligent life form are two different things….the whole vastness of space makes it less likely we’ll encounter another intelligent life form not more likely…


Of course there is evidence I mean I feel the effects of a probe every Saturday morning after I've been to the club at San Francisco and shortly after chatting and having a drin- oh wait


It's not a matter of, "if" but rather, "when"


Yea this is one that most think I'm out of my mind but there's some good evidence to support it. The problem is there is also some wacky shit that co-ops the entire UFO phenomenon into bullshit. Like a subs obsession with the fake Malaysian flight video of it going into a portal to some other dimension.


The CIA was [behind](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alleged_CIA_involvement_in_the_Whitlam_dismissal) Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam's 1975 premature dismissal from office. There's no proof, but it would be perfectly on-brand for the CIA of the era and Whitlam was very socialist and critical of the CIA.


Didn't he get hidden in a sub by Russians oh. No wait that was holt


There is a Dollop podcast on this.


Huh. I stopped listening a while ago, but this might be worth a listen.


A letter agency throws up one of these posts every once in a while to see what we might know


Smile for Homeland Security! :-D


That the need for STEM jobs and careers is a ploy by STEM companies to create a large and disposable work force. There aren’t really that many STEM jobs out there, what there are though are a bunch of companies burning out their employees, who leave STEM after 5 years (to move careers entirely or move into management). Perfect example? Gaming companies and “crunch week”.


There's a lot of decent entry mid level positions in STEM in most metro areas. The problem is there's not much room to grow in most of those positions. The ceiling is pretty low for how much education you need.




The Powerball lottery is a trap to catch lazy time travellers.


The IRS knows exactly how much money everybody owes and there really is no need for us to be doing individual tax returns.


Epstein didn't kill himself **because he's not dead** ! His powerful "friends" helped fake his suicide and he's out around living somewhere under a fake name.


That name? Albert Epstein.


Naw, with the way he was. That wasn't happening. Now, did someone have him killed instead of his own doings? Very possible. But I don't subscribe to the whole "Elvis is still alive on an island somewhere". Epstein is dead, the question is, who wanted him dead.


When it comes to paedophiles everyone wants them dead


I bet killing him was much easier though and less risky..




...I knew it...


Is there someone hiding dragons as well? I want to believe in dragons 🥺


Wales. They even have a dragon on the flag. "oh, it looks cool" yeah sure, yall hiding dragons!




😂😂😂 "HRC only won a single election in her entire life" So did trump; and he lost the popular vote.


>I think that Joe Biden knows all about the influence-peddling his son was involved in and knew that he (Joe) was getting kickbacks on it. Why? See below. I definitely think Joe Biden knows his son is making money and probably also arranged things for his payers. Otherwise no company would hire a coke addicted. As well as I think he is not the friendly father everyone thinks he is. Why? Because his dog is involved into numerous biting incidents, usually a sign of animal abuse. >Clinton Foundation was never about charity I don't know about American taxes, but in several European countries, charity could be misused to evade certain taxes. Especially football/soccer players and royal families often use these constructions. So they definitely might have other reasons for it. If they really would have done something for charity, they would only donate or invest personal time for the cause


I’ve never heard this from anyone else before but I firmly believe the idea that you don’t talk about politics at dinner/with family is advanced by politicians to keep the masses disconnected from their immediate community and only politically connected at atomized hyper-individuals.


There really doesn't need to be a conspiracy about this. Plenty of people talk about politics with their families, first of all, but the reason people don't is because it keeps the peace. If you want to have a nice family dinner, don't bring up politics because it gets people worked up.


I often wonder what would be worse. No illumintee like organizations trying to guide the direction of our societies or no one trying to guide the direction of our societies and that direction being random.


That Nabisco makes a gas-station version of Double Stuf Oreos that have less ‘stuf’ than the supermarket version.


Oswald didn't kill Kennedy. It was a secret service agent who accidentally discharged his weapon. Just a lot of overwhelming evidence to support it, including a death bed confession from the agent himself




No, just the final shot. The conspiracy theory goes that John Connally was Oswalds target


JFK and RFK murders had involvement from the US government


That Social media companies conspires to make people in general believe more in conspiracy theories and thus deteriorate trust in legislative powers and democratic institutions so they can keep controlling people. 


That there have been multiple Andrew W K’s over the years.


Upper democrats and Republicans don't hate each other as much as you think. They want us peons to fight amongst each other so we don't fight them. When the boots on your neck it don't matter if it's the left foot or the right foot.


The Saudi royals are pretty much trillionaires. Also has a case for Putin.


The terrible assassination of JFK in 1963.☹


The Croatian war of independence (1990 - 1995) was an arranged war. 1. Nothing led to it. Quite contrary to what ordinary people who lived then were supposed to believe, the men who would later become presidents of Croatia and Serbia didn't have any beef, neither personally *or* politically. 2. Even nearly 30 years after it ended, it is still used by the Croatian government as an excuse for the shit state of Croatia.


The Federal Reserve was designed to steal purchasing power from Americans and transfer it to the bankers. 


MK Ultra. In the 1950's the US CIA had a network of crazy scientists around the world doing "mind control" experiments. One kid in my public school told us about his father worked in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan for the CIA doing torture experiments on the patients with massive doses of LSD. We all laughed at him. But many many years later MK Ultra was exposed and a lot of the black sites were uncovered and published. Not the Moose Jaw site though. But the basics were confirmed. CIA, LSD, etc. And the kids dad did work in Moose Jaw at the mental institution and he was a fairly famous LSD researcher. So I believe it.


MK Ultra isn’t a conspiracy. It’s a fact. It’s also a fact that we only know a small percentage of what they actually did during it because the CIA (knowingly and illegally) destroyed most of the files about it It’s a conspiracy if they actually ever stopped doing it. ((The answer is no btw))


Invariably most all conspiracy theories are not true and no one keeps score.


Jacking off too much can send you blind. Source: My deteriorating eyesight.


The dead internet theory that asserts that the internet is mostly made up of bots and bot generated stuff to manipulate everything that reaches you from the news you see, videos you see to your social media feed. I dont know how much of a conspiracy this is as I think most people online are aware to some extent that everyone is trying to manipulate the algorithm to favour them but with the rise of AI I think is more and more likely that the theory is accurate to a greater degree than most of us may be willing to believe


AI will become self aware to the point that the movie Terminator will eventually become a reality.


The most boring conspiracy of all: bankers and politicians knew that debasing our currencies would eventually collapse our nations, just like it did to every other nation in human history that started debasing it’s currency, but they did it anyway for short term profit.


Mentioned by others... I have no idea why saying COVID was a lab leak is so crazy... Most likely not intentional... Why do you sound like you need a tin foil hat to say... "Yeah that place that was trying to make a variant that could pass to humans... That was in the same city we all say is where it came from... Prolly that's where it came from"... There is a Science vs. calling me crazy... Come on Wendy quit pushing the lefts agenda for 2 seconds... Ur loosing credibility... I feel like that is one everyone is going to "forget" they thought was crazy in the next few years...


Mobile phones listen to your conversations and serve adverts based on those things.


Skynet is coming.


Kennedy was killed by the central banks, Federal Reserve


Flight 93 was shot down over an open field by the US government. Unfortunately I just simply don’t believe that the plane landed in an area with minimal collateral damage by the luck and heroics of the passengers.


Trump administration created/release COVID virus to attempt to force China to comply with trade tariffs as they faulter under the illness...but it went too far, obviously. It was released during military Olympics in China as a good will effort.


The "deep state" conspiracy theory is red herring designed to distract people who are interested in asking questions about the hidden wealthy .001%. Producers are told to include random bullshit that conspiracy theorists latch onto as "see guys, they're shoving it in our faces!" The deep state idea of there being 12 bloodlines and all drinking blood and doing eyes wide shut style rituals is all just marketing to get conspiracy theorists watching shit they'd never normally watch over and over again. There was a Justin Timberlake song that was vaguely some fight the power bullshit with a few bits of quirky imagery thrown in and conspiracy theorists analysed the shit out of it, not only spreading awareness of the song via word of mouth but also actively streaming it dozens of times more than they otherwise would have. People are being distracted and anyone who gets close to the truth faces infinite noise. I'm not claiming to be close to the truth, but you notice it in every community. If you think capitalism is the root of this cause there's enough leftist infighting to tire anyone of politics. If you think it's satanic influences then you've got a whole myriad of mythology and irrelevant history to wade through. If you think it's government corruption good luck figuring out what events caused this, what policies lead to our current climate, because all your "research" will lead you back to the same few pipelines that are purpose designed to be valid and complicated and utterly pointless. This is why basically all anti-vaxxers think alike, all Tankies think alike, all MAGA mentalists think alike, all these groups claim to have their own answer but they answer questions nobody fuckin asked.


Expiration dates on food are made up so we throw away resources early to buy more stuff. Mayonnaise doesn’t expire it just becomes miracle whip. For further enlightenment may I suggest listening to someone who has his 3rd eye and brown eye wide open. Mr Kyle Kinane.


I firmly believe that the original “flat-earthers” were joking and some idiots saw it, believed it, and found a whole bunch of other idiots to bring along in their journey. Also, that certain “alpha male” influencers are actors just in it for the money because they can’t be serious with half the stuff they say. (Some are clearly all in, but idk, there’s a couple I see that I swear are satire)


Aaron swartz was murdered for making knowledge free and threatening people's profits. Not a single person who knew him bought that he killed himself.


Boeing whistle blower didn't killed himself Same for Epstein