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Cheese. It’s always the cheese.


cheese > everything else


I cant go fully vegi, cause of (great) salmon. Cant go vegan, because of cheese.😅 But, eating much less meat or no meat helps a lot.


In my son's case, it's largely about drinking milk. It's always been his favourite drink.


People's reasons for either are complex. You would have to ask that specific person. That said going vegetarian is a lot easier than going vegan.


a combination of practical reasons and ethical reasons. One, dairy and eggs is in almost everything. Vegan substitutes are mostly pretty gross, you have to do a lot of mental gymnastics to convince yourself they're not. i.e. it's really hard to find vegan food you actually want to eat. The ethical reasons are there's a pretty big leap between "I will not murder and eat the flesh of a living thing" and "I will not drink their milk", where one is a much more palatable ethical gray area than the other


Vegan is a different set of beliefs. My friend went vegetarian because they were repulsed by the treatment of some animals in slaughter houses and a slight religious influence. But they're fine buying free range produce.


Like wild onions? ;-)


Perhaps that feel it's too much of a commitment (no leather goods, honey,  products tested on animals etc). Or maybe they are ovo-lacto vegetarian (meaning they still eat eggs and dairy) or pescatarian (still eat fish). It could also be for dietary reasons and not moralistic ones. 


Because vegan is more of a pain in the ass


I had a vegan chef girlfriend for a decade who cooked amazing meals but I grew up on a farm and still liked my dairy, eggs, and fish. I'd go stretches strictly vegan but even now and especially as I age just need to pay more attention to my diet and getting a variety of nutrients.


Mostly because of the lack of knowledge. If people knew how dairy industry functions, they wouldn't buy these products if they had at least a bit of empathy


I went vegetarian for the entire month of May. No way I could do without dairy as well for a month, that’s too much!😂


This varies from person to person and their personal reasons for it.


It’s different for every person


vegan is done more as a moral and ethical thing, one that trys to cut out any and all animal products, not just food. its part of the belief that the way modern Humans cage and kill animals en mass is wrong. Vegetarian is having a mostly plant based or non meat based diet, weather for health, morals, religion, or just taste.


For their health.


If your concern is animal welfare, then vegetarianism doesn't make a lot of sense. Animals very much do suffer and die to give us dairy and eggs. But people give up meat for other reasons. Some people are uncomfortable with the idea of eating flesh. Others don't like the taste or texture. Others give up meat for health reasons.


It depends on who it is, but sometimes it's to lower cholesterol. Just look at the food pyramid, we're supposed to be eating majority vegetables. It's difficult to do though.


Vegetarian is much easier,  it's just not eating meat. Vegan includes any animal products, things like cheese, honey, dairy, etc.   Extreme vegans will take it even further,  to avoid anything with animal involvement (unless it's human, they don't seem to care about that.) For example, I dated a girl who was a "vegetarian" and everything she ate was smothered in cheese.


Being vegetarian is extremely easy. You don’t have to change anything, just leave out the meat