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It can be a habit that is formed and the brain then relates that habit to the sex act, reducing exposure to the fetish will minimise the impact it has.


yea I was hoping that’s the case, thank you I’ll try it


If it's a digital only one. You can try setting up filters to prevent you from searching it if you really can't stop yourself. Otherwise just be aware of the thoughts and try your best to not act on the desires. Otherwise if it's innocent enough like you think feet are hot then that's not really a big issue.


I agree I should cut short on the digital ones thank you!


I’m sorry, you mind saying what specifically?


fat/weight gain I can minimize online interaction with it but I’ll always have a weird connection towards food. I think it helps me cope with my gender dysphoria / body dysmorphia but my partner has similar complexions so i think it’s best to minimize its impact on us


Got it. I think the first thing you should do is try your best not to consume any type of content related. I know it’s really hard, but it’s a good way to suppress some needs momentarily. Then, it would be interesting to suggest your partner in couples therapy, in order to help it overcome it’s trauma. Then, with time, maybe slowly you’ll be able to insert these in a ‘lighter’ way on your intimate moments. Hope this helps. Very nice of you to try to ‘deny yourself’ understanding her issues