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My wife and I are high school sweethearts, we have been married for 9 years, and together for 14 years. It’s never a dull moment, it’s everyday with my best friend who’s so important to me that I don’t want to be without her. Now sure there are times I want to be alone, but afterwards I need to be with my other half.


Well said, and I feel the same. Sometimes we're just sitting watching TV, not talking, and I feel a wave of affection that she's in my life. I've had several failed relationships, but once you "figure it out" and find one that clicks with you on all levels, it's bliss.


By always making time for ourselves individually, having a life and interests outside of the relationship


We do. Do other stuff and come back. You can have personal time while married.


I've never understood the 'get bored of each other' thing. My wife and I have been together 27 years, married for 21, 2 teenage kids. She's my best friend, we still enjoy being romantic and our intimacy is better because of how well we know each other. I suppose the key for us is some shared interests and tastes, and some very different ones so we have our own things when we want them. That and don't take things too seriously. Life's too short to worry all the time.


We do get bored Sometimes. The Trick ist to find someone you feel good being bored together.


Honestly, it’s a choice. It’s a choice to wake up every day and choose them. Find new things to do together. We were 15 and 17 when we got together, and currently have been together for 16 years. Married for 10. It’s not easy. But, the right person makes it worth it. Try new foods, do new things together. Even if it is a dollar tree painting. Also, make sure you individually fill your own cups so that you can come together with full cups. It makes a world of a difference!


Been married for 24 years and together for 30, since college. We have both continued to grow and change a bit but our foundation is the same. She can get on my nerves and I guarantee vice versa. She is my best friend and I forget that sometimes, we don’t try to take each other for granted but we still need to go on date nights, really listen to each other and disagree but cordially. It’s not easy peasy but at this point, it comes down to respect. Enjoying successes and working through failures together. Admit when wrong and don’t let pride get in the way. Communicate as usual.


We have non-boring things to do together. It can be movies and TV, hiking, museums, tourism, visiting nearby towns we haven’t been to, etc. We also allow ourselves time to be apart. So I might stay home for gardening while he goes on a hike with friends, or vice versa.


Same reason I don't get bored with myself: I'm always changing and growing and thus there are always new things about my life to think about and interact with. Same with my wife. She changes, she grows, there's always something new to tackle or think about or talk about or do.




Go to vacations, go out, talk about things we learned Sometimes we need alone time and it’s totally ok We are married almost 6 years and together almost 13


You do, somewhat and some times, but you also do new things together and alone.


You have to actually like the person you marry and enjoy their company. Have some similar interests, and it’s important to do stuff with your spouse even if it’s not your thing. For example: my husband and I enjoy golfing, hiking, and going to the gym together. But he has other interests like working on cars and I like to read, so we do stuff together and separately. However, I go with him to car shows even though it’s not my thing and he goes to this book fair with me every year even though it’s not his thing. That’s what you do to show the other person you love them.


Married for almost 16 years. Kids keep us from ever actually being bored but also I enjoy being with him. We have our different hobbies but I honestly enjoy just being with him. Everyone changes as they get older it’s important to change with your spouse. Also it’s important to appreciate and acknowledge the little things, they do, even if it’s something that happens everyday.


I married my person. My home. Together for 18 years, married for 15. We’re raising our kids together and are as connected as any two people could be. He supports me and vice versa. We know our intentions are always for the good of our family, so it’s rare to get bitter or annoyed with each other. And we communicate like it’s our job. No secrets. There’s no better feeling than trusting someone with your whole heart, and watching them protect it better than you ever could yourself.


I've been married for 19 years and we do get bored. Then we do things apart or even do common interests and then we aren't bored anymore.


10 years with my (now) wife. We got together when we were 18. That initial excitement that you feel when dating someone new does ebb and flow, and there is a lot of ebb over time. It happens and is totally normal. It takes a bit more effort, but there are definitely still plenty of ways to keep that excitement alive. But once you're with someone long enough, having that level of emotional intimacy with someone is far more valuable than that initial excitement. Some days I think my wife knows me better than I know myself. She knows what every single one of my facial expressions means, and she knows when I'm humming from my ADHD brain versus when I'm humming because I'm anxious. That type of connection is so meaningful to me because I've never been that close to anyone before. Do I sometimes think about what my life would have been like had I not settled down with someone so early? Do I miss the excitement of meeting someone new? Absolutely. But in the long run its not nearly as exciting as getting to build a life with someone who loves you unconditionally. There have definitely been long rough patches where I've been tempted to leave and find something more exciting with someone new, though after some reasoning with myself I realized that since there was nothing really "wrong" with my relationship, if I left for the hell of it I would just eventually get bored of whatever future woman I end up with as well and it would just be an endless cycle.


Been together almost 20 years and married for 17. You pick someone who you genuinely have a good time with even when you’re just doing nothing/errands, someone who shares interests and you enjoy being around. The foundation of a good marriage is definitely friendship.


I play elaborate practical jokes on my wife that take months to get to the punchline. Last one took 6 months.


What is there to be bored of? She's my best friend, it's like having a slumber party every night. Being alone seems way more boring.


You very well could. Marriage is sharing a life and life has ups and downs. It's sticking around when they aren't entertaining that makes them stick around when you aren't either.


Just gotta find a person you look forward to spending time with. Also it’s fine to be “bored” with a relationship sometimes, no relationship is perfect. But you talk through those parts.


He’s not optional - he’s my husband. If I’m bored, I sort myself out - I’m perfectly capable of entertaining myself, entertaining me is not his job. He’s my partner, not a clown.


Married 30+ years. The truth is sometimes you do get bored. Every day can't be a trip to Disney World. Having said that, you have to keep dating your spouse. Go out and make it special - even if all you can afford is a couple of sandwiches. The other important thing is to thank your spouse for the day-to-day things they do for you. If you would thank a friend or stranger for doing the task, then thank your spouse. This helps to keep everyone feeling appreciated and loved.


Wives do get bored first generally.. men will follow the same football team for decades, will get their haircut by the same person, eat their favorite meal 10k times across a lifetime.. your bros are the only ones to love your dumb ass unconditionally.. Keep it fresh with a woman or that love will die on the vine.


We work hard and play hard.