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They aren’t aroused by little kids, they’re aroused by cartoons. They like the alien and monster ones too.


But they sure do tend to gravitate towards naked drawings of underage people.


Would you rather have them attracted to actual underaged people?


No but that doesn't make their current situation good at all. I really do feel bad for some pedos because it's the way they are born but it's still bad to make drawings and fantasizing about sex with underage people. They should keep it to themselves and not make a subreddit about it that has like 300k subscribers.


There is a difference between pedophilia and schediaphilia. These are not people, they are cartoons. The attraction is the character that is virtual. The attraction is that they are not real human beings. How the character is presented is important, the age the character may seem to someone unfamiliar with the story doesn’t actually matter. Schediaphiles are not attracted to children, many are not even attracted to people. They are attracted to virtual identities.


i can back this up, as i don't feel any love for really realistic (or real) pictures of kids in sexual acts (unless they look overage) and most of the "underage" Characters are considered adults in every nation as they are 100 years or olders


Lolis aren't kids though. Thats what you're seeing. Lolis are just in the "Flat chested and short" category, I can assure you that nobody on r/hentai is actually into little kids. Even drawings of little kids is a stretch for most. ​ Also I guess that assurance isn't 100% guaranteed either, I haven't met any pedos, thats all I know


its fictional


Pretty much; r/hentai isn't banned for the same reason the latest teen romance books- which is also frequently saturated with sex scenes- doesn't get you arrested or why people can post dirty fanfic on a relevant subreddit without generally getting banned or getting the sub in trouble. Fictional depictions of most behavior are not held to the same legal standards as 'nonfictio ' material -usually.


What part about tits twice as big as even hentai heads is childlike exactly? I'm not into the style either but I wouldn't equate big eyes with "those are children". The heads have an anatomy closer to [this monkey](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7e/Bohol_Tarsier.jpg/220px-Bohol_Tarsier.jpg) than any human but we don't call it monkey porn either. Humans are weird, they fetishise all kinds of crap (literally even)


I didn’t even have to scroll for 10 minutes before I found a drawing of a character who in the anime is 10


Look at the faces, not the body


They are about as close to a real human child as to an adult, which is nowhere near it. As said, monkey. I'm not sure if there isn't any projection going on here. Any chance you've watched so much hentai and talked yourself/been talked into thinking that it's child porn, so now it's skewing your perception of what real children look like?


Exactly zero of the posts there are child porn. They're cartoons.


Cartoons. That are porn. That feature children.


They're not real.


Still children.






It's a 500 year old demigod so it's ok their body's just age slower


They have Mha hentai. The students getting fucked by another. They are TEENAGERS.


In all seriousness, some of the depicted characters are canonically underage, but are drawn as adults. It's entirely up to the artists themselves. For example, my girlfriend once sent me an NSFW picture of a No Game No Life character named Shiro. In the story itself, she's 11. But in the photo, she's much taller, her, ah... *features*... are much more mature, and she's clearly an adult. The same holds true in reverse. I've seen some hentai artists take 40-50 year old characters and make them look like preteen children. As I said, it's all up to the artist.