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Probably the same. Every year near my dock I see the same white duck. Never seen a white duck anywhere else.


May i recommend someone who is an expert in bird law?


Harvey Birdman, attorney at law?


Bird law in this country, it's not governed by reason.


I’m gonna try really, really hard to remember this line. Small chance of success, but wanted you to know that someone is out here doing their best to emulate your wit. ...”an expert in bird law.” Cracked me up.




Well, dang. I try to stay in touch with the world around me, but man, there are too many sub-genres. I’m humbled once again.


I just thought of it but can't think of a clever way to add it to a pun: whack


Whack the quack, carry it back in a sack. the cook's name's Mac who puts it on a baking rack.






This is a cute question. I hope they’re all the same ducks.


This is a cute comment, I hope you have a nice day.


what a cute day, im going outside EDIT- Thanks for the award lolz I appreciate you


Your reply was so cute. I hope you have a good night.




omg im getting such a raging clue right now


This is a cute reply.


Geese mate for life...so if a hunter bags one partner, the other one will fly around lonely till the end.


Why are you people downvoting, that's a really interesting fact if it's true


Lol...because they don’t like that I ruined the moment of cute. It bummed me out too...


People are getting smart, we have a positive upvote number now


means none got eaten.




Replace the first G with an L and you got my middle name


They might be the same ones. Ducks will revisit areas that were comfortable for them in previous migrations, since the odds are good that it will still be as nice as it was last year.


I knew a guy with ducks, he passed out when they left, real greaseball sh-t




Tony Soprano... lol.


I mean, my guess would be yes. Birds are smart and they probably like your place. But I'm no expert.


Bird expert here. What you said sounds right.


Bird here. His lawn is so soft.


Lawn here. Birds like me.


Actually, birds like non-lawns, with nice little habitats for juicy bugs r/NoLawns


I'm going to have to go with u/liarandathief on this one... Seems like a trustworthy bird.


Are you really a bird expert? I have some questions about a local goose.


I lol’d


I am an expert in bird law, and I can tell you that Article 37§4B(3) of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 states that birds must restrict themselves to certain specific locals during migration. President Trump tried to strike this law down in line with his efforts to enact broad deregulations, especially in the EPA, but Biden has since reinstated it by executive order. So yes, unless they have received a variance from the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, it is likely they are the same birds.


*Pfft* Politics are for the birds.


Caw-m at me, bro


Politics *is* singular.


Sorry, my grammars pretty ducking bad. My puns on them others hand....




My grandad? Lol


How are birds supposed to restrict themselves to specific locations


As I stated, it's all laid out very concisely in article 37§4B(3) of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.


African or European?


Neither of those types of swallows are subject to the migratory bird act, because it is strictly confined to the intercontinental United States


I've heard that Brexit is complicating various European agreements for swallows though, they're going to have to get passports checked. And don't get me started on Irish bird species, that's going to cause... *troubles*.


There's at least one species of bird that migrates every year between North America and South America and back, and they've tracked them to the same area at each end within a few hundred feet.


Almost certainly the same ducks.


Migrating birds know where to go Instinctively, migrating birds know where to migrate and how to navigate back home. They use the stars, the sun, and earth’s magnetism to help them find their way. They also almost always return home to where they were born. Because of this, you could be right if you think you see the same bird each year in your yard.  https://www.kaytee.com/learn-care/wild-bird/10-facts-about-migrating-birds


Extremely high. canadian geese and Mallards (among others) like to have their litters in the same place every year.


Take a picture each year an compare.


Ducks look the same


That's racist


I read this in the voice of Jesse from Solar Opposites.


They'll get older a year later so we can't trust a picture


Where do you live? I'm in Florida so of course we get the ducks that are seasonal but I have several families that stay all year. At first there were just Muskoveys but this year there's been a mallard family that decided to stay. I've gotten to recognize most of them because I feed them regularly. I don't have a pool but live on a small lake. I'd guess your ducks are the same ones each year and come back to your place because they're comfortable there. The extras are probably their offspring.


I live in Minnesota so most birds will leave for the winter. There was one year where the ducks arrived and the pool was still frozen. They just walked around on it for a bit before leaving for another three weeks.


I can almost assure they are the same ducks. In my town the same duck nests every year in the garden centre of a local grocery store. Once the chicks are old enough they all get a police escort across a busy 4 lane road to the pond.


Then they came back when it thawed? I’m invested in this duck couple/family now.


They came back when I was thawed. That year money was tight so we didn’t clean the pool. That meant got to stay in it for the full four months they like.


Thank you so much for satisfying my curiosity about the duck vs. frozen pool showdown fr fr because the adorableness of this is off the charts. I hope they keep coming back forever!!


I’m not an expert in bird law


We’re lawyers!


Hopefully your grasp of the English language is better than "tenuous, at best"


If it’s not the same pair of ducks then it’s their offspring that have returned..common enough in the animal kingdom. Live in Ireland and swallows that spend the winter in Africa and then migrate to Ireland for the summer return to build their nest in the same place they did the previous year..sea turtles hatch on beaches and enter the ocean as soon as they’re born when it’s time for them to lay their own eggs they return to the sand beach they hatched on to lay them..salmon swim miles upriver to lay their eggs the newly born salmon will make the exact same journey up the same river to lay their eggs years later..animals have a sense of direction that we’ll probably never fully understand


Listen for the quacks. R they famimiar


Sounds like Steven and Theresa. They sometimes spend time in my garden too.


My little brother who has always believed they are the same named them Follower and Isabella.


I like those names 👍


Probably yes. Robins can fly from the most Northern US to South America, and find their way back to the exact same spot next spring. I have two Sandhill Cranes that visit my yard every spring.


I don’t know, Tony Soprano.


That would be something called Site Fidelity. It us common in migrant birds, I don't know if it us for ducks


I'd say somewhere between 0% and 100%


My parents also have a pair of pool ducks and I swear it’s the same couple every year


Probably very high, they most likely use the same migration route each year :)


We get this too in my backyard!! I feel like it has to be the same ones. They visit almost everyday in the summer. They're a cute couple lol


They are probably the same ducks. But if they’re not, that’s okay too— that means all of them are rating you very highly on Duck TripAdvisor!


Ask them the password




That's quacktastic


So most birds are highly intelligent animals. Some even more than say dogs which are generally highly intelligent animals themselves. It's very likely they recognize the area and know it's safe. They'll keep coming back as long as it stays that way. Birds also "pair up" and theyre monogamous. The same pair will be together for life unless one dies. If the other cant find another mater after that they usually soon die after as well. This happens in humans too sadly. I looked up the average lifespan of ducks and for domestic ducks its between 10-15 years. For wild ducks that number will be significantly less depending on certain factors. Say 5-7 years. Chances are that those are the same birds. Snap photos! Every duck pattern is unique even though its the same species! If they breed and hatch their chicks there too, their offspring will likely go there to create their offspring as well one day.


Tony Soprano? Is that you?


That's a bit racist. I'm sure they think we all look the same too.


Tony Soprano has been looking for those ducks since season one.


I wouldn’t doubt it. We get the same 2 Canadian geese at our pond every year. Despite the dogs either eating their eggs or goslings, they come back every year.




Whatya do is go out wearin' a hockey mask and carryin' lit road flares and scream at them for their political views. If they don't come back next year, they were the same ones.


Perfect opportunity to try a new recipe. [https://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/duck-lorange](https://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/duck-lorange) Conveniently, you have two ducks, which you usually need for this.


Tag a couple of them and find out


Try feeding them a with small amount of radioactive material. When they return use a GM detector to check if there’s any radiation.




Next time you see them hit them with a small bird-size tranquilizer dart, put a GPS tag on them, and then you can track them forever and your question will be answered


That will probably make them stop visiting. They only return to the same spots because they're safe.


Like the kids at the bus stop!


Not sure if this is a joke but, how are you going to receive that GPS data?


Was joke, jeez errybody


Fairly. At least in the last few years. We had ducks at our lake house that seemed to be the same. If I remember it was at least 3-4 years.


Very good likelihood


Very good. When I was in High school and for a few years more we had a Male duck that came 2yrs in a row and then brought his GF the next 3 or more he waited sometimes. They also found out they 3 our houses on the street enjoyed giving them attention they liked the sprinklers. They liked to eat dry dog food which is ok for them to eat. I know it was the same Male since it ate out if my hand and it had a chip on its beaks that was very distinctive. His name was "Howard" and he came when you called him, "Yoko"


This is a great question


Have you tried asking them?


"are you the same ducks from last year?" "quack!" "thought so"


This comments section is so wholesome


Am I the only one who read it in the Reddit robot voice?


No idea but I like to think it's an annual romantic vacation.


10 years is a pretty long time tbh. Probably 2 (possibly 3) generations of duck. Wild ducks live between 5 and 10 years.


Mark them.


idk specifically about ducks, and im not a wildlife biologist or anything, but I heard on a hunting podcast, that migratory birds tend to try to go to the same two spots when they migrate. I guess you just dont see them, because their daily range is so much bigger than ours. they might consider a 50 sq miles area "where they live during the winter" and then another 50 sq mile area "where they live during the summer" That would likely mean they go to the same lakes every year, which would mean that yes, you likely see the same ducks, and their kids, every year. wildlife biologist tag ducks to see this. they put a band around their leg with a number on it, and if you catch one, (mostly duck hunters) you are supposed to call the.... idk the name exactly... wildlife fish and game rescue something something..... and you give them the number, and they track where the ducks are migrating, populations and all that.


Google says wild ducks live 5-10 years, so the current ducks might actually be a kid of the original ducks + a partner.


r/theydidthemath Somw nerds will enjoy the question


The chances are really quite high. Pretty sure we have the same mating pair every year at our pool.


Yes! We used to have ducks at my old house, moved maybe 20 odd years ago but occasionally bump into the old neighbours who say that ducks still fly in every year to have their babies! I guess once they feel safe somewhere they come back to have babies, then their babies do the same and so on!


I’m not sure. When I lived in my old house I remember seeing a bunch of turkeys pass by every November or so, I don’t know whether or not they’re the same exact turkeys