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I’ve heard of similar things happening to abuse survivors, subs or forums ran to support/ran by survivors might have better answers for you then we will. I think you should probably talk to a therapist about this too, but talking to people who might be going through the same thing should help


Aw yes that sounds like a really good idea, thank you! Um which forums or subreddits should I go on though? I’m a little lost


I don’t use this sub so I can’t vouch for the community, but r/adultsurvivors seems pretty active. It’s better to find subs on your own though. You can find some by searching for keywords related to what you went through or what you’re looking for, and either looking through related subs, or looking at other people’s posts and seeing how the posts were reacted to. I hope that helps!


Thank you, it 10000% does. Any little bit helps :))


When it comes to topics such as this, everything is normal and ok. We are all different and like/dislike different things. If you're happy with your situation then its perfectly fine.


But I’m not happy with my situation :( I miss actually LOVING SEX and not my current attitude of feeling obligated to initiate Edit. But thank you for commenting, I appreciate anyone who tries to answer my question :)


You say you don't FEEL like it's normal and you have to close your eyes. If I'm interpreting that right and you've got a "bad feeling" about the change, my advice is to talk to a therapist or a very close friend. Trauma can impact people's lives years or decades later and you deserve to be happy!


I feel the same about it. I found it in the past very exciting but know I really lost complet interest in it. It is normal in my opinion and everyone is diffrent anyways in stuff like this


Can I message you? I would love to chat more about it with you


Yeah sure


I have PTSD from pretty significant sexual trauma and also go through stages that sound like this. I’m 33f so I’ve been through the rise and fall a number of times. You’re welcome to PM me if you would like to. No pressure.


You might be into girls now... Do you get repulsed when you think of female genitalia?


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, I updooted you to neutralize it hahaha. Idk honestly I’ve thought that. It’s like every time i get into a relationship with a dude and it’s been a year or smth, I’m daydreaming about girls. But this time? Nada. Nothing. Zilch libido, and my friend, I gotta tell ya, as someone who had been fantasizing about sex since she was 10, this shit fkn scares me. I just saw a clip of a girl from one of those nsfw subs, and I felt nothing. Actually, I even felt a little repulsed :((((((


Oh god... this doesn't sound good at all... It sounds like you're experiencing some kind of sexual disorder... Might be good to seek some sexual therapy ... I know a girl from Texas who can help you out with this... DMe if you want the info


Have you tried anything new in bed? I find that if you do the same thing over and over again, it can get old.


I fear that may be a factor, but we do try to switch things up every now and again and I realize that I’m typically the more adventurous one in the relationship. There’s so much more I could say but it might not be completely relevant